C-RYU is the last new character that World Flipper had put information for prior to the game's End of Service in February of 2024 - despite not having a design, stats, skills, or a CV, the World Flipper team put basic information about the character in the game's files in late November. In Canon, C-RYU came to the World Flipper universe just as any other Cosmic Idol would - markedly early, given that they show on New Years - and interact with some of the residents there. However, because they were only housed in the World Flipper Encyclopedia, many fans missed the narrow timeframe that these entries existed before the game ended service.
This page not only collects information about C-RYU, but also showcases my fan design of him, as well as the ideas I had for what kind of build he would be! There is also fanart drawn by artists (many from when I put him on Artfight) as well.
Name | C・RYU |
Rarity | ![]() |
Gender | Male |
Race | Human / Dragon |
Role | Support ![]() |
Element | Light ![]() |
Leader Skill: [Cosmic Star Power] When battle begins, Light characters Skill gauge +50% & Atk +120% / Resonance [Light], when a Light character's skill activates, deal damage to nearest enemy equating 5 times of party's ATK
Skill: [The Power of a Superstar!] With a draconic roar from his partner, Grant Light characters 5 stacks of [Idoryuu's Blessing] buff [MAX 10] (Undispellable) / Grant Light characters ability damage buff (+150/15s) / Remove one Debuff
Skill Cost: 480
季節外れにミレイア王国へと降り立った 『辰国』を代表するコズミックアイドル。 C・RYUと書いて、シリュウと読む。 男性。
ご当地タイプのアイドルで 方言と標準語、二つのスタイルを用いた トリッキーなパフォーマンスを得意とする。
アイドルを越えた伝説の存在 超偶像『スタア』 を自称している
その非常に意味深な名前から とある『龍』 との繋がりを想起してしまうが そのような裏は、一切、ない。 単なる偶然の一致である。
彼自身はなにひとつ悪くない。 ないのだが、その紛らわしい名前のせいで 名乗る度に多くの人々からビクッとされる。
その為、一時期は本気で改名を考えていたが 伊野里ショウタとノヴァの説得を受けて思いとどまった。
現在では『シリュウ』 の響きを 自身の名で塗り替える気概を持って アイドル活動に励んでいる.
Landing in Mirea Kingdom far earlier than expected, C-RYU is the Cosmic Idol representing Tatsukuni. Though it is written as C-RYU, his name is pronounced "Shiryuu". A male Idol.
Specializing in "Tricky Performances", C-RYU is a local-type Idol* who uses both his native dialect and standard Japanese** when performing.
He is a self-proclaimed "Star" - a legend surpassing that of a typical idol.
Though his name has a strong connection to a certain dragon***, the name C-RYU wasn't chosen for that reason. It was purely coincidence.
There's nothing wrong with C-RYU himself. Many people are simply surprised to hear his name due to this confusion.
In fact, he had even considered changing his name. However, both Shota and Nova convinced him to keep it.
Nowadays, C-RYU works hard to be known as the Idol with the name pronounced "Shiryu".
*Local-type idols work with the community to boost the community image alongside their fame; a great fit for Mirea Kingdom, given their background!
**It might not actually be Japanese dialect - I wasn't sure here.
***始龍, which can be read as [shiryu], is the name of the origin dragon, who was responsible for quite a number of things in the World Flipper game. Folks from Shibuya in particular know this dragon well from the powers various users gained when they saw 'the dragon's iris', and not to mention, everything with Mikoto...
古龍、廃竜に続く 新たなる竜種 『アイド竜』 にして コズミック十二支国の神獣。
C・RYUと共に 辰国のアイドルユニット 『IDRA (アイドラ)』 として活動している。 光属性
One of the Twelve Heavenly Cosmic Beasts. They are an "Idoryuu" - a new species of Dragon following both the Ancient Dragons and the Serpents.
Alongside C-RYU, they form the Tatsukuni Unit known as IDRA. A Light Attribute Dragon.
*Core Medley is a naming preferance; I wasn't sure how to translate コルメタレイ [korumerarei] outside of MAYBE Core Meta Ray? I may circle back this another time.