    / /¯¯¯¯\_\
   / /        
  / /      |¯|¯|¯¯¯\¯¯¯|¯\¯|¯¯¯|      Document: Spoiler-free FAQ/Walkthrough
 ( (    [] |   | ¯ / | |   | | |      Authored: Shotgunnova (P. Summers)
  \ \  //  |_|_|_\_)___|_\_|___|      Timestmp: 04/23/07 - 5/14/07
   \ \//      ______                  Writt'In: Size 10 Courier New
    \ \____/¯/ ____ \
  /\/\ ¯¯¯¯ / /    \_\                This document is intended for private
 /  / ¯¯¯¯¯/ /                        home use only, and may not be reproduced
/___\     / /      |¯¯¯\¯¯¯|¯¯¯|¯¯¯|  through electronic or commercial means
 ¯¯¯     ( (    [] | ¯ / | |_ ¯|_ ¯|  without the expressed written consent of
          \ \   || |_\_)___|___|___|  myself (Patrick Summers). It can't be
           \ \  ||                    hosted, edited, distributed, or given
            \ \_||_/¯/   away as an add-in/gift to purchased items, All rights
             \ ¯¯¯¯ /    reserved to respective parties, even those not
              ¯¯||¯¯     explicitly stated herein. Email for permission to
               _||_      host, and thanks for respecting FAQ authors!
_______________\  /____________________________________________________________
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\/¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| INDEX |¯
    I. CONTROLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CNTR
   II. TH' BASICS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . THBS

       Elements.......................................................... LMNT
       Element Types..................................................... LMTP
       Element Grid...................................................... LMGD
       Field Effect...................................................... FLDF
       Attacking......................................................... ATKG
       Status Effects.................................................... STTS
       Stat Overview..................................................... STVV
       Menu Overview..................................................... MNVW
       New Game Plus and Continue Plus................................... NGPS
       Tips and Tricks................................................... TPTR
       Walkthrough Notation.............................................. WLKT

  III. DISC 1 WALKTHROUGH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WLK1

       00) Dream Sequence .......................[?]..................... D-00
       01) Arni Village .........................[H]..................... D-01
       02) Lizard Rock ..........................[H]..................... D-02
       03) Lizard Rock ..........................[A]..................... D-03
       04) Arni Village .........................[A]..................... D-04
       05) Cape Howl ............................[A]..................... D-05
       06) Fossil Valley ........................[A]..................... D-06
       07) Termina ..............................[A]..................... D-07

           Nikki's Route.........................[A]..................... D-08
           Pierre's Route........................[A]..................... D-09
           Guile's Route.........................[A]..................... D-10

       08) Viper Manor...........................[A]..................... D-11
       09) Guldove...............................[A]..................... D-12
       10) Termina...............................[A]..................... D-13

           PATH A: Hydra Marshes.................[H]..................... D-14
           PATH A: Guldove.......................[A]..................... D-15
           OPTIONAL: Hydra Marshes...............[A]..................... OP01
           OPTIONAL: Water Dragon Isle...........[A]..................... OP02
           OPTIONAL: Isle of the Damned..........[A]..................... OP03
           OPTIONAL: Hermit's Hideaway...........[A]..................... OP04

       11) S.S. Invincible.......................[A]..................... D-16

           PATH B: Guldove.......................[A]..................... D-17
           OPTIONAL: Water Dragon Isle...........[H]..................... OP05

       12) Mt. Pyre..............................[A]..................... D-18
       13) Fort Dragonia.........................[A]..................... D-19
       14) Temporal Vortex.......................[?]..................... D-20
       15) Arni Village..........................[H]..................... D-21
       16) Fossil Valley.........................[H]..................... D-22

           OPTIONAL: Shadow Forest...............[H]..................... OP06

       17) Termina...............................[H]..................... D-23
       18) Viper Manor...........................[H]..................... D-24

           OPTIONAL: Guldove.....................[H]..................... OP07
           OPTIONAL: El Nido Triangle............[H]..................... OP08
           OPTIONAL: Sky Dragon Isle.............[H]..................... OP09
           OPTIONAL: Hermit's Hideaway...........[H]..................... OP10

       19) Marbule...............................[H]..................... D-25
       20) S.S. Zelbess..........................[H]..................... D-26

           OPTIONAL: Save Marbule Quest, Pt. I...[H]..................... OP11

       21) Death's Door..........................[H]..................... D-27
       22) Isle of the Damned....................[H]..................... D-28
       23) Highway Ruins.........................[H]..................... D-29
       24) City Ruins............................[H]..................... D-30
       25) Tower of Geddon.......................[H]..................... D-31

           OPTIONAL: Arni Village................[A]..................... OP12

       26) Fossil Valley.........................[A]..................... D-32
       27) Termina...............................[A]..................... D-33
       28) Viper Manor...........................[A]..................... D-34
       29) Hermit's Hideaway.....................[A]..................... D-35

           OPTIONAL: Viper Manor.................[A]..................... OP13
           OPTIONAL: Isle of the Damned..........[A]..................... OP14
           OPTIONAL: Save Marbule Quest, Pt. II..[H/A]................... OP15
           OPTIONAL: Viper Manor.................[H]..................... OP16

       30) Earth Dragon Isle.....................[H]..................... D-36
       31) Water Dragon Isle.....................[H]..................... D-37
       32) Mt. Pyre..............................[A]..................... D-38
       33) Gaea's Navel..........................[H]..................... D-39
       34) Sky Dragon Isle.......................[A]..................... D-40

           OPTIONAL: Guldove.....................[A]..................... OP17
           OPTIONAL: Hydra Marshes...............[H]..................... OP18
           OPTIONAL: Gaea's Navel................[A]..................... OP19
           OPTIONAL: Forbidden Island............[H]..................... OP20
           OPTIONAL: Earth Dragon Isle...........[A]..................... OP21

       35) Guldove...............................[H]..................... D-41
       35) Mt. Pyre..............................[H]..................... D-42
       36) Ft. Dragonia..........................[H]..................... D-43

           OPTIONAL: Marbule.....................[H]..................... OP22

   IV. DISC 2 WALKTHROUGH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WLK2

       38) Sea of Eden...........................[H]..................... D-44
       39) Time Fortress Chronopolis.............[A]..................... D-45
       40) Divine Dragon Falls...................[A]..................... D-46
       41) Lucca's Orphanage.....................[?]..................... D-47
       42) El Nido Triangle......................[A]..................... D-48
       43) Terra Tower...........................[A]..................... D-49
       44) The Final Battle......................[?]..................... D-50

    V. APPENDICES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . APND

       Characters........................................................ CHRC
       Weapons........................................................... WPNS
       Armor............................................................. ARMR
       Accessories....................................................... ACCS
       Elements.......................................................... LMNT
       Endings........................................................... ENDG
       Double/Triple Techs............................................... DBLT
       Star List......................................................... STRL
       Shop List......................................................... SHPL
       Frame List........................................................ FRML
       Key Items......................................................... KYTM
       The Bend of Time.................................................. TBOT
       Dopplegangs....................................................... DPPL
       Rainbow Shells.................................................... RNBW

   VI. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FAQZ
  VII. UPDATES + THANKS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UPDT
 VIII. LEGALITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LGLT

                     ____          |  |          ____
    L2 BUTTON -->   /____/\        |  |        /\____\   <-- R2 BUTTON
    L1 BUTTON -->  /____/\ \_______|  |_______/ /\____\  <-- R1 BUTTON
                  /  _    \________|__|________/    _  \
                 / _| |_                         _ /_\ _\  <-- TRIANGLE BUTTON
DIRECTIONAL --> ( |_   _|   [SELECT]   [START]  [_]   (_)) <-- CIRCLE BUTTON
    PAD         |   |_|          [ANALOG]          (X)   | <-- X BUTTON
                )            ____        ____            (
               /            /    \  __  /    \            \
               \         /\ \____/ /  \ \____/ /\         /
                \       /  \______/    \______/  \       /
                 \_____/ LEFT ANALOG  RIGHT ANALOG\_____/
                            (L3)          (R3)

 Controls can be changed in the main menu, but going under 'Customize' and
 choosing 'Controller.' This may be easier since some of the defaults do not
 emphasize speed (such as running being D-pad + O).

            | BUTTON       |                             FUNCTION |
            | D-pad        | Move characters / Move cursor        |
            | Start        | Un/pause game                        |
            | Select       | Change current party leader on field |
            | Square       | Toggle key item window open          |
            | X-button     | 'action button' / Talk to people     |
            | O-button     | Cancel / Press with D-pad to run     |
            | Triangle     | Open main menu screen                |
            | L3 Button    | Functions same as 'X-button'         |
            | R3 Button    | Functions same as 'O-button'         |
            | Left Analog  | Move characters/cursor               |
            | Right Analog | ---                                  |

 Also, to 'soft reset' the game without physically doing so, simply press the
 following combination: R2 + R1 + L2 + L1 + Start + Select.

     ELEMENTS                                                       [LMNT]

 Elements are the meat and potatoes of this game, being the method of non-
 -physical attacking. Some general basics about elements:

 • THEY ARE THINGS! You can find them in your inventory or on characters.
 • They are aligned with six types: Red, Yellow, Blue, Black, Green, White
 • They can be bought, found, given, or dropped after winning a battle
 • They have to be equipped on an 'element grid' before they can be used
   in battle.
 • Elements can be curative, offensive, defensive, or have miscellaneous
 • Some elements called "consumables" can be equipped in battle or used on
   the field (where you walk around in non-battle) in multiple quantities.

 Each of the six elements has an 'opposite' which it is naturally opposed
 to. Greater damage is dealt against those 'opposites' and when the field
 effect is filled with a certain color, it means the 'opposite' is thereby
 weakened in all its capacity (attacks, elements). The colors and their
 opposites are:

                              Green <-> Yellow
                              Black <-> White
                                Red <-> Blue

 So, Red is strong against blue and vice versa, etc. An all red field
 effect will noticeably power down blue characters and elements and vice
 versa, etc. More on field effects in a bit.

     ELEMENT TYPES                                                  [LMTP]

 Most elements have different characteristics inherently, but they can all
 be grouped into certain piles or categories. They are:

 • TECHS --------> These are special abilities inherent to the character,
                   and can be learned or found/recovered through various
                   methods. All characters have one tech that goes into
                   the LV3, LV5, and LV7 slots (except Sprigg who's only
                   a LV5). Techs cannot be removed from a character, and
                   once they're allocated to the grid (if they're found)
                   the same thing applies. Certain characters can link
                   their techs together and form a '2x Tech' or 'double
                   tech' to do a special maneuver on the enemy.

 • TRAPS --------> Traps can only be set in one certain level of the grid
                   and are non-offensive. However, they do have a special
                   purpose: stealing the enemy's elements! If you use a
                   trap and the enemy casts the element you're gunning to
                   steal, your set trap will disappear and one (x1) type
                   of the element you stole will be in the inventory. For
                   an example, if you set an Earthquake trap, nothing'll
                   happen until an enemy casts Earthquake. At that time,
                   the attack will be nullified (no damage/effect taken),
                   the trap you set will disappear, and one 'Earthquake'
                   element appears in the inventory. Apply this to all
                   trappable elements.

 • OFFENSIVE ----> This designation encapsulates any element used for
                   weakening the enemy position. Dealing damage, casting
                   status effects, using debuffers (lowers enemy stats),
                   or modifying the field to your advantage.

 • DEFENSIVE ----> This designation sums up those elements used for the
                   purpose of helping your comrades out. This can be any
                   element/consumable that heals, alleviates statuses,
                   buffs your party (raises their stats temporarily), or
                   modifies the field effect, such as Diminish/Magnify.

 • FIELD EFFECT -> These specifically deal with the field effect marker
                   in the upper-left corner. Mostly, these are elements
                   such as 'RedField' that change the effect to a single
                   color. Some techs like Van's 'WetPaint' can mimic this
                   effect, also.

 • MODIFY FIELD -> These modify the playing field itself, rather than
                   the field effect marker. This is mostly the job for a
                   Diminish (halves elemental damage), Magnify (ups the
                   elemental damage done by 150%) or SealAll (stops any
                   elements from being used).

     ELEMENT GRID                                                   [LMGD]

 The element grid is the 'thing' one equips the different elements to for
 battle use. To find it, enter the main menu, go to 'Elements' and then
 to 'Allocate.' Allocate means 'to place,' which is what you do with the
 elements in your inventory (duh?).

 Characters you receive early on will have small element grids, meaning
 they can't perform a bunch of hard-hitting maneuvers right off the bat.
 At max, there are eight 'level's with multiple slots on each; but, for
 now, an example of a small element grid would be:

                   LV1  LV2  LV3  LV4  LV5  LV6  LV7  LV8

                  [   ][   ]
                  [   ][   ][   ][   ]
                  [   ]

 At this time, only seven elements can be equipped with elements that
 can be placed up to a LV 4 slot. When you inspect an element before it's
 equipped, it will display something like "1 ± 7". What does this mean?

                          1 ± 7
                         /  | '------ How far up or down the grid this
         Default LV of -'   |         element can fluctate
             placement      |
                            '- A symbol meaning 'plus' or 'minus'. This
                               relates to the second number

 The above example meanins that it can be placed in any slot from LV1 to
 LV 1+7 (LV8). If you equip this element (say, a GravityBlow) in its 
 default placement level (LV1) it will read 'GravityBlow'. If you were to
 put it at its highest, it would read 'GravityBlow +7'. This '+7' means
 that the attack is placed higher than normal and will then do better
 damage. But this example only shows a horrible element placed at a high
 rate...what about elements that start good and have their effects dulled
 by poor placement? Let's use 'BlackHole,' a 6 ± 2 element as an example.

 We already know that this has a default position of LV6 and can be put
 as high as "LV8". But what if it's stuck at its lowest, LV4? When any
 element is placed below its default, it will get a negative marking. For
 the above example, at its lowest, it will read "BlackHole -2". This goes
 to display that it's placed two lower than where it should be, and it'll
 have a flattened/worse effect because of it.


 For the last short example, there are some elements that simply cannot
 be moved. An example would be an Earthquake Trap element (LV 6 ± 0). It
 HAS to be in the LV6 slot to be used. Some other elements you'll come
 across that have this same property are special 'techs'. These are found
 or learned and once they're on a character, they cannot be removed or
 changed at all.


 At this point, I'll add that some elements have a set effect that is NOT
 tarnished by their placement. For instance, Purify (LV 4 ± 4 element) is
 used to remove status effects. It really doesn't matter if you place it
 at LV8 or LV1, because it only does that one task. This goes for a few
 other elements (like Diminish, Magnify, Revenge, field modify elements).
 You'll probably notice that those will fall into the 'miscellaneous'
 category, yeah? Try out the effects yourself and see what gives better

     FIELD EFFECT                                                   [FLDF]

 One can technically play the game without worrying about this portion, but
 any smart player will learn to use this to their advantage. Find this thing
 in the upper-left corner of a battle, looking like:

            ___________          This ASCII drawing to the left is pretty
           /   _______ \         crappy, but it's meant to illustrate that
          /   /     _/\/\        there are three colors represented there
 OUTSIDE /   /    _/    |        at all times. There is an 'inside', middle,
      '- |  |    /INSIDE|        and 'outside' to the oval. As elements are
         \   \   \_     |        used, they start at the 'inside' and move
          \   \    \_   |        to the 'outside' until they disappear from
           \   \_____\/\|        the display altogether. The three NEWEST
            \__________/         colors used are displayed, the oldest is
                                 kicked off. Comprende? Yeah? :p
           /   _______ \         For example, let's say that the battle is
          /   /BLACK_/\/\        started. There will _ALWAYS_ be three 
         /RED/    _/    |        colors there when you start, random in a
        |   |    /GREEN |        certain way. Let's say they're red, black
         \   \   \_     |        and green.
          \   \    \_   |        
           \   \_____\/\|        The three colors represented power up
            \__________/         characters/elements of the same color by
                                 temporarily raising their stats, while
            ___________          simultaneously POWERING DOWN any ally or
           /B  _______ \         enemy of the opposite color. For here,
          /L  /GREEN_/\/\        Blue, White, and Yellow persons would be
         / A /    _/    |        in a slightly weaker state.
         | C|    /  RED |        
         \ K \   \_     |        Now, let's say someone uses a Tablet, a
          \   \    \_   |        red-innate consumable. The field effect
           \   \_____\/\|        will have changed to look like the third
            \__________/         diagram. The oldest color -- Red -- was
                                 removed from the outside as the colors
                                 shifted, but the newest color -- Red --
                                 replaced it so it stuck to the grid. The
            ___________          flow is easy to get down once you see it
           /   _______ \         in action.
          /B  /BLUE _/\/\        
         / L/     _/    |        Pretend that someone uses a 'BlueField'
         | U|    / BLUE |        element. This is a field modifier that
         \ E \   \_     |        can tweak the field effect itself. This
          \   \    \_   |        will make the fourth diagram. It will
           \   \_____\/\|        heavily power-up ONLY blue characters,
            \__________/         while heavily powering-down ONLY red
                                 characters. This will be a noticeable
                                 change in physical damage, their stats
                                 will have weakened considerably, and
                                 they won't pose a threat as much. This
                                 type of upper-hand situation is what one
                                 should try to capitalize on. Summons can
                                 only be used when the field effect is a
                                 pure color. Salamander can only be used
                                 if the field all red, and so on.
           /   _______ \         Someone then uses a 'red' element to
          /B  /BLUE _/\/\        try and even the situation, leading up
         / L /    _/    |        to the fifth diagram. The field now has
         | U|    /  RED |        two opposing elements in it -- how will
         \ E \   \_     |        the effect go? The manual doesn't even
          \   \    \_   |        touch base on this subject, but it's 
           \   \_____\/\|        from my experience that one 'red' will
            \__________/         cancel out one 'blue', making this field
                                 effect slightly in favor of blue.

 That's all for field effects; hope the visuals helped a bit. Blue & red
 were used a lot, but they can stand for any opposed element types, to be
 clear. If you don't understand, just jump into battle and experience it
 for yourself. Text diagrams are no substitution for observations you can
 make on your own.

     ATTACKING                                                      [ATKG]

 "Didn't we just go over this!?" you may be asking, but using elements is
 only the half of a skirmish. Physical attacks rely on the user's STR and
 ATK stats, as well as their weapon attack. When you select 'Attack' and
 pick a target, a little box with percentages comes up like so:

 .-----------.  Here, the "1" is a weak attack while the "3" is a fierce
 | 1 - (93%) |  attack. Weak attacks will probably succeed but will raise
 | 2 - (80%) |  the other attacks' percentages only a small amount; on the
 | 3 - (70%) |  flipside, a "3" attack has a better probability of missing
 | Element   |  but will instantly raise all types' attack percentages to
 '-----------'  a high amount.

                This is where a character's Stamina comes into play, as
                well as their element grid. A weak (1) attack will take
                only one point from the initial stamina of 7.0, while a
                fierce attack (3) will take 3 from the stamina. Attacks
                that land will raise a character's element grid level by
                the type of slice it was.

 .-----------.  For example, let's say Lynx landed a fierce attack. His
 | 1 - (99%) |  attack percentages are all raised to a very high success
 | 2 - (98%) |  rate. He will have 4.0 of 7.0 stamina and, since his stab
 | 3 - (95%) |  at the enemy was successful, he can any elements in his
 '-----------'  grid at LV3 or below. If he lands another fierce attack,
                his percentages will raise even higher and his stamina
                will be at 1.0 of 7.0.

 The 'Element' option comes into play here. The above example used two
 fierce (3) attacks twice which hit. That means Lynx can use elements up
 to the LV6 allocation (why? 3 + 3). If he picks an element to use, it'll
 drop his Stamina by 7.0 points and drop him into the negative range. The
 display will be 'Out. -6.0' because 1.0 - 7.0 = -6.0. Simple math, yeah?

 After this, Lynx will not be able to select actions again until his
 Stamina is above 1.0. His stamina gradually comes back depending on how
 high his 'STAMINA RECOVERY' is. Go under 'Status' on the main menu and
 check. My Lynx has an amount of '12'. How does this translate? Well, he
 will recover '1.0' each time he defends, '1.2' if someone else in his
 team defends, and a lot more if he defends right before an enemy uses an
 attack (sorry, don't know how much that is).

 Choosing to 'DEFEND' _always_ recovers 1.0 to the Stamina, while anyone
 else defending will recover the amount in the 'STAMINA RECOVERY' amount.
 Hard to follow? Don't like math? Don't worry -- knowing the game's stamina
 system in-depth is not required. It's just good to know if you want to have
 some extra knowledge. Just note that 'Defend' can reduce damage by over 50%,
 so it's useful to defend when you can.

     STATUS EFFECTS                                                 [STTS]

 Like many RPGs, status effects are positive/negative conditions that inhibit
 the characters' abilities to do "stuff." In Chrono Cross, there are positive
 buffs, technically, but only negative ones are displayed. These conditions
 are associated with certain elements, because there are consumable elements
 that can take off those of the same kind, and also because some equipment is
 set up that it prevents some/all abnormalities of a certain element. Hard to
 understand? It's not really. Besides those subdivisions, there are four that
 DO NOT wear off after battle; all the others do. Here are the big four:

 | STATUS | ALIGNMENT | EFFECT (In-battle)      | EFFECT (On the field) |
 | Flu    | Blue      | Stamina rate decreases  | Movement is zig-zaggy |
 | Burns  | Red       | Defense power decreases | Double dmg from traps |
 | Poison | Green     | HP gradually decreases  | Moving decreases HP   |
 | Sprain | Yellow    | Attack power decreases  | Running is impossible |

  If even one person is affected, after-battle the effect will take place.

  As for those various consumables that take off the status effects of the
  color: Medicine takes off blue abnormalities, Ointment takes off the red,
  Antidote takes off green'uns, and a Brace can alleviate yellow statuses.

  For the other elements that only can be found in battle:

 | STATUS   | ALIGNMENT | EFFECT (In-battle)                            |
 | Dizzy    | Yellow    | EVD% (evasion capabilities) decreased         |
 | 'Anti'   | Any Color | Character becomes unable to use certain color |
 |          |           | elements. For instance, 'AntiWhite' (a black- |
 |          |           | -type element) prevents white-innate elements |
 |          |           | from being used if it works.                  |
 | Afraid   | Green     | Ally is more susceptible to critical hits     |
 | Asleep   | White     | Character cannot act + defense power lowered. |
 | Cursed   | Black     | Stamina decreases as character is damaged...  |
 | Frozen   | Blue      | Character cannot act. If all allies are under |
 |          |           | this condition, it's an automatic Game Over.  |
 | Confused | Red       | Indiscriminantly attacks foe and ally alike,  |
 |          |           | with weapon damage or equipped elements.      |
 | Darkness | Black     | HIT% (physical accuracy abilities) decreases  |
 | Fatigued | White     | All actions' stamina consumption is increased |

  Consumable elements can be used in battle to remove the normal colors,
  but WhiteOut/BlackOuts are needed to remove black/white elements. As an
  alternative, some elements are especially made with inherent status-
  -restoring properties. They are HolyHealing, Purify, Panacea, Saints,
  and Revenge. The latter shifts all of them off him/herself and onto the
  enemy; even if it fails, the user's cleaned. Staying at an inn will also
  restore status.

     STAT OVERVIEW                                                  [STVV]

 Playing the game, you'll have to know what some of the abbreviations mean,
 and how they relate to your allies. I'll just riff the manual a bit here,
 since they've got it covered pretty well. You can find your characters'
 current values at the 'status' and 'equipment' screen.

 HP    = Hit Points: How much 'life' your character has
 INNATE= The character's inherent elemental affiliation
 STR   = Strength: determines base physical attack power.
 DEF   = Defense: determines base defense against physical attacks
 ACC   = Accuracy: determines base HIT% (chance to hit) in battle
 AGI   = Agility: determines base ability to evade attacks
 MAG   = Magic Power: determines base magical attack power
 M.DEF = Magic Defense: determines base defense against magical attacks
 G     = Often seen behind a number (900g), it regards player's currency

 There's a few more:

 • STAMINA RECOVERY: This is the rate at which your character recovers
   stamina in-battle when you _DO NOT_ use the 'Defend' option (that will
   always recover 1.0 Stamina). Check your character's status to see his
   or her value. If you find a '12,' that means s/he will recover '1.2'
   on a normal basis.

 • STAR LEVELS: This is indicated by a 'star' icon, which everyone should
   know visually by now. This represents how many times a character can
   summon, and if it gets low, find a place to sleep (an inn, a bed, etc.)
   and recover them all as they don't recover on their own.

     MENU OVERVIEW                                                  [MNVW]

 Here you can find some of the menu options explained.


 Status ----> View a character's stats, equipped elements, and profile.
 Elements-.-> USE: Consumables can cure conditions and restore HP
          '-> ALLOCATE: Put elements on the characters' element grids.
 Equip. ----> Stick armor, weapons, and accessories on the characters
 Items -----> View the descriptions of the player's current key items
 Customize.-> SOUND: Toggle Stereo/Monoaural settings
          |-> WINDOW FRAME: Toggle Default/Custom settings on
          |-> CURSOR POSITION: Toggle Default/Memorized settings on
          |-> ACCURACY SELECTION: Toggle Manual/Auto settings on
          |-> CONTROLLER: Toggle Default or Custom settings on
          |-> O BUTTON PRESSED: Change if holding O means 'run' or 'walk'
          |-> VIBRATION FUNCTION: Toggle on DualShock controller vibrations
          '-> LEFT STICK SENSITIVITY: If using DualShock controller, toggle
              if run/walk is done with left analog stick alone, or if one
              has to hold down the 'O' button to run/walk.
 Save/Load -> Save a game (if at world map, Record of Fate), or load the
              game from current position (can be done most anywhere)


 ATTACK -.-> ATTACK: Physically assault the enemy
         |     |
         |     |-> 1 (XX%) : +1 LV to element grid; -1.0 Stamina
         |     |-> 2 (XX%) : +2 LV to element grid; -2.0 Stamina
         |     |-> 3 (XX%) : +3 LV to element grid; -3.0 Stamina
         |     '-> Element : Use an element from the element grid
         |-> ELEMENT: Use an element equipped to the element grid
         |-> DEFEND: Recover 1.0 Stamina and decrease damage intake by 50%+
         '-> RUN AWAY: Flee the battle to regroup or leave (if applicable)

     NEW GAME PLUS & CONTINUE PLUS                                  [NGPS]

 After beating a game and saving at the prompt, one can do either a New Game
 Plus (a.k.a. NG+) or a Continue Plus game. They're two different things, so
 I'll break 'em down.


  This allows the player to start the entire game over with the added bonus
  of having the previous save (the one you load before this getting this
  option) transfer some things, being:

  • Gold
  • Star (summon) levels
  • All character stats
  • All window frames
  • All elements (besides ChronoCross and summons).
  • All raw materials, including Rainbow Shells/Shiny items
  • All special techs learned AUTOMATICALLY (ones you have to earn/find are
    not carried over, i.e. MaidenFaith, Unleashed, etc.)
  • All equipment (besides Mastermune, Einlanzer, Hero's Medal, Blue Brooch,
                   Hero's Shield, Hero's Sword, Master Hammer...)
  • All enemies 'learned' for Sprigg's Doppelgang ability

  Things like key items do not carry over. In addition to the above things,
  Serge also starts with a 'Time Egg' and 'Time Shifter.' The former allows
  him to do battle with the very end boss at any time he wishes, while the
  latter can fast-forward or make time go in slo-mo for field animations
  and dialogue (but not for FMVs). Also worth noting is some elements that
  were equipped when the game ended do not carry over into New Game Pluses.


  • On Pierre's path, Acacia SGT boss fight comes without Acacia PVTs 1st
  • If you skip the Ice Breath quest, the Dragoon still does not show up
    at Fort Dragonia's entrance when it normally would.
  • At Fort Dragonia, in the 'Blue Room,' the Sea Chest/Dragoon locations
    have been switched.


  This allows the player to carry over some things into another save file.
  It cannot be a finished game (one saved at the end prompt), but any other
  regular save. Items that normally aren't transferable on a NG+ also apply

     TIPS AND TRICKS                                                [TPTR]

 • When you first get to Termina, components for upgrading are scarce. There
   is one quick way to get what you need for instant killing tools: destroy
   that Profiteer Purse! By disassembling the item (which can be found in
   Van's House, underneath the stairway), one can obtain three @Copper and
   @Iron components before they're readily available.

 • When in Viper Manor, there are enemies that are disguised as treasure boxes
   and will give Serge items/$$ if he attacks the correct one in battle. If he
   gets it wrong a fight begins...or does it? If you happen to attack a chest
   that doesn't contain a treasure, simply flee battle and try again. Simple

 • When fighting a battle, if one steals something and flees, that item gets
   dropped behind. This prevents stacking up on rare items too quickly. What
   one may not know is that any trapped elements are retained even in defeat!
   Some battles, like against Bunyip, can produce many hard-to-find elements
   like Inferno/Volcano. And, after awhile, one can simply use those elements
   against their former master! Don't forget this!

 • Speaking of stealing, players can rob foes easier after attacking a few
   times and finishing with the theft technique.

 • People may forget how useful Diminish is. When fighting enemies that have
   innate colors directly opposed to your strongest fighters, use this skill
   and simply pound away. As long as one isn't offensive-element-dependent,
   this is a great strategy for battle use. And remember: it only halves the
   damage done, not the potency of healing elements. It's really quite grand
   if y'think about it. :p

     WALKTHROUGH NOTATION                                           [WLKT]

 If you get confused on boss strategies and what stuff means, here's the news
 on the subject. I'll go by example, but it may be hard to understand just by
 reading explanations. Go look at the actual strategies to get a good idea on
 how they work!

 • ->    Indicates the pattern flow from segments to segments

   EX: PoisonGas -> Attack ×??

   The PoisonGas attack will always precede the Attack, which is repeated an
   indefinite amount of time (infinitely, most likely). An arrow shows the
   directivity of the skills/techniques.

 • ×??   One attack or segment is repeated indefinitely -or-
         the attack has a trigger that is currently unknown.

   EX: Attack ×??
   EX: PoisonGas -> Attack ×?? -> AcidicGas
   EX: PoisonGas to AcidicGas (×??) -> AeroBlaster

   The first example has an enemy that only uses physical attacks; the second
   has a segment where the enemy attacks physically an unknown # of times. It
   may have a specific trigger or is randomized before moving to the following

   If the '×??' is parenthesized, it only indicates a segment is repeated, not
   a single move. In the third example, PoisonGas and AcidicGas are used over
   and over in the order displayed until eventually going into AeroBlaster. It
   sounds complicated, but it's really not.

   Sometimes things like '×1-2' appear, meaning the enemy may attack once or
   twice. Don't be surprised to see things like '×4-5' or something, too. This
   does NOT mean the enemy attacks four times per turn, or four times in a row
   mind you -- it just means an enemy uses its turn to attack physically in a
   # of times that's not completely definite. 

 • ()    The attack may be dropped entirely from the pattern
         -or- it may show up only once in the entire pattern

   EX: AcidicGas -> (PoisonGas) -> AeroBlaster

   In this example, PoisonGas may or may not be used during a turn. If that
   is the case during the battle, AcidicGas will skip it completely and launch
   into AeroBlaster instead. It's worth noting since in some cases losing a
   step can spell disaster for planning (such as the Wingapede being able to
   use Tornado a turn early). 

 • to    Indicates a repeated portion of attacks

   EX: Attack to AeroBlaster to Tornado (×??)

   'To' really functions the same as '->' in a way; this way is just easier
   because it allows the '×??' part to indicate a string of attacks is done
   in a planned order. Here, there will always be an Attack leading into an
   AeroBlaster leading into a Tornado -- the entire string is repeated some
   unknown # of times. The only time 'to' appears is when strings of attacks
   are involved.

 • +     Indicates attacks/skills used consecutively

   EX: Attack -> IceBlast + IceBlast -> Attack

   Here, IceBlast is used twice in a row. This means that the player does not
   have a chance to do anything in between; the enemy uses the attack without
   giving the allies any chance to prepare.

 [1]     Indicates a different strategy altogether

   EX:     Attack -> AeroBlaster -> Attack ×??
   EX: [2] Attack ×?? -> Tornado -> Attack ×??

   In this case, after 'something' happens to the first attack pattern, the
   enemy operates on the '[2]' pattern for some duration. The number inside
   the brackets indicates the different strategies, basically. Sometimes the
   strategy will change back (such as healing out of critical condition) but
   sometimes it doesn't.


   One more thing. I wrote the strategies using a new level and then went back
   over it with a 99-star level to adjust the strategies and make 'em sync up.
   Some enemies may act differently to stronger allies, I don't know. For one
   example, during the Solt/Peppor/Ketchop fight, at low levels I never once
   saw an ElectroBolt used but one was in the strategy when the Lv. 99 guys
   came through. If a strategy seems off, this may be why. Sorry. :3

00) Dream Sequence                 "Chasing phantoms in one's dreams..." [D-00]
¯| ITEMS / ELEMENTS ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| ENEMIES ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯
 |                                           |                               |
 | There ain't any!                          | • Cybot                       |
 |___________________________________________| • Alphabat                    |

 As you start the game, name the lead character (anything except Crono :p) to
 head into a large draconic-lookin' palace nestled between some high cliffs.
 The character you named [default: Serge] will be accompanied by a girl named
 Kid and one randomized character. I always found it easier to change the
 controller scheme a bit so that holding the O-button is walking instead of
 running (go to 'Customize' under main menu). Turn on analog mode if you
 want, also.


 At the fork, head SW on the screen to find a glowing blue exit. A robot foe
 (Cybot) and a bat () walk the floor here, and touching one means engaging a
 battle. Since experience doesn't matter in this portion, and no items'll be
 dropped, you can avoid battles by outmaneuvering the enemy (usually). Fight
 here to get initiated, if you aren't already -- everyone starts out buffed
 more than they usually are, element-wise.

 The area is straightforward, so I'll spare the small details. Exiting that
 first room with enemies eventually wraps back around to itself on a higher
 ledge. Ignore the stairway by the entrance and use the catwalk to advance
 to a NW door that has a red symbol on it. Enter inside and shut down the
 black pillar.

 In the previous room, a teleport pad with six circles on it resonates with
 energy. Make your way onto it, confirm with the x-button, and ride all the
 way up. See what's happenin' with the door nearby to exit this 'level' and
 be lulled back into reality...

01) Arni Village [Home World]         "Where the tides start to turn..." [D-01]
¯| ITEMS / ELEMENTS ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| CHARACTERS TO INVITE ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯
 |                                           |                               |
 | • 200G                • Tablet [x5]       | • Poshul                      |
 | • Shellfish Frame     • Komodo Scale      |_______________________________|
 | • PhotonRay           • Uplift            |
 | • AquaBeam            • Cure              |
 | • Uplift              • Heckran Bone      |
 | • Ivory Helmet        • Shark Tooth       |

 When sleepyhead Serge finally gets outta bed, check under the covers to find
 [200G]. The dark corner of his room also has a [TABLET] consumable. Hooray!
 Leave to the downstairs region and down into town square.

                      _________                   [LEGEND]
             LEENA ->|________ \    /\
                      ____   _) \  /12\            1 - 200G
                     /  5 / /    \ \   \/\         2 - Tablet [x5]
           ____     /____ \/      \/   /10\        3 - Shellfish Frame
 POSHUL ->|    |   /1 2 /\          /\/ 11/        4 - Komodo Scale
          |    |  /____ \/         6\/ 9 /         5 - PhotonRay
    ____  |    |   ____\    ______    /\/          6 - Uplift
   |    |_|7   |__/4       /   3  \   \            7 - AquaBeam
   | 8   _____________________________ \           8 - Cure
   |____|                             \_\ <-EXIT   9 - Uplift
                                                  10 - Heckran Bone
                                                  11 - Ivory Helmet
                                                  12 - Shark Tooth

 There's a bunch of item-searching to do at this point. Down by the item shop
 [SH01], search the woman's cart to find a [SHELLFISH FRAME]. This allows the
 player to change the textbox 'frame' under the main menu's Customize option.
 Near Serge's house, talk to the large man standing 'neath a swordfish; agree
 with him ("You're probably right!") to receive a key item [KOMODO SCALE]. If
 you show the Komodo Scale to the kid standing around (w/ Square) he'll want
 it for his crush; give it to him to receive an [UPLIFT] element. And, no, it
 isn't possible to hawk it for 1000G. He'll also spit out some information on
 Poshul... Hmm. Go inside the house next door to Serge's when done.

 This place gives a good view of the pier. Search the teapot near Poshul's
 doghouse to find a [PHOTONRAY] element. Yeah, nothing else to do here. Back
 outside, exit left of Serge's house to find the chief's house. A bucket near
 the steps contains an [AQUABEAM] element. Inside said house is a save point
 (record of fate) but you can't use it 'cause people are hogging the line.
 Let off some anger by robbing the place -- there is a [CURE] element behind
 one of the pictures to swipe. Chief Radius (outside) will teach you element
 basics in a battle setting, so try it out if you have to.

 Back at the town square, enter the house nearest the town exit. It's a cafe
 to explore. Talk to the waitress if ya want, and check out the "barrel" three
 times to get another [UPLIFT] element. In the back room, search the unmade bed
 for a key item [HECKRAN BONE]! There's also an [IVORY HELMET] chest against a
 wall.                                  ____________________ ________________
                                       | INVITATION: POSHUL | Innate: Yellow |
 | Poshul is the town's wunderdog, pink and fluffy. She (yes, a female) can  |
 | be found outside Radius' house. She'll have no time to play with Serge... |
 | unless he shows her the Heckran Bone key item that can be found in Arni's |
 | cafe's back room. She'll join after that. If you forget to obtain her or  |
 | something, she can tag along later after some events and choices... It is |
 | recommended to get her now, though. <3 PO-SHU-SHU! (My fave char, btw)    |

 Next door to the cafe is a fisherman's house. An old man will give pointers on
 catching komodo dragons. The three tips will be...uh, field tested in awhile,
 so you may wanna know. Downstairs, talk to the king of the castle to receive a
 [SHARK TOOTH] key item. With all the extra shenanigans done, go to the pier 'n
 talk to Leena. She orders Serge to fetch her three komodo scales from Lizard
 Rock, then wait at Opassa Beach for her. Exit town!

 If you go around the world map, you can 'explore' places by pressing the x-
 -button. Fr'instance, you can enter the waterfall (Divine Dragon Falls) and
 scope the place, or enter Hydra Marshes. Make sure you've got Poshul along;
 don't let those li'l stat gains go to waste!           _____________________
                                                       | OPTIONAL: Cape Howl |
 | Northwest of Arni, this cape extends towards the sea. Some Beach Bum foes |
 | laze around here, and there are jets of water on the field that can prick |
 | Serge and damage him (-5 HP) slightly. Get the [HEAL] element and [BONE]  |
 | components, which are the only things to reap here.                       |

 Lizard Rock is in the south...just a hop, skip, and a jump, really. As far as
 equipping elements goes, replace any Tablets Serge has with something else (a
 healing element would be good, even if it's -1) and give Poshul something up
 her alley -- Uplifts, anyone?

02) Lizard Rock [Home World]             "A calling from beyond time..." [D-02]
¯| ITEMS / ELEMENTS ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| ENEMIES ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯
 |                                           |                               |
 | • Fireball           • Silver Loupe       | • Komodo Pup                  |
 | • Tablet             • Bone               | • SandSquirt                  |
 | • Ivory Helmet                            | • Beach Bum                   |

  REMINDER: Make sure you fight battles to get those tiny stat increases 'til
            they don't come any longer. You may have to fight a couple that
            give nothing before some hefty ones come. Do this before fighting
            the area's boss!
      \5  \                                              [LEGEND]
         / ______ \                       _                K - Komodo Pup
        / /  __  \ \_____________________/ / <-ENTER       1 - Fireball
    ___/ /  / 4\  \   __________   __    _/                2 - Silver Loupe
EXIT__K /H  ___/  |  /       ___/K/_/   /_                 3 - Tablet
     /  \_________/ /       /________    1/                4 - Bone
    |H/\_______    /      _______    / /¯¯                 5 - Ivory Helmet
     ¯    |  3/ / /      / __   /   / /                    H - Hole
          |    / (______/ /  /_/   / /
          |___/\    __   /________/ /
                \  /  /      K     /
                /2/    ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯

 As the fisherman in Arni might've said, there are three ways to catch komodo
 pups for their scales. The first 'secret technique' is demonstrated in the
 first screen. First, push the rock barring entrance outta the way and get the
 [FIREBALL] element. Spook the komodo pup to the left so it runs through a wee
 tunnel, which Serge can then block with the boulder nearby. Go around the side
 and lure it into the tunnel, where you can then beat it to death for the first
 komodo scale!

 In the southern screen, find a beach bum standing by a rock. Destroy it and
 push the rock into the pond, making a [SILVER LOUPE] chest surface. See where
 that beach bum is walking on a log? Jump to there and enter the screen past.
 Kill the Beach Bum and re-enter the screen where the komodo pup fled, at a
 higher outlook point this time. When the target passes under the cliff, jump
 down onto it, initiating battle. Komodo Scale #2 obtained! Leave to the NW
 to find the third screen.

 This is the one where the fisherman alluded to "playing tag." The Komodo Pup
 will make Serge chase it around in circles, starting at the bridge back to
 its initial position. When Serge catches it and kills it, mommy dearest shows
 up to avenge her extinct brood (make sure not to waste all your good elements
 on the minions!)
 | BOSS: Mama Komodo | INNATE: Blue | HP: 160 | SPOILS: @Fang, Tablet        |
 | ELEMENTS: AquaBeam                                                        |
 | TO STEAL: ---                                                             |
 | SPECIALS: Breath (blue-innate damage to all allies)                       |
 |           SquirtGun (blue-innate damage to single target)                 |
 | PATTERNS: Attack to AquaBeam/Attack to SquirtGun to Breath (×??)          |

  This momma only uses blue elements, meaning any red elements you can insert
  into the field effect will help reduce blue elements' damage (or just make
  sure you don't get a full blue field). It's attacks can do quite a lot of
  damage when powered up, usually 30+, so use Tablets to heal since that'll
  help decrease fire damage. The "attack -> attack -> defend" strategy works
  well here, especially against the Breath tech, which always follows Mama's
  SquirtGun. Fierce physical attacks may be a bit more useful here than any
  elements, but that's just me. Make sure both allies survive so they get the
  full effect of their 'level-up.' 264G received upon defeat and the first
  level-up star.

 With the last Komodo Scale in tow, get the rest of the goodies 'round here.
 There is a [TABLET] chest under the bridge to get, and if you enter a hole by
 the exit, it shoots everyone towards the pond's higher part. Get the [@BONE]
 component and walk under the northern 'tunnel' to get another [IVORY HELMET]
 chest. Backtrack to the exit and leave.

 Save if ya want, it doesn't matter too much. Watch the events at Opassa Beach
 with Leena. If you want to get her final technique "MaidenFaith" later in the
 game, answer that Serge does "remember the day" and "we'll never forget this
 day!!" after that. (This will be enough to get the tech, although there's a
 3rd one later in case y'screw this part up.)

 After some awesome scenes, listen to the best line in the game ("Do you think
 Leena thpontaneouthry combuthted?") before re-entering Lizard Rock.

03) Lizard Rock [Another World]    "Nothing has changed but everything!" [D-03]
¯| ITEMS / ELEMENTS ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| ENEMIES ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯
 |                                           |                               |
 | • @Feather           • @Bone              | • Opah Fish                   |
 | • Ivory Helmet                            | • SandSquirt                  |
 |___________________________________________| • Komodo Pup                  |

 This place is a little different than before, but it's layout is the same so
 one who scoured the last time should be able to navigate it easily. A few
 Opah Fish now make this place their home...where'd all the beach bums go? :p
       (   \                                              [LEGEND]
          / ______ \                       _                1 - @Feather
         / /  __  \ \_____________________/ / <-EXIT        2 - @Bone
     ___/ /  / 1\  \   __________   __    _/                3 - Ivory Helmet
ENTER__  /H  ___/   ) /       ___/ (_/   (_
      /  \_________/ /       /________    3)
     (H/\_______    /      ______     / /¯¯
      ¯    |   / / /      / __   )   / /
           |    / (______/ /  /_/   / /
           |___/\    __   /________/ /
                 \  /  \            /
                 (2/    ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
 Everything north of Lizard Rock appears the same as well...
                                                       | OPTIONAL: Cape Howl |
 | This somber-lookin' place is pretty much the same as before. Crack open a |
 | chest for an [ELECTROJOLT] element and see the [@BONE] container up above |
 | the BeachBums. Odd how you can't check out what's written on a tombstone, |
 | though...                                                                 |
                                                   | OPTIONAL: Hydra Marshes |
 | For some reason, the once-beautiful swamp is now full of poisonous mire,  |
 | with some humans here. Walking in the water drains all characters health  |
 | by -2 HP per step. If you can brave the area, there's a [TABLET] to find  |
 | in the first screen, a [BUSHWHACKER] element in the one north of there,   |
 | and an [ELECTROJOLT] if you keep taking the screens west of the entrance. |
 | At the western dead end, a man will give Serge the [SAFETY GEAR] key item |
 | that allows them to walk through the marsh without taking damage.         |

 Head to Arni Village when you're done exploring.

04) Arni Village [Another World]                                         [D-04]
¯| ITEMS / ELEMENTS ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| ENEMIES ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯
 |                                           |                               |
 | • IceLance            • Tablet            | There ain't any!              |
 | • TurnRed             • Tablet            |_______________________________|
 | • PhotonRay           • MagmaBomb         |

 Seems normal, but... Hmm. Visit the shop [SH02] to see new wares and head to
 the cafe. Get an [ICELANCE] element from the "pot" and a [TABLET] behind the
 backroom's curtain. Mosey over to the joyless chief's house afterwards. Find
 a [TURN RED] element (!) in the bucket by the porch; inside, steal a [TABLET]
 from behind a painting.

 Over at Poshul's house (the one overlooking the pier), the player can score
 another [PHOTONRAY] element in the teapot. Go into Serge's House to see some
 commentary from Poshul. Search our protagonist's room (or is it?) for a
 [MAGMABOMB] element, and sleep if you need to. The komodo pup'll charge you
 100G when you're done, though...no complaints accepted!

 Talk to Leena at the pier when done, and she'll direct Serge towards Cape
 Howl. "Goodbye...stranger." Time to scoot up there.

05) Cape Howl [Another World]       "A reminder of one's former self..." [D-05]
¯| ITEMS / ELEMENTS ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| ENEMIES ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯
 |                                           |                               |
 | • ElectroJolt         • @Bone             | • Beach Bum                   |
 | • Tele-Porter                             | • SandSquirt                  |

 REMINDER: Make sure you fight regular battles to get those extra stat gains!

 Hmm, creepy red sunset this time. Anyway, short section to trudge through...
 There's two chests here, containing an [ELECTROJOLT] and [@BONE] bounty. Head
 north towards the cliff outlook and read the headstone there. A fat knight'll
 kick Poshul over the bluff (!) and commence battle with his cronies. Lucky
 for them, a fiesty chicky will team up with
 Serge to do battle.                         ________________________________
  __________________________________________/ BATTLE SPOILS (Common -> Rare) |
 | BOSS: Solt   | INNATE: Yellow | HP:  52 | Ivory Vest -> @Copper           |
 | BOSS: Karsh  | INNATE: Green  | HP: 115 | Bone Axe -> Power Glove         |
 | BOSS: Peppor | INNATE: Yellow | HP:  60 | Ivory Helmet -> @Copper         |
 | ELEMENTS: ---                                                             |
 | TO STEAL: ---                                                             |
 | SPECIALS: DragonRider (Green-elem attack on one target; used by Karsh)    |
 | PATTERNS: (Solt  ) Attack ×??                                             |
 |           (Karsh ) Attack ×??                                             |
 |           (Karsh ) Attack ×1-2 to DragonRider (×??)                       |
 |           (Peppor) Attack ×??                                             |

  Poshul won't be joining this battle, obviously, so the teammate is 'Girl,'
  who's a red-innate character with fiery attacks. As we quickly find out,
  Solt and Peppor are bungling idiots who don't have the power to counter our
  protagonist's white-innate property. Both Peppor and Solt have horrendous
  strength, and Karsh ain't much better. Because the enemies don't use attacks
  of an elemental persuasion, feel free to build up the field effect to red n'
  burn these jokers. If you need to heal, 'Girl' comes with five Tablets to be
  used in case of emergency. (NOTE: If Solt and Peppor are destroyed, Karsh is
  able to use DragonRider. Take him out first to stop this attack, or at least
  prepare to defend against it). Make sure that both allies survive the battle
  to get all the level-up stat gains! 300G received for winning + the second
  level-up star.

 Apparently, 'Girl' has an equally vague name...'Kid'! 
                                              _________________ _____________
                                             | INVITATION: Kid | INNATE: Red |
 | This is one of the numerous times you can get Kid, the fiery lass with an |
 | Aussie's accent. She'll learn her 'Pilfer' tech soon, allowing theft from |
 | enemies. However, if you invite her now, you'll miss your only chance to  |
 | get Leena. It's impossible to get all characters in one normal playthru,  |
 | so decide well given the circumstances. Refuse to let her into the party  |
 | thrice to keep her out temporarily. If she joins, Serg will receive the   |
 | [TELE-PORTER] key item that allows switching for character-switching once |
 | at a save point or the world map.                                         |

 After Kid does/n't join, she drops a hint that Termina's the place to be. And
 Poshul will come back from her...uh, fantastic voyage. Well, time for sleep!
                                        ____________________ ________________
                                       | INVITATION: Leena  | INNATE: Blue   |
                                       | INVITATION: Poshul | INNATE: Yellow |
 | The well-mannered, small-village girl Leena joins automatically if Kid's  |
 | company is refused -- apparently she's drawn to Serge and wants to help   |
 | him out! If Poshul wasn't invited at Home World's Arni Village, she'll be |
 | aboard now, whether you like it or not. PO-SHU-SHU! Full thpeed ahead!!!  |

 If Leena's in the party, there's one more party that can be recruited 'round
 this time. If you didn't get the Shark Tooth pendant (key item) in Home World
 Arni, you're outta luck.                  __________________ _______________
                                          | INVITATION: Mojo | INNATE: Black |
 | Mojo is uh...a Far East relic that can be found in the fisherman's house  |
 | next to the cafe. Or, rather, the coulda-beena-fisherman who's now a lazy |
 | voodoo-doll worshipper. Talk to the fisherman and display the Shark Tooth |
 | key item to him. As you try to leave, Mojo will chastise the lazybones n' |
 | join Serge automatically. He's got great agility, but that's about it...  |
 | He can be obtained whether or not Kid's been invited, if you wondered. :p |

 There's nothing else to do here, really. The destination town of Termina is
 in the far north of the island, and one has to pass through the Porre-ridden
 Fossil Valley to get there. Tally ho!

06) Fossil Valley [Another World]  "The pride of the Acacia Dragoons..." [D-06]
¯| ITEMS / ELEMENTS ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| ENEMIES ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯
 |                                           |                               |
 | • Heavy Skull         • Bellflower        | • Bubba Dingo                 |
 | • Big Egg                                 | • Mama Dingo                  |
 |___________________________________________| • Dodo                        |
                                             | • Drongo                      |
                         _      _            |_______________________________|
                        /2/    | |_
                       ( (      \_1\                     [LEGEND]
                        \ \_______| )
                         \___   __  |                      1 - Heavy Skull
                 _        ___| |  | |                      2 - Bellflower
        EXIT -> | \      |     |  | |                      3 - Big Egg
                 \ \     |3    |  | |       __
                  \ \    |_____|  ) )      /  \
     BOSS FIGHT -> \ \___________/ /______/ /\ \
                    \______________________/  ) )
                                              |_| <- ENTER

 Some Viper dragoons tell the party to stick to the lowroad because there's an
 investigation going on on the clifftop. But what fun would it be to get outta
 here in five seconds? Talk to the soldier guarding the ladder and bluff your
 way past him by saying you're the exorcists they're lookin' for.

 Everyone's scared of some moaning noises up there, which, when Serge draws
 near, seem to be coming from a clown's skull (o_O). This is actually part of
 a character named Skelly, who 'joins' the party if you find all his errant
 pieces. For now, the [HEAVY SKULL] key item's the only part to get by agreeing
 to help him. There's also a key item [BELLFLOWER] on a cliff, 'guarded' by a
 weird plant monster that's a non-issue. Just don't use elements on any Dodos
 that appear with 'em, 'cause it'll send them into a frenzy and make 'em use a
 hard-hitting tech that can probably OHKO anyone who isn't defending. See that
 vertebrae ladder by the soldier standing around? Ignore his warnings, climb
 down there, and get the key item [BIG EGG] that's guarded by a mother Dodo.
 A character can be hatched out of this later.

 If one sticks to the lowroad as the soldiers suggested, they'll run into the
 runts of the Acacia litter...Solt and Peppor! Not on friendly terms, though.
  __________________________________________/ BATTLE SPOILS (Common -> Rare) |
 | BOSS: Solt   | INNATE: Yellow | HP:  80 | Ivory Vest -> @Copper           |
 | BOSS: Peppor | INNATE: Yellow | HP:  90 | Uplift -> @Copper               |
 | ELEMENTS: TurnBlack, LoRes                                                |
 | TO STEAL: ---                                                             |
 | SPECIALS: Pepporbox (Red-innate attack on single target; used by Peppor)  |
 |         : CrossCut (Red-innate dual attack on 1 target; Solt/Peppor only) |
 |         : Summersolt (Blue-innate attack on single target; used by Solt)  |
 | PATTERNS: (Solt  ) TurnBlack -> LoRes ×??                                 |
 |       [2] (Solt  ) LoRes to Summersolt/Attack (×??)                       |
 |           (Peppor) Strengthen -> Pepporbox to CrossCut ×??                |
 |       [2] (Peppor) Pepporbox -> Attack ×??                                |

  Again, the mishaps ensue. The foes haven't changed much from the previous
  encounter (i.e. romp), besides being able to use their own techs. Pepporbox
  is used in conjunction with LoRes to have a more powerful attack, and the
  dual attack 'CrossCut' (red-innate) is used to x-strike one target...too
  bad it can only be used when both of them is alive. Pay attention to the
  field effect 'cause any blue characters (Leena) can take serious damage in
  this battle. Most people write this battle off as child's play, and it is
  kinda, but don't get sloppy. Summersolt (blue-innate) is used when Peppor is
  put outta commission, and is expectedly weak like its user. As I wrote the
  battle patterns, it seems that Peppor only uses attacks once Solt is knocked
  out, so that's the way to go for an easy victory. Third level-up star gotten
  after winning.

 Congrats! Serge, Kid/Leena, and Poshul should know have their first tech set
 in a Lv. 3 slot of the element grid. It can't be removed, but why would you
 wanna do that anyway? Serge, Poshul, and Leena get a purely offensive attack,
 while Kid gets the ability to steal. Hooray for you!

 Termina is right around the corner. Exit onto the world map and go there. Any
 other location open right now (Viper Manor, Shadow Forest) will get ya thrown
 back onto the curb, bro.

07) Termina [Another World]                                              [D-07]
¯| ITEMS / ELEMENTS ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| CHARACTERS TO INVITE ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯
 |                                           |                               |
 | • Tea for Three Frame • Profiteer Purse   | • Nikki  -.                   |
 | • Hero's Medal        • Tele-Porter       | • Guile   |- CAN ONLY GET ONE |
 |___________________________________________| • Pierre -'                   |
                                             | • Kid                         |
                                 ___        /E   2/
                                |   \   /\ /_  __/        [LEGEND]
                                 \  /  /D \  //
                                  \/\_/ /\ \//             A - Inn
               ______  ___   ____   / 3 ) ) /              B - Bar + Guile
              |__   _||1  |_|    |  \   \/ /               C - Element Shop
      TO        _| |__| H  _     |   \/\  /                D - Smithy
  FESTIVAL     |______   _| |____|     / /                     Pierre
      SHIP      ____  | |  ______     / /                  E - Van's House
      | |      |__B | | | |  C___|   / /                   F - Greco's House
   ___| |_________| |_| |__| |___ ___|G|__________         G - Korcha
  |___________________   ________|______________  |        H - Kid
                      | |  ______   DOCK AREA   |_|_____   1 - Tea for Three
                      |H| |  A___|              | |_ _F_|      Frame
                   ___| |__| |_               __| |_| |    2 - Profiteer
                  |___   ______|             |G |  ___|        Purse
                      |_|                     ¯¯| |    )   3 - Hero's Medal
                     ENTER                      | |__| |

 Kid will be here waiting for Serge's team to arrive. She'll leave the first
 time if Leena's with, but if you head up the stairs and talk to the person
 polishing the General Viper statue, she'll show up again.
                                              _________________ _____________
                                             | INVITATION: Kid | INNATE: Red |
 | There's really no reason for her not to join at this time, really. She'll |
 | bring the [TELE-PORTER] key item with if you invite her, which allows one |
 | to switch allies on the world map and at save points. Up 'til now, it has |
 | been impossible to change characters -- remember that every time you miss |
 | an opportunity to level up non-party characters, they lose those minimal  |
 | stat gains! If you still don't accept, she can be missed (pending choices |
 | made) at a later date.                                                    |

 Kid talks about infiltrating Viper Manor, which sets off the next course of
 events: finding a guide. There are three possible guides to get; whichever is
 picked, the two others cannot be obtained in the same playthrough. The people

 • Nikki  [Blue ] -> I like him, but he's only 'decent' for the most part.
 • Guile  [Black] -> Pretty dang good, but you may have a black-innate already
 • Pierre [Blue ] -> A complete faux-hero wuss, who sucks. A lot. I hate him.

 Well, while you mull over the first of the two "big" decisions in the game,
 let's search stuff around town:

 • [TEA FOR THREE FRAME] - There is a man standing in the shade of the house
   to the left of the General Viper statue. He's not visible, but when you
   approach he talks and eventually asks if you 'get his drift.' Answer yes
   to receive the item.

 • [PROFITEER PURSE] - In Van's house, check beneath the mansion's foyer's
   stairway to find a hidden chest containing this item. Although this item
   increases gained gold by ~123%, it's far better off being disassembled
   because it gives three @Copper and @Iron from it. This allows a party to
   be instantly suited for Viper Manor and is really just a great idea. Make
   some Iron Mail and an Iron Swallow to be good to go, yo!

 After picking which guide you want, read their sections below!

 NOTE: You _cannot_ change party members while inside Viper Manor, so make sure
       to bring those who won't completely slight you (i.e. don't bring Poshul
       if you want a furious element-caster).

NIKKI'S ROUTE (Shadow Forest)        "Where lies the key to the past..." [D-08]
¯| ITEMS / ELEMENTS ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| ENEMIES ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯
 |                                           |                               |
 | • AeroSaucer         • Uplift             | • Bulb                        |
 | • Aroma Pouch        • Skullduggery Frame | • Cassowary                   |
 | • Heal               • Angry Scapula      | • Quadffid (×1)               |
 | • MagmaBomb                               | • Cuscus                      |
 |___________________________________________| • Gloop                       |
                                             | • Gerridae                    |
                                             | • Wraith (×1)                 |

 NOTE: You may want to buy some Braces before entering here.

 BEGIN: Enter the festival boat at anchor in Termina's port and talk to the
 manager. Miki, a dancer in the show, will come in and ask you to help find
 their missing singer (Nikki) who's been seen in a daze around Shadow Forest.
 Agree to her request and let's go...rockin'! Shadow Forest can be accessed
 from the world map, east of Termina. Miki will have chased off the dragoons
 guarding the entrance, so let's boogie!


                 1 - AeroSaucer                R - Red Monster
                 2 - Uplift                    G - Green Monster
                 3 - Aroma Pouch               B - Blue Monster
                 4 - Angry Scapula
                 5 - Skullduggery Frame
                 6 - Heal                    _____
   _             7 - MagmaBomb              |____1\
 ./ | <-EXIT                    _____ ____  /    \ \
 (  )                          |_  __|__  \|  G   \ )    ______
 | /           _________     ___/ /__   \  \\_  __| |___|      |_
 ( \__________|         |___|        |  /   \_\ \_|  ___        _| <- ENTER
  \       7       6      ___5   CAVE | /2/\_________|   |   R  |
   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|_________|   |  B 3 4 | ¯¯                ¯¯¯¯¯¯

 Nikki can be found in the second screen but runs off ahead due to the 'daze'
 he's in (and hear him rip off Guns N' Roses). Follow him to find a bunch of
 Cassowary enemies going in for the kill. And, yes, they are indeed bosses...
 | BOSS: Cassowary | INNATE: Yellow | HP: 100 | Uplift -> @Feather           |
 | ELEMENTS: ---                                                             |
 | TO STEAL: Ivory Mail / ElectroJolt                                        |
 | SPECIALS: ---                                                             |
 | PATTERNS: Attack ×??                                                      |

  Uh...alright. Because all three paths have to have one boss fight, this one
  ends up being a crappy stall battle. There are three Cassowary enemies that
  are pestering Nikki -- who shows up as an uncontrollable ally in this fight
  by the way -- but they're really nothing more than regular enemies. Things
  like AeroSaucer will rip 'em a new one, so if you picked up any in Termina,
  it's smooth sailing. 249G awarded for victory + the 4th level-up star.

 Nikki retreats into the cave nearby, so follow him in.
                                           ___________________ ______________
                                          | INVITATION: Nikki | INNATE: Blue |
 | The rockin' bard who is to play the Termina Festival joins up if Serge'll |
 | let him. He's on a quest, y'see...well, don't want to say too much. Might |
 | as well get him now, 'cause you can't later. He gives up some 'valuable'  |
 | information on clearing the large monster (Quadffid) out of the way, even |
 | if you don't invite him. Hooray for gender-neutral allies!                |

 After some dialogue, re-enter the cave and get the [AROMA POUCH] from the
 chest and the [ANGRY SCAPULA] piece of Skelly's body by searching the tablet
 near the blob-monster.

 There are are three monsters around, and they have different effects on the
 monster. Once you find a pollen that matches the monster's color, lure it
 towards the quadffid monster...

 • RED ----> Quadffid flees and leaves a [SKULLDUGGERY FRAME] behind!
 • BLUE ---> Fight with Quadffid!
 • GREEN --> Fight with Quadffid!

 The fight's optional and doesn't give any level-up stars, but I'll list it
 anyway for posterity:
 | BOSS: Quadffid  | INNATE: Green | HP: 200 | @Seed, Bushbasher             |
 | ELEMENTS: Bushbasher, Bushwhacker, Heal                                   |
 | TO STEAL: Antidote, BatEye                                                |
 | SPECIALS: Devour (green-innate attack on 1 ally + Poison status)          |
 | PATTERNS: Attack ×1-4 to Bushwhacker/Bushbasher/Devour ×1-5 (×??)         |

  After much trying, I couldn't seem to get a decent strategy down for this
  one -- it just seems way too randomized. Plus, since there's no starting
  point that I can identify, it's hard to form any decent counterstrategy
  besides throwing yellow elements and powered-up physical attacks with the
  Steel Swallow. It absorbs green elements, too. 314G received for winning

 Past there, however, an actual boss trio shows up. Sort of. Well, not really.
 Zoah is the guy who TALKS IN ALL CAPITAL LETTERS that was guarding the forest
 entrance before. You should know the other two...
 | BOSS: Solt   | INNATE: Yellow | HP:  80 | Ivory Vest -> @Copper           |
 | BOSS: Zoah   | INNATE: Yellow | HP: 200 | Ivory Mail -> Bronze Glove      |
 | BOSS: Peppor | INNATE: Yellow | HP:  90 | Ivory Helmet -> @Copper         |
 | ELEMENTS: Strengthen, LoRes, HiRes, EagleEye                              |
 | TO STEAL: (Solt  ) Ivory Helm, TurnBlack                                  |
 |           (Zoah  ) Knee Pad                                               |
 |           (Peppor) Tablet, Knee Pad                                       |
 | SPECIALS: DragonRider (Yellow-innate attack on 1 trgt ; used by Zoah)     |
 |         : Pepporbox (Red-innate attack on single target; used by Peppor)  |
 |         : Summersolt (Blue-innate attack on single target; used by Solt)  |
 |         : CrossCut (Red-innate dual attack on 1 target; Solt/Peppor only) |
 | PATTERNS: (Solt  ) Golem -> LoRes + HiRes -> Summersolt/Upheaval to       |
 |                    Attack to CrossCut to Attack (×??)                     |
 |       [2] (Solt  ) Upheaval ×1-3 to Summersolt ×1-2 to Upheaval to Attack |
 |                    (×??)   [NOTE: May differ slightly but mostly correct) |
 |           (Zoah  ) Attack ×2 to DragonRider (×??)                         |
 |           (Peppor) Attack -> Strengthen + EagleEye -> Pepporbox ×2 ->     |
 |                    Attack ×2 -> CrossCut -> Pepporbox -> CrossCut         |
 |       [2] (Peppor) Attack ×?? to Pepporbox ×?? (×??)                      |

 Laughably, Solt tries to use a Golem summon which, of course, can't be used
 unless the field is all yellow. It's basically the same schtick as last time
 except Solt and Peppor will use two elements consecutively (non-offensive) to
 buff themselves before using their special techs. Take out Solt to prevent
 any trouble from Peppor, and try to take Zoah out because he uses DragonRider
 every third turn. If you take out Peppor or Zoah first, Solt's more likely to
 use Upheaval (inflicts Sprain, attack decreases), which may come quite a few
 times. He can still use it if his allies are alive, but not as much...bombard
 him with green elements ASAP and have fun. 460G received for winning and the
 5th level-up star, too.

 Collect the [HEAL] element from the chest and head into the large cave 'neath
 the massive tree. Get the [MAGMABOMB] element chest in the short waterway
 passage beyond, watching out for annoying Gloops/Gerridae that attack in the
 claustrophobic place. Right after, get up on land and destroy a Wraith (will
 be easy with Serge); move that boulder behind it in front of the Gerridaes'
 hole to proceed upriver easier.

 NOTE: There is no free healing inside the manor, so bring curative items and
       antidotes to prepare for all obstacles within. Seriously, go do it!

 There's a well basin beyond, meaning Viper Manor's right above. This ends
 the Nikki route, since things beyond will all be the same.  Go to [D-11] to

PIERRE'S ROUTE (Viper Manor Gate)    "Where lies the key to the past..." [D-09]
¯| ITEMS / ELEMENTS ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| ENEMIES ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯
 |                                           |                               |
 | • TurnYellow                              | • Acacia PVT (×2)             |
 |___________________________________________| • Acacia SGT (×2)             |
  ___________________________________        |_______________________________|
 | INVITATION: Pierre | INNATE: Blue |
 | This fakey French swordsman can be found in the smithy's sideroom. Talk   |
 | to him to hear him bemoan his lost medal. Go outside and speak w/ the kid |
 | who's running around in circles; he'll give over the [HERO'S MEDAL]. Show |
 | it to Pierre and bug him one more time to get an invite for his company.  |

 Pierre may be a weakling, but you'll have to make do since he has to be in 
 the main party to proceed. His Hero's Medal boosts his evasion by 24%, so he
 may not be merely a meat shield. To enter Viper Manor, simply stroll in there
 from the world map! It's no wonder this one's the shortest route.

 STOCK UP ON HEALING ITEMS AND ANTIDOTES, because once you enter the gates,
 it's impossible to leave. There's no free healing inside, so don't say I
 didn't warn ya.

 Approach the gate guards and pick your decision ("Think up a plan" is the
 funniest). Defeat the two Acacia PVTs and face the SGTs! For some reason,
 they're set up as an actual boss fight. Well, gotta make do with what's doled
 | BOSS: Acacia SGT | INNATE: Yellow | HP: 84 | @Copper, Meteorite           |
 | ELEMENTS: ---                                                             |
 | TO STEAL: Bronze Helmet / Capsule                                         |
 | SPECIALS: AcaciaBlade (Yellow-innate attack on one target)                |
 | PATTERNS: Attack ×?? -> AcaciaBlade (when one left)                       |

  There are two of 'em, but they're not much more than PVTs with some stock
  options and lame armor. Acacia Blade hurts if the field effect's a nice,
  pure yellow, but not that much. I've noticed that they only seem to use it
  when on SGT is downed, so if you weaken 'em both at once, it's magnifique.
  Try to steal a Bronze Helmet! Winning nets one the 4th level-up star.

 The bad thing about this level-up is that you can't retreat to get those
 extra stat gains. Oh, well...sacrifices have to be made... Head north to
 find our favorite bumbling buffoons...
 | BOSS: Solt    | INNATE: Yellow | HP: 150 | @Copper, @Copper               |
 | BOSS: Peppor  | INNATE: Yellow | HP: 180 | Brace, Magic Ring              |
 | BOSS: Ketchop | INNATE: Yellow | HP: 260 | Silver Earring (100%)          |
 | ELEMENTS: LoRes, Strengthen, FirePillar, ElectroJolt, ElectroBolt         |
 | TO STEAL: (Solt   ) = Bronze Vest / Dancing Shoes                         |
 |           (Peppor ) = Plaster Cap / Power Glove                           |
 |           (Ketchop) = Tablet / Power Glove                                |
 |         : Pepporbox (Red-innate attack on single target; used by Peppor)  |
 | SPECIALS: (Ketchop) FlameKnock - red-innate attack on target, Solt/Peppor |
 | PATTERNS: (Solt   ) Revive/CurePlus -> Attack to LoRes/ElectroJolt to     |
 |                     (ElectroBolt) (×??)                                   |
 |           (Solt   ) LoRes [if Peppor attacked by Serge; Lv2 atks cumultiv?]
 |           (Peppor ) Attack to Strengthen/FirePillar/Pepporbox (×??)       |
 |           (Peppor ) Strengthen [if Solt attacked by Serge; Lv2+ atk cmltv?]
 |           (Ketchop) Attack ×?? -> (ElectroJolt) -> Attack ×??             |
 |       [2] (Ketchop) FlameKnock -> Attack ×??                              |

  Wow, what a fun fight. Ketchop will OHKO Serge for about 400dmg and Solt'll
  use a Revive element on him to display their fierceness...? Huh? Well, this
  doesn't matter -- immediately heal Serge. When Solt/Peppor is put into
  critical condition, Ketchop uses FlameKnock to KO both of them, so if you
  keep your HP high until then, Ketchop's the only dunce that has to be sent
  packing. Use Pilfer if Kid's with before that time, if you wanna steal any
  of their good items. Luckily, tomato-boy is extremly dumb and snail-paced,
  meaning one can get in about five attacks to his one. Not much more to do
  'sides shoving a swallow into its ugly mug. FlameKnock, even though it's
  only used once, can still kill a target if the field effect has any red,
  so shove some blue in there and defend if possible. PS - FlameKnock seems
  to hit whatever target gets LoRes'd by Solt.  500G received for the
  win. (NOTE - If Ketchop doesn't kill someone that first turn, Solt will use
  CurePlus instead of Revive). The 5th level-up star comes at this time, too.

 Get the [TURNYELLOW] element behind the gate before heading into the mansion
 proper. This ends the incredibly fun/crappy adventures with Pierre, I hope.
 Go to [D-11] to get a move on.

GUILE'S ROUTE (Viper Bluffs)         "Where lies the key to the past..." [D-10]
¯| ITEMS / ELEMENTS ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| ENEMIES ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯
 |                                           |                               |
 | • PhotonRay           • Heal              | • Gobledygook                 |
 | • Meteorite           • Tablet            | • Loch Nest                   |
 | • Freefall Trap                           |_______________________________|

 Remember Korcha? He's the demi-human kid who talks like thisCHA, and can be
 seen at the bridge east of the element shop. After talking to him, he'll go
 down by the shrines. You can see a scene with Glenn and Riddel here (give'm
 the Bellflower you got at Fossil Valley, if you have it), and as they leave,
 follow the path they took to find Korcha. He'll say he can take the party to
 the bluffs but a guide is needed first. If not Pierre / Nikki, then whom?
 Well, well...                            ___________________ _______________
                                         | INVITATION: Guile | INNATE: Black |
 | Guile is full of guile, and is in fact a magician by trade. He's located  |
 | at the Termina Bar, and joins up without any fancy tricks or hitches. Get |
 | him in the party and visit Korcha back at the shrines, pay the 100 G fee, |
 | and you'll be ready to go to the bluffs. He's pretty good but his element |
 | grid blows, as it's inverted (starts out bad, gets better later). Don't   |
 | expect him to function as great backup early on, folks.                   |

 This is the route I recommend going, not only because you get a character who
 doesn't suck completely, but because you can level up inbetween getting the
 stars (unlike that dingaling Pierre's shenanigans). It's just a shame Guile's
 element grid is a PIECE OF CRAP! Don't expect him to pull you out of too many
 jams. Note that once you use him as a guide to the bluffs, you can return and
 switch him out for someone else. I prefer a Serge/Kid/Poshul party, m'self...


 Korcha will take everyone to the bluffs automatically, and we can begin the
 uphill climb. Note that the map's perspective is purely 2-D to fit the field

 As soon as you start, an Acacia knight will start dropping boulders down the
 cliffside; should the party leader be hit by one, that's -10 HP right there!
 They can also knock you off ladders a smidge, but that won't matter much.
                _               ___    | | <- EXIT
               / \             |  5|   | |
              /   \            | |¯    | |    
             /     \           | |  ___| |    _
            /_/| |\_\          | | |  ___|   | |   TIP: Wait directly below
               | |             | | | |  _    | |   a waterjet (safe spot) 
               |_|             | | | |_| |___| |   so you can climb ASAP as
               U P             | | |   | |< <  |   it's flow decreases.
           (Not North)         | |  ¯¯¯| |¯¯¯| |
                               | |   __| |___| |
                               | |__|< | |< <  |
                               |     ¯¯  |¯¯¯| |   TIP: Bring Antidotes or
                                ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| |   | |   win Antitoxinal Caps (a
                                ___    |  ¯¯¯  |   rare Gobledygook drop)
                               |  4|   | |¯¯¯¯¯    because poison'll be one
                               | |¯    | |   |¯|   annoyance climbing up
   [LEGEND]                    | |_____| |___| |   here, along with rocks
                               |_________   ___|   that decrease everyone's
     1 - PhotonRay              ___      | |       HP by 10! Prepare, dude!
     2 - Heal                  |  2|  ___| |
     3 - Tablet                | |¯  |  ___|
     4 - Meteorite             | |   | | [3]
     5 - FreeFall [T]          | |___| |_______
                               |     | | < <   |
                                ¯¯¯¯¯| |¯¯¯¯¯| |
                                [1]  | |     | |
                                   __| |_____| |

 As you start by Korcha's boat, head east across the stepping stones (easy to
 miss if you aren't looking) and climb up into the next screen. Go west along
 the cliff and try to climb up. There's a waterjet there that can knock Serge
 and co. back into the previous screen near a [PHOTONRAY] chest. Climb down,
 repeat the steps, and get back to that waterjet. Time your climb correctly to
 evade it to find a [HEAL] atop the ladder. [Dreamistt writes that, apparently,
 one can steal an entire Copper Swallow from the Gobledygook appearing near
 here -- could be useful.] Use the waterjet to reset Serge's position to the
 rock bottom again, and take the regular ladder by the dock.

 Follow up to a waterjet and use it to get the [TABLET] on a small ledge right
 below. Up past it, where a lone Gobledygook flies, there are three paths. The
 leftmost leads to a [METEORITE] element chest while the rightmost's a dead-end
 path. Take the middle! Once in the new screen, continue straight up and take
 the first left to a VERY long ladder (watch for rocks!) that leads to your
 first [FREEFALL TRAP] element. Descend back to the current screen's bottom,
 taking the righthand ladder. This leads up to the top, eventually, where the
 stone-thrower will do battle...to the death!
 | BOSS: Acacia PVT | INNATE: Yellow | HP:  70 | Tablet, PhotonRay           |
 | ELEMENTS: ---                                                             |
 | TO STEAL: Ivory Helmet / Capsule                                          |
 | SPECIALS: StormBlow (yellow-innate atk on one ally)                       |
 | PATTERNS: Attack ×?? to StormBlow (×??)                                   |

  This is nearly the same skirmish that can be fought on the Pierre path, so
  it follows the same strategy (as if mindless violence didn't work well). A
  little boost of HP is all these two have, although unlike most enemies 'til
  now, they'll attack multiple times on their turns. They still suck, don't
  get me wrong, but can pick off characters who've been damaged beforehand by
  the rocks and/or Poison. Don't drop your guard for StormBlow! The real ones
  to fight are comin' right up. 320G received for winning + 4th level-up star

 Immediately after, in fact! A gigantic eagle-person flies in afterwards and
 blocks progression into the mansion. Since that is also a boss, it's highly
 recommended you go and fight battles with your other characters to get those
 level-up bonuses. Yeah, I talk about them a lot -- they seriously add up,
 though! Get out your shotguns when ready, 'cause it's open season on these
 that will help you out, including antidotes).
 | BOSS: KingMoaman | INNATE: Black | HP: 245 | GravityBlow, Power Glove     |
 | BOSS: RedMoaman  | INNATE: Red   | HP: 145 | @Feather, FirePillar         |
 | BOSS: BlueMoaman | INNATE: Blue  | HP: 145 | @Feather, IceBlast           |
 | ELEMENTS: Nimble, Strengthen, IceLance, MagmaBomb, Gravitonne             |
 | TO STEAL: (KingMoaman) = @Copper, Feathery Dress                          |
 |         : (RedMoaman ) = MagmaBomb                                        |
 |         : (BlueMoaman) = IceLance                                         |
 | SPECIALS: (KingMoaman) TwinTurbo (black-type atk on one ally)             |
 |           (BlueMoaman) IceSword (blue-innate atk on one ally + Frozen)    |
 |           (RedMoaman ) FlameSword (red-innate atk on one ally + Burn)     |
 | PATTERNS: (KingMoaman) Attack ×2 -> TwinTurbo ×??                         |
 |       [2] (KingMoaman) Attack ×??                                         |
 |       [3] (KingMoaman) Gravitonne ×??                                     |
 |           (BlueMoaman) Nimble -> IceSword -> Attack ×1-2 to IceLance (×??)|
 |           (RedMoaman ) Strengthen -> FlameSword -> Attack ×2 -> MagmaBomb |
 |                        -> Attack ×5 to MagmaBomb (×??)                    |

 The Red and Blue Moaman enemies are basically present to stat-buff their king,
 so we'll want to take them out as soon as possible. They also have techniques
 that match their element, and use them in annoying fashion. They can inflict
 burn/freeze on occasion, making them even more annoying. Can they get more
 annoying than that? Why yes -- if both are alive, King Moaman can use his own
 special technique TwinTurbo to deal heavy damage to one target. He'll use it
 as much as possible, so take out one of the lackeys to stop it. Dash&Slash +
 Meteorite will help destroy the king easier, but even better is if Serge has
 upgraded to a Steel Swallow (see: Profiteer Purse trick) which will dig into
 it like Thanksgiving dinner. When both lackeys are dead, the King starts to
 use a bunch of Gravitonnes, so hurry it up to make sure everyone survives
 intact! The 5th level-up star's received for winning.

 Everyone waits 'til nightfall to invade the manor. Bottoms up!

08) Viper Manor [Another World]      "Where lies the key to the past..." [D-11]
¯| ITEMS / ELEMENTS ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| ENEMIES ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯
 |                                           |                               |
 | • TurnBlue            • Manor Key         | • Acacia PVT                  |
 | • Ointment (x5)       • TurnYellow        | • Acacia SGT                  |
 | • Dragoon's Honor     • TurnGreen         | • Li'l Boxer                  |
 | • Revive              • 100G              | • Big Boxer                   |
 | • AeroSaucer          • Hero's Shield     | • WillO'Wisp                  |
 | • Bronze Shield       • Bronze Mail       | • Portalgheist                |
 | • 100G                • IceLance          | • Roborg                      |
 | • Silver Pendant      • TurnBlack         | • Man-Of-War                  |
 | • 100G                • IceLance          | • Potty [x1]                  |
 | • Decor Shield        • Bronze Helmet     | • Gobledygook                 |
 | • Dragoon Gauntlet    • TurnWhite         |_______________________________|
 | • TurnRed                                 |

 Whichever guide the player chose -- Nikki, Pierre, Guile -- all will begin at
 this general location albeit at different places. Here's the layout of the
 manor environs, with the walkthrough starting from the last potential guide's
 route (Guile):
                                  ENTRANCE          SAVE  .----------------.
                               ____    |    _______/      |    [LEGEND]    |
   PIERRE TEAM START          |3   |  /    |      2|      |                |
               ____\__________|    |_/     |      _|      | 1 - TurnBlue   |
              |         4           _|     |_   _|        | 2 - Manor Key  |
               ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|    |       |     |        | 3 - Ointment   |
                              |    |       |     |_       | 4 - TurnYellow |
                              |    |_______|     |1|      '----------------'
              NIKKI TEAM START -'                  '--GUILE TEAM START

 After climbing up the cliffs, get the [TURNBLUE] element on the shaded cliff
 building. There will be spotlights out to catch predators, but it's only a
 short walk north to the barn. This one is used to house the Acacia Dragoons'
 famous dragons. Talk to the handler around here and pose as the new trainers;
 he'll talk about feeding the dragons. Serge will be placed in front of the
 stables and have to feed hay bales to the dragons (with x-button) by moving
 in front of 'em. He can only carry three at a time before he has to go back
 and get more, and the dragons will gradually get angry to the point where
 they won't eat.                                   __________________________
                                                  | MINIGAME: Dragon Feedin' |
 | The object of this game is to feed the dragons and satisfy their hunger.  |
 | Serge can try to feed 10/20/30/40/100 at a time, and gets a prize based   |
 | on his performance. The minimum (10) is all one needs to proceed with the |
 | story, since it allows our hero to get the [MANOR KEY] in the NE cabinet. |
 | Serge can try these 'missions' as many times as he wants for the prizes!  |
 |                                                                           |
 |  10 TIMES = Knee Pad (accessory; DEF +1)    <--- Sucks a lot, but get it  |
 |  20 TIMES = Bronze Helmet (helm; DEF +2)    <--- Decent equipment to get  |
 |  30 TIMES = Bronze Mail  (armor; DEF +2)    <--- Decent equipment upgrade |
 |  40 TIMES = RecoverAll (element; heal all)  <--- Don't leave here w/o it  |
 | 100 TIMES = Iron Vest  (armor; DEF +5;MDEF +4) - Great if y'can get it!   |

 After claiming the [MANOR KEY], exit back into the moonlight. I recommend 
 fighting around here for awhile, since the SGTs can drop Meteorite elements
 that'll do y'one better than those PhotonRays. Head to the mansion's other
 side to find its entrance guarded. To the east is the gate where one enters
 with Pierre's team; get the [TURNYELLOW] element in the half-hidden chest
 behind the front gate (may not be able to see well in the darkness). Enter
 the mansion proper by defeating the SGTs guarding the door. The Manor Key'll
 open that thing right up. New map approaching!

 NOTE: You will not be able to change party members once you fall through the

    |   5 - Dragoon's Honor                    14 - IceLance          |
    |   6 - TurnGreen                          15 - Silver Pendant    |
    |   7 - Revive                             16 - TurnBlack         |
    |   8 - 100G                               17 - 100G              |
    |   9 - AeroSaucer                         18 - IceLance          |
    |  10 - Hero's Shield                      19 - Decor Shield      |
    |  11 - Bronze Sword                       20 - Bronze Helmet     |
    |  12 - Bronze Mail                        21 - Dragoon Gauntlet  |
    |  13 - 100G                               22 - TurnWhite         |
    |                                          23 - TurnRed           |
                          Locked   |LYNX |
                               \_  |_ _ _|      ____
                               | |___| |_______|    |
                               |_____   _______     |
                                     |_|       |____|
                                  ___| |_
                 _______         |       |
                /  22   \________|_     _|__
                | MARCY  ____________   ____|
                \_______/            | | 
         _____                       | |         KARSH      ZOAH
        |  17 |                      | |         _____     _____
        |16 18|      Locked          |_|        | 21  |   |     |
        |_   _|    _/              __| |__      |_   _|   |_   _|
        __| |_____| |_____________| SNAKE |_______| |_______| |_____
     .-|__________________________ STATUE  _________________________|--.
     |                            |__   __|                            |
     |                               | |                               |
     |                               |_| <-ENTER                       |
     |                                                                 |
     |  BARRACKS DINING HALL   --- BASEMENT ---   23      LAB          |
     |  ________ ___________                      __\___ _____ _____   |
     | |  7 SAVE|  6       5|  TREASURE VAULT -> |10 11 |NEO-N|   19|  |
     | |____   _|_   ___   _|                    |13  12|BULBS|   20|  |
     |     _| |___| |___| |_     _____________   |14  15|_   _|_   _|  |
     |   _|                 |_ _|             |_  ¯| |¯¯  | |___| |_   |
     '--|_                   _|_               _|¯¯   ¯¯¯¯          |--'
          |_________________|   |______   ____|__¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
                                       |______|_ |_
                                              | 8 9| <- JAIL AREA
 In the foyer, inspect the coiled-snake statue and input a random rotation #
 to fall through the floor (it's randomized each time you play) into the lower
 basement floor (B1). After falling into a collection cage, some soldiers pick
 a fight with the allies after Kid taunts 'em or Serge bangs on the door a bit
 (reminiscent of CTrigger much?). Achieve victory in battle to snag their lame
 knight outfits...except Poshul whose roly-poly frame can't fit.

 Head downstairs into the jail area and inspect the treasure chest. It'll be
 a monster duo, actually -- attack the right one and win a prize; attack the
 wrong one and prepare to fight. Actually it doesn't matter since you can run
 from battle and start the whole process over. Win [100G] and an [AEROSAUCER]
 (not sure if that's always received) for the correct pick. [NOTE: Some people
 have said they've won different elements here, so it may be random.] Go back
 to the cage y'all fell in and enter the left hallway.

 Word of advice: don't walk on the red carpet unless you want to fight patrol
 enemies that drop down from the ceiling. It's a waste of time; don't bother
 with 'em if you don't need to. Head into the dining hall and talk to Glenn
 (or eavesdrop on his convo) to hear something about...a password combination?
 Glenn leaves for the barracks afterwards. Get the [DRAGOON'S HONOR] chest in
 the corner, and a [TURNGREEN] element in the cabinet near Orcha; then, follow
 Glenn out.                                           _______________________
                                                     | OPTIONAL: Guile's Bet |
 | In case you haven't been paying much attention to Guile's plight, he and  |
 | Termina's fortune-teller have a bet that he can't claim an item from the  |
 | manse's dining room. That item, of course, is a Dragoon's Honor (not the  |
 | Revive element, if you've heard that) -- simply pick it up, get a reward  |
 | later on.                                                                 |

 He'll go to the barracks, and if you're fast enough, you'll catch him writing
 the foyer's password on the wall next to his bed; if you're slow, he'll just
 be standing there and the player won't get the vital clue (the writing will
 still be done, though). The password is # right, # left -- it's randomized in
 every playthrough. Remember this because you'll have to do the input later.
 Get the incredible [REVIVE] element in the barracks before exiting. For now,
 head upstairs through the 'case near the quarters.

 One door up here leads to chestwith a [TURNBLACK] element in it and another
 'boxer' duo. It's possible to earn a [100G] and an [ICELANCE] element. The
 corridor is blocked by a roborg here, though; exit downstairs and head east
 to the opposite basement section.

 There will be two guards and a Roborg here. Talk to the guards twice to be
 asked for a password. When the options come up, don't pick any -- eventually
 'silence' will be revealed as the password. Enter the vault to find Kid (if
 she's not with you) and some goodies on pedestals: [BRONZE SWORD], a suit of
 [BRONZE MAIL], and the key item [HERO'S SHIELD]. The latter can be used only
 with Pierre, if that wuss is along. Also, inspect that little chest to fight
 for your treasure -- [100G] and an [ICELANCE] element -- with the Big Boxer
 and Li'l Boxer. Remember that one can flee battle to have a clean slate at
 guessing which it is. If you inspect a vase here, you'll find it's actuallly
 a monster called 'Potty'. Defeat it for a [TURNRED] element. When you take
 the [SILVER PENDANT] hanging on the wall, the party is sent into Luccia's
 lab. A boss fresh from the operating table is served up!
 | BOSS: Neo-N-Bulb | INNATE: Green | HP: 160 | AeroSaucer, EagleEye         |
 | ELEMENTS: Bushwhacker, Bushbasher                                         |
 | TO STEAL: @Seed / Heal                                                    |
 | SPECIALS: ---                                                             |
 | PATTERNS: Attack -> Bushwhacker/Bushbasher (×??)                          |

  Two of these guys to turn into mulch. Poshul'll rock many casbahs here, if
  she's with. Regardless, attacks like ElectroJolt are the way to go here.
  Simply pound 'em with elements and use RecoverAll when the damage gets sent
  around enough. Bushbasher can inflict poison status as well, and when one
  bulb's dead, green elements really start to fly. If you got TurnBlack, use
  that to inflict extra damage with Serge's swallow. 400G and the 6th lvl-up
  star awarded for winning.

 Afterwards, talk to the caged monster in the room's corner (Pip) and unlock
 it for him. He can't be recruited now, but at a later date, if you perform
 this small favor for him. Luccia also says she's willing to help if Serge's
 team needs it...just not right now. Enter into the hallway and bust up that
 roborg if you want to get back to the barracks' save point. Anyway, next door
 to the lab is a storage room -- enter by sneaking past the portalgheist when
 its eye's closed. Inside, get the [DECOR SHIELD] and stick it on the armor
 set that's missing one. This'll let you fight some Man-O-War (x5) enemies if
 y'want, but more importantly, they drop Capsules one can use to heal (since
 there isn't one in the manor). There's a [BRONZE HELMET] in here, too, but
 nothing else worth noting. Head upstairs via the hallway.

 The portalgheist-guarded room leads to Zoah's chambers, and the other leads
 to Karsh's -- and the only one that matters. Inspect the chest within twenty
 (20) times to finally exhaust Karsh's patience and get a [DRAGOON GAUNTLET]!
 The main lobby is now available once again, so input the password you learned
 from Glenn and head north.

 There will be a large hall with three exits, but only the left way's free for
 travel. Past the outdoor catwalk, enter the library tower and talk to a li'l
 girl. Some scenes with the prophet of time will play, and then it turns out,
 well, that li'l girl has some not-so-li'l abilities. Giddyup!
 | BOSS: Marcy  | INNATE: Blue | HP: 525 | IceBlast, @Iron                   |
 | ELEMENTS: IceBlast, IceLance, CurePlus                                    |
 | TO STEAL: Silver Loupe / Dancing Shoes                                    |
 | SPECIALS: Cat'sCradle (blue-innate dmg to one ally)                       |
 | PATTERNS: Attack ×??                                                      |
 |       [2] Cat'sCradle -> IceBlast + IceBlast -> Attack to IceLance (×??)  |
 |       [3] CurePlus -> Attack ×4-5 to IceLance (×??)                       |

  This battle can be a major annoyance if anyone's inflicted with Frozen, but
  there's always fleeing battle for that. The main thing is that Marcy won't
  use any elements until she's put in critical condition (slouching posture);
  it's at this time her attack strategy changes and she starts using ice-type
  attacks. However, it's easy to get a jump on her by painting the field red
  or white with elements before then, depending on who you want to buff. Any
  reader to this walkthrough knows I suggested dismantling that Profiteer
  Purse to get a Steel Swallow right off the bat, and that can do 70+ damage
  to her with fierce attacks. S'pose the only thing to watch out for here is
  that double whammy of IceBlast, which she uses twice in a row when her HP's
  reduced to about 50%. RecoverAll can undo the damage if Serge (who it's
  best on) isn't frozen. She won't use it (IceBlast) again after that anyway,
  so you can sneak in a bunch of Tablets to change the field effect faster.
  This helps reduce CurePlus' effect when her HP's in critical condition. A
  win nets the player 780G + 7th level-up star.

 Marcy leaves and the prophet divulges the way to get further in the mansion.
 Two screens back, in the large hall, there's a switch behind the lefthand
 side's second-from-last pillar. Get the [TURNWHITE] element on the third
 floor by using the bookshelf ladder-dropping switch. Return to the main hall,
 meet Harle, press the button, and destroy the SGT/PVTs that attack. Now the
 way upwards is completely clear.

 In the small hallway beyond, save the game and enter the door the blue carpet
 leads toward. After some searchin' around the office, inspect the glowing
 blue orb to view some scenes. Culminating in, of course, a DEATHMATCH!
 | BOSS: Lynx   | INNATE: Black  | HP: 820 | Pendragon Sigil C, Gravitonne   |
 | ELEMENTS: Imbecile, Gravitonne, AntiWhite, Imbecile, HellSoul             |
 | TO STEAL: Magic Ring, Power Glove                                         |
 | SPECIALS: ---                                                             |
 | PATTERNS: Attack ×?? to Gravitonne (×??)                                  |
 |           HellSoul (can be used when in critical condition)               |
 |           AntiWhite (used turn after being hit with white element)        |
 |           Imbecile (used turn after being hit with non-white element)     |

  To start, whoever has the RecoverAll or Revive should not use a white
  element on Lynx since he'll counter with AntiWhite on his next turn, making
  all white types unusuable for a while. Luckily, most of the time he just
  straight attacks, doing 'decent' damage to Serge but not-so-decent damage
  to everyone else. After incurring skill damage, he'll pick a target and use
  Imbecile, decreasing someone's MGC stat for awhile. When finally brought to
  critical condition, he will use HellSoul to try and OHKO people. In a way,
  Lynx's movements are controlled by the player, in that he doesn't /counter/
  elements, but wastes his next turn with his retaliation. 500G won for a
  clean-cut victory + 8th level-up star.

 Watch the scenes and it's off to Guldove... Save when the menu opens, if you
 want to. There's a big path split coming up, the second of two...be prepared!

 NOTE: Remove Kid's elements, etc. because you won't get them back for awhile!

09) Guldove [Another World]              "Where ripples become waves..." [D-12]
¯| ITEMS / ELEMENTS ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| CHARACTERS TO INVITE ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯
 |                                           |                               |
 | • Astral Amulet       • Pelvic Bone       | There ain't any!              |
 | • Feathery Dress      • Green Tinkler     |_______________________________|
 | • Tropical Paradise Frame                 |
                                        /    \<-4 (Behind Macha's House)
                                       (      ) <-5 ('Leave Kid' Path Only)
                    ELEMENT SHOP [SH04] \_  _/
                               \_____    / /
                  _____        |     \  / /
       SHAMAN -> | SAVE|       |_   _/_/ / 
                 |_   _|_________| |_/ _/ 
 [LEGEND]          | |_/  ____   _____/
                   |_____/    | |_____         ________
                              | |BAR 3|       |CLINIC 1|
  1 - Astral Amulet           | |_   _|       |_   ____|
  2 - Pelvic Bone             | |_| |_ _________| |____
  3 - Green Tinkler           |      _|___        2    |
  4 - Feathery Dress          |_____|     |____________| DOCK/EXIT
  5 - Tropical Paradise Frame             /
                                        SHOP [SH04]

 When Serge awakens, check outside to find the allies talking with Korcha.
 Kid ends up falling ill, though... After checking into the town clinic, she
 gives our protagonist her [ASTRAL AMULET] to hold on to. Now, this is where
 the path splits. Serge can choose to look for a way to save Kid, or give in
 to the situation's futility. The choice changes some of the characters that
 can be recruited. When Korcha asks what Serge is going to do, "...I don't
 know" and "...There's nothing we can do" go towards leaving her and "Find a
 way to save her" goes toward the hunt for Hydra Humour. I'll break down the
 characters specific to the paths:

 OPTION #1: Korcha, Mel, Razzly
  Korcha isn't terribly awesome, but Mel has a double-tech with Kid if she's
  recruited. Razzly is very decent, though...her last tech RazFlower is just
  pretty difficult to get. Two outta three ain't bad. People with a conscience
  will choose this path. >=p

  Saving Kid is probably the easier route, as one obtains the Astral Amulet
  earlier and can steal Moonglasses from an upcoming optional boss (rather
  than her dropping them).

 OPTION #2: Doc, Macha, Glenn
  Most people choose this path because of the last character, Glenn. Not only
  is he one of the most powerful people in the game, but he has a double-tech
  with Serge called X-Strike (like in Chrono Trigger). The other two probably
  won't be used, but man, Glenn's a catch if you pick this path. Definitely
  worthwhile to go this path, more so than the other if you don't have any
  pangs of guilt for not saving Kid. Also, since you're not required to go to
  Hydra Marshes yet, y'can wait until the 16th star and get trap Tornadoes
  from the Wingapede boss (thanks to Guillaume Audet for this tip.) YOU CAN

  Choosing this path means that Kid won't join the party until very late in
  the game. She's not missable per se -- unless one purposely doesn't try to
  invite her or do any sidequests pertaining to it) -- but it's an awful long
  time to wait nonetheless.

 Before going on with the path-splitting, I'll give the items that're able to
 be found on either path:

 • [PELVIC BONE] - Obtain from the element trader standing by the town dock
   by choosing 'Trade'. When you quit talking to her, she'll want you to
   dispose of the weird bone she has. Accept to get the dang thing.

 • [GREEN TINKLER] - After talking with the shaman, go inside the bar and talk
   with the drunken dwarf twice. He'll hand it over. Apparently, this thing'll
   control some plants at the Hydra Marshes in order to get further into the

 • [FEATHERY DRESS] - Check behind Macha's house to find a 'secret' entrance
   that leads to a storage room. This is done by going around the blindspot
   on the midlevel walkway (tower is three stories tall). Stealing Mel's stuff
   ain't nice...

 The walkthrough for this section splits slightly on proceeding with the story
 so read the column according to your choice.

PATH A (RIDIN' TO KID'S RESCUE)        | PATH B (NOT SAVING KID)              |
                                       |                                      |
After choosing to help Kid recover, a  | Korcha takes the Astral Amulet back  |
doctor suggests consulting the village | to the nightstand if Serge decides   |
shaman to give suggestions on what the | on doing nothing. Select the party   |
party should do. The shaman's tower is | ranks and talk to Korcha in the west |
past the bar and up the ladder, to the | residential tower; ask for his boat  |
left. Talk with Shaman Direa & Steena, | to see some...fun dialogue with him  |
and learn of a possibility to find the | and his ma. Macha'll borrow Korcha's |
hydra humour in the world Serge's from | boat to ferry everyone back to the   |
originally. A dimensional distortion's | main island. She recommends talking  |
needed to send him back, though...ring | with the village shaman, too, before |
a bell, 'Angelus Errare'? Search town  | giving a [TROPICAL PARADISE FRAME]   |
for items listed above and Korcha will | to the party. After talking with the |
escort everyone outta town at the dock | shaman, head for the docks and hitch |
area.                                  | a ride outta this ramshackle town... |

 Whichever path is taken, the next stop is Termina. Whee-hoo!

10) Termina [Another World]                                              [D-13]
¯| ITEMS / ELEMENTS ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| CHARACTERS TO INVITE ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯
 |                                           |                               |
 | • Brass Rod                               | • Greco                       |
 |___________________________________________| • Luccia                      |
                                             | • Korcha     [Save Kid Route] |
                                             | • Macha     [Leave Kid Route] |
                                             | • Glenn     [Leave Kid Route] |

 Even though there's not much storyline stuff to do here, here's a crapload
 of characters to get, since this is the first town past the path split. To
 continue, head towards the town entrance and see the scene with Glenn; then
 return to whoever ferried y'into town.  ____________________ _______________
                                        | INVITATION: Korcha | INNATE: Blue  |
                                        | INVITATION: Greco  | INNATE: Red   |
                                        | INVITATION: Macha  | INNATE: Red   |
                                        | INVITATION: Glenn  | INNATE: Green |
 | For the 'Help Kid' route, Korcha joins up after dropping anchor in port.  |
 | On the 'Leave Kid' route, Macha'll can be invited after giving Korcha's   |
 | boat to Serge. To get Glenn, watch his scene at the town entrance, return |
 | to Macha and talk to her; he'll approach and the option to join comes up. |
 | Greco is the only one who can join no matter what route's been taken. By  |
 | the shrines, see what's going on about his son Ghetz, and he'll can join  |
 | if you talk to him inside his house. That's all!                          |

 Besides getting some new characters, there ain't much to do. If Guile was the
 guide to the manner, talk to the fortune-teller and get the [BRASS ROD] for
 winning the bet...if you got the Dragoon's Honor in the mess hall, that is.
 All shops have remained the same, however. 

PATH A (RIDIN' TO KID'S RESCUE)        | PATH B (NOT SAVING KID)              |
Simply exit to Opassa Beach and select | After getting the boat and inviting  |
the Astral Amulet to be used. This'll  | Glenn into the party, he suggests a  |
act as a warp point and transport all  | trip to an island in the northeast.  |
to the 'Home World' where Serge's from | Radius lives there now and may give  |
originally. Since we're needing humour | some information that could be of    |
from a hydra, head to the marshes past | use. Skip to the [OP04] section on   |
Arni Village.                          | Hermit's Hideaway.                   |
                                             | OPTIONAL: Arni Rainbow Shell |
 | With the Astral Amulet obtained, talk to the Arni [HW] waitress and hear |
 | her poetry; then, talk to her [AW] counterpart to learn she gave up on   |
 | such silliness. A repeat visit to the [HW] version will earn Serge a     |
 | [BOOK OF POEMS] -- when shown to the [AW] waitress, a [@RAINBOWSHELL] is |
 | obtained. This is easily missable.                                       |

 You can still visit Viper Manor, which has been mostly abandoned since the
 break-in. In the basement jail area, search a bucket for the [PARLOR KEY].
 This allows you to open the locked door on the ground floor to get a [DAEMON
 CHARM] accessory.                       ____________________ _______________
                                        | INVITATION: Luccia | INNATE: Black |
 | This brainy beauty's up on the rooftop terrace, and departs back towards  |
 | the basement lab once you've spoken with her. Ask her to join downstairs, |
 | and she'll comply. She even comes with Bronze Shot/Mail!                  |

 Remember to loot that rooftop terrace for a [SIGHT SCOPE] accessory, too!
 And just for the heck of it, you can find a secret entrance in the library
 tower. Search behind the desk to find a downward ladder. There's a BeachBum
 that hands over the [PORRE'S FURNACE FRAME], and can change party members'
 names after that. A throwback to the Nus of yore? Hmm. There is also a single
 [SILVER EARRING] on the desk in Luccia's Lab.

 REMINDER: All areas on El Nido can be explored now, so if you haven't been to
           the bluffs/Shadow Forest yet, do so now.

PATH A: Hydra Marshes [Home World]                                       [D-14]
¯| ITEMS / ELEMENTS ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| ENEMIES ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯
 |                                           |                               |
 | • @Feather            • @Bone             | • Swarmp Bug                  |
 | • Brace               • Beeba Flute       | • Potpourri                   |
 | • Bushbasher          • Cure              | • Beeba                       |
 | • RecoverAll          • AeroSaucer        | • DaggyDwarf                  |
 | • Ointment            • Medicine          | • Quadffid                    |
 | • Hydra Humour                            | • DaffyDwarf                  |

 Talk to the guy at the entrance to be permitted through. He drops a hint that
 there are poisonous monsters around, so equipping Antitoxinal Caps (dropped
 by Gobledygook enemies at Viper Bluffs) or having lots of Antidotes is a good
 idea. This is also handy for a boss who specializes in poisoning your allies.

                 _  (     )                   RAZZLY'S HOLDING AREA
                |5|  \   /           [SAVE]  ______
               _|_|___) /    _________/ ____/ HYDRA| <-12        [LEGEND]
              |_____   /    |      __ \/  11|/¯¯¯¯¯
    SAVE        |^|_| (     |  ___|  \  (¯¯¯      _____    1 - @Feather
        \_______|  ___|___  | |___    \ 9¯¯\___  |     |   2 - @Bone
        |   ______||RAZZLY\ \___8 |    \_____  | |     |   3 - Brace
        |  |       | 7    /\____| |__        | |_|     |   4 - Beeba Flute
 BOSS ->|4 |        ¯¯¯¯¯¯\__6      _/ <---> |  _______|   5 - Bushbasher
        |  |______________   \_   _/         | |________   6 - Cure
        |              3  |  __| |__________/         10|  7 - RecoverAll
         ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| |_|      2         /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯   8 - AeroSaucer
                        |___  |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\             9 - Antidote
                            | |____________   ONE-WAY     10 - Ointment
                            |___   ______  |   SLOPE!     11 - Medicine
                                | | _____| |              12 - Hydra Humour
                          START-|_||1      |
 Get the [@FEATHER] off to the right dead-end area and arc clockwise towards
 the two exits. A strange apparition of a fairy will continue west before 
 vanishing. Get the [@BONE] before deciding your path. If you got the Green
 Tinkler item from the dwarf in Another World Guldove, you can proceed north
 and bypass some shenanigans to the west. You won't be able to get a new ally
 though...your decision. The walkthrough'll go the spectre's way first. After
 sighting a large bug and getting a [BRACE] nearby, head further in to find a
 pesky monster that doesn't want you in its territory too badly.
 | BOSS: Beeba  | INNATE: Yellow | HP: 280 | @Fur, Upheaval                  |
 | ELEMENTS: ---                                                             |
 | TO STEAL: Tablet, @Copper                                                 |
 | SPECIALS: ---                                                             |
 | PATTERNS: Attack ×??                                                      |

  This may seem like a goofy battle, but it can quickly become an annoyance as
  'Beeba A' will continuously call allies into battle (on its turn) until four
  more Beebas are with (max). The enemies use no elements and simply attack a
  few times a turn on occasion, so dominating the field effect is a cakewalk.
  If Serge has a Steel Swallow, the battle is expedited a bit. For those who
  have trouble, try packing one character (Leena/Greco) with healing items of
  their element and simply using them as the 'white mage' of the group. Serge
  can use RecoverAll if he needs to, also. Don't forget how useful defending
  can be! 640G awarded for killing five Beebas, but no star is awarded for
  this demi-boss fight.

 The trounced Beeba forks over a [BEEBA FLUTE] chest behind, saying it should
 be used in a wide-open space to call a Wingapede. Sounds kinda fishy, but
 meh... Save the game and continue along the road. You can fight another Beeba
 for a [BUSHBASHER]...just know it's the same as the last fight, pretty much.
 In the dead-end screen past there, blow the flute to summon a 'boss' of some
 | BOSS: Wingapede | INNATE: Green | HP: 430 | AeroSaucer, @Leather          |
 | ELEMENTS: AeroSaucer, AeroBlaster, Tornado                                |
 | TO STEAL: ---                                                             |
 | SPECIALS: AcidicGas (Green-innate attack on allies + Poison status)       |
 |           PoisonGas (Green-innate; tries to inflict 'Poison' on allies)   |
 | PATTERNS: AcidicGas -> Attack -> AeroSaucer -> AcidicGas to Attack to     |
 |           Aeroblaster (×??)                                               |
 |       [2] PoisonGas to Attack ×2 to PoisonGas to Attack to Tornado (×??)  |

  If you equipped Antitoxinal Caps on everyone as a precautionary measure, it
  makes this battle twenty times less trying...PoisonGas will also miss every
  time its cast. This battle isn't so hard for the most part but Wingapede's
  fast, no doubt about it. Unleash the most powerful attacks you have at the
  moment (IceBlast, FirePillar, etc.) and try to defeat it in doubletime. The
  reason for the fast killing is that it can use Tornado when in in critical
  condition, on its sixth turn. It will be slumping in midair so one knows
  it's near death. Take it out fast to prevent any unnecessary mishaps, since
  Tornado can do 100+ with minimal field effect boosting. Hopefully you have
  the RecoverAll from the Viper Manor dragon-feeding game, 'cause it's made
  for this battle. AeroBlaster's the only other nuisance, doing 70+ to any
  yellow-innate character. 164G awarded for the victory, but no level-up star
  to show for it... (PS - Make sure you're prepared to fight because running
  away to train isn't possible...you can only access the menu and heal!!!).

 After defeating the Wingapede, it cracks the ground below it. Save and step
 on it, even after a party member warns you about its feeble state. Everyone
 plummets below, landing on a gigantic monster... Get the [RECOVERALL] behind
 the caged fairy before you do anything unwise. You can leave without fighting
 the boss, but if you talk to the fairy, you'll have to do battle before she's
 saved. C'est la vie!
 | BOSS: Pentapus  | INNATE: Blue  | HP: 600 | AquaBall, IceBlast            |
 | ELEMENTS: ---                                                             |
 | TO STEAL: ---                                                             |
 | SPECIALS: Whop (Blue-innate attack on one ally)                           |
 |           Hexahitter (Blue-innate attack on one ally)                     |
 | PATTERNS: Attack to Whop -> Attack ×4 to Whop (×??)                       |
 |           Hexahitter (offensive red element counter; used automatically)  |

  Like the Wingapede battle, once you start the fight, there's no goin' back
  as far as preparations are concerned. Its 'Whop' attack is pretty powerful
  and can do 70+ damage, but it gets into a flow where it only uses it every
  5th turn. This gives plenty of time to turn the field effect a different
  color than blue. BEWARE using red offensive elements -- it randomly picks
  an ally to be attacked with Hexahitter, which is more powerful than Whop.
  Using Tablets or something to change the field effect's perfectly alright,
  though. 606G awarded for winning, but still no level-up star! =(
                                         ____________________ _______________
                                        | INVITATION: Razzly | INNATE: Green |
 | After defeating Pentapus, simply open the fairy's cage. She'll introduce  |
 | herself as Razzly from Water Dragon Isle and join automatically. Razzly   |
 | has bronze equipment on her already, so she's readymade for the battles!  |

 Climb up the ladder to appear in a swamp screen, the one just north of the
 entrance. You can use the Green Tinkler to get back to the save point again,
 if you have it; otherwise it's the long way around for ya. Just don't jump
 down the pit again or everyone'll get Sprains! Continue north from the room
 that uses the Green Tinklers to get through to find two quadffids laying
 around. Try to defeat 'em and win some Bushbashers, since they'll be useful
 for the coming boss fights. Their rare drops're AeroBlasters, and are even
 better! There are only three quadffids in the forest, but re-entering the
 area will make them respawn.

 Past there, save. Notice the dwarves standing around nearby? Don't approach
 them yet, since they're the bosses of sorts. Get the [ANTIDOTE] on the lower
 path and exit that way. There'll be a little pond here with a Quadffid in it
 and a small tunnel in the east where a dwarf's wandering around. Get the
 [OINTMENT] chest hidden in there and head back to the dwarves I told you to
 avoid. You'll probably want Razzly for these ones 'cause (1) she rocks many
 casbahs (2) is a green-innate (3) uses AeroBlaster and RazStar to a great
 degree! She's, like, the kewlest? Yeah. If you want to farm AeroBlasters,
 you'll need to reload from a save to make 'em reappear.

 Anyway, approach the dawdling dwarves for battle!
 | Dwarf           | INNATE: Yellow | HP: 150 | Uplift, Bronze Mail          |
 | DaggyDwarf x 2  | INNATE: Yellow | HP: 100 | @Fur, Bronze Vest            |
 | DaffyDwarf x 3  | INNATE: Yellow | HP:  90 | Tablet, Bronze Vest          |
 | ELEMENTS: ElectroJolt, ElectroBolt                                        |
 | TO STEAL: ---                                                             |
 | SPECIALS: Hi-HoChorus (Yellow-innate attack on all allies)                |
 |           Hi-HoWarCry (Yellow-innate attack on one ally)                  |
 | PATTERNS: Hi-HoChorus to Attack/Hi-HoWarCry/ElectroJolt/ElectroBolt (×??) |

  This can actually be quite hard for any green-innate characters. Razzly is
  good here because she's powerful against yellow types, but also because her
  fierce (lv3) attacks can hit up to six dwarves; even if she misses, she'll
  still probably hit a few. Hi-HoChorus is the battle opener and really digs
  into Razzly, probably doing about 70+. Much worse, it's used quite a lot in
  the battle...but it one dwarf of all three types to use. Serge's Steel
  Swallow can take two out if he uses Dash&Slash, so it's a non-issue. The
  demi-version of the attack, Hi-HoWarCry, is basically the same attack but
  is used by one dwarf to hit one target. With two RecoverAlls, though, this
  battle's a little easier. Just be sure to take out one type of dwarf as
  quickly as possible ("Dwarf" is easiest) or it'll cause lots of grief down
  the line. And, for god's sake, don't let the field go all yellow!
  ElectroBolt eventually gets used down the line, when Hi-HoChorus can't be
  (I think). Beware of that. 650G awarded for a win, plus a 9th level-up star.

 The chieftain retreats towards the hydra's spot, so save and get that chest
 below the water -- a [MEDICINE] -- by finding a hidden tunnel leading south
 towards it. Anyway, approach the Hydra when ready. 

 NOTE: If Razzly fights the boss, she CANNOT get her Lv. 7 technique on this
       playthrough. It's a shame...but Aaron of Hydros writes in to say that
       you can get NeoFio at this point if you desperately need a green
       character. See the section immediately following for intel.

 NOTE: If you haven't gotten Razzly yet, she becomes permanently missable
       after fighting the Hydra.
 | BOSS: Hydra     | INNATE: Yellow | HP: 700  | Upheaval, @Copper           |
 | ELEMENTS: ---                                                             |
 | TO STEAL: ---                                                             |
 | SPECIALS: PutridOdor (Yellow-innate atk on all allies + Dizzy)            |
 |           WaveOfFear (Yellow-innate; decreases all allies' DEF)           |
 |           SpiritsUp  (Yellow-innate; raises Hydra's own DEF)              |
 | PATTERNS: Attack ×?? to PutridOdor (×??)                                  |
 |       [2] WaveOfFear + Spirits Up -> Attack ×?? to PutridOdor ×?? (×??)   |
 |           PutridOdor (used turn after offensive green element, if possbl) |

  This battle's not that difficult, really, as long as you pack lots of heal
  elements and decent weapon upgrades. Green elements are the fast track to
  getting hit with PutridOdor, though; luckily, if you use one right after
  it's used the skill, it doesn't seem to 'counter' it at all. This is
  the perfect chance to get in AeroBlaster or Bushbasher attacks, as both
  Poison/Afraid statuses'll be passive helpers here. In the meantime, try to
  do the attack-and-defend tactic and pre-empt Hydra's physical attacks when
  possible (it's attacks can do 20+). If you rely on weapon strikes and non-
  -offensive elements, however, it's quite possible not to see a SINGLE
  PutridOdor until the last leg of the battle. That might just be my luck,
  but I had to prolong the fight just to get a couple. Try it because it'll
  conserve your elements, too. If you didn't get an Upheaval element, you may
  want to retry for it. 10th level-up star received! Hoo-hah!

 After some berating from the dwarf chieftain, claim the [HYDRA HUMOUR] as a
 reward from the boss' corpse. [NOTE: If for some reason Razzly is with, she
 will also notice the Hydra is with child.] On your way outta the marshes, an
 ally notices that there are no more dwarves roaming the forest... Anyway,
 that's it. Let's return to Guldove to check up on Kid's condition!

 ...You remember how to get there, right? Use the Astral Amulet at Opassa
 Beach and go back to Termina, where you'll take Korcha's boat back to the
 demi-human village. Yay.

PATH A: Guldove [Another World]                                          [D-15]
¯| ITEMS / ELEMENTS ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| CHARACTERS TO INVITE ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯
 |                                           |                               |
 | • Guldovian Stitch Frame                  | • Kid                         |
 |___________________________________________| • Korcha                      |
                                             | • Mel                         |

 Once in town, visit the clinic and show (w/ Square) the Hydra Humour to Doc.
 He'll cook up a strange brew antidote for her and help her get past the
 critical period. Have Serge talk to her as she rests, and the next day, all
 will be well. Sorta. In the middle of the night, Mel steals all of Kid's
 elements!                                 ___________________ ______________
                                          | INVITATION: Kid   | INNATE: Red  |
 | She rejoins at this point. Hooray for all of your super awesome teamwork! |

 After Kid rejoins, there'll be a scene with Mel where she challenges Kid to
 catch her and get her elements back. Serge can choose to follow her or not at
 this point. Note that if you DO NOT, you'll lose the Guldovian Stitch frame
 and Mel as a playable character. Pick "You need those elements" and "No, let's
 go after Mel" to begin the chase. (NOTE: If you choose not to, it's still
 possible to get the elements back, don't worry - more on that in a sec). To
 catch this brat:

 • Talk to Orhla at the town bar
 • Talk to the shaman shrine guard
 • Spot Mel en route to residential tower
 • Catch Mel at the residential tower

 Mel is caught, Kid's elements are handed over ASAP. That's all! Nothing to
 see at town, really, since all the shops are the same. You've checked out
 the element shop that sells rare(r) elements, like Meteorite and such, ya?


 When you're ready to go, Korcha will leave the party and take everyone back
 to Termina. Watch the scenes with Glenn at the town entrance to learn Viper
 and his men have holed up in Fort Dragonia. Before parting, he suggests the
 party visit an old man who lives on an island northeast of El Nido... We'll
 need a boat it seems...                ____________________ ________________
                                       | INVITATION: Korcha | INNATE: Blue   |
 | Korcha can be re-invited here, even though he left the party five seconds |
 | ago (lol?). If you choose not to invite him at the docks, speak with him  |
 | at the Guldove residential tower to get the option for inviting him.      |

 Korcha will lend everyone his boat either way, given two ludicrous conditions
 for borrowing. Make sure to laugh at how stupidly stupid they are! 

 NOTE: If you didn't chase Mel, return to Guldove and talk to Korcha to get
       all Kid's elements back!          ___________________ ________________
                                        | INVITATION: Mel   | INNATE: Yellow |
 | If you chased Mel when you found out she stole the elements (instead of   |
 | letting Korcha get them back for you later on), put Kid in the party and  |
 | talk to Mel in the residential tower. She'll join the party, as well as   |
 | giving a [GULDOVIAN STITCH FRAME] as a commitment...gift...thing. Yay...! |
 | Either way, she and Kid have a double-tech (DoubleTake) with each other.  |
 | She also comes with (surprise!) a Steelerang and Iron Mail. Nice to know. |

 I'm not sure of the window for getting Mel, so it's best to get her as soon
 as Korcha gives Serge control of his boat. And, there's still a bunch of junk
 to do before continuing with the story. Skip it if you're not interested. :p

OPTIONAL: Hydra Marshes [Another World]                                  [OP01]
¯| ITEMS / ELEMENTS ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| ENEMIES ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯
 |                                           |                               |
 | • @Seed               • @Carapace         | • Wraith                      |
 | • @Copper             • @BatEye           | • Potpourri                   |
 | • Life Sparkle        • Tablet            | • Centaurpede                 |
 | • Good Backbone                           | • Snobgoblin                  |
 |___________________________________________| • Snibgoblin                  |

 First stop on the optional list: Hydra Marshes! Yeah, this place is waiting
 to be explored in-depth! A Green Tinkler's necessary to navigate the depths
 of the marsh, since the humans near the Wingapede landing site disallow our
 protagonist to blow the Beeba Flute. You may have already been here earlier
 to get the [SAFETY GEAR] that prevents poison swamp damage, but there's some
 other stuff to do as well.
                    /   \
                _  (  9  )
               | |  \   /           [SAVE]  ______
              _|_|___) /    _________/ ____/     5|       [LEGEND]
             |_____   /    |     2__ \/   4 /¯¯¯¯¯
   SAVE        | |_| (     |  ___|  \  (¯¯¯¯     _____     1 - @Seed
       \_______|  ___|___  | |___    \ 3¯¯\___  |     |    2 - @Carapace
       |   ______||      \ \___1 |    \_____  | |POND |    3 - @Copper
       |  |       |      /\____| |__       _| |_|     |    4 - BatEye
       |  |        ¯¯¯¯¯¯\_\11     _/ <-> |    _______|    5 - Life Sparkle
       |  |______________   \_ _ _/        ¯| |________    6 - Tablet
       |               10|  __| |__________/      6   7|   7 - Good Backbone
        ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| |_|8               /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯    8 - Tablet
                       |___  |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\              9 - Safety Gear
                           | |____________   ONE-WAY      10 - ElectroJolt
                           |___   ______  |   SLOPE!      11 - Bushwhacker
                               | | _____| |     [12]      12 - @Copper
                               |_||       |
 Where the Hydra was on the other continent, you can find a [LIFE SPARKLE];
 just be prepared to fight over it with some Snib/Snobgoblins. Also, in that
 tunnel near the pond, Skelly's [GOOD BACKBONE] is lying in waste.

 If you brought Kid/Mel along, you'll have a good time. The Snibgoblins have
 AeroBlasters that can be stolen quite commonly, while the Centaurpedes can
 be taken for ElectroBolts (also quite commonly) and (!) Earthquakes. This is
 a great place for element upgrades.    ____________________ ________________
                                       | INVITATION: NeoFio | INNATE: Green  |
 | After getting the Life Sparkle, take it back to Another World Viper Manor |
 | and head for the rooftop terrace. Use it on Luccia's plant-thing in the   |
 | pond and it'll come to life, joining its 'daddy' Serge. Miracle of life!  |

OPTIONAL: Water Dragon Isle [Another World]                              [OP02]
¯| ITEMS / ELEMENTS ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| ENEMIES ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯
 |                                           |                               |
 | • @Iron               • @Iron             | • Scorpoid                    |
 | • Sturdy Ribs         • @Iron             |_______________________________|
 | • @Iron                                   |

 This place's name is a joke...it's been bled dry! Now a desertified creekbed
 with some annoying enemies to find. Well, sort of. They're pretty useless...

[LEGEND]             |           |       This place is basically populated by
                     |4         5|       researchers and the occasional enemy
 1 - @Iron           |____   ____|       to trudge through. Although this is
 2 - @Iron                | |            an easy place to get some @Iron, this
 3 - Sturdy Ribs          | |____        also has significance for finding one
 4 - @Iron                | |  3 |       more piece of our friend Skelly. Talk
 5 - @Iron       __  __   |  ____|___    to the researcher in the north; he'll
                /  \/ /___| |____|   |   hand over the [STURDY RIBS] without a
               / /\  /           | | |   bit of hesitation.
              (_/ ( (            | |2|
                  |\ \             |¯    In the north, there are some faeries
                 _|                |     to speak with. They speak of Water
                |1                 |     Dragon Isle's desolation and such,
                 ¯|       | |      |     but not much else. It's impossible
                  |_______| |______|     to proceed to the dragon god in this
                     ENTER|_|            state, so let's get a move on, eh...?

OPTIONAL: Isle of the Damned [Another World]                             [OP03]
¯| ITEMS / ELEMENTS ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| ENEMIES ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯
 |                                           |                               |
 | • Mixed Bones         • @Eyeball          | • Airframe                    |

 Guess why no one comes here: the creepy bone-breaking noises that play when
 one walks around, the bubbling blood-swamp, or the unholy illuminescence?

          _   _
         | |_| |_    /\
        _| | | | |_ / / ________________       [LEGEND]
       |   |   | | | |  \1  ____   ___  |
       |___|  <| |<  |   \_/ ___\ \___| |       1 - Mixed Bones
           |   | | | |      |         | |
           |___| | | |______|_________| |       2 - @Eyeball
               | | |________ _ _________|_
               |_|_|        |^|     |    2|
                            |_|     |_____|

 It's enemy-less for the most part. Check the evil-looking hole in the NW 
 corner to find [MIXED BONES] for Skelly. The lower-right cave has a simple
 [@EYEBALL] component inside. The only other screen has some Airframes in it,
 which are incredibly powerful for this point in time. If you can fight 'em,
 it may be well worth it...they can do 140+ with PowerDive, though. Fight at
 your own risk. (There are no other treasures around here for now).
                                        ____________________ ________________
                                       | INVITATION: Skelly | INNATE: Black  |
 | This is the earliest point to get him, as the sixth 'fragment' of him is  |
 | collected. He'll leave after being remade, but if you talk to his grandma |
 | in Another World Termina (house right of Viper statue), Skelly'll stroll  |
 | into the scene. Re-enter the house and invite him into the party. Whew... |

OPTIONAL: Hermit's Hideaway [AW]      "Meeting the 'other' swordsman..." [OP04]
¯| ITEMS / ELEMENTS ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| ENEMIES ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯
 |                                           |                               |
 | There ain't any!                          | There ain't any!              |


 With a boat in tow, head to the smoking island to the very northeast of the
 El Nido continent, as Glenn suggested. Enter inside and find an old 'friend'
 wreaking havoc and depreciating prime property values! Stop her quickly!
 | BOSS: Harle     | INNATE: Black  | HP: 400  | PhotonBeam, Moonglasses     |
 | ELEMENTS: Meteorite, PhotonRay, PhotonBeam                                |
 | TO STEAL: PhotonBeam / Moonglasses                                        |
 | SPECIALS: MoonBeams (Black-innate attack on one ally)                     |
 | PATTERNS: ---                                                             |

  With 400 HP, weak defense, and an element directly opposed to Serge, this is
  definitely not going to be a hard battle. But, you may end up resetting this
  skirmish for quite awhile regardless. This is the only chance in the game to
  get 'Moonglasses,' an accessory that reduces all damage by 25%. Needless to
  say, it rocks incredibly hard. Bring Kid along and try to steal it, and then
  defeat Harle and see if you won it; if not, reset and try again. Shouldn't
  be too hard since Harle aims to make the field effect completely white. =/
  I couldn't find a pattern she has; it just seems to be random white elements
  up her sleeve. She also has a special 'MoonBeams' which she only seems to
  use when the field effect's mostly black; and, it only affects one, not all
  like it should (dumbed-down like Gravitonne).  [NOTE: You cannot steal
  the Moonglasses if you're on Path B...obviously.]

 Afterwards, the old man Harle was searching for (Radius) shows up. Talk to
 him underground and hear his warning about ghost ships... And, that's all!
 If you inspect the front yard, you'll find a 'hot patch' of ground. This is
 related to getting a character also, but there's nothing to do about it now.

 Speaking of the ghost ship, that's the next destination. Get in the boat and
 head toward that fog mass breaking over the east edge of El Nido's main isle.
 You'll get the option to delve into it or run away. Once entering, it'll be
 impossible to leave until the events are done, so make sure you:

 • have iron equipment on everyone
 • Got some great elements from monsters and Marbule [SH05]

 NOTE: Harle cannot be fought if you did S.S. Invincible events first!
 NOTE: If you're on Path B (not saving Kid), you also go to the Invincible at
       this time. Avast!

11) S.S. Invincible [Another World]     "A mariner's worst nightmare..." [D-16]
¯| ITEMS / ELEMENTS ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| ENEMIES ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯
 |                                           |                               |
 | • AquaBall            • FirePillar        | • Skeleton                    |
 | • Panacea             • Capsule           | • Wraith                      |
 | • Capsule             • Gravitonne        | • Tzetze Fly                  |
 | • PhotonBeam                              |_______________________________|

 Once aboard, it turns out the ghost ship is a...p-p-pirate ship! The captain
 (Fargo) thinks Serge is Lynx's messenger, but he's straightened out quickly.
 To test the party's capabilities, Fargo sics three Man-O-Wars on the party;
 the second battle is against his pretty parrot princess......Polly! 

 NOTE: On Path A, these two fights are 'normal' and can be skipped completely
       by fleeing; on Path B (not saving Kid), they're boss fights that can't
       be avoided (giving 9/10th stars)
 | BOSS: Polly     | INNATE: Red    | HP: 540  | MagmaBurst (100%)           |
 | ELEMENTS: ---                                                             |
 | TO STEAL: Sight Scope / Inferno                                           |
 | SPECIALS: Flap (Red-innate dmg on one ally)                               |
 | PATTERNS: Flap ×2 to Attack (×??)                                         |

  Polly mostly relies on her 'Flap' technique to do the damage, quickly
  reddening the field effect. IceBlast and AquaBall're the ways to go here,
  with any other powerful attacks -- such as Earthquake, AeroBlaster,
  ElectroBolt -- backing them up. As long as the field effect's not blushing
  bright red, Flap's easier to stomach. And, Polly's DEF isn't a big factor
  when iron wpns are involved. Try to keep your HP high at the very end,
  because it'll carry over into the next battle. 145G for winning.

 Time to tango with Fargo!
 | BOSS: Fargo     | INNATE: Blue   | HP: 660  | Meteorite, PhotonBeam       |
 | ELEMENTS: Strengthen, AquaBall, Carnivore, IceBlast, ElectroBolt, EagleEye|
 |           LoRes                                                           |
 | TO STEAL: Capsule / PhotonBeam                                            |
 | SPECIALS: ---                                                             |
 | PATTERNS: Attack to Strengthen/EagleEye/LoRes to Attack ×2 to AquaBall to |
 |           Carnivore to Attack to IceBlast to Attack to AquaBall to Attack |
 |           to ElectroBolt (×??)                                            |

  As the battle goes on, it gets harder and harder, so it's best to not find
  out all that he's got in store, being some of the more powerful 4±4 types.
  Kick out the jams with AeroBlaster/ElectroBolt/Earthquake, and try to stop
  him before he gets to Carnivore/IceBlast/ElectroBolt. His MGC isn't
  powerful enough to kill a character in one hit, but it's still a source of
  utter annoyance (Carnivore particularly). Dizzy and Afraid both work on
  Fargo (and probably more), if you were wondering. Don't let its strategy
  intimidate you...Fargo follows it to a 't', so you can prepare easier.
  551G awarded for the win.

 Fargo knocks everyone out with jellyfish-stinger tranquilizers, and kicks 'em
 into the brig... Meanwhile, outside, an ACTUAL ghost ship pulls up alongside
 the Invincible. A Skeleton opens the door, and after fighting it, Serge and
 company can explore the ship in full.

                              .-----.                  .-----------------.
            UPSTAIRS       ___|_   _|___               |     [LEGEND]    |
                          |     | |    4|              |                 |
          .------------.  |3    | |     |              |  1 - AquaBall   |
          |           _|_ |_   _| |_   _|              |  2 - FirePillar |
          |  _________| |___| |_   _| |______          |  3 - Panacea    |
          | |_______     _______| |       KEY|         |  4 - Capsule    |
          | |___________/          ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯          |  5 - Capsule    |
          |                                            |  6 - Gravitonne |
          |             BELOWDECKS                     |  7 - PhotonBeam |
          |            _____   _____             _____  ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
          |           |1    | |START|           |5  6 |____
          |           |     | | SAVE| Locked    | PIP  __  |
          |           |_   _| |_   _| Door      |_   _|  |_|
  _______|¯|____________| |_____| |___/_______   _| |__   |  
 |2                                   |_____  | |      |  |
  ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯      | | |  7   |--+--> EXIT/SAVE
                                 ___________| | |______| _|_
                  SHIP EXTERIOR |  ___________|__________| |

 Out in the hall, talk to the fatty pirate slumped against the wall to learn
 something wrong's happened (duh); talk to him again to interrogate who's got
 the key. As you go along, you'll have to rescue pirates getting jostled by
 skeletons to talk to 'em about the key. Luckily, Serge should be able to KO
 most of these black innates in a single turn...if you got iron weapons. >=p
 Crossbones are good sources of Iron, incidentally.

 The room right next door to the save point has an [AQUABALL] element, while
 the passage's far west end contains a [FIREPILLAR] element. You'll have to
 mangle a few wraiths to claim it, though. Head up the ladder to the next room
 when ready. Head towards the first room on the right to find the passage's
 blocked by fire. Enter the room to find a [PANACEA] chest guarded by wraiths.
 So where to go? The room has an air vent that leads to the room next door.

 Get the [CAPSULE] chest and saunter into the hallway again. Talk to the fatty
 pirate to learn who's on key duty before getting the key from that person. As
 soon as you get the key, go belowdecks and unlock that pesky door (note: no
 other locked doors can be opened). This leads towards the ship's exterior.
 NOTE: Sometimes the man upstairs does not have the key, and you'll have to
 search the mateys downstairs (or whatever directions the keyperson gives).
 Also, after getting the key, a man in the Aquaball room will give Serge his

 There's a pirate out here who will let you test his vitamin drink. Avoid this
 since it poisons everyone more often than it heals HP. What'd that guy put
 in there, arsenic? Work your way around the shipside planks until meandering
 back to a doorway.                     ____________________ ________________
                                       | INVITATION: Pip    | INNATE: White  |
 | If you freed Pip from Luccia's lab in Viper Manor, or even if you didn't, |
 | he'll appear here to enact his dream of sailing. Continually pester him   |
 | as he tries to hide until he stops near a stairway; he can join after one |
 | more conversation.                                                        |

 There's a [CAPSULE] and [GRAVITONNE] element chest in this cargo area, also,
 albeit guarded by some monsters. After getting Pip, continue to a [PHOTONBEAM]
 chest and the savepoint beyond. This leads to the topdeck where Fargo and his
 crew are fightin' stuff. Defeat the three wraiths set on your tail and ready
 yourself for...MORTAL KOMBATTTTTT!
 | BOSS: Dead Head | INNATE: Black  | HP: 700  | HellSoul, HellBound         |
 | ELEMENTS: Imbecile                                                        |
 | TO STEAL: GravityBlow / Bronze Axe                                        |
 | SPECIALS: Death'sOdor (Black-innate damage to all allies + Cursed)        |
 |           DarkBreath  (Black-innate damage to one ally + Darkness)        |
 | PATTERNS: Diminish -> Death'sOdor to DarkBreath to Attack to Death'sOdor  |
 |           to Imbecile to Attack (×??)                                     |

  Diminish makes all elemental damage halved for awhile, so if anyone happens
  to have a Magnify on-hand, that can immediately tip the scales towards more
  damage. Death'sOdor can inflict 'cursed,' which runs down an ally's stamina
  as s/he's damaged; Darkness is, as you may've guessed, decreased physical
  accuracy. Serge's Steel Swallow can still carve Dead Beat like potroast, so
  as long as you're not completely (offensive) element-dependent, it won't be
  such a hard time. The boss's physical attacks aren't that damaging -- heck,
  no elements/skills really are with Diminish in effect -- so this's nearly
  a battle of attrition, seeing who can hold out the longest. One funny thing
  is that both of its special attacks can MISS, and often do. 425G awarded at
  the end, with an 11th level-up star! [Leandro Sayago mentions that the boss
  is immune to HolyLight in its entirety, something that can be found out on
  NG+. Interesting!]

 The sea returns to normal after vanquishing the Dead Head. Fargo suggests a
 pitstop at Water Dragon Isle before entering Mt. Pyre, so that the dragon can
 give his protection against the scorchin' flames. This is optional, but it'll
 make everything 23423432 times easier. Of course, if you already visited said
 island, you'd know there's a sheet of ice protecting the inner sanctum. So...
 it's off to the Home World for it!

 Marbule's got a new shop now that sells trap elements! Meaning, once a trap
 is used in battle, the next time a foe would use that element, it's captured
 (creates a copy in inventory) and all damage it would've dealt is evaded. A
 truly useful way to get rarer elements. Magnify and Diminish are sold, too,
 and Guldove's shop updates as well, selling MeteorShower and RecoverAll.

 Those feeling the spender's urge shouldn't bother with LVL 7±0 elements yet
 though, since they can't be allocated yet. The LVL5±0 and LVL 6±0 are the only
 ones needed, albeit not immediately...

PATH B: Guldove                                                          [D-17]
¯| ITEMS / ELEMENTS ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| CHARACTERS TO INVITE ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯
 |                                           |                               |
 | • Astral Amulet                           | • Kid                         |
 |___________________________________________| • Doc                         |

 If you chose not to save Kid, return to Guldove at this time. Check her room
 at the clinic and we'll fear the worst...but it appears she's recovered. The
 reason's learned but I won't spoil it. ____________________ ________________
                                       | INVITATION: Kid    | INNATE: Red    |
                                       | INVITATION: Doc    | INNATE: White  |
 | Kid joins automatically if you return to her at this time, as will Doc,   |
 | the medicinal expert and sometimes-surfer. The girl can be recruited at a |
 | later date if you miss her, but Doc cannot be -- make sure you get him if |
 | you're in the area, yo.                                                   |

 At this point, you'll also get the [ASTRAL AMULET], allowing you to hop the
 dimensions at Opassa Beach and do the sidequest below, if you choose. By
 request, a reader (Alexandre Martel) suggests going to Hydra Marshes [HW] and
 getting a RecoverAll element for later -- this is covered in a previous
 section already.                             ______________________________
                                             | OPTIONAL: Arni Rainbow Shell |
 | With the Astral Amulet obtained, talk to the Arni [HW] waitress and hear |
 | her poetry; then, talk to her [AW] counterpart to learn she gave up on   |
 | such silliness. A repeat visit to the [HW] version will earn Serge a     |
 | [BOOK OF POEMS] -- when shown to the [AW] waitress, a [@RAINBOWSHELL] is |
 | obtained. This is easily missable.                                       |

OPTIONAL: Water Dragon Isle [Home World]  "In search of the dragon blue" [OP05]
¯| ITEMS / ELEMENTS ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| ENEMIES ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯
 |                                           |                               |
 | • AquaBall            • IceBlast          | • DaggyDwarf                  |
 | • @Iron               • Nimble            | • DaffyDwarf                  |
 | • Wisp Cape           • Scaley Dress      |_______________________________|
 | • FrogPrince          • Ice Breath        |

 "But wait!" you're saying, "there's no boat in the Home World!" Well, that's
 true. Luckily, if you stop by Arni's dock, the old-fogey fisherman'll ferry
 everyone across...for 100G. Hey, this podunk town's gotta make a living too.

 NOTE: Razzly needs to be with in order to get her Lv. 7 Tech Raz-Flower. In
       addition to tagging along, she must NOT have been in the fight against
       the Hydra. She can't get the tech immediately, but if you're aiming to
       get it and CAN get it, here's your head's up.

                             ___ _____________
                            | 5 |__           |_ ___
                            |¯¯¯|_             _|___|
                             ¯¯¯  |_| |__   __|
                                   |     | |            [LEGEND]
                                   |_____| |
                                      |  |_|              1 - AquaBall
               .----------------------'  | |              2 - IceBlast
           ___|¯|___                _____| |_____         3 - @Iron
          |SAVE     |              |             |        4 - Nimble
           ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| |              |      9     4|        5 - Magic Ring
          |¯¯¯¯¯| | |              |_____   _____|        6 - Scaley Dress
           ¯¯¯|6|_| |                    | |              7 - Ice Breath
        |¯¯¯¯¯      |               _____| |_____         8 - FrogPrince
        | |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯               |1   SAVE  3  |        9 - Wisp Cape
        |  ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|    |             |        _______\_________
        |  BOSS|¯|   7   8    |    |           2 |       | Only if Rosetta |
         ¯¯¯¯¯¯  |____________|    |_____   _____|       | does not perish |
                                         |_|<- ENTER      ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯

 Hop 'cross the lily pads and pick up the [AQUABALL] in the west and another
 [ICEBLAST] in the east. There's also an [@IRON] behind the waterfall. I mean,
 the very inclusion of a waterfall means there's something behind it, right?
 Head north into "Fairyville," as Razzly calls it. (NOTE: You won't be able
 to retreat once you head into the next area).

 ...and it's being overrun by dwarvenkind! This time, DaffyDwarfs will drop
 ElectroBolts! If you're shooting for Razzly's Lv. 7 Tech, you have to ensure
 that Rosetta perishes -- this is accomplished by wasting as much time as you
 can just killin' stuff. Which you'll probably want to do anyway, 'cause doing
 dwarves in is just so much fun (they brought their own burial shovels!). Take
 the central ladder into the next area when ready. Approach the beardfaces to
 start the Hi-Ho Battle Redux Mini Jr.
 | Dwarf           | INNATE: Yellow | HP: 150 | Upheaval, @Copper            |
 | DaggyDwarf x 2  | INNATE: Yellow | HP: 140 | ElectroJolt, @Copper         |
 | DaffyDwarf x 3  | INNATE: Yellow | HP: 130 | ElectroBolt, @Leather        |
 | ELEMENTS: ElectroJolt, ElectroBolt                                        |
 | TO STEAL: Dwarf      = @Iron, Capsule                                     |
 |           DaggyDwarf = Tablet, @Iron                                      |
 |           DaffyDwarf = @Iron, Capsule                                     |
 | SPECIALS: Hi-HoChorus (Yellow-innate attack on all allies; need 5 Dwarfs) |
 |           Hi-HoWarCry (Yellow-innate attack on one ally)                  |
 | PATTERNS: Hi-HoChorus to Attack/Hi-HoWarCry/ElectroJolt/ElectroBolt (×??) |

  The hi-ho dwarves are back, but this battle's basically the same as last
  time. In fact, it's about twice as easy with your upgraded equipment and
  the stats you've gained. For reference, my Razzly is taking less than 40
  damage. Remember, killing two of the dwarves stops Hi-HoChorus! Razzly is
  good for mass destruction because her lv. 3 (fierce) attack can attack all
  dwarves at once. In reality, there's not much strategy to be had...these
  munchkins simply don't have the oomph to put up a decent fight against the
  protagonist's bunch. Stuff like Inferno/Earthquake is overkill, simply. :p
  650G awarded for the win, plus a 12th level-up star for no apparent reason.

 After the battle, check out the highest leftmost exit to find a [MAGIC RING].
 Descend deeper into the island by following the dwarves path towards the
 waterfall's end. There's a save point there (NOTE: If you save, you cannot
 leave until defeating the next boss) and under the waterfall there, a simple
 [SCALEY DRESS]. Don't worry about bolting straight for the boss; you can get
 any items you miss after obtaining a boat in the Home World.

 At the bottom of the cavern, let's shove some dwarfs to extinction...
| BOSS: Dwarf x2   | INNATE: Yellow | HP:  150 | Upheaval, @Copper           |
| BOSS: Hi-Ho Tank | INNATE: Yellow | HP: 1000 | Knee Pad, @Iron             |
| ELEMENTS: HiRes                                                            |
| TO STEAL: Hi-Ho Tank = @Screw, Knee Pad                                    |
|           Dwarf      = @Iron, Capsule                                      |
| SPECIALS: ElementShot (?????-innate dmg on one ally)                       |
| PATTERNS: ElementShot/Attack/Attack ×2/HiRes (×??)                         |

 Take out the dwarves first of all, or they'll end up healing the boss later.
 The tank has great physical defense, but not too great -- Serge's physical
 attacks can probably do around 70 per fierce hit. Because of this, it might
 play into your favor to use Diminish at the start of battle and make all of
 the tank's elements do worse damage while you concentrate on weapon attacks.
 Of course, powerful elements (AeroBlaster in particular) are decent here as
 well. Its ElementShot seems to pick its color from the current allies' 
 OPPOSITE attributes; however, it doesn't always pick the ally it'd do the
 most damage to. When it does, though, immediately heal. Use HiRes to create
 some sort of shield for your team, while simulatenously slinging BatEye and
 LoRes at the tank. AeroBlaster/Bushbasher will lead you to victory! Anyone
 who isn't Poshul should be decent with those elements. You'll know the tank
 is weakened when its frame starts to tremor a bit and its front grill rocks
 back and forth while it waits. Just be persistant with those green elements
 and harness the power that is...RecoverAll. 800G + 13th level-up star for a
 win here.

 Bring Razzly over to Rosetta and change your party lines for awhile. Enter
 the room beyond to find the Water Dragon, who gives the [ICE BREATH] and a
 [FROGPRINCE] summon as well. Later on, everyone's mad at the humans who've
 run the dwarves out of their homes. Razzly will receive a [WISP CAPE] from
 her big sis Rosetta if she's alive.

 I've been asked to note that there is a scene about Kid's past that plays
 as the team tries to leave here. It occurs if the events here were done but
 Razzly wasn't invited and Kid's in the party (not necessarily fight team).
 It can be done on either Path A or B, and can always be seen on Path B since
 Razzly can't be invited.

 Anyway, one can't go back to fairyville for now, and it'll be a long time to
 the point where one can. Talk to the fisherman waiting at the isle's entrance
 and catch a ride home to Arni. Time to infiltrate...Mt. Doom! Err...Pyre.

12) Mt. Pyre [Another World]                                             [D-18]
¯| ITEMS / ELEMENTS ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| ENEMIES ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯
 |                                           |                               |
 | • MagmaBurst          • Tablet            | • HotDogitty                  |
 | • MagmaBomb           • Inferno Trap      | • Lava-boy                    |
 | • Tablet              • Capsule           | • CatBurglar                  |

 With the Ice Breath, you can freeze lava. You'll lose -10 HP per second while
 in the hot stuff, so take care! You'd be a fool not to bring a bunch of those
 Ointments/Capsules, yeah? Everyone should also have iron equipment/weapons at
 this time, hopefully. Checking out Guldove's element shop at this time is a
 good idea, since they sell RecoverAlls. Termina's also sells HealAlls and
 Lv3±5 attack elements.
                  EXIT -> |_  |
                            | |
                            | |                     [LEGEND]
                            | |
                        ____| |                      1 - MagmaBurst
                       |  ____| <- SAVE              2 - Tablet
                       | |  _                        3 - MagmaBomb
                   ____| |_|6|                       4 - Inferno Trap
                  |4        5|                       5 - Tablet
                   ¯¯¯¯| |¯¯¯                        6 - Capsule
                       ( (_______                    
                        \______  |
                         |  _____|
                         | |______________
                         |  ________   __ \
          SOLT/PEPPOR -> | |        | |  \ \
                         | |        | |__ \ \
                         ) )        |   3| \ \
                    ____/ (         |    |/  |
                   |2     |         |_____  /
                   |____  |_________     /_/
                    ____|         _/------' <- ONE-WAY SLIDE TO 1ST
                   |1      ______|                           SCREEN
                    ¯¯¯¯|_| <- START

 Get the [MAGMABURST] sitting in the lava at the start; if you freeze before
 then, you'll miss it forever. You can still get plenty of MagmaBursts from
 those Lava-boys, though, so...   CatBurglars also have Poultice Caps
 that prevent burns, so you may want to get one of those; the status reduces
 defense power in battle. There's a [TABLET] chest near where that kittie-cat
 enemy stands, right before the ladder leading up...to Solt and Peppor! Ahaha.
 This is too much laughter to bear.
 | BOSS: Solt      | INNATE: Yellow | HP: 500  | Iron Vest, Sky Djinn Ring   |
 | BOSS: Peppor    | INNATE: Yellow | HP: 483  | Iron Mail, Dragoon Gauntlet |
 | ELEMENTS: BlackHole, BlackHole Trap                                       |
 | TO STEAL: Solt   = Nostrum / Kung Fu Shoes                                |
 |         : Peppor = Pendragon Sigil B / Nostrum                            |
 | SPECIALS: ---                                                             |
 | PATTERNS: (Solt  ) BlackHole Trap -> Attack ×??                           |
 |           (Peppor) BlackHole -> Attack ×??                                |

  As usual, the pair mangles an attempt at killing the party by messing up in
  royal fashion again... Peppor will attack Solt a few times to shake common
  sense into him, so that wastes a few turns. Besides the normal routine, they
  attack a few times physically compared to their single blows before. Uh...I
  don't know why they only use elements when they're weakened, but that's how
  it goes. Besides that, they've got buffed physical/magical defenses, but are
  still the same crappy soldiers at heart. I haven't seen 'em use elements in
  normal play, so there's a reason this is a 1/10-difficulty battle. An easy
  1045G earned. [NOTE: A 12th level-up star is only awarded if you skipped
  Water Dragon Isle's 'Ice Breath' quest completely.]

 Exit east afterwards and freeze the lava for safe walking. Slide down the
 flow pointing 'south' towards the foreground and get the [MAGMABOMB] chest
 as you do. This shoots one back into the first screen, so it's only a short
 hop to the second one. Exit north this time.

 In the left corner is a [INFERNO TRAP] element, but if you freeze the lava
 you won't be able to get it. After getting it, freeze the stuff and hit up
 the [TABLET] in the east corner. There's a [CAPSULE] chest above a ladder by
 there, too (don't get dizzy from the sulphur fumes). Take the main route up
 the ladder to the save point. Press on to the large bridge overlook point and
 play with a cute li'l helpless draggy.
 | BOSS: FireDragon | INNATE: Red   | HP: 850  | Weaken, Magic Ring          |
 | ELEMENTS: ---                                                             |
 | TO STEAL: Magic Ring / Wisp Cape                                          |
 | SPECIALS: FieryBreath (red-innate dmg on one ally + Burns)                |
 | PATTERNS: Attack to FieryBreath to Attack (×??)                           |

  This little teapot's about to blow hot lava all over your party! Despite its
  size, it can really break out the damage...if the field effect gets red.
  Casting Diminish can help against its natural red-innate attacks, while
  Ointments/Poultice Caps will prevent burns. Burning, as you're aware, lowers
  attack damage, so avoiding that will be wise. Luckily, at this point in the
  game, RecoverAlls, Weakens, and most other useful attacks are a dime a
  dozen; burden a character with a bunch of RecoverAlls if you're having
  trouble. Use its two attacks in a row to keep the field effect away from red
  (also the time you'd want to use blue attacks in order to use the FrogPrince
  summon, if you're going that route). One odd thing is that you CANNOT run
  from battle to heal up...at all; he immediately challenges you again. 730G
  awarded for winning + a 14th level-up star. [NOTE: This will only give the
  13th level-up star if you skipped the Ice Breath sidequest.]

 The dragon retreats, commending your power. Go back and save/get stat bonuses
 before continuing down that bridge overlook...'cause at the exit, we square
 off with all of Viper's Acacia Divas.
 | BOSS: Zoah      | INNATE: Yellow | HP: 436  | Gold Earring (100%)         |
 | BOSS: Karsh     | INNATE: Green  | HP: 370  | EagleEye, Silver Earring    |
 | BOSS: Marcy     | INNATE: Blue   | HP: 525  | IceBlast, Iron Vest         |
 | ELEMENTS: ---                                                             |
 | TO STEAL: Zoah  = Stamina Ring                                            |
 |           Karsh = AeroBlaster / Iron Axe                                  |
 |           Marcy = Silver Loupe / Dancing Shoes                            |
 | SPECIALS: Gyronimo (Zoah; yellow-innate dmg to one ally)                  |
 |           Cat'sCradle (Marcy; blue-innate dmg to one ally)                |
 |           AxialAxe (Karsh; green-innate dmg to all allies)                |
 |           DragonRider (Karsh; green-innate dmg to one ally)               |
 |           DragonRider (Zoah; yellow-innate dmg to one ally)               |
 |           StringPhone (Marcy; blue-innate dmg to all allies + Flu)        |
 | PATTERNS: (Zoah ) Attack -> Gyronimo -> Attack -> DragonRider (×??)       |
 |           (Karsh) AxialAxe -> Attack ×2 -> DragonRider -> Attack ×2 (×??) |
 |           (Marcy) Attack ×2 -> StringPhone -> Attack -> Cat'sCradle ->    |
 |                   Attack ×5 to StringPhone to Attack to Cat'sCradle (×??) |

  This is a perfect chance to break out any attack-all elements: Earthquake,
  Inferno, MeteorShower...it's a riot, literally. Been a long time since we've
  seen these guys and the old dogs have learned a few new tricks. Karsh's now
  got an 'Axial Axe' maneuver that hits all allies; Zoah's Gyronimo hits one
  ally; StringPhone attacks all allies, too. Even with these new attacks, they
  really shouldn't be more than pushovers, provided you've got decent equips
  and have been getting those extra inbetween-level bonuses. As for order of
  operations, I'd take out Karsh first since he's the weakest, and leave Zoah
  for last since his single-target moves make him a big chump. 2330G awarded
  upon victory, plus your fifteenth level-up star. [NOTE: This only gives the
  14th level-up star if you refrained from the Ice Breath sidequest.]

 When Harle appears, tell her you'll keep going and exit onto the world map.
 Fort Dragonia's in sight... Congratulations: Serge, Razzly, Kid, Guile, Korcha
 /Macha, Poshul, Leena, NeoFio, Skelly, Pierre, and Pip all should have their
 second (Lv. 5) tech coming into this fight.

 Onward, brave soldiers.

13) Fort Dragonia [Another World]   "Ancient dragons' dream in ruins..." [D-19]
¯| ITEMS / ELEMENTS ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| ENEMIES ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯
 |                                           |                               |
 | • Volcano Trap        • Flame Charm       | • Cybot                       |
 | • MagmaBurst          • FirePillar        | • Alphabat                    |
 | • Earth Charm         • ElectroBolt       | • Combat                      |
 | • Bushbasher          • HealAll           | • Googhoul                    |
 | • Antidote            • AeroBlaster       | • Paper Boy                   |
 | • Tornado Trap        • Sea Charm         | • Dragoon                     |
 | • FrogPrince (?)      • Capsule           | • Acacia PVT                  |
 | • MeteorShower        • Angel Charm       | • Acacia SGT                  |

 NOTE: If you want an easier time getting through, you'll want traps of the
       following sort: Iceberg, HolyLight, Inferno, Volcano. These will not
       be available for awhile following this dungeon, so make sure you have
       some extras to use on future bosses (and they will come in handy!).

 NOTE: You'll fight a 'Dragoon' at the entrance if you missed Water Dragon
       Isle's events and did not get the FrogPrince summon. This enemy will
       drop said summon and give the 15th level-up star. (He won't appear on
       New Game Plus, though... o_O)

 This gigantor 'impenetrable' fortress may look like a cakewalk since one can
 walk into it without opposition...but there's still a lot of things to clean
 up 'round here. For one, there are numerous bosses in different rooms, and
 they represent most of the elements. You may want to change your lineup to
 deal with them better, but for me, I'm sticking with my main three: Serge,
 Kid, Razzly. The main object for this first stretch is to deactivate colored
 pillars that look like obelisks of sort. You'll know 'em when they're found.
 |                         FORT DRAGONIA - RED ROOM!                        |
|                                |   All paths on this first floor lead to a
|         Blue    Green          |   boss, except the Red one and the Yellow.
|            \_   _/             |   Red'll be the first destination we go
|            | |_| |             |   to. Exit east from the four-way branch,
|           /       \            |   two screens to the main area.
|         _/ ELEVATOR\_          |
| Yellow-|_           _|-Red     |   There will be a statue here that faces
|          \SAVE     /           |   in some direction. Whatever direction it
|           \__ _ __/            |   faces represents NORTH, and the cardinal
|              | |               |   directions (west/east/south) are adjusted
|              | |               |   to fit that. Inputting an option plummets
|              |_|               |   the player into one of four holes, only
|              | |               |   one of which contains the pillar. Even
|  Entrance -> |_|               |   though the 'watchkeeper' statue changes
|                                |   position each time a character falls into
 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯    a hole, the holes themselves don't differ.
                                           _  |_|  _
 The holes around the statue look like:   |_|  _  |_|  <- This is the correct
                                              |_|      hole to fall into!

 As said, whatever way the statue faces represents north; by that logic, pick
 the direction that would extend over that hole. If the statue looks north,
 pick east; if it looks south, pick west. And so on. Only the northern hole
                                          leads to enemy encounters (Cybots)
         NORTHERN HOLE                    so there shouldn't be much trouble
                    \________ _______     here. Plus, there are infinite
                     ___     |PILLAR |    retries to get it right...you'll
               ______   |    |_____  |    only need two, I hope.
 WESTERN HOLE-|_     |  |  ________| |
                |    |_ |_| _______| |
                |_   __|   |_______  | <-EASTERN    [LEGEND]
               ___| |_   _   _   _ | |   HOLE 
              |_ 4|_|3|_| |_|2|_|1|| |               1 - Volcano Trap
               /|_________________|| |               2 - Flame Charm
 SOUTHERN HOLE'  __________________| |               3 - MagmaBurst
                |____________________|               4 - Fire Pillar

 Once the pillar is lit up, the pattern in the branch room will light up to
 signify it. Head towards the Yellow Room, now.
 |                        FORT DRAGONIA - YELLOW ROOM!                      |
 I won't draw a map for this one, since the room itself changes. Overview: it
 is a maze with moving parts! How it moves depends on the party formation, as
 it goes. Make your way through the maze to the western entrance and inspect
 the pedestal. "We Dragonians are comprised of a head, body, and tail. Thou
 must change the order of the head, body, and tail to unveil a new path," it
 says. "B" stands for Body; "T" stands for Tail; "H" stands for head.

 After the speech, your party order is registered as T-H-B. So, if you have
 Razzly/Serge/Kid, Razzly's the 'Tail,' and so on. To proceed we'll have to
 change the order to H-B-T, which makes up how the Dragonians were.

 Outside the door, there's a glowing blue pad that can change the formation
 slightly. Use the Select button to switch party leaders and experiment with
 the pad (you should only have to use it once to get the end HBT formation)
 until you have the correct lineup. Using the above example, I've changed
 from Razzly/Serge/Kid -to- Serge/Kid/Razzly. Inspect the pedestal once again
 to change the maze room. [REMEMBER - The combination for solving this puzzle
 may be different than the example presented!]

 After the correct combination is done, enter the maze and use the switched-
 -around walkways to get the blue switch. This will lower some stairs by the
 maze's entrance across the room. A B-T-H formation get the [EARTH CHARM] in
 a chest, while a T-H-B order can get the [ELECTROBOLT] chest via the stairs
 that were opened. Use the T-B-H order to make some headway into leaving this
 place. After confirming it, use the stairs near the maze entrance to reach
 a control panel that lowers that yellow obelisk. Switch it off, mission is
 accomplished! Save at the main room and dive in, yo.
 |                        FORT DRAGONIA - GREEN ROOM!                       |
      |  ____|               ______________
      | |  _____________    |  __________  |
      | | |  _________  |  _| |_         | |         [LEGEND]
      | | | |_ _____  | | |  _  |        | |
      | | | |6|  _  |_| | | | | |        | |          5 - Bushbasher
      | | | | |  >| |>  | | | | |  ____  | |          6 - HealAll
      | | | | |___| |_  | | | | | | _  |_| |          7 - Antidote
      | | | |    <| |<  | | | | | | >| |>  |          8 - AeroBlaster
      | | | | |¯¯¯| |¯¯¯  |8| | |  ¯¯| |¯| |          9 - Tornado Trap
      | | | |5|  _| |_____|_|_| |____| | | |
      | | | |_| |>| |>       >| |>     | | |
      | |_|  7|_| | |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| |¯¯¯¯¯¯  | |
      |___ ¯¯¯|   | |         | |  ______| |
          |_  |___  |      ___| | |  __  | |   Once mapped out, this place
            | |   | |     |  ___| | |9   | |   isn't so frightening. If you
            | |___|_|_____| |     |  ¯¯¯¯  |   haven't been keeping the party
            |_______________|      ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯    well-equipped in any respect,
                  |^|                          though, you may find this isn't
                   ¯\                          going to be a fun stroll. It's
                    Enter                      Cybot territory, ma'am!

 As you enter, continue straight along the path to the next stairwell'd area.
 Bend under the bridge you used to enter and get the [HEALALL] + [BUSHBASHER]
 elements that are next to each other. You can continue arcing around the left
 to get an [ANTIDOTE] in the next screen if you want, but it's out-of-the-way
 a bit.

 Back where y'started, make your way east into the next screen. In the south
 cul-de-sac area is a [TORNADO TRAP], while the real exit comes in a bit. Take
 the northern walkway until it splits into a new screen with two exits. The
 lower one leads to a [AEROBLASTER] element; the higher-up will lead to the
 pillar and the very first part of the maze.

 As you go, make sure to trigger the blue switch to lower a stair and create
 a handy shortcut. Save with your loot and continue along until the emerald
 color of a pillar (and boss) shimmers in yo' face.
 | BOSS: Taurusoid | INNATE: Green  | HP: 1600 | @Carapace, Iron Vest        |
 | ELEMENTS: HealAll                                                         |
 | TO STEAL: Tornado Trap / Sonja Trap                                       |
 | SPECIALS: BackDrop (green-innate damage to one ally)                      |
 |           BodyPress (green-innate damage to one ally)                     |
 |           Chokeslam (green-innate damage to one ally)                     |
 | PATTERNS: BodyPress -> BackDrop -> ChokeSlam -> [TO RANDOM STRATEGY]      |
 |           HealAll (self; offensive yellow element counter)                |
 |       [2] (Attack) -> [Tech] -> [Tech] -> Attack ×2 -> [Tech] -> Attack ->|
 |           [Tech] -> [Tech+Tech] (×??)                                     |
 |       [3] [Tech+Tech] -> [Tech+Tech] -> Attack to [Tech+Tech] to [Tech]   |
 |           to Attack ×1-8 to [Tech+Tech] (×??)                             |
 | NOTE: Patterns shown are only excerpts (vague) to show harshness one may  |
 |       face. They'll probably vary a bit in name, but this isn't far off.  |

  He'll use HealAll on himself if damaged by yellow elements, so stick with
  the normal routine and those new techs you'll have. The main thing about
  this battle is that all his techs (and he does use them a lot) are single-
  -target and he's rather slow; it's not too hard to cleanse the field of any
  green traces. With decent equipment and no boosts -- you'll want to cast a
  Weaken on him if you have it -- all his attacks do around ~70. However, once
  the first three turns are done, he seems to randomly pick an attack avenue
  to go down; one is lenient and the other is very hectic w/ tech + tech runs
  very often. Hope for the '[2]' since it's easier to deal with the consecutive
  attacks. Make sure that field effect isn't fully green, either; this seems
  to beckon those tech+tech instances. 1200G awarded, as well as the sixteenth
  level-up star! (PS - Tornado is never cast. Don't believe the guides' hype!)

 Deactivate the green obelisk and let's move on to the last corridor...BLUE!
 |                         FORT DRAGONIA - BLUE ROOM!                       |
 This is fairly straightforward, with only three rooms to go into. There are
 three 'deposits' of treasure chests, but instead of having them give items,
 they control how movable paths work. The lit-up door near the entrance is
 the real destination, but the leftmost room leads to a [SEA CHARM]; the third
 room (eastmost) leads to a Dragoon enemy, which you may want to skip. [NOTE:
 On a NG+, the Dragoon and Sea Charm rooms are switched.]

 To make the path get to the destination entrance, use the 2nd cluster of
 chests to make the walkway turn SE; then, use the 3rd cluster to get a NW-
 -shooting path. Hit the button at the doorstep to create a shortcut to the
 main road. Return and save before approaching the blue obelisk, which is of
 course guarded by a fun plaything...
 | BOSS: GiantGloop | INNATE: Blue  | HP: 840  | AquaBall, IceBlast          |
 | ELEMENTS: BlueField, IceLance, Iceberg, IceBlast, CureAll                 |
 | TO STEAL: Antiviral Cap                                                   |
 | SPECIALS: TakeIn (blue-innate damage to one ally + Flu)                   |
 |           GooeyGoo (targets all allies; lowers EVD% if it hits)           |
 | PATTERNS: GooeyGoo to TakeIn to Attack to BlueField to IceLance to        |
 |           IceBlast to Attack (×??)                                        |
 |           Iceberg (when weakend, counters offnsive red elmnt if HP<12.5%) |

  This thing will use the trappable Iceberg attack when weakened, so you'll
  probably want to steal it. The thing is, only someone with a Lv. 6 slot can
  get it. You'll have to use someone like Luccia, Greco, Mojo...they've all
  got said slot at 16 Stars. The reason I recommend this is because it's (1)
  an awesome attack (2) said characters can be obtained on any path (3) it's
  possible to trap the element, flee, and still retain it. Just a head's up
  since if you're a big fan of, say, Leena, you'll want this great element.
  It's very damaging if it hits you, especially after BlueField; make sure to
  trap it each time you want to use a red element in its weakened state! This
  shouldn't be too hard of a battle if you've got any great red elements such
  as MagmaBurst, RedPin, FirePillar, Inferno... For those with 20 MGC, it'll
  be easy to do over 200+ with MagmaBurst, fr'instance, and even more should
  the person be red-innate. This battle should be a cinch to win, but you'll
  have to play it safe in the last stage if you're not trapping the element.
  800G and the 17th level-up star awarded for a win here. [Some people have
  reported the boss using CureAll on the allies, but this doesn't fit in w/
  any attack pattern...seemingly.]

 Deactivate the blue obelisk here and return to the main 4-way branch room
 to find the floor's created a large elevator to the higher parts. Save 'fore
 you enter it, of course, 'cause things are never as easy as touch and go w/
 this game... Make sure to equip that Iceberg to your characters if you're
 using a blue innate, because it can go as far as -2 (Lv4) in the grid! Don't
 come into battle without a HolyLight trap!
 | BOSS: SunOfAGun | INNATE: White  | HP: 365  | @Iron                       |
 | ELEMENTS: AntiBlack, HolyLight, WeakMinded, StrongMinded, MeteorShower,   |
 |           PhotonBeam                                                      |
 | TO STEAL: @Screw                                                          |
 | SPECIALS: Kissy-Wissy (white-innate dmg on an ally + Asleep)              |
 |           ModeChange (white-innate; randomly changes faces, atk patterns) |
 | PATTERNS: The boss strategy changes depending on its facial expressions.  |
 |       [1] (Happy) | Attack -> Kissy-Wissy + ModeChange                    |
 |       [2] (Blank) | AntiBlack -> HolyLight + ModeChange                   |
 |       [3] (Frown) | WeakMinded -> StrongMinded + ModeChange               |
 |       [4] (Angry) | Attack -> PhotonBeam + MeteorShower + ModeChange      |

  The boss may have un-phenomenal HP, but it's defense is more than up to the
  task of buffeting your attacks. Someone with 20+ MGC can still do ~20 dmg
  with a Lv. 5 element! That doesn't mean it's attacks are particularly hard,
  but it's still rather annoying. It uses 'ModeChange' to change its attack
  patterns; its blank mode has the trappable HolyLight attack which is great
  for damaging black-innates and automatically killing undead enemies. Should
  you get the 'angry' face (frown + teeth bared), heal up because it'll use
  three attacks in a row on its second turn! Imbecile helps in this case, as
  its damage increases as the field effect whitens. Try to trap multiple
  HolyLights since anyone can use 'em. Remember that you can trap it, flee
  the battle, and return to get more! This will be very useful against the
  upcoming black-type boss...  Anyway, black attacks or powerful physical
  damage (Serge can do 35+ probably) are the way to go here; if you're big
  on Guile, WandaSwords is a boss massacrefest. 840G awarded for winning,
  as well as the 18th level-up star.

 Save and deactivate the white pillar before getting on the elevator. Take it
 down to see some broken incubators; take it up to get to the real destination
 we're looking for. If you haven't gotten any Inferno/Volcano traps in Marbule
 yet, go get some before heading up.

 You'll be quick to notice that this second floor of Ft. Dragonia's the same
 one that was played in the game's dream sequence. Get the [CAPSULE] by the
 central teleport and make your way down the stairs into the next screen. Do
 away with the dragoon patrolling the area and curve back into the previous
 screen, taking the next stairway, too. There is a [METEORSHOWER] element and
 an [ANGEL CHARM] past the small doorway nearby. We all know where we need to
 go, though -- the black obelisk! Take the [DAEMON CHARM] guarded by a single
 Acacia SGT before entering. There's a fun, fun boss beyond...
 | BOSS: Bunyip    | INNATE: Red    | HP:  400 | n/a, n/a                    |
 |                 | INNATE: Black  | HP: 1000 | Gravitonne, HellBound       |
 | ELEMENTS: MagmaBomb, Inferno, FirePillar, Volcano, FreeFall, Gravitonne,  |
 |           GravityBlow                                                     |
 | TO STEAL: FreeFall / BlackHole Trap                                       |
 | SPECIALS: DevilThunda (black-innate dmg to all allies)                    |
 | PATTERNS: MagmaBomb -> Inferno -> Attack ×2 -> FirePillar -> Volcano ->   |
 |           Attack ×2 -> MagmaBomb -> Inferno -> [Changes to 2nd pattern]   |
 |       [2] Attack to Gravitonne to FreeFall to DevilThunda to Attack to    |
 |           GravityBlow to DevilThunda (×??)                                |

  This is one of the best fights in the game, not only because it's a two-
  -parter, but because it's an easy source of Inferno and Volcano elements.
  They're only used in the first part of the fight, however, so you'll have
  to get 'em and flee for more. Bunyip's first pattern ends with him changing
  to his second form, which is a black-innate and uses the trappable FreeFall
  element. That's the reason I suggest trapping his red elements; not only
  does it help evade a bunch of damage, but you save useful elements for the
  real fight. MeteorShower, HolyLight, and Luminaire will quickly carve down
  its HP, so all that really has to be done is healing every 2-3 turns with
  HealAll [etc.] after DevilThunda is used. Trap a few FreeFalls if you can,
  because they'll be very useful down the line after some...twists and turns.
  As long as you keep the field away from an all-black lineup, this battle'll
  be more than managable. 1300G awarded for winning, plus the 19th level-up
  star. I hope you got a bunch of trappable elements, because you won't ever
  regret it. <3

 The teleporter in the main room now works, following the unfurl'd path as
 the dream sequence did. Go back and save, get those level-up bonuses on all
 your fave characters -- you won't be able to use 'em for awhile after some
 upcoming events. 

 NOTE: In quite awhile there will be a boss that has lots of elements that're
       able to be trapped. Traps won't be able to be purchased, though, so if
       you want any Inferno, Deluge, ThundaStorm, HolyLight, FreeFall, or
       Carnivore traps, buy them now to prepare! You won't regret it. Really!

 Use the teleporter when ready to reach the boss...well, one of them. It's
 just inside that door...
| BOSS: Gen. Viper | INNATE: Yellow | HP: 820 | Dragoon Gauntlet/Mythril Mail|
| ELEMENTS: ---                                                              |
| TO STEAL: Stamina Ring                                                     |
| SPECIALS: G-Force (yellow-innate damage to one ally)                       |
|           AirForce (yellow-innate damage to all allies)                    |
| PATTERNS: Attack to G-Force to Attack ×2 to AirForce to Attack ×5 (×??)    |

  There's not much to crow about here, with Viper using pretty bland attacks
  that don't really make a scratch on anyone but green characters (and even
  then, not so much). Use this time to test out all those fancy elements that
  got trapped...Volcano, Inferno, Freefall. All will work nicely, because his
  attack pattern allows much breathing room for healing. You won't even need
  to use BatEye/Weaken probably. No currency awarded for winning, but a 20th
  level-up star'll suffice.

 Immediately afterwards, it's time to engage battle with our fated rival!
 | BOSS: Lynx | INNATE: Black  | HP: 1000 | Pendragon Sigil B/Sky Djinn Ring |
 | ELEMENTS: (Various, since they depend on Serge's grid)                    |
 | TO STEAL: Pendragon Sigil B / Sky Djinn Ring                              |
 | SPECIALS: GlideHook (black-innate damage to one ally)                     |
 | PATTERNS: GlideHook -> Attack -> [Serge's Element] -> Attack ×2 (×??)     |

  This strategy's kinda weird, since Lynx can use one of Serge's elements 
  against him. Whatever he picks is then unusable on our protagonist's grid,
  making this sorta of annoying (he won't pick anything too useful, though).
  His only black-type attack is Glidehook, and'll often inflict 100+ damage,
  and even more if that's Serge. Bombard him with your trapped element lineup
  while casting HiRes/BatEye because his fierce attacks can easily KO Serge
  (there are times when he attacks three/four times in one go!). Thus, keep
  his HP above 150 at all times and over 100 for everyone else. Without any
  of his annoying counterattacks like he had in the previous battle, it ain't
  the same. Winning nets the player 666G (!) and the twenty-first level-up
  star. Things won't be the same after this battle...

 After some shocking events, there's another battle. Since it's impossible to
 win in normal gameplay and is full of spoilers, I won't bother covering it
 in-depth (although if you do happen to win on a NG+ or something, the outcome
 will be the same). This ends the Fort Dragonia chapter, and boy was it a
 doozy. Enjoy the abyss...

14) Temporal Vortex [??? World]             "Where lost souls wander..." [D-20]
¯| ITEMS / ELEMENTS ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| CHARACTERS TO INVITE ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯
 |                                           |                               |
 | • Revive              • @Mythril          | • Sprigg                      |
 | • Pendragon Sigil C   • @Mythril          | • Harle                       |
 | • Astral Amulet                           |                               |
 | ENEMIES: TotalChaos                                                       |

 (A.K.A. the Dimensional Vortex)

 Re-equip Lynx with his elements at this point and heal up. There aren't any
 enemies here...wherever here is. Climb up the nearby treehouse to find that
 the door is locked. Someone's clearly in there, with beady eyes poking out
 and watching. To lure the person out, run to the overhanging tree branch and
 search it with the x-button; this will drop a fig onto the ground. The thing
 inside the treehouse will scamper to claim it, and Lynx should infiltrate
 the place before it runs back. Yay, it's someone with a Cockney accent...
 SPRIGGUMZ! Funny how she knows words like "superlative'. O____O  Resting'll
 take place automatically. Climb down the pole to find a save point, if you
 want one.                              ____________________ ________________
                                       | INVITATION: Sprigg | INNATE: Green  |
 | Sprigg has the key to the tower nearby, so she joins automatically. Yay!  |

 Outside, head up to the tower. See that boulder? If you knock it down the
 cliffside two times, it opens the way to a second [REVIVE] element! Enter
 the tower afterwards to find Harle with a nice speech on the predicament 
 Lynx is in. Apparently, a Dragon Tear may reverse the damage done so far...

 To get outta this craphole, watch which door the 'figment' Serge enters and
 take the door on the same side as him. You'll never meet him face to face,
 but after 3 times, a new area appears. ____________________ ________________
                                       | INVITATION: Harle  | INNATE: Black  |
 | Notre ami mignon de farceur se joint automatiquement ici! That roughly    |
 | equates to "Harle joins automatically here!". (My French probably sucks.) |

 Harle gives Serge the [ASTRAL AMULET], but only if Kid hasn't been invited
 (i.e. you chose not to rescue her and never went back to check up on her in
 Another World Guldove).

 This place is like one of those mind-bending illusion mazes. To start, flip
 that lever nearby to change the makeup of the level slightly. Rob a chest of
 some [@MYTHRIL] and a [PENDRAGON SIGIL C] down the line from it. Go back and
 flip it again, getting another [@MYTHRIL]. Continue down the stairway and arc
 back to a large hole in the floor. This will teleport everyone to...


 ...the Hydra Marshes in the Home World! There is a wormhole in the spot where
 the party lands, but it dies away (it eventually comes back, mind you) for
 now. Too bad, so sad. =/
15) Arni Village [Home World]             "And on with a new journey..." [D-21]
¯| ITEMS / ELEMENTS ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| CHARACTERS TO INVITE ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯
 |                                           |                               |
 | See [D-14] for full list.                 | • Radius                      |

 Before you can do anything here, you need to check out Opassa Beach. Try to
 use the Astral Amulet and you'll find it doesn't work any longer. Sprigg'll
 suggest going to see his "movver" in Arni and explain the situation. Let's
 roll! Make sure to check out the revamped equipment shop there [SH01]; the
 elements are unchanged, though. o_O

 Enter Serge's house, talk to Marge, and watch some scenes. Eventually, after
 some commotion caused by the townfolk, Radius will call out the party and try
 to cane y'into shape.
 | BOSS: Radius    | INNATE: Green  | HP: 750  | Pendragon Sigil C/Gravitonne|
 | ELEMENTS: PhotonBeam, Inferno                                             |
 | TO STEAL: ---                                                             |
 | SPECIALS: LongShot (green-innate damage on one ally)                      |
 |           QuickDraw (green-innate damage on one ally)                     |
 | PATTERNS: Attack ×2 -> LongShot -> PhotonBeam -> Inferno -> Attack ×4 ->  |
 |           QuickDraw (×??)                                                 |

  You can run from battle and set up an Inferno Trap if you need to, but this
  battle's lacks difficulty. Sprigg'll have barely any elements to use, but
  Harle should prove to be quite a companion to Lynx's forcefulness. Just be
  sure to cure after his Inferno attack and it'll be fine. If you upgraded
  Lynx' weapon to a Silver Swallow, this is even less difficult. Though he
  only coughs up 8G pocket change upon defeat, the 22nd level-up star's also
  in his possession.                    ____________________ ________________
                                       | INVITATION: Radius | INNATE: Green  |
 | Having not sensed any malice in Lynx' attacks, and wondering how everyone |
 | he used to know faired in the other world, Radius joins the party without |
 | even asking anyone! How's that for some Acacia spirit?                    |

 Radius suggests heading to Termina to gather news about Viper's disappearance
 from this (Home) world.

16) Fossil Valley [Home World]                       "Knight or day...?" [D-22]
¯| ITEMS / ELEMENTS ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| ENEMIES ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯
 |                                           |                               |
 | • @Mythril            • @Mythril          | • Bubba Dingo                 |
 | • Infrared Vision Frame                   | • Mama Dingo                  |
 |___________________________________________| • Drongo                      |
                                             | • Dodo                        |
                         _      _            |_______________________________|
                        /2/    (1(__
                       ( (      \_  \              [LEGEND]
                        \ \_______| |
                         \___   __  |               1 - Infrared Vision Frame
                 _        ___| |  | |               2 - @Mythril
        EXIT -> ( \      |     |  | |               3 - @Mythril 
                 \ \     |3    |  | |       __
                  \ \    |_____|  ) )      /  \
                   \ \___________/ /______/ /\ \
                    \______________________/  ) )
                                              |_| <- ENTER

 The goons from Porre are finally clearing out of here, now...well, once they
 see one glare from Lynx's demi-human mug. The area's mostly devoid of useful,
 powerful baddies and up the ladder, there are a couple of chests sitting in
 plain sight. One has the [INFRARED VISION FRAME] near the dragon skull; the
 other two're [@MYTHRIL] nuggets. Exit to the world map and head for Termina.

OPTIONAL: Shadow Forest [Home World]                                     [OP06]
¯| ITEMS / ELEMENTS ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| ENEMIES ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯
 |                                           |                               |
 | • Capsule             • @Mythril          | • Bulb                        |
 | • Carnivore Trap      • Forest Charm      | • Cuscus                      |
 |___________________________________________| • Gerridae                    |
                                             | • Gloop                       |
 You've already been here, so I won't waste  | • Dodo                        |
 too much time. The [CAPSULE] and [@MYTHRIL] | • Cassowary                   |
 in the second screen are in plain sight.    | • Wraith [x1]                 |

  1 - Capsule       2 - @Mythril      3 - Forest Charm     4 - Carnivore Trap
   _                                        |2   1\
 ./ |                           __________  /¯¯¯¯\ \
 (  |                          |_  _____  \|  G   ) )    ______
 |  )          _________     ___/ /__   \  \\_  __| |___|      |_
 ( (__________|4        |___|        |  /   \_\ \_|  ___        _| <- ENTER
  \___________           ___    CAVE | / /\_________|   |   R  |
              |_________|   |     3  | ¯¯                ¯¯¯¯¯¯

 When you get to the fifth screen where the water goes a little faster, there
 will be a wraith blocking a hole and a kid who says his dad's in there. Kill
 the monster to get a [MUSHROOM]. If you visited the cave in the third screen,
 you'll know a guy wanted a mushroom in exchange for the treasure's contents,
 which happens to be a [FOREST CHARM].

 NOTE: Regarding the above, you may find a rock blocking the hole if you've
       never done the Shadow Forest [AW] events involving the wraith/rock.
       In this case, to get the mushroom-carrier to come out, find an inert
       gerridae in the water and approach it; the cricket monster will leap
       into another hole and get the dad out.
                                        ____________________ ________________
                                       | INVITATION: Funguy | INNATE: Yellow |
 | If you give the guy the mushroom, he turns into a mutated freak, halfway  |
 | between human and mushroom. He joins the party automatically, too!        |

 Once you get the items, might as well turn around because the Porre Military
 is blocking the entrances (there are two now) into Viper Manor. Grr... Head
 back to Termina.

17) Termina [Home World]                                                 [D-23]
¯| ITEMS / ELEMENTS ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| CHARACTERS TO INVITE ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯
 |                                           |                               |
 | There ain't any!                          | • Van                         |
 |___________________________________________| • Zappa                       |

 The inn's closed down, but one can still stay for free by checking the front
 desk. Score! Check out Lisa's shop [SH06] which has its stock upgraded now.

 Talk to the soldier guarding the entrance to the dock to learn Norris needs
 to give permission to enter. He's at the Viper Manor ruins, so that's the
 next place to check out.               ____________________ ________________
                                       | INVITATION: Zappa  | INNATE: Red    |
                                       | INVITATION: Van    | INNATE: Green  |
 | Talk to old Zappa inside the smithy and he'll eventually join up. If you  |
 | ever plan on making rainbow/spectral weapons, he's a must-have. He forks  |
 | over a [SMITH SPIRIT] if you invite him, allowing weapons creation when   |
 | on the world map or at save points. To recruit Van, talk to him at his    |
 | house nearby and hire him as the tour guide. He'll join after a few secs. |

18) Viper Manor [Home World]                                             [D-24]
¯| ITEMS / ELEMENTS ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| CHARACTERS TO INVITE ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯
 |                                           |                               |
 | • Mythril Helmet                          | • Norris                      |

 The place is trashed and the manor's has fallen through its foundation. Not a
 very welcome sight... Radius'll comment on the situation (even if he's not in
 the party). It's impossible to get inside normally or even check the stables
 in the back; the only way in is through the well, then the sewer system.

 There's a [MYTHRIL HELMET] chest around the enemy-less waterways. There will
 be some barrels that you can push into the waterway later on, but a soldier
 is blocking the 2nd one at this time. Get down and dirty in the sluiceway to
 find the NW ladder. This leads to the jail block. Ignore the chest behind
 bars & take the last door to find Norris.
                                        ____________________ ________________
                                       | INVITATION: Norris | INNATE: Yellow |
 | After some dialogue, the leader of the Porre's Black Wind'll join Lynx!   |

 General Viper and his men apparently headed for the Dead Sea in the far east,
 an area that's intraversable by normal means -- there's no entrance! Radius
 suggests talking to the demi-humans of Marbule for the way in. Everyone will
 appear at the Termina dock, and the small-engine boat can now be used as the

 Now that you have the boat... Maybe get the below character.
                                        ____________________ ________________
                                       | INVITATION: Draggy | INNATE: Red    |
 | Draggy is hatched from the 'Big Egg' found at Another Fossil Valley. The  |
 | player must go to Home World Fort Dragonia, deactivate the four ground-   |
 | -floor obelisks (there are no bosses), and use the elevator. Down there,  |
 | the incubators work. Use the middle to hatch Draggy from the egg and he   |
 | will join up. There's no section for Mt. Pyre/Dragonia yet, but I'm still |
 | obligated to say the first point this guy can be obtained.         |

OPTIONAL: Guldove [Home World]       "The village of the demi-humans..." [OP07]
¯| ITEMS / ELEMENTS ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| CHARACTERS TO INVITE ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯
 |                                           |                               |
 | • Tablet                                  | There ain't any!              |

 This is a small section with little to do, but there's one great reason to
 make a pitstop here: the element shop! It sells great and rare items that're
 not sold anywhere else currently. The best one may just be 'MagNegate,' which
 makes a character take 0 damage from elements. A white-innate character is
 needed to use it, though. I'll cover getting one in a second.

 Also, behind the residential tower's mid-level (2nd) floor is a backroom with
 a [TABLET] inside. Whee. Nothing else to do here at the moment, so leave and
 head for...

OPTIONAL: El Nido Triangle [Home World]                                  [OP08]
¯| ITEMS / ELEMENTS ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| ENEMIES ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯
 |                                           |                               |
 | • @Mythril            • @Mythril          | • SchoolMates                 |
 | • Star Fragment                           | • Puffy                       |

 In Another World's Triangle, there was nothing to do but sit and loll in the
 waves; here, one can enter a glowing part of the water and descend into the
 depths. There's something around that allows breathing, so take all the time
 you need in this little two-part dungeon. There's a [@MYTHRIL] chest in the
 first part; take the ladder down after getting it.

 In the second area, search for a [STAR FRAGMENT] sitting in a cave, which is
 the entire reason for coming here. There's also another [@MYTHRIL] down the
 other dead-end path. The reason for coming here will be revealed in the next

OPTIONAL: Sky Dragon Isle [Home World]                                   [OP09]
¯| ITEMS / ELEMENTS ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| CHARACTERS TO INVITE ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯
 |                                           |                               |
 | • Our Favorite Martian Frame              | • Starky                      |

 Head into the third screen's expanse. There will be a little thing that flees
 from a treasure box in the middle. Inspect that box with a Star Fragment in
 your inventory to start a fun fight with...
 | BOSS: MegaStarky | INNATE: White | HP: 2800 | MagNegate (100%)            |
 | ELEMENTS: Meteorite, MeteorShower, RecoverAll, StrongMinded, UltraNova,   |
 |           PhotonBeam                                                      |
 | TO STEAL: Angel Charm / White Brooch                                      |
 | SPECIALS: Raydiation (white-innate damage on all allies + AntiWhite)      |
 | PATTERNS: Attack -> Raydiation -> Attack -> Meteorite -> Attack ->        |
 |           MeteorShower -> RecoverAll/StrongMinded -> Attack -> Ultranova/ |
 |           PhotonBeam + PhotonBeam (×??)                                   |

  This battle is special because it lets one get the UltraNova attack early
  on. It's attack pattern changes depending on if it's in critical condition
  or not, and that's where the UltraNova is cast. Lynx can really rip into
  this guy with a Silver Swallow, doing about 140 per fierce attack; Harle'll
  be close behind if you've been upgrading her stuff, too. Because any black
  innate character will be at a large disadvantage, consider using Diminish at
  once (buy in Guldove) and relying mainly on physical attacks + Imbecile to
  get by. Remember that Diminish only reduces damage, not the potency of any
  curative elements. Be sure to set any traps before Raydiation, since it can
  inflict AntiWhite! Seriously, with Diminish, this fight is twenty times
  easier. 1000G awarded for winning.

 Afterwards, Starky -- who's really pint-sized -- will steal the fragment and
 lead you on a chase around the area. Catch him with the x-button to learn he
 really needs the fragments to fix his downed UFO.
                                        ____________________ ________________
                                       | INVITATION: Starky | INNATE: White  |
 | Learning that his UFO may be intact in the other world, Starky joins you! |
 | Since he's white-innate, he can also act as a vessel for MagNegate-ing :p |

 Talk to the NPC walking around here to get the [OUR FAVORITE MARTIAN FRAME]
 as a reward. He'll only do this if you defeated Starky, mind you. Should the
 player fancy Starky as a fun and usable character, there's one way to buff
 him up quickly. Put him in your party and go to Arni Village [HW] and waltz
 over to that large sawfish. Starky will extract a [PLASMA PISTOL] from within
 as well as learning "Thanks," which is just a joke. :p  The thing gives +6
 ATK, and Norris can use it as well (which is +11 ATK better than his default

OPTIONAL: Hermit's Hideaway [Home World]                                 [OP10]
¯| ITEMS / ELEMENTS ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| ENEMIES ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯
 |                                           |                               |
 | • Resistance Ring     • Energizer Suit    | There ain't any!              |

 In this world, the hideaway isn't just a pile of smoldering organic matter.
 Search inside for a [RESISTANCE RING] and an [ENERGIZER SUIT]. Razzly will
 also be in here if you rescued her on the 'save Kid' path way back when, but
 she can't rejoin yet. That ring reduces the time status effects last, while
 the other automatically recovers HP to full at the end of battle.

19) Marbule [Home World]                                                 [D-25]
¯| ITEMS / ELEMENTS ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| CHARACTERS TO INVITE ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯
 |                                           |                               |
 | There ain't any!                          | There ain't any!              |
 As you walk around here, you'll notice that there are a bunch of Lagoonate
 apparitions walking around here. They aren't on the physical plane so there
 is nothing to be done about 'em yet. Talk to Toma about the Dead Sea to learn
 that "Death's Door" may be the only way in. He doesn't know how to access it,
 but maybe the Sage aboard the S.S. Zelbess cruise ship can reveal the info.

 Before leaving, spend the night at the stone abode near the entrance. During
 the night, the player's prompted to continue sleeping or check out voices;
 pick the latter. Approach the mermaid near the bridge, see some scenes, and
 the next day she asks the 'son of man' to take her with. She doesn't join the
 party or anything, though...

 Either way, the destination is the S.S. Zelbess luxury cruise liner. Although
 you may know it by another name... It floats off the NE coast of the El Nido
 island. Cheerio!

20) S.S. Zelbess [Home World]                                            [D-26]
¯| ITEMS / ELEMENTS ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| CHARACTERS TO INVITE ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯
 |                                           |                               |
 | • Monster Mouth Frame  • Frypan Ag47      | • Sneff                       |
 | • Handle               • Fiddler Crab     |_______________________________|

 This is a reworked outline of the S.S. Invincible, which is essentially what
 this luxury ship is. Note that after some events, you won't be able to leave
 for awhile (no battles), so make sure you've got what you need before this
         .-------------.         .-Frypan Ag47, Monster Mouth Frame (cat mode
         |  _____      |   _____/  _____                               only)
         | |     |     |  |KTCHN| |MIKI |
         | |FARGO|     |  |     | |     |
         | |_   _|     |  |_   _| |_   _|
         |   ) (______|¯|___| |_____| |______
         |  (_______     ____________________|-----------------------------.
         |  |CASINO     /                          To Nikki's Ship         |
         |   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯                                 _|_____________   |
         |              BELOWDECKS                      |               |  |
         |     _____   _____   _____                    |               |--'
         |    |     | |     | |     |                   |_____   _______|
         |    |     | |SNEFF| |SAGE |    Grand                |___|--.
         |    |_   _| |_   _| |_   _|    Slam  Fiddler Crab          |
  ______|¯|_____| |_____| |_____| |_______/___/      .---------------'
 |INN                              DOOR    _  |      |   ______
  ¯\¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | | |      '--|____  |
   Handle                               | |_| |              | |
                  SHIP EXTERIOR  _______|_____|______________| |
                                |START                         |

 This place can be a little confusing without simplification, so I'll go in a
 step-by-step routine.

 • Go to the room marked 'SAGE'. See the janitor here.
 • Watch the janitor gain entrance to the locked door in the hallway
 • That Pirate comments that the janitor's the Sage of Marbule, and that one
   needs permission from Fargo to enter behind there (where Grand Slam is).
 • Talk to Fargo in room marked...'FARGO.' He says he'll let them into the
   Grand Slam if they can beat him at the roulette game downstairs. If they
   lose, Lynx forfeits his boat.
 • Enter the casino, play the game. Fargo will always beat Lynx (eventually).
 • Enter the inn and see the innkeeper come down from the room above...
 • Go to the entertainment room marked 'SNEFF' and see his show.
 • Re-enter, watch the show; everyone's turned into cats. Flee the room.
 • OPTIONAL: Head upstairs to the kitchen and get the [FRYPAN AG47] weapon.
 • OPTIONAL: Talk to the kitchen cat to get the [MONSTER MOUTH FRAME].
 • Infiltrate the inn's upstairs region as a cat and get the machine [HANDLE].
 • Once you've got the handle, talk to Sneff in the stage's sideroom to be
   returned to normal (enter through a cat-hole in the wall).
 • Challenge Fargo to a roulette game again; this time he'll go bust (LOL)

 Beating Fargo gives access to the Grand Slam downstairs and also repossession
 of the Porre boat. Save the game at the inn and head past the once-guarded
 door. The janitor, a.k.a. the former Sage of Marbule, will be moppin' floors
 in this area and exits onto the balcony when seen. Keep following him, in and
 out of the ways he goes for awhile until Lynx catches up with him. Inquire
 about the Dead Sea's whereabouts and say that you'll use brute force to get
 the information if necessary. Buckle up!
 | BOSS: Sage      | INNATE: White  | HP: 1500 | Mythril Helmet (100%)       |
 | ELEMENTS: TurnWhite, TurnGreen, TurnYellow, TurnBlue, TurnRed, TurnBlack, |
 |           Gravitonne, Upheaval, AeroBlaster, FirePillar, PhotonBeam,      |
 |           IceBlast, WeakMinded, HolyLight, BatEye, Carnivore, Imbecile,   |
 |           FreeFall, Weaken, Inferno, Numble, Deluge, Lores, ThundaStorm   |
 | TO STEAL: ---                                                             |
 | SPECIALS: ---                                                             |
 | PATTERNS: See below (all patterns reset to 'normal' when complete)        |
 | Normal   : Attack ×??                                                     |
 | v. Red   : TurnRed + IceBlast -> Attack -> Weaken -> Inferno              |
 | v. Blue  : TurnBlue + FirePillar -> Attack -> Numble -> Deluge            |
 | v. Green : TurnGreen + Upheaval -> Attack -> BatEye -> Carnivore          |
 | v. Black : TurnBlack + PhotonBeam -> Attack -> Imbecile -> FreeFall       |
 | v. Yellw : TurnYellow + AeroBlaster -> Attack -> LoRes -> ThundaStorm     |
 | v. White : TurnWhite + Gravitonne -> Attack -> WeakMinded -> HolyLight    |

  Fighting the Sage is the reason I recommended buying all those traps before
  squaring off with General Viper. You can't buy them anymore in HW Marbule !

  This battle can be hard or easy(er), depending on your attack routine. For
  the easier path, I suggest going a strict physical route since this will
  avoid ALL elements. The harder route is /maybe/ the quicker route, but also
  the most dangerous. Using elements on the Sage cues up a different attack
  pattern that usually involves a bumrush of xtreme proportions. 'Course, if
  you play it safe, you can't trap his awesome elements. Because there is no
  sense of unknown here, feel free to bait him into using those trappables...
  provided you can handle it. Either way, Diminish'll help. Carnivore, Deluge,
  and ThundaStorm are all great ones that've been missed so far -- try for a
  few. With Lynx' Silver Swallow, he can take off 200+ a round; Diminish makes
  this a pitiful fight. (PS - Using a trap element counts as 'offensive,' so
  if you want to trap Deluge, say, just use the trap to cue the atk pattern.)
  Remember that you can trap as many elements as you want, flee, and still be
  able to keep 'em! 634G received for winning + the 23rd level-up star!

 The Sage relents and gives Lynx the [FIDDLER CRAB] key item as a reward for
 his persistance. There is an area near the Dead Sea where the tides differ,
 says the Sage; that's where to use the item. Nikki shows up and wants to talk
 inside his ship. This leads to an sidequest about saving Marbule from all of
 the dream monsters. Let's call it...THE SAVE MARBULE QUEST!!!

 You can also enter Grand Slam (via the ladder by the wall) where one can pit
 monsters against one another. This is how to get the character Janice, and
 while you can win with the default monsters, it's a lot easier to collect a
 bunch of powerful ones and blaze through. One needs a Forget-Me-Not Pot to
 retain (some) defeated monsters for the Grand Slam, so now that I've mentioned
 it, let's move on.                    _____________________ ________________
                                      | INVITATION: Janice  | INNATE: Red    |
                                      | INVITATION: Sneff   | INNATE: Yellow |
 | As said, the bunnygirl joins up after being trounced thrice. Booya! Sneff |
 | joins after the party witnesses him winning at the casino, then by asking |
 | him along backstage at the magic show.                                    |

OPTIONAL: Save Marbule Quest [Pt. I]                                     [OP11]
¯| ITEMS / ELEMENTS ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| CHARACTERS TO INVITE ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯
 |                                           |                               |
 | There ain't any!                          | • Irenes                      |
 This is an optional quest (duh) that really has no downside; doing it allows
 for quite a few characters to join up, and if you do not do it, you CANNOT
 make spectral/rainbow equipment in this playthrough. Ever. That incentivizes
 it, if y'ask me, but it's your call. Either way, this sidequest can be fired
 up right after defeating the Sage of Marbule aboard the Zelbess.

 On the cruise ship's topdeck, take the mast's lift to the Magical Dreamers
 boat, entering inside the lower door. Nikki suggests saving Marbule with a
 song...a song that can run the monsters out of the joint. While the music's
 playing, Lynx' team will cleanse the ghostly ghosts of their un-life. Agree
 to the plan, of course.                ____________________ ________________
                                       | INVITATION: Irenes | INNATE: Blue   |
 | If you agree to the plan, Irenes asks to join. You'll let her, WON'T YOU? |

 This concludes the first part of the sidequest. Make sure you do all of the
 above as soon as possible! You need to have Irenes in your party for the best
 outcome of the sidequest (not in the literal party, but invited, anyway).

21) Death's Door [Home World]                                            [D-27]
¯| ITEMS / ELEMENTS ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| ENEMIES ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯
 |                                           |                               |
 | • Garai Keepsake                          | There ain't any!              |

 Once you've won the Fiddler Crab from the Sage of Marbule on the SS Zelbess,
 use said item on the world map by where the 'Dead Sea' lettering appears. It
 will make the poisonous reef recede and open the way to a new area...Death's
 Door. Luckily, this place is pretty short -- there's another impedement to
 sort through. Radius notes that the infamous sword of evil, the Masamune, is
 stationed right nearby. Only the holy sword Einlanzer can defeat its aural
 assault. To do that, we'll have to visit the grave of Garai...

 Radius wants to be taken to his house, so head to Hermit's Hideaway. He'll go
 in for a short moment and return with a [GARAI KEEPSAKE], a key item needed
 to navigate the destination. And what may that be? The Isle of the Damned, of
 course... Head there now.

22) Isle of the Damned [Home World] "The blood-stained sword of evil..." [D-28]
¯| ITEMS / ELEMENTS ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| ENEMIES ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯
 |                                           |                               |
 | • Earthquake          • Inferno           | • WillO'Wisp                  |
 | • Golden Tiara        • @Carapace         | • Dead Beat                   |
 | • Einlanzer                               | • WightKnight [x1]            |
 |___________________________________________| • Airframe                    |
                                             | • Dead Head                   |

 This place is just as creepy as the Another World's version...this one just
 has actual monsters infesting the place. Defeat the WillO'Wisp at the bridge
 portion to see something odd -- when killed, it drops a flame and burns a
 hole in the wall. This can be repeated elsewhere in the same screen, since
 more of these enemies now appear and float around. Lure them to the 1 & 2
 spots on the map (where there is a cave obviously hidden) and defeat them
 to open the spots up. One has an [EARTHQUAKE] element (!) and the other is
 a [@CARAPACE]. Enter the brightly-lit door to continue.
  ___|  ___|   HINT: Dead Beats/Heads, Airframes, etc. are undead. They can
 |  _____  |   be quite annoying, but die instantly if hit with a HolyLight
 | |_|E| | |   spell. If you have any, at any place on the grid, it rocks.
 |  ___ || |   This doesn't work in the WightKnight battle, though.
 | |3|4 || |  _
 |___|__|| |_| |_    /\
        _| | | | |_ / / ________________       [LEGEND]
    .--|   |   | | | |  \1  ____   ___  |
    |  |___|  <| |<  |   \_/ ___) \___| |       1 - Earthquake
    |      |   | | | |      |         | |       2 - @Carapace
    |      |___| | | |______|_________| |       3 - Golden Tiara
    |          | | |________ _ _________|_      4 - Inferno
    |          |_|_|        |^|     |    2|     E - Exit (to Garai)
    |             |         |_|     |_____|

 When we last came here (in the other world) it was impossible to continue on
 because Serge's team lacked the keepsake. This item allows passage through
 those mirror-like doorways. There are a few mirrors around, but the real way
 to go is under the huge spinal column, which brings Lynx' party to the left
 part of the mirror room (denoted on map). Use the mirror to proceed into the
 next room.

 Down by the bubblin' mire, there is a covered cave and a suit of armor. Lure
 the WillO'Wisp down to the ladder (have fun with that -__-) and blow up the
 covered cave to find an [INFERNO] element. When it regenerates, lure it down
 to that suit of armor to fight a WightKnight enemy. Once defeated, it leaves
 a [GOLDEN TIARA] accessory. [NOTE: There is only one WightKnight to find in
 normal gameplay, so you may want to wait until you have a Forget-Me-Not Pot
 or just 'store' it in Sprigg's Doppleganger ability for the Grand Slam.]
 WightKnight can drop a @Rainbow Shell as well, so you may want to restart
 the battle a few times to see if you can get it. Either way, when ready, take
 up arms and enter the evil, red-looking door nearby...

 Read the headstone (LOL!) and watch some scenes from Radius' past. Then it's
 go time, chumps!
 | BOSS: Garai     | INNATE: White  | HP: 1987 | Dragoon's Honor (100%)      |
 | ELEMENTS: ---                                                             |
 | TO STEAL: ---                                                             |
 | SPECIALS: TripleCut (white-innate damage on one ally + Fatigued)          |
 |           WillBreaker (white-innate damage on one ally)                   |
 | PATTERNS: Attack to TripleCut to Attack ×2 to WillBreaker (×??)           |

  Quite frankly, Garai can cut off your head and then stuff it in your throat
  in a very humiliating manner...he's good. But, there are two things that'll
  make this battle way, way easier. The first is Diminish -- we've been using
  it a bit -- and pulls the rug out from under his powerful techs in a way. 
  The second way is using MagNegate. This of course plays into his favor of
  making the field effect white, but when you can get off scot-free from one
  of his WillBreakers, especially if you're a black-innate, that's certainly
  something to be proud of. Starky's the only character who can use MagNegate
  at this time, so if you pack him full of 'em, that can be his main function
  for now. A combination of both strategies will heavily raise the chance of
  success, guaranteed. As for the actual battling portion, Lynx can slice up
  Garai with a Silver Swallow, even better if LoRes/Weaken/BatEye is used --
  none of these are affected by Diminish . Despite the useful strategies,
  Garai's techs can still be poison for any black-innates, so coming into
  the battle with a load of CurePlus/HealAlls will be a telltale sign of a
  wise person. Lynx is only really needed for attacking, so the third person
  can be the main healer (if the second is the MagNegate-r). But anyway, you
  already have the tools to get by now -- put them to good use. Nothing acts
  as a substitute for upgraded equipment and decent elements, all of which
  you should have in spades (Airframes drop Mythril, if you haven't been in
  the mood to get some). Play it safe with Diminish and this battle will be
  in the history books soon enough. 1358G awarded for winning, earning also
  that 24th level-up star.

 After Garai's spirit is laid to rest, the [EINLANZER] is finally obtained.

 Return to Death's Door and Radius will wield the Einlanzer, destroying the
 Masamune (or does it?). The way to the Dead Sea now lies open. After picking
 up your jaw at what this place looks like, get the [ANTIRED] element chest
 sitting on the world map. Then, it's to the Highway Ruins.

 NOTE: You can return to the world map, but the more you proceed, the more
 places you'll have to backtrack through. Prepare as well as you can (Capsules
 and other consumables, for instance) before making a commitment.

23) Highway Ruins [Home World]         "A place forsaken by the gods..." [D-29]
¯| ITEMS / ELEMENTS ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| ENEMIES ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯
 |                                           |                               |
 | • Capsule             • @Screw            | • Geos                        |
 | • @Screw              • @Mythril          |_______________________________|
 | • FreeFall                                |

 The map's been edited a bit due to overlapping highways and byways, but this
 should still have functionality.

       |3 ___________________  |
       | |      / /          | |              [LEGEND]
     __| |_____/B/_________  | |
    |      -> /O/ ->      2| | |               1 - Capsule
    |_ ¯|¯¯¯¯/S/¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯¯4¯| |               2 - @Screw
    |  _|   /S/         |    | |               3 - @Screw
    | |    ( (          |  ____|               4 - @Mythril
    | |__ _| |          / /                    5 - FreeFall
    |    |   |         / /
    |    | | |        / /
    |  ____| |       / /
    |_|   /1 /      /5/
     |    |_|       ¯¯

 As you start, head up the subway stairs nearby and get the [CAPSULE] on the
 broken part of the highway. Before continuing, go back down those stairs and
 nudge by its left side to continue north up the frozen waves. This enters a
 new screen that leads to another highway fragment, and a [@SCREW] chest. By
 where you came in, there is a large tower against the highway and a ladder;
 it leads up to a large outlook point with a [@SCREW] inside. Continue across
 the skybridge and get to the mid-level (2nd) highway where a [@MYTHRIL] box
 sits by a Geos. Continuing south along the overpass eventually leads to a
 lone [FREEFALL] chest in the first screen. Now that all items are obtained,
 return to that first stair and enter the highest (3rd) overpass route to
 find a big, soulless, metal machine waiting to eat some people!
 | BOSS: Highwayman | INNATE: Black | HP: 2000 | Nimble, @Mythril            |
 | ELEMENTS: ---                                                             |
 | TO STEAL: ---                                                             |
 | SPECIALS: Rampage (black innate damage to one ally)                       |
 |           ExhaustGas (black-innate; no damage on all allies + Darkness)   |
 | PATTERNS: Attack ×2 to ExhaustGas to Rampage to Attack (×??)              |

  The most annoying thing about this battle is that it can inflict darkness,
  so either build up your elements ASAP or plan on using the 'Purify' skill.
  You can Diminish/MagNegate if you want to be safe, but its hard-hitting
  Rampage attack only comes every 4th then 5th turn; depends on the speed you
  want to get this over with. This is mostly a physical battle, so pack some
  HealAlls and dig in. 1100G awarded for winning, plus a 25th level-up star.

 With all items in your pocket, simply continue along that same way to leave.
 Continue along the world map until you find an [ANTIBLUE] and [ANTIYELLOW]
 chests peppered around the City Ruins.

24) City Ruins [Home World]                                              [D-30]
¯| ITEMS / ELEMENTS ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| ENEMIES ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯
 |                                           |                               |
 | • Resistance Belt     • Earring of Light  | • Geos                        |
 | • Kung Fu Shoes       • Stamina Ring      | • Robo Ducky                  |

                          ENTER         [LEGEND]
       _____   __________/¯\______        1 - Resistance Belt
      |4    | /_________        1/        2 - Kung Fu Shoes 
      |     |          / /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ _       3 - Stamina Ring
      |___  | ________/ /________/2/      4 - Earring of Light
          | |/ ______  ___________/
          | / /     / /     \_  /
          |__/  __ / /_______/ /     There's no boss in this small section,
               /3 /_________  /     so continue at leisure. Near the start's
              /  /_________/ /     a [RESISTANCE BELT], and [KUNG FU SHOES]
             /_________     /    in one of the rightmost doorways. The real
                      /_/¯¯¯   destination here is in the left/west building
                      /       where one can enter a working tower. Steal the
                    EXIT     [EARRING OF LIGHT] half-hidden before you steal
                            a peek at what the large monitor's for. Its half
 broken, but Norris will fix it. It tells of "Lavos," a being from long ago;
 should be familiar to any player of this game's prequel, Chrono Trigger. It
 loses power before anything crucial's revealed, so head back outside.  Make
 off with that [STAMINA RING] before going to this region's last location...
 Oh, and get that [ANTIGREEN] before you do. :p

25) Tower of Geddon [Home World]                                         [D-31]
¯| ITEMS / ELEMENTS ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| ENEMIES ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯
 |                                           |                               |
 | • @Feather            • Station Pass      | • Mannequeen                  |
 | • HolyLight           • Purify            | • Tragedienne                 |
 | • Medical Book        • @Feather          |_______________________________|
 | • Trashy Tiara        • @Feather          |
 | • Prop Sword          • HealAll           |
 | • @Mythril            • SealAll           |
 | • Diminish            • Screwy Dress      |
 | • HellBound                               |

 This place is quite huge... Tragediennes are able to use some trappable
 elements (including Volcano and the frightening BlackHole) immediately at
 battle's start, but which element the baddie specializes in is randomized.
 Mannequeens are capable of countering both physical and elemental attacks
 (except techs), depending on what "pose" they're currently in.

 PHYSICAL POSE: slight bend, r. shoulder twisted forward, both arms dangling
 ELEMENTL POSE: straight back, left hand on the hip, right hand dangles free

 They also have poses that do nothing. Remember: using traps still counts as
 an "offensive" maneuver, and other enemies can respond accordingly -- in this
 case, the Mannequeen casts a trap of its own, cancelling yours out! Basically,
 make sure none are in the element-countering position first.

                                    _______| |   __
                                   |  _______|  |15|
         .------------------.      | |      ____|  |
        _|_                 |     [16|     / ______|
      __| |                 |      | |____/ /_____
     |    |                 |      |______   _____|
     |  | |                 |       ______| |
     |  | |                 |      |  ______|
     |14|_|                 |      | |            _
      ¯¯/ /                 |      | |        ___| | <- ENERGIZER
       / (                  |      | |_______|  ___|
    ___| |_____             |      |       SAVE|
  _|  >| |>  12|            |       ¯¯¯¯|_|¯¯¯¯
_|   |¯| |¯¯¯¯¯             '------------'
|13|  ¯  |              _
 ¯¯ ¯¯¯| |             |9|
       | |_____________| |__
       |______________   _10|  _
                 |11  __| | | | |
                 |¯¯¯|__  | | | |                             THIRD FLOOR
                 | |__  |_| |_| |____________________________/
                 |   8|___________   ____  _____   _________ \   _
                  ¯¯¯¯           _| |    \ \    |_|         ) ) | |________
                             .--|_  |     \_)    |          | | | |_   ___4] 
                             |    |_|            |    _     | | |5| | |_____
                             |                   |   (6\____) )  ¯  |  ___  |
                             |                   |    \______/      |_|_  | |
                             |                   |                  |2| | | |
                             |                   |                  |   | | |
  [LEGEND]          ELEVATOR |      ____________|¯|___________      | | |_| |
                          \  |     /  __________   ________   \__ __| |  _  |
    1 - @Feather           \ |    |  |          |_|        \    _|____|_| |3|
    2 - Station Pass        \|    |  |           |          \__|           ¯
    3 - Purify               |    |  |           |           __
    4 - HolyLight            |    |  |___________|__________/1 )  SECOND
    5 - Medical Book         |     \__________________________/    FLOOR
    6 - @Mythril             |                   |
    7 - Trashy Tiara         |                   | 
    8 - @Feather             |     ______________|____________
    9 - Prop Sword           |    (             | |           \
   10 - CurePlus             |   _|            /   \           )
   11 - HealAll              '--|_            / /¯\ \          |  GROUND FLOOR
   12 - SealAll                 / |                            |
   13 - @Mythril               7  |            ENTER           )
   14 - Diminish                  (_____________   ___________/
   15 - Screwy Dress                            |_|
   16 - HellBound

 So, time to dig in. Go up the dual stairway to the second 'rim' of the mall,
 getting the [@FEATHER] chest by working counterclockwise. This same second
 floor has an exit on the east; take it to a subway station. By the disused
 rail system, there is a 'friendly' Geos. Talk to it and it will move towards
 a stuffed-up stairway. When it disappears, pick up the [STATION PASS] that's
 been left behind. There's a [PURIFY] by the rail system, and north of there,
 past a gate (opened by the pass), a [HOLYLIGHT]. Past there, a [MEDICAL BOOK]
 key item can be found. This is used to teach Doc his Lv. 7 Tech; if you don't
 have him, finding it's not important. Return to the mall area.

 Up on the third floor, a [@MYTHRIL] component can be found in a clockwise
 motion before going to the other side. By the next exit, check the elevator
 and lower it to the 1F. Return back to the ground floor and get the treasure
 inside, being a [TRASHY TIARA]. Exit to the west on the 3F, this time.

 Lynx will sense something sitting nearby, but it will leave. This is an area
 filled with 'Tragediennes'. They're like beauty pageant contestants and have
 a 'special ambition' which is a certain attack. A player can trap Volcano,
 Tornado, and BlackHole from 'em (BlackHole's helpful since the upcoming
 boss is a white-innate). They usually go first, though, so don't come
 into battle with crappy HP values. After getting/skipping the [@FEATHER] in
 the SW corner, head north to the theater stage and get the [PROP SWORD] key
 item. It teaches Pierre his final tech, so if you didn't get him, skipping it
 is alright. There's also a [HEALALL] and [CUREPLUS] nearby, too. Exit west
 when done.

 In the next room, full of mangled metal machinery, Lynx again thinks he sees
 a child running around. From the large, broken fan-thing, head to the left
 and get up on the catwalk. Loop around to an [SEALALL] chest and double-back
 a bit to another ladder, leading to a [@MYTHRIL] in a blindspot. Climb up the
 large sheet of metal to exit into the blue light...

 Witness what's happened to the HW Acacia Dragoons before getting a [DIMINISH]
 near the left side of the broken pavement. Approach the scary-lookin' portal
 and go inside. Save!

 NOTE: After defeating the upcoming boss, you will not be have another chance
       to get all the items in the Dead Sea, being this tower and the highway
       city ruins, AND the world map items. Go back and get 'em while you can!

 There is an Energizer nearby which will restore HP and status abnormalities,
 but as a Chrono Trigger in-joke, "you're still hungry." Continue towards the
 circular plaza and find a [SCREWY DRESS] by cutting through the middle. Watch
 the scenes that play by going the other way and raid the fifteenth chest, a
 [HELLBOUND] element. Signify anything, much? Regardless, head north and read
 the inscription on the fallen bell. This'll set the dialogue in motion, with
 a climactic finish. Equip Daemon Charms if you have any (and you should have
 up to two.)
 | BOSS: Miguel    | INNATE: White  | HP: 1950 | Dreamer's Scarf (100%)      |
 | ELEMENTS: AntiBlack, StrongMinded, WeakMinded, TurnBlack, PhotonBeam,     |
 |           MeteorShower, HolyLight                                         |
 | TO STEAL: ---                                                             |
 | SPECIALS: HolyDragSwd (white-innate damage to one ally)                   |
 | PATTERNS: AntiBlack to StrongMinded to WeakMinded + HolyDragSwd to Attack |
 |           to TurnBlack + PhotonBeam (×??)                                 |
 |       [2] MeteorShower -> HolyLight -> [Restarts above strategy]          |

  Don't let his tourguide-meets-fisherman appearance fool you; Miguel may be
  the hardest boss yet fought. His defense isn't immense, so the Diminish
  strategy does work. BlackHole can do almost 500, so the more of those y'pack
  in, the better. The much-dreaded HolyDragSwd lives up to its reputation, and
  can often OHKO the target if Miguel's left to his own devices. Diminish can
  make it do ~125-175 depending on weaknesses. Physical attacks are definitely
  the way to go once Diminish has been used, and are quite effective paired w/
  LoRes/Strengthen. Just keep everyone's HP up with HealAll because when he's
  put in critical condition, he does a vicious combo of MeteorShower/HolyLight
  that will probably inflict 'fatigued' on your characters. Try to trap the
  latter if you can; if you can't, just know that he only uses it once in the
  entire battle. 1540G awarded for the win, and the 26th level-up star, too.

 Miguel did say that the dimensional distortion would restore itself if he was
 defeated. After some sweet FMVs, everyone ends back up at Marbule. The dragon
 says that the destination should be the Sea of Eden, and there's only one way
 to get there, y'know...DIMENSIONAL ROAD TRIPPIN'...well, after getting relics
 from the dragon gods. There are six dragons, and six relics need to be gotten.

 For now, hit up Opassa Beach. The wormhole's back, so we can time-hop to the
 Another World once again. See some kittie events at the beach there and head
 to the world map.

OPTIONAL: Arni Village [Another World]   "And the planet began to shake" [OP12]
¯| ITEMS / ELEMENTS ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| CHARACTERS TO INVITE ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯
 |                                           |                               |
 | • @Rainbow Shell                          | There ain't any!              |

 Everyone here is holed up near Gonji's house and no one is allowed to even
 approach there. This is a perfect time to get the [@RAINBOW SHELL] from the
 item-seller's cart. Nothing else to do here, but I thought I'd mention it...

26) Fossil Valley [Another World]                                        [D-32]
¯| ITEMS / ELEMENTS ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| ENEMIES ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯
 |                                           |                               |
 | There ain't any!                          | • Shadow Cat                  |
 |___________________________________________| • Tutanshaman                 |

 You're forced to go through here again, although not much has changed 'sides
 the enemies. Luckily, there is one more thing you can do here. If you managed
 to go out of your way and get Draggy before, his Lv. 7 tech is obtained in
 this area. With him in the party, go up the ladder to where the exorcisms had
 to be performed, in the dragon boneyard. After some scenes with his mother,
 he'll receive the 'BigBreath' tech. It attacks all enemies with the spirit of
 his mommy! ...Of course, if you don't even have the Big Egg Draggy hatches
 from, you can get it here as well (I think).

 Other than that, ditch this dump and make for Termina.

27) Termina [Another World]                                              [D-33]
¯| ITEMS / ELEMENTS ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| CHARACTERS TO INVITE ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯
 |                                           |                               |
 | • Tear of Hate                            | • Zoah  -.--CAN ONLY PICK ONE |
 |___________________________________________| • Karsh -'                    |

 Porre has taken over THIS Termina as well, it seems. Enter the bar and the
 waitress'll unlock her door for you; enter inside and go behind the counter.
 Guile and her will be hiding here, but there's a secret room that can be
 accessed by using the x-button in the vacant corner.

 It's none other than Karsh and Zoah back here. They tell their sad tale of
 how they found General Viper, and how Lady Riddel's been captured. The player
 can pick one of them to join the party since the next league of the game will
 involve infiltrating Viper Manor...again. Either is fine, but if you might as
 well pick Zoah because his Lv. 7 Tech is there. The Dragon Tear's shards are
 also given over as the [TEAR OF HATE].

 You can still roam around town, seeing a few other party members that have
 'forgotten' Serge in only a short while. There are some scenes to view at the
 element shop, and another at the smithy. A scene can play if you bring Zappa
 to meet himself (w/ a @Rainbow Shell in the inventory), but it turns out that
 no rainbow equipment can be made yet because the hammer's too weak! Once the
 Save Marbule Quest is over, we'll be able to make some... See [SH03] for an
 updated list of the wares.

 After the bar events, head to the entrance to find Norris. An urgent security
 message arrives to say that Grobyc has arrived at the manor, whoever that guy
 is. Norris still wants Lynx to come meet him at the manor later. Good thing
 we're going there right now...

28) Viper Manor [Another World]           "A captive audience awaits..." [D-34]
¯| ITEMS / ELEMENTS ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| ENEMIES ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯
 |                                           |                               |
 | • Prison Key          • @Humour           | • Spearfisher                 |
 | • @Denadorite         • Magic Seal        | • Lantern Jaw                 |
 | • Nimble                                  | • Porre PVT                   |
 |___________________________________________| • Porre SGT                   |

 Enter the manor proper and watch the scenes involving Riddel and Norris. Go
 to the parlor (ground floor, left side) to find Norris, who's eager to help
 rescue Viper's daughter. The [PRISON KEY] is received, since she's being
 held in the basement. Using the sewage system beneath the prison's the best
 course of action, Norris thinks. If you have Zoah, make sure to stop by his
 room (ground floor, right side) and open that chest with him in the lead --
 it contains his Lv. 7 Toss&Spike tech.

 To get into the sewers, open one of the grates in the hallway outside the
 barracks, in the kitchen, or in the jail stairway. However, at this time,
 you can't really do anything from those positions; just let the rapids here
 (denoted with 'W's for water) lead into the cistern area.

  Kitchen    _________|3|
  (1-way)   | __________|
    _|_  _  ||                                 Third
    | |_| |_||                        _______  Valve
    |___   __| ___________           | ____  |/      EXIT
        |W|   |  _______  |____     _||    |-|      /
Barrcks |W|_  | | |VALVE| |<- _|->-|__| _| | |_____||_
Hallway |W  | | | |¯¯¯¯¯| |¯||_    |WWWWW| |WWWWWWWW|4|
   |    |W  | | | |WW->W| | || |->-|WWWWW| |WWWWWWWW| |
  _|_   |W  | | | | |¯¯¯|  ¯  ¯|->-|¯ |¯¯|  ¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯  |
  | |   |W _| | | |  ¯¯¯¯¯¯  |¯     ¯¯    ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
  | |___|W|___| |  ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
  |___  |W _____|
      |  W|______                                    [LEGEND]
      |  W|VALVE |---.   To Manor Jail
      |  W|¯¯¯¯¯¯    |         |                       1 - @Humour
      |_|W|____      |       _|¯|_____________         2 - @Denadorite
        |WWWWWW|--.  |      |2    ______ ___  |        3 - Magic Seal
         ¯¯¯¯¯¯   |  |       ¯¯¯¯|B    1| B | |        4 - Nimble
                  |  |           |____  |  _| |
                  |  |   _____________| |  ___|
                  |  '--|_____________  | |
                  |      _ ___________| | |
                  |     | |    _________| |_____
                  '-----|___|_________________  |
                           CISTERN AREA         \
                                                 To Viper Manor Well Area

 Once in this cistern area, find the two barrels and push them into the water
 to create a makeshift walkway ('B' denotes barrel location). There's also a
 [@HUMOUR] chest nearby, no longer guarded by a soldier. The player will now
 be able to head to the sluiceway control; tighten the valve to make the flow
 go far slower. It will still carry one to the cistern, though, but now it's
 possible to get to any of the side areas. Return to the cistern area and go
 towards where the 'Viper Manor Well Area' on the map. You should scare a
 gerridae on a chest, and it'll fall into the water (It's a Delute element).
 Remember to get it later on. For now, collect the [@DENADORITE] chest and
 climb the ladder, returning to the manor's jail area.

 With the sluicegate shut some, it's now possible to navigate the water in a
 small way. Enter the kitchen's floor grate to get the furthest upstream. Get
 in the water and walk right into the first sheltered area. Go up the passage
 to find a [MAGIC SEAL]. If you're wondering what that little blob is, when
 Luccia inspects it, she'll get her Lv. 7 tech. More on that later on.

 For now, head back into the water and get into the small passage just south
 of the Magic Seal passageway. Use this to get to the second sluicegate valve
 which will open the way to enter the larger waterway on foot. Don't go in
 yet, though -- it won't do anything. Head to the third valve in the right
 screen. You'll notice it can be accessed from two sides... Open it to switch
 the sluicegate and stop the heavy flow of water.

 Remember that gate we opened with the 2nd valve? The one that opened a small
 gate so Lynx could enter the water? Enter that now and wade downstream to
 a small stairway near the 3rd valve. Follow the walkway to the dead end where
 a [NIMBLE] is. That's the last treasure down in the soggy sewer. Use the tiny
 stairway near the Nimble chest to enter the channel near the exit ladder. Go
 to the 3rd valve, open it, and try to exit. Uh-oh, there's an infestation!
 | BOSS: Roachester | INNATE: Blue  | HP: 1245 | Elbow Pad (100%)            |
 | ELEMENTS: ---                                                             |
 | TO STEAL: ---                                                             |
 | SPECIALS: Jitterbug (blue-innate damage on all allies)                    |
 |           BugKamikaze (blue-innate damage on one ally)                    |
 | PATTERNS: Attack to JitterBug to BugKamikaze to Attack to JitterBug ×2 to |
 |           BugKamikaze (×??)                                               |

  Shouldn't be too much of a trial after Garai and Miguel's fights. Diminish
  when the battle starts, LoRes/Strengthen, and commence physical violence.
  Red characters will still get damaged some (~70dmg) if they take the brunt
  of a tech (and it does use them often), but it should be no problem for
  HealAll. Use Inferno/Volcano and try to inflict 'burns,' which will reduce
  its defensive capabilities by about 25%. 1076G awarded for winning, plus a
  27th level-up star.

 Go up the ladder to find...three more ladders! Two aren't worth exploring,
 but Fargo is in the rightmost. Lynx'll give him the prison key to escape w/
 the others. Save before entering the next-door room, 'cause there's a hellish
 hellion bent on hellping you to hell!
 | BOSS: Hell's Cook | INNATE: Red  | HP: 2800 | Gold Pendant, @Mythril      |
 | ELEMENTS: Fireball, FirePillar                                            |
 | TO STEAL: ---                                                             |
 | SPECIALS: SpiceOfLife (restores HP to self; ~120)                         |
 | PATTERNS: Attack to Fireball to Attack to FirePillar to Attack to         |
 |           SpiceOfLife (×??)                                               |

  Orcha's dark half is formidable if he's allowed to turn the field effect a
  dark red; luckily, his defense isn't that great and he eats blue-element
  damage by the chunks. Deluge can do 200+ in an able person's hands, so it's
  up to you whether or not Diminish-ing is a good strategy here. He'll heal
  himself every 6th turn, but not by much. Use Weaken/BatEye to help prevent
  some of his increasingly vicious physical attacks and go to town with Lynx
  and his swallow. That'll deflate that enormous HP amount pretty dang fast.
  I've heard people say that he uses Volcano, but I haven't been able to see
  it used, even when in critical condition, all-red field effect, etc. Pull
  out a win and get 1490G as well as the 28th level-up star.
                                        ____________________ ________________
                                       | INVITATION: Orcha  | INNATE: Red    |
 | Orcha joins up automatically to make amends for his wrongdoings. Awright! |

 Norris will escort Riddel out of the manor and to Hermit's Hideaway to check
 up on General Viper. If you want to get those level-up bonuses, try to enter
 either of the hallway staircases from the foyer to fight some Porre PVTs. It
 is kinda funny how they attack characters with the barrel of the gun rather
 than the stock. o_O

 Head north past the snake statue to find a few Porre PVTs to destroy. Send
 'em sprawling around the room and take on the REAL boss.
 | BOSS: Grobyc    | INNATE: Black  | HP: 2800 | Defender, FreeFall          |
 | ELEMENTS: HealAll, Vigora, Strengthen                                     |
 | TO STEAL: ---                                                             |
 | SPECIALS: RocketFist (black-innate damage on one ally)                    |
 |           HairCutter (black-innate damage to all allies)                  |
 | PATTERNS: Attack to RocketFist to Attack to HairCutter to Attack to       |
 |           HealAll to Attack to Vigora to Attack to Strengthen (×??)       |

  Don't let some of his absurd attacks fool you -- he's not a pushover. His
  attacks won't bother Lynx or Harle, but they're still bothersome. Diminish
  the field and BatEye/Weaken him to keep his damaging physical assault in a
  more timid degree. He'll use HealAll to recover ~200 HP, which shouldn't
  make much of a difference. White attacks are very effective; even at -1 on
  the grid, HolyLight can inflict almost 300, and that's a telltale sign of
  how poor his M.DEF is. The only element you've never seen here is 'Vigora,'
  which helps reduce his stamina consumption...meaning he can attack far more
  in one turn than he has (up to 7 times). Get a HealAll ready because he'll
  most certainly do a lot over 120+ dmg. This effect usually wears off before
  he uses Strengthen, luckily. 1250G awarded for victory, and the 29th
  level-up star.

 Immediately afterwards, there is another boss!
 | BOSS: Guillot   | INNATE: Yellow | HP: 1001 | @Mythril, @Screw            |
 | ELEMENTS: ---                                                             |
 | TO STEAL: ---                                                             |
 | SPECIALS: HotEdge (yellow-innate damage on one ally)                      |
 | PATTERNS: Attack ×3-5 -> Hot Edge -> (HotEdge) (×??)                      |

  It's got laughable defense, weakling attacks, and horrible HP. Only HotEdge
  is anything to pay attention to, which does less than 100 to neutral-innate
  characters under the influence of Diminish. There doesn't seem to be much
  of a pattern Guillot uses besides a random amount of attacks interspersed
  with a Hot Edge now and then. Sometimes he uses it two times in a row, so
  beware if you don't like Diminish. Bombard it with physical attacks while
  Weaken-ing it, or use your best green elements (Tornado, AeroBlaster, etc.)
  while someone has HealAll on standby. 0G received, mostly because this dork
  ain't a boss...of course it leaves no level-up star, either.

 After some enjoyable events, everyone escapes into the library tower. Guillot
 has to be fought once again but it follows the same pattern as above. Defeat
 it and climb up the ladder the prophet tells you about. Once in the dragon
 stables, pick either option to see some crazy stampeding over those poor,
 Porre soldiers.                        ____________________ ________________
                                       | INVITATION: Grobyc | INNATE: Black  |
 | Grobyc is designed to follow the orders of those stronger than him, so he |
 | naturally wants to be Lynx' acolyte. He-joins-automatically.              |

 Everyone escapes in a boat nearby (how'd that get there!?) and lands on the
 world map near Termina. Mission: accomplished. Now, to Hermit's Hideaway...

29) Hermit's Hideaway [Another World]    "Pursuers with heavy-hearts..." [D-35]
¯| ITEMS / ELEMENTS ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| CHARACTERS TO INVITE ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯
 |                                           |                               |
 | There ain't any!                          | • Riddel                      |
 |___________________________________________| • Pip                         |

 Before entering, use the Ice Breath (if you got it) on the burned patch of
 grass on the front lawn. This will allow vegetation to grow again, and needs
 to be done if you want another character later on. Head on inside and see how
 things are going with the dragoons.    ____________________ ________________
                                       | INVITATION: Riddel | INNATE: White  |
 | This Acacian beauty joins after she's been talked to, simple as! <3 <3 <3 |

 Riddel also suggests the party rest. Agree and Fargo will save the day by
 'abducting' everyone to safety aboard  ____________________ ________________
 the S.S. Invincible. A few dialogue & | INVITATION: Viper  | INNATE: Yellow |
 reminiscing scenes later, belowdecks  | INVITATION: Fargo  | INNATE: Blue   |
 one learns where Lynx is next headed. | INVITATION: Marcy  | INNATE: Blue   |
 A bunch of people join at this time!  | INVITATION: Karsh  | INNATE: Green  |
                                       | INVITATION: Zoah   | INNATE: Yellow |
 | Viper joins automatically at this time, as does Fargo. And Marcy. Zoah or |
 | Karsh will also join here, depending on who you didn't choose to at the   |
 | Termina bar. They, too, join automatically. Who'd not want 'em, anyway!?  |

 After forming a party, everyone automatically heads to this world's version
 of "Death's Door," being the Pearly Gates. Harle says that the power of the
 six dragons is needed to enter through to the Sea of Eden. The dragons're in
 both dimensions, and the true doorway to Eden's in the other world's Dead
 Sea. The Dragon Tear also needs to be used to change Lynx back to his normal
 self, since he won't get far as a demi-human appearance. Harle poses a query
 to Lynx, but it the answer doesn't matter -- Harle ends up leaving the party.
 (If Starky's with, he'll try to comfort her in a ridiculous, comical manner,
 depending on the answer you gave to her at Pearly Gates.)
                                        ____________________ ________________
                                       | INVITATION: Pip    | INNATE: White  |
 | On board the Invincible, go belowdecks and talk to Pip, stowed away in a  |
 | storage room. He'll join up again, and is the only character from the     |
 | previous pack that can do so for Lynx' section. Why? That's how the world |
 | works, son.                                                               |

 When you want to leave, talk one of the mates and say "you're about to leave."
 The quest for the dragon relics will now begin...in a second.

 NOTE: You can take on the dragons in any order. I just do 'em in the order I
       feel like it. 

OPTIONAL: Viper Manor [Another World]                                    [OP13]
¯| ITEMS / ELEMENTS ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| CHARACTERS TO INVITE ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯
 |                                           |                               |
 | • Viper's Venom       • @Rainbow Shell    | There ain't any!              |

 Porre will still be in control of this place, but if Norris is in your party,
 you can enter still. Enter the basement level and go into the storage room,
 being the one nearest the righthand staircase. This is where there are traps
 and such. Luckily, you can bypass most of 'em.

 First off, remember how there was a soldier in here at all times, standing
 by the pillar in the corner? He's gone now. Inspect that pillar to find a
 secret button, which deactivates 'something.' Push the snake statue into 
 place by the door and enter the secret passage. There are two chests here,
 and with the button pressed, the acidic spray won't prevent access to 'em.

 The first is a [VIPER'S VENOM] special sword, tripled-bladed and only usable
 by Viper. The other is a [@RAINBOW SHELL]! That's all for this part, but a
 few more things need to be taken care of. Take Norris up to the ground-floor
 parlor to meet himself. He'll get his Lv. 7 tech 'TopShot'!

 One more thing...remember in the room with the pillars and armchair elevator?
 There's always been a east wing passage guarded by a robot, but after all of
 the Guillot events, it's gone. The room beyond has four snake statues and a
 plaque that says "Respect my behind." When all are put in the floor grooves,
 a chest appears; approach it from behind to open it. If you approach from the
 front, you'll fall through a hole. =/

 The chest's empty but has a note left by whoever took the contents. S/he has
 gone to the Isle of the Damned and wants 'Sir Karsh' to accompany one there.
 This leads to the another sidequest that can be done at the moment, and will
 earn Karsh his Lv. 7 tech. Go there now.

OPTIONAL: Isle of the Damned [Another World]                             [OP14]
¯| ITEMS / ELEMENTS ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| ENEMIES ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯
 |                                           |                               |
 | • Mixed Bones         • @Eyeball          | • Airframe                    |
 | • MementoPendant                          | • Dead Head                   |

 NOTE: Karsh must be with to continue!
 NOTE: Bring Earthquake traps for an easier time!

 Bring Fargo along, since it's possible to steal a Forget-Me-Not Pot in this
 next boss fight. It allows one to 'remember' enemies for the Doppelganger
 ability without having Sprigg in the party. This is the first chance to get
  ___|  ___|   As before, simply enter the many-mirrored room, go beneath the
 |  _____  |   large spinal column, and use the Garai Keepsake to enter beyond
 | |_|E| | |   the mirror there. You cannot proceed if Karsh isn't with, so do
 |  ___ || |   remember to have him tag along. A Lynx/Fargo/Karsh party is the
 | | |3 ||_|  _          one you'll probably have to have going into this...
 |___|__|| |_| |_    /\
        _| | | | |_ / / ________________       [LEGEND]
    .--|   |   | | | |  \1  ____   ___  |
    |  |___|  <| |<  |   \_/ ___) (___| |       1 - Mixed Bones
    |      |   | | | |      |         | |       2 - @Eyeball
    |      |___| | | |_ ____|_________| |       3 - Revenge
    |          | | |___|____ _ _________|_      E - Exit to Solt/Peppor
    |          |_|_|        |^|     |    2|
    |             |         |_|     |_____|

 Note that once you initiate battle with the Shaker brothers, it's impossible
 to leave here!
 | BOSS: Solt      | INNATE: Yellow | HP: 900  | @Denadorite, Stone Vest     |
 | BOSS: Peppor    | INNATE: Yellow | HP: 1000 | @Denadorite, Stone Mail     |
 | ELEMENTS: Strengthen, HiRes, ThundaStorm, Earthquake, Golem               |
 | TO STEAL: Solt   = Resistance Belt                                        |
 |           Peppor = Forget-me-not Pot                                      |
 | SPECIALS: CrossCut (red-innate dmg on an ally; needs both bosses to use)  |
 | PATTERNS: (Solt  ) Attack to Strengthen to (CrossCut) to Attack to        |
 |                    ThundaStorm to Attack to Earthquake + Earthquake (×??) |
 |           (Peppor) Attack to HiRes to (CrossCut) to Earthquake to Attack  |
 |                    to Earthquake to Attack to Earthquake + Earthquake [×??]
 |       [2] Golem (used by Solt/Peppor in place of Earthquake+Earthquake ;  |
 |                  Only used once per foe)                                  |

  This fight can actually be HARD for once, at least by Solt/Peppor standards.
  Their attacks'll be able to rip into Karsh pretty easily for 50+ a pop, plus
  they usually attack two or three times in their turn. Diminish the field and
  have Earthquake traps on standby, since the last thing one wants is 'Sprain'
  on every ally. CrossCut can still do 200+ with Diminish, but everything else
  is rather timid. Still, don't count 'em out -- when only one of them is left
  they can still bring the pain by doing consecutive element attacks. Should
  you find yourself getting beaten -- and this isn't very far-fetched -- think
  about coming back here once you've defeated the Earth Dragon and got its
  Yellow Plate, which will absorb all offensive yellow elements. 1103G awarded
  for winning, but no level-up star. [NOTE: CrossCut is only used on the first
  run through the strategy, and then is omitted from then on. There's also a
  glitch where CrossCut can be used even if one brother is KO'd. Weird, huh?]

 Karsh will learn his Lv. 7 tech 'Axiomatic' at this time, and the two dragoon
 outcasts will return the [MEMENTOPENDANT] they took from Viper Manor.

OPTIONAL: Save Marbule Quest, Pt. II [Home/Another World]                [OP15]
¯| ITEMS / ELEMENTS ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| ENEMIES ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯
 |                                           |                               |
 | • Black Relic     • Valencian Cloth Frame | • Lagoonate                   |
 |___________________________________________| • Mantarrey                   |

 NOTE: This is NOT optional if you did the first part of the sidequest...
 NOTE: The [VALENCIAN CLOTH FRAME] becomes impossible to get once the Black
       Dragon awakens, so make sure it's obtained at Marbule [Another] from
       the demihuman who used to throw rocks near the entrance. Also, it can
       only be obtained as Lynx, and when he has two other demi-humans in the
 NOTE: You can only do this second part of the sidequest if you did the first
       part way back when (talking to Nikki and getting Irenes). If you did
       not, simply go to Another World Marbule and inspect the sleeping Black
       Dragon to receive the [BLACK RELIC]!

 Make sure you're in Home World, now...

 This last stretch of the Marbule quest relates to fighting the Black Dragon,
 actually. To kickstart the events, put Fargo into the party and take him to
 see his other self in the Home World's luxury craft, the S.S. Zelbess. The
 non-wuss Fargo will berate his counterpart and force the newly-rechristened
 Invincible to Marbule's coast. Now the violent part comes, as the song makes
 the dream spirits tangible... Fargo will receive his Lv. 7 Tech 'Invincible'
 automatically! Now, the second leg begins -- enter the boat to make for the
 demi-human town... (You have to use Fargo, by the way).

 The enemies around are Lagoonates and usually come in pairs. They're blue
 innate, so any powerful red attacks (Inferno, Volcano, red techs) will do
 nicely. With Mythril[+] equipment, their special 'Just4Kicks' attack should
 be doing in the very low double-digits range. Mantarreys' 'FlyLow' is more
 damaging, but still not by much. In total, there are 9 Lagoonates loitering
 around the field, with the eighth & ninth inside the town's large cave.

 When all are defeated, a dragon's cry will be heard in the far-off distance.
 What's the meaning of this? The Black Dragon has awoken in the opposite
 dimension, and can now be fought. The last stretch is just beginning...
                                        ____________________ ________________
                                       | INVITATION: Miki   | INNATE: Red    |
 | Talk to her in the Zelbess' dining room and she'll ask to join. Hoo-hah!  |

 Travel to Another World Marbule and find the Black Dragon in the town's cave
 up the stairway. Now, go to the Draggy! It'll be awake and want to test your
 | BOSS: BlackDragon  | INNATE: Black | HP: 3900 | GrimReaper (100%)         |
 | ELEMENTS: Genius, Gravitonne, FreeFall, SealAll                           |
 | TO STEAL: Black Plate                                                     |
 | SPECIALS: DarkBreath (black-innate damage on all allies + Cursed)         |
 |           GravityBomb (black-innate damage to all allies + Cursed)        |
 | PATTERNS: Attack to DarkBreath to Attack to Genius + GravityBomb to Attack|
 |           to Gravitonne to FreeFall (×??)                                 |
 |           AntiWhite (counters offensive white element usage)              |
 |           SealAll (may be used in critical condition)                     |

  Bring Fargo along to steal that Black Plate, which will absorb ANY black-
  -innate attacks against a character. Fargo can also use the best healing
  ability at the moment, CureAll, so that's one more reason to have him. Use
  Diminish and Weaken at the start of the battle to destroy most difficulty
  it has. Its Genius/GravityBomb combo can still do 100+ even with elemental
  damage halved, which be indicative of its strength at full power. HealAlls
  or CureAlls are a necessity here, no matter the route one takes. You'd be
  wise to pack a few Imbeciles to counter its Genius elements, and Angel
  Charms for any people who will be casting offensive white elements. Don't
  bother with black elements, though, 'cause it'll just heal the draggy (this
  goes for all dragons, by the way). Either way, the skirmish'll be long and
  hard if you take the Diminish path, and even harder if you don't. Consider
  trapping FreeFall if you can't take the heat, and upgrading your equipment
  to Denadorite caliber if the Dragon buries you each time... Or MagNegate!
  2154G awarded for winning, plus the thirtieth level-up star. DO NOT LEAVE
  HERE WITHOUT THAT BLACK PLATE! This will help in a sidequest later on...
  [SealAll may not be used, but it helps to be in good health when the boss
  turns sluggish, just in case. Allen Zeng writes that the boss is susceptible
  to AntiBlack, which can block out a couple of its elements.]

 The GrimReaper element is a black-innate summon, which you'll want to stick
 on Lynx when he gets his first Lv. 8 slot. The [BLACK RELIC] is handed over
 before the dragon leaves...

OPTIONAL: Viper Manor [Home World]                                       [OP16]
¯| ITEMS / ELEMENTS ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| ENEMIES ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯
 |                                           |                               |
 | • Mythril Helmet      • Carapace Dress    | • Witchetty                   |
 | • Mythril Vest        • Revive            | • Alphabat                    |

Sinkhole-.             _
 Access  |   _________|4|
         |  | __________|
         |  ||                                 Third
    |¯|_|¯|_||                        _______  Valve
    |___ W __| ___________           | ____  |/      EXIT [2]
        |W|   |  _______  |____     _||    |-|      /
        |W|_  | | |VALVE| |<- _|->-|__| _| | |_____||_
        |W  | | | |¯¯¯¯¯| |¯||_    |WWWWW| |WWWWWWWW|4|
        |W  | | | |WW->W| |W||W|->-|WWWWW| |WWWWWWWW| |
   _    |W  | | | | |¯¯¯|  ¯  ¯|->-|¯ |¯¯|  ¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯  |
  | |   |W _| | | |  ¯¯¯¯¯¯  |¯     ¯¯    ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
  | |___|W|___| |  ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
  |___  |W _____|
      |  W|______                                    [LEGEND]
      |  W|VALVE |---.   To Manor Jail
      |  W|¯¯¯¯¯¯    |        _|_                      1 - Mythril Helmet
      |_|W|____      |       _| |_____________         2 - Mythril Vest
        |WWWWWW|--.  |      |     ______ ___  |        3 - Carapace Dress
         ¯¯¯¯¯¯   |  |       ¯¯¯¯|     1| B | |        4 - Revive
                  |  |           |____  |  _| |        W - Water
                  |  |   _____________| |  ___|
                  |  '--|_____________  | |
                  |      _ ___________| | |
                  |     | |    _________| |_____
                  '-----|___|_________________  |
                           CISTERN AREA         \
                                                 To Viper Manor Well Area

 If you recall this world's manor, it's been crushed and most of it can't be
 accessed. Luckily, it's still traversable, although some points of entrance
 have been blocked off permanently (and aren't shown on map accordingly). So
 let's loot this place!

 01) Enter through the well and get into the sewers
 02) Collect a [MYTHRIL HELMET] and push the two barrels into the water
 03) Use the new path to turn the sluice valve; water by kitchen is slower now
 04) Climb up into the jail area, using the Prison Key to unlock a cell
 05) Enter middle cell from the bottom side and get a [MYTHRIL VEST]. Descend!
 05) Enter the blocked-off part of the sewers through the floor grate there
 06) Switch next valve available to get access to dry land.
 07) Collect [CARAPACE DRESS] in one of the corners
 08) Use dry bridge to get into western waters; take stairs up
 10) Use highest bridge to get west to kitchen-area sluice; move across

 So, how to get that last chest up where the Magic Seal was (in the other
 world, same position)? Not too hard. Use the sluice flow to get dumped into
 the lower cistern area again, then exit through the well into the mansion's
 grounds. Climb the rubble near an NPC and jump into the gaping hole there.
 When you land in the sewers -- if the water flow has subsided -- hold right
 on the analog/d-pad to get into the still waters. Past the Witchetty, it's
 smooth sailing to a rarified [REVIVE] element!

 REMINDER: If you have already done the Dario sidequest and he's started the
 reconstruction of Viper Manor, YOU CANNOT ENTER THE SINKHOLE and thus can't
 get the Revive element. Sorry! Make sure to do it now 'fore it's too late...

 That's all there is to do here. Bon voyage!

30) Earth Dragon Isle [Home World]    "Through the hidden holes of time" [D-36]
¯| ITEMS / ELEMENTS ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| ENEMIES ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯
 |                                           |                               |
 | • Capsule             • @Mythril          | • Fossicker                   |
 | • @Mythril            • @Rainbow Shell    | • Rockroach                   |
 | • Explosive           • @Denadorite       | • YellowBelly                 |
 | • @Denadorite         • Yellow Relic      | • Bomber                      |

 We've kinda ignored the Earth Dragon Islands for awhile, but now it's time to
 dig in. Get the [CAPSULE] near the entrance and stick to the lowroad, where
 there's a large quicksand pit. Check yer inventory for Braces, 'cause they'll
 be very useful beyond...you don't want to walk around at halfspeed, yeah?
 Jump in the quicksand beyond the adventurer's warnings.

                                           .----<----<---<---.  -- ONE-WAY
                                           |                 |        /
                                           |       .->-->----+--->--.
                                           |       |       __|__    |
                                          |¯|      |      |     |   |
                                         /   \     |      |_   _|   |
                                        /  /\ \    |     ___|_|_____|_
      [LEGEND]                         / _/ /  \   |    |  _______4   |
                                      ( /  ( /\/|  |    | |_|^|   |___|
       1 - Capsule                    |3|  |2|( |--'    |___  |
       2 - @Mythril                   |¯    ¯ | |           | |____
       3 - @Mythril                   |         |           |     1|
       4 - @Rainbow Shell             |___ 5 ___|           |_|¯¯¯¯
       5 - Explosive                      |_|                 \
       6 - @Denadorite           _________| |________         Enter
       7 - @Denadorite          (  ____      ______  |
                                 \ \___| |\_/     /R/|
                                /<\6\<   |        ¯¯ |
                               | /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯            /
                               |R|          __  __  /
                               |  \_________\ \/7/ /
                               |            >\ \/ /
                               | (¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ \ \/ Save
                               |_______________\ \/    _
                                                \ \___| | <-BOSS

 Once it's in the cavern, start spelunkin' by getting the chests by the sand
 fall. You'll have to re-enter a few times to get all the chests, since one
 can only pick a singular path once inside. If you want to escape at any time,
 there is a sand boil to the east side that'll shoot everyone back into the
 first screen. Both chests are [@MYTHRIL], by the way. When ready, shoot up
 the sand boil and have an (automatic) talk with the site foreman, who'll want
 to prepare explosives to help clear the way. Re-enter the island to find the
 thing's been cleared of the path. Speak with the foreman a second time to get
 a [@RAINBOW SHELL] as a reward. Down in the sandpit, the adventurer will hand
 over an [EXPLOSIVE] if you ask for 'em. They can move rockroaches, but only
 ones that are inert.

 In the next room, find the rockroach sitting on a cliff and use the Explosive
 on it, blowing it into a sandboil. Down the way a little, there's a guy who's
 observing a rockroach's behavior. Ask him for his finds to learn the summary:
 "attack it by the cliff." When it stops on the bluff right above the sandboil,
 that's when you ambush it. After winning, choose to push it into the hole.

 There's a last [@DENADORITE] chest nearby, so pick it up. The ladder near the
 sandfalls allows access to the lowest part of the cavern. Fight the third
 rockroach and push it into the last (3rd) sandboil. The only sandboil left
 should be the one in the middle, and it can now function to blow Lynx up to
 the higher-up walkway. Exit to the SE and save, approaching the large sand
 flat... Say you seek the Dragon God's blessing, then get down to business.
 | BOSS: Earth Dragon | INNATE: Yellow | HP: 3100 | ThundaSnake (100%)       |
 | ELEMENTS: ---                                                             |
 | TO STEAL: Yellow Plate                                                    |
 | SPECIALS: GiddyBreath (yellow-innate damage to an ally + Dizzy)           |
 |           NaturalGas (yellow-innate damage to all allies + Dizzy)         |
 |           Catastrophe (yellow-innate damage to all allies + Sprain)       |
 | PATTERNS: Attack ×3 to GiddyBreath (×??)                                  |
 |           NaturalGas (may be used if field effect is mostly Green)        |
 |       [2] NaturalGas to Attack (×??)                                      |

  Once again, include Fargo in this battle so the Yellow Plate can be stolen.
  Unlike the Black Dragon, this one doesn't have a lot of elements to spam,
  so Diminish really isn't needed here. Weaken, because its physical attacks
  increase in length as the pattern wears on. Green elements work wonders as
  usual, but even moreso because it doesn't have any sort of instant counter
  like Black Dragon did. It's attack changes when put in critical condition,
  but sometimes it skips parts of it (like Catastrophe) by starting midway
  through the pattern. I'm not sure why it happens, but I suspect it depends
  on the turn when it's placed in critical. If you do it right after
  GiddyBreath, it might begin at Catastrophe; if not, it may skip a NaturalGas
  or something. Either way, it only uses its low HP pattern once, before
  returning to its normal mediocre stuff. Changing the field effect to the
  color of your choice with its [Attack ×3] turn. You'll be lucky to see the
  dragon's Catastrophe technique, since it rarely uses it, even with optimum
  conditions (critical HP).

 The Earth Dragon hands over the [YELLOW RELIC] once it's smoked, so exit the
 island the same way you came in. Let's take on the next dragon...how about
 that of the water?

31) Water Dragon Isle [Home World]                                       [D-37]
¯| ITEMS / ELEMENTS ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| ENEMIES ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯
 |                                           |                               |
 | • Blue Relic                              | • Lagoonate                   |
 |___________________________________________| • Sidesteppa                  |

 This is basically the same as the time the Hi-Ho Tank was fought, with the
 exception of Lagoonates populating the island instead of dwarves. Head into
 the depths, defeat a Sidesteppa blocking the dragon's entrance, and continue
 in for some killin'.
 | BOSS: WaterDragon | INNATE: Blue | HP: 2800 | BlueWhale (100%)            |
 | ELEMENTS: IceBlast, Deluge, Iceberg                                       |
 | TO STEAL: Blue Plate                                                      |
 | SPECIALS: IceBreath (Blue-innate damage on all allies + Flu)              |
 |           TsunamiBeam (Blue-innate damage on all allies + Flu)            |
 | PATTERNS: Attack ×3 -> IceBlast + IceBlast -or- TsunamiBeam to Deluge [×??]
 |       [2] IceBreath to Iceberg -> [To Pattern #1]                         |

  This dragon absorbs its own type of elemental attacks, so don't bother with
  any Deluges or Icebergs of your own. Watch out for those double IceBlasts,
  since you lose the battle if everyone gets frozen. It's not quite as slow
  as the Earth Dragon, so you won't get cut much slack. Certain dmg amounts
  seem to instantly change the pattern to #2/3, which is really just picking
  a different poison -- Frozen can make you lose faster, while Flu does not
  wear off in-battle. As the battle wears on, the boss cuts the fat off its
  attacks and mainly concentrates on its techs and better elements. Break out
  some HealAlls and pound away with red elements to wrestle the field effect
  back towards red. One cool thing is that it's possible to burn the boss w/
  certain red elements/techs (not MagmaBurst!), which reduces its defensive
  abilities. You may want to use Diminish in the latter half of the fight if
  you've got any red-innate characters. 2036G awarded for the win, plus the
  32nd level-up star!

 A [BLUE RELIC] is awarded for the party's valor. On, on, onto the next one!
 Well, how about we take on the fire dragon this time 'round?

32) Mt. Pyre [Another World]                                             [D-38]
¯| ITEMS / ELEMENTS ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| ENEMIES ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯
 |                                           |                               |
 | • Pendragon Sigil A   • Poultice Cap      | • Lava-boy                    |
 | • Red Relic                               | • HotDoggity                  |
 |___________________________________________| • CatBurglar                  |

 Ahh, been awhile since were were last here, huh? This is mostly the same as
 before; however, the layout's changed slightly. In the area where the '3' is
 -- the large lavaflow -- one can now enter past a blocked entrance. 

                  EXIT -> |_  |____________
                          | | |            |
                          | | |<      BOSS |        [LEGEND]
                          |_| |________   _|
                        ____| |        |_|           1 - MagmaBurst
                       |  ____|        | |           2 - Tablet
                       | |  _          | |           3 - MagmaBomb
                   ____| |_|6|         | |           4 - Inferno Trap
                  |4        5|      ___|_|___        5 - Tablet
                   ¯¯¯¯| |¯¯¯      |  _____ 8|       6 - Capsule
                       ( (_______  |7|_|^| |_|       7 - Pendragon Sigil A
                        \______  | |___  |           8 - Poultice Cap
                         |  _____|     |_|
                         | |____________#_
                         |  ________   __ \
                         | |        | | #\ \
                         |_|        | |_#_\ \
                         / /        |   3  ) )
                    ____/ (         |    _/ /
                   |2     |         |____  /
                   |____  |_________    /_/
                    ____|         _/-----' <- ONE-WAY SLIDE TO 1ST
                   |1      ______|                          SCREEN
                    ¯¯¯¯|_| <- START
 There is a large lava stream nearby with a treasure chest above it. Get the
 [PENDRAGON SIGIL A] while you can because it's impossible to get it if you
 freeze the hot stuff. There's also a [POULTICE CAP] there as well. Take the
 north exit to find the large room where the Acacia Dragoons were once taken
 on, only this time we're under that large overhang. Talk to the Mini Dragon
 that's wandering around to start the battle. Unlike the other dragons, this
 one does not heal you if you run and then challenge it again. You'll also
 have to re-enter the room to find it again.
 | BOSS: FireDragon | INNATE: Red   | HP: 3400 | Salamander (100%)           |
 | ELEMENTS: Inferno, Strengthen                                             |
 | TO STEAL: Magic Ring (1st Form) / Red Plate (2nd Form)                    |
 | SPECIALS: FieryBreath (Red-innate damage to an ally + Burns)              |
 |           FireBreath  (Red-innate damage to all allies + Burns)           |
 |           Brimstone   (Red-innate damage to all allies + Burns)           |
 | PATTERNS: Attack to FieryBreath to Attack (×??)                           |
 |       [2] FireBreath to Attack ×2 to FireBreath to Inferno to Strengthen  |
 |           to Attack ×3 -> Brimstone (×??)                                 |
 |           FieryBreath (counters any blue element use on it; Form #2 only) |

  This boss has two forms. It starts off with a fairly basic strategy and a
  dumbed-down tech which only tops 100 damage. Its physical attack is a piece
  of crap, too. It does absorb red elements, though, but that's to be expected
  at this point. Of course, this ain't all the battle amounts to -- after apx.
  1000 damage, it transforms into the ACTUAL Fire Dragon. This cues up the 2nd
  attack pattern it has, and is the form that you can steal a Red Plate from.
  FireBreath is a real, well, burner -- it can do 200+ to Fargo or any other
  blue innates. Luckily, there's usually two or three turns in between that
  tech's use, giving plenty of time to heal up and/or set the field to blue
  if you want to use BlueWhale/FrogPrince. It uses the trappable Inferno as
  well; might want to trap it to avoid any undue damage/burns. Brimstone's a
  pretty crappy attack, luckily, and usually does single digits if the field
  effect goes your way. If you're having trouble, the reliable Diminish-and-
  -MagNegate strategy will never lead you astray. Either way, it's kinda nice
  to have a boss whose attack patterns are always 100% correct. 1800G awarded
  for winning, plus the 33rd level-up star.

 The tiny chap gives over the [RED RELIC] and its pet Salamander summon. Time
 to hit up the Green Dragon...but wait. There's no Green Dragon Isle...!

33) Gaea's Navel [Home World]                                            [D-39]
¯| ITEMS / ELEMENTS ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| ENEMIES ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯
 |                                           |                               |
 | • Ancient Fruit       • Green Brooch      | • Pterodact                   |
 | • @Denadorite         • @Denadorite       | • PreyMantis                  |
 | • @Denadorite         • @Denadorite       | • Prehysteric                 |
 | • @Denadorite         • @Denadorite       |_______________________________|
 | • @Denadorite         • Green Relic       |

 I haven't really mentioned this place because it's been inaccessible for most
 of the game. But, now...now's the time to come and defeat that dragon. Head
 to the Home World and go to the Hydra Marshes region. We'll need two items to
 proceed: the Beeba Flute and an Ancient Fruit. If you missed the former, and
 you shouldn't have if you took the 'Save Kid' route, simply go to the western
 part of the marsh and defeat the Beeba there to win it. The fight was rather
 annoying back then, but now we've got mass-attack elements to do our dirty
 work. For the [ANCIENT FRUIT], defeat the Beeba team again (same craptacular
 battle) to win the thing. From now on, this Beeba will give you Ancient Fruit
 key items when necessary.

 Head towards the region where you fought Wingapede and talk to the Beeba on
 the branch. It says to blow the flute here -- do so -- to ride the Wingapede
 to Gaea's Navel. It uses up the Ancient Fruit for the round trip, which is
 why one needs to get more from the 'friendly' Beeba. Now it's off to Green
 Dragon's domain!

 This virgin jungle is the perfect place to find our quarry...too bad there's
 a stupid stipulation for completing it -- defeat a bunch of enemies here!!!
 If you leave at any time, the enemies reset. You'll have to do this all in
 one run!                               ____________________ ________________
                                       | INVITATION: Leah   | INNATE: Yellow |
 | This wild child joins the party temporarily while they're here, and then  |
 | officially when the Green Dragon's defeated. She'll leave if the party    |
 | exits in between then, though. Leah also has a double tech with Draggy.   |

 You don't have to defeat 12 enemy groups here, but it helps to be thorough I
 guess. The island is circular, so if you pick a direction from the starting
 screen, you'll eventually come 'round to that place again.

            | BOSS|      1 - Green Brooch     2~8 - @Denadorite
            |_   _|
              | |                 X
           _  | |____              \_         X        _______
     X -> |1| | |2  X|             |3|         \__    |  ____7|
         _| |_|  ¯¯  |_ ___________| |          \8\___|_|___ ¯
     .--|       |¯¯¯¯  | X       X   \           \________  |
     |  | START | |¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯¯\ \____________   |^|_|X|_____
     |  |         X¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯X]  |¯|X|¯         _  5 |  |X _____SAVE|--.
     |   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯   |4|____ X_____|_¯¯¯¯  _| |_____¯¯¯¯   |
     |                         |               ¯¯¯¯¯¯X       6|      |
     |                          ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯       |

 The 'X' denotes an enemy. Ones without lines ("\") pointing somewhere denote
 ground enemies; the aforementioned ones WITH lines mean that a pterodact'll
 fly in after you claim the treasure. After defeating enough enemies, in the
 first screen, the comical boss appears!
 | BOSS: Tyrano    | INNATE: Red    | HP: 1600 | Resistance Ring (100%)      |
 | ELEMENTS: ---                                                             |
 | TO STEAL: Power Seal / Gold Earring                                       |
 | SPECIALS: CrunchOut (Red-innate damage to one ally + Sprain)              |
 | PATTERNS: Attack (×??)                                                    |
 |       [2] CrunchOut to Attack ×2 (×??)                                    |
 |           CrunchOut (used immediately when placed in critical condition)  |

  It's accompanied by a Pterodact, which you should eliminate indirectly thru
  mass-attack elements. Tyrano's is a sort of throwback to the ol' C. Trigger
  days of reptites. Luckily, it brings neither the furor or potential damage
  that its ancient brethren can. Deluge can deal 200+ on its own, while any
  better blue-innate (BlueWhale, FrogPrince, etc.) can deal twice that in a
  single hit. It's pretty crappy from the get-go, but you may want to Diminish
  when it's HP is in critical 'cause CrunchOut can do mucho damage to any
  blue character (200+) and inflict Sprain. The Red Plate will make this match
  even easier, though, not that it's needed. 1718G awarded and the 34th lvl-up
  star as well.

 Leah will lead everyone to the Green Dragon's den automatically, but one can
 still go back and safely save. Approach Green Dragon and...it'll want to have
 you for lunch!
  ___________________ _______________ __________ ____________________________
 | BOSS: GreenDragon | INNATE: Green | HP: 3700 | Genie (100%)               |
 |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
 | ELEMENTS: GreenField, Carnivore, HealPlus                                 |
 | TO STEAL: Green Plate                                                     |
 | SPECIALS: BadBreath (green-innate + Darkness/AntiYellow/Fatigued)         |
 |           ToxicBreath (green-innate damage to one ally + Poison)          |
 | PATTERNS: BadBreath/GreenField (×??) -> (ToxicBreath)                     |
 |       [2] Carnivore (×??)                                                 |
 |           HealPlus (used when in critical condition; heals about 430 HP)  |

  As before, don't use green-innate elements; it'll absorbs 'em + some techs.
  This battle can be annoying for yellow types because of 'GreenField,' which
  turns the field innate all green. This leads into the second pattern, being
  a bunch of Carnivores. BadBreath does no damage whatsoever but can inflict
  a random status effect, such as AntiYellow, Fatigued, etc...not too much to
  worry on; ToxicBreath can inflict poison and small damage, and is also not
  a problem. It rarely uses physical attacks due to its...uh, slothy nature,
  so as long as you keep the field away from a full green, it'll often waste
  its attack turn with support attacks. Its physical attacks are pretty bad,
  anyway -- no spin put on that. Unless you have trouble keeping Carnivores
  out of your face, there's really no need to Diminish here. You'll know it's
  almost defeated because it will bob its head up and down, mouth open. Take
  it down quickly or HealPlus may erase some of your damage. It uses so many
  non-offensive tactics that one might not even have to heal! 1110G awarded
  for winning, plus the 35th level-up star.

 The dragon bestows the [GREEN RELIC], and Leah will join permanently whether
 you want her to or not. She's such a cutie-pie, how could you resist, you...
 horrible monster! To leave, return to the first area where the large rock is
 and blow the Beeba Flute.


 If you followed this walkthrough, the only relic-holder left is Sky Dragon.
 Lynx should now have his Lv. 7 tech 'ForeverZero', so let's get on it!

34) Sky Dragon Isle [Another World]                                      [D-40]
¯| ITEMS / ELEMENTS ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| ENEMIES ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯
 |                                           |                               |
 | • White Relic                             | There ain't any!              |

 Whatever order you fight the six dragons in, the Sky Dragon'll always be the
 last one to be taken down.
  __________________ _______________ __________ _____________________________
 | BOSS: Sky Dragon | INNATE: White | HP: 3800 | Saints (100%)               |
 |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
 | ELEMENTS: Magnify, MagNegate, WeakMinded, HolyHealing, UltraNova          |
 | TO STEAL: White Plate                                                     |
 | SPECIALS: NullState (raises Sky Dragon's M.DEF)                           |
 |           HolyBreath (white-innate damage to all allies)                  |
 |           WhiteBreath (white-innate damage to one ally + Fatigued)        |
 | PATTERNS: Attack to WhiteBreath to NullState to Attack to Magnify to      |
 |           HolyBreath to HolyHealing/MagNegate/WeakMinded+WeakMinded to    |
 |           Attack to UltraNova (×??)                                       |

  As usual, it absorbs white elements and most techs. Cast an UltraNova trap
  at the beginning, to ensure it's caught later on. If Lynx has the Stone
  Swallow and decent ATK, he should be doing 180+ per fierce hit, so use this
  as an outlet to do lots of damage. In a neutral field effect, WhiteBreath
  completely SUCKS; it did 7 damage to Lynx! For once, you can use Diminish as
  a counter card -- do it right after Magnify to cancel it out and stop its
  HolyBreath from mowing anyone down (it can do 200+ normally to black types!).
  Its HolyHealing element can restore up to 500+ HP, but it only seems to use
  it once. I prefer to use Leah here so she can use PhysNegates and help keep
  Lynx's HP up, 'cause the boss seems to single him out quite a lot. UltraNova
  is only used when near critical state, but unlike what you may have heard,
  it can be used more than once per battle. As long as one packs a few
  Diminish elements to offset the Magnify, this battle's not quite as hard as
  one would imagine it being. 2150G awarded for victory, plus the 36th lvl-up

 The [WHITE RELIC] is handed over, finishing the quest. Now all that's left
 before entering the Sea of Eden is taking off this...uh, 'Lynx costume' Serge
 has on. Home World Fort Dragonia, here we come!

 ...or you can do some sidequests before then. Skip to [D-41] if you want to
 stick to the story.

OPTIONAL: Guldove [Another World]                                        [OP17]
¯| ITEMS / ELEMENTS ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| CHARACTERS TO INVITE ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯
 |                                           |                               |
 | • SapphireBrooch      • Dragon Emblem     | There ain't any!              |

 As long as you're Lynx, you can see this scene. Orhla will be fighting the
 Porre military, and after Serge's team helps her out, she turns on them 'cuz
 of Lynx' appearance. Time for vindication!
  _________________ ________________ __________ _____________________________
 | BOSS: Orlha     | INNATE: Blue   | HP: 1800 | @Mythril, Waist Pad         |
 |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
 | ELEMENTS: Strengthen, Genius, Gravitonne, LoRes, Iceberg                  |
 | TO STEAL: Kung Fu Shoes                                                   |
 | SPECIALS: Multipunch (blue-innate damage on one ally)                     |
 |           PunchDrunk (blue-innate damage on one ally)                     |
 | PATTERNS: Attack ×2 -> Multipunch -> Strengthen -> Attack -> Genius +     |
 |           Gravitonne -> LoRes -> Attack -> Iceberg -> PunchDrunk ->       |
 |           Attack (×??)                                                    |

  This battle's sort of a joke, as long as you don't get too sloppy. Cast
  Weaken and use your best red elements (BigBreath, Volcano, RedWolf). Sling
  out a Diminish if you somehow find yourself in danger, because she attacks
  up to three times per onslaught, and will eventually use Iceberg. After the
  PunchDrunk tech, only physical attacks are used (random amt. per turn). 
  1520G awarded for winning, but no level-up star.

 After dismissing the troops from the island, Orlha's rescued and the story's
 told. She'll give Lynx the [SAPPHIREBROOCH], which will prove he's Serge when
 his body's changed back. Orlha's wants him to visit her at that time, also.
 (Talk to her in the bar to see another scene).

 When the ruckus dies down, go to the shaman's tower and show the Tear of Hate
 to Direa. She'll dispense some wisdom and give the [DRAGON EMBLEM] to Serge,
 which will allow him entrance into the other dimension's shaman tower. This
 section is optional, but you ____WILL____ need to get this, just so you know.
 I'll reference it when the time comes.

OPTIONAL: Hydra Marshes [Another World]                                  [OP18]
¯| ITEMS / ELEMENTS ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| ENEMIES ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯
 |                                           |                               |
 | See [OP01] for the full list.             | See [OP01] for the full list. |

 The De-Hydrate can actually be fought as soon as one exits the Dimensional
 Vortex, but I've put it off until now for...well, no reason. We'll just get
 this outta the way now. Once in the marshes, head towards where the Beebas
 usually are and rescue one from a Snib/Snobgoblin duo. You'll know be able
 to go to Gaea's Navel, but that's not important at the moment. Head towards
 where the humans are at the very eastern part to find the ground's caved in
 and a strange odor is coming out. Jump down and the fight with our ghostly
 Hydra will begin...
  __________________ _______________ __________ _____________________________
 | BOSS: De-Hydrate | INNATE: Black | HP: 1042 | FreeFall, Resistance Ring   |
 |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
 | ELEMENTS: Gravitonne, BlackHole, GravityBlow                              |
 | TO STEAL: Daemon Charm, HellBound                                         |
 | SPECIALS: ---                                                             |
 | PATTERNS: Gravitonne ×??                                                  |
 |       [2] BlackHole ×?? (only when the field effect is all black)         |

  This fight's pathetically easy, but everyone will have 'sprain' status from
  the fall, so if you want to be funny, use Revenge and put it on the enemy.
  Besides that, all its attacks suck -- only BlackHole can do anything worth
  noting, and that's because its % of instant death! It's easy to trap since
  it's only used when the field effect's pure black. Note that if you flee
  from this enemy, you'll have to go all the way back to the hole above and
  jump in again. But, hey, easy BlackHole elements to trap. Pretty good 
  tradeoff. When you're finished farming BlackHoles, use HolyLight to defeat
  it instantly. 780G awarded for winning. [Simon Wells wrote in to say that
  sometimes De-Hydrate packs two GravityBlows in one turn; this is perhaps
  due to usage of white elements.]

 After defeating the enemy, you'll get Steena's Lv. 5 Tech 'HydraShadow' and
 can get the [PENDRAGON SIGIL B] chest. Nothin' else here.

OPTIONAL: Gaea's Navel [Another World]                                   [OP19]
¯| ITEMS / ELEMENTS ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| ENEMIES ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯
 |                                           |                               |
 | • @Denadorite         • @Denadorite       | • PreyMantis                  |
 | • @Denadorite         • @Denadorite       | • Prehysteric                 |
 | • Snakes & Orbs Frame                     | • Pterodact                   |

 Just like one used the Ancient Fruit and Beeba Flute to get to Gaea's Navel
 in the other dimension, it's done the same way here, in the same spot. Talk
 to the Beeba in the Hydra Marshes (after rescuing it from some minor enemies)
 to get the Ancient Fruit from it. Then, down the branch, use the flute to
 fly to the area.
            |     |
            |_   _|
              | |                  
           _  |_|____               _                  _______
          | | | |__  |             | |    ___   __    |  _____|
         _| |_|  ____|_____________| |   |  3\  \ \___|_|___
     .--|       |  _________________ \   |  __|  \________  |
     |  | START | |_________     |  \ \__| |_______   |^|_| |_____
     |  |                  1|  |¯|2|¯         _____|  |  _________|--.
     |   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯   | |____  _____|________|5|_____       |
     |                         |                             4|      |
     |                          ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯       |

  1 - @Denadorite                 There are less enemies in this version and
  2 - @Denadorite                 all enemies're the same. The only new thing
  3 - Snakes & Orbs Frame         is a [SNAKES & ORBS FRAME] and no savepoint.
  4 - @Denadorite                 Snatch the frame by attacking the Prehysteric
  5 - @Denadorite                 on a tree branch and you'll win it after
                                  killing the infernal thing.

 You can't enter the area where the Green Dragon should be because of some
 funky steam coming out of the water. Dunno how to get past it; probably can't
 in the first place.    Leave this dump when ready.

OPTIONAL: Forbidden Island [Home World]                                  [OP20]
¯| ITEMS / ELEMENTS ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| ENEMIES ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯
 |                                           |                               |
 | • Mastermune                              | There ain't any!              |

 This can only be done after completing Karsh's quest on Isle of the Damned,
 'cause we'll need that MementoPendant. In case you don't know -- and you may
 not since I haven't mentioned it up until now -- there is a small island that
 can be landed on, northeast of the central El Nido island. It's really tiny
 and has little puffs of smoke coming out of it. It won't give a name if you
 sidle up next to it, but you can still confirm (w/ x-button) and enter into

 Put Riddel in the party at this time (and give her the Black Plate, if you
 want her to have a good chance of surviving). Talk to the man inside the
 house to have some incredible scenes revealed! 
 Time for the x-treme showdown with...
  _________________ ________________ __________ _____________________________
 | BOSS: Dario     | INNATE: Black  | HP: 3500 | Dreamer's Scarf (100%)      |
 |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
 | ELEMENTS: Numble, Weaken, Recoverall, LoRes, BatEye, IceBlast, Upheaval,  |
 |           AeroBlaster, FreeFall, PhotonBeam, FirePillar                   |
 | TO STEAL: Nostrum / Pendragon Sigil A                                     |
 | SPECIALS: ConductaRod (black-innate dmg on one ally + Cursed)             |
 |           Dash&Gash (black-innate damage on one ally)                     |
 |           SonicSword (black-innate damage on one ally)                    |
 | PATTERNS: Attack -> Dash&Gash -> Attack -> SonicSword -> PhotonBeam/      |
 |           IceBlast/FreeFall/Upheaval/AeroBlaster/FirePillar (×??)         |
 | v. Red    | Numble (lowers EVD% on element caster)                        |
 | v. Blue   | Weaken (lowers ATK. on element caster)                        |
 | v. White  | ConductaRod (black-innate dmg on element caster + Cursed)     |
 | v. Black  | RecoverAll (heals self for about 230 HP)                      |
 | v. Green  | LoRes (reduces DEF. on element caster)                        |
 | v. Yellow | BatEye (reduces HIT% on element caster)                       |

  This battle can be VERY hard if you blindly attack. He counterattacks all
  elements, but his fatal flaw is that it's not instantaneous; he uses up his
  next turn to do so. Plus, the elements he counters with are mostly de-buffs
  and aren't damaging. Riddel HAS to be in the party, but if you just want to
  get through it, give the Black Plate to Lynx so he can coerce Dario into a
  bunch of ConductaRods while everyone else focuses on red elements. Dario's
  backed by strong DEF so Diminish-ing the field isn't a smart idea. There's
  also one reason that red elements are the way to go: burning! Dario can be
  inflicted with 'burns' which reduces his DEF power (he can also be slapped
  with Sprain if you can stand the BatEye elements). The way he picks the
  attack to use at the end of his pattern is simply the opposite color of the
  last element used; this gets done on the last person to attack him, so with
  red elements being used, the Blue Plate'll help (but won't prevent Frozen).
  No matter how you slice it, the possibility of only the Black Plated ally
  surviving is still high. Because there's no level-up star awarded, don't
  fret about people being KO'd here. 2500G awarded for victory.

 Afterwards, the Masamune will be de-cursed and will find a new owner: Serge!
 This time, it transforms into the [MASTERMUNE], replacing his Sea Swallow.
 NOTE: Since the Sea Swallow _is_ the Mastermune, it cannot be carried over
 into a New Game Plus. If you want a great weapon to start with, forge the
 'Spectral Swallow' from a @Rainbow Shell. As a kicker, Riddel's Level 7 Tech
 'SnakeFangs' will be earned here as well. You'll be amazed to see just how
 often your new weapon criticals.

 There's another quest that stems off of this one's completion, but it cannot
 be done yet...we need a different setup. More on that later.

OPTIONAL: Earth Dragon Isle [Another World]                              [OP21]
¯| ITEMS / ELEMENTS ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| ENEMIES ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯
 |                                           |                               |
 | • Brace               • Capsule           | • Fossicker                   |
 | • Upheaval                                | • Bomber                      |
 |___________________________________________| • YellowBelly                 |
                                             | • Rockroach                   |

 This quest could actually have been started back when Serge escaped from the
 Temporal Vortex, but it's much easier once you've gotten a Yellow Plate to
 keep enemies at bay with. And you do, or should have at this point. Head to
 said destination -- hi-ho!

 Jump down the big hole in the first area and get the [BRACE], which is the
 only chest in the large shifting sand room. There's a [CAPSULE]/[UPHEAVAL]
 duo in the large sandboil room as well, but nothing more than chump junk.
 Use the center sandboil on the lowest part to leap onto the higher ledge
 and exit southeast. Enter the chamber where the Earth Dragon was and do
 battle with the sorta-secret optional boss! 
  __________________ ________________ ___________ ___________________________
 | BOSS: Criosphinx | INNATE: Yellow | HP: 13000 | Sunglasses                |
 |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
 | ELEMENTS: Earthquake, ThundaStorm                                         |
 | TO STEAL: @Rainbow Shell / @Denadorite                                    |
 | SPECIALS: ---                                                             |
 | PATTERNS: Earthquake + ThundaStorm + Earthquake + ThundaStorm ->          |
 |           Attack ×3 to ThundaStorm to Earthquake to Earthquake +          |
 |           ThundaStorm (×??)                                               |
 |           Earthquake ('wrong answer' counter)                             |

  Like the final battle in the game, this battle can be fought two ways:

  1) You answer his questions and 'win' the battle by riddling his pants off
     (not literally). Since his queries ask for a certain color, attacking
     him with the color he expects counts as an 'answer.' Don't attack him
     to fill your grids up, though -- they fill up themselves. Defend until
     the question is asked! Here is how to go about defeating him in this
     timid manner:

     QUESTION 1: Yellow (Silence is golden, pyrite is fool's gold, etc.)
     QUESTION 2: Red (See red, red matador rag, stop sign, blushing red, etc.)
     QUESTION 3: Green (Nature = green, green with envy, green light = go...)
     QUESTION 4: Blue ('the blues,' blue ribbon, blue-blooded royal...)
     QUESTION 5: Black (black pirate flag, karate black belt, black plague...)
     QUESTION 6: White (white-knuckled, white-haired, white heat...)

     This lets you "win," but there are no spoils and you don't get anything.

  2) Defeat it by your sword! Equip someone with the Yellow Plate, Diminish
     the battlefield, equip Sprain-preventing items, and spam Imbecile and
     Weaken. It may be a bit hard if you take it on right now, but later it's
     a cinch to defeat with this strategy. Try to steal its @Rainbow Shell!
     Killing it by force is the __ONLY__ way to get its Sunglasses accessory,
     of which there is only one in the game. 2500G also received for winning.
     If you have trouble defeating it, try after completing Terra Tower -- it
     isn't so hard then. This skirmish'll still take quite awhile, though, so
     make sure you're prepared going in.

35) Guldove [Home World]                                                 [D-41]
¯| ITEMS / ELEMENTS ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| CHARACTERS TO INVITE ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯
 |                                           |                               |
 | • Dragon Emblem       • Dragon Tear       | • Steena                      |

 You won't be able to do much in this section if you didn't get the Dragon
 Emblem that's needed to enter the shaman tower. In Another World Guldove, go
 to see Oracle Direa and show her the Tear of Hate; she'll aid you by giving
 the emblem over. Show this key item to the Home Guldove...tower bouncer-guy
 to enter inside.

 After talking a bit, the [DRAGON TEAR] is received and...
                                        ____________________ ________________
                                       | INVITATION: Steena | INNATE: White  |
 | The darling shrine maiden hooks up with Lynx automatically...you pervert! |

 If you defeated the De-Hydrate, give her the 'HydraShadow' tech. You can also
 visit Garai's gravesite to get her Lv. 7 Tech 'GaraiShadow'. Now it's time
 to finally tackle Ft. Dragonia and get Serge back...

36) Mt. Pyre [Home World]                                                [D-42]
¯| ITEMS / ELEMENTS ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| ENEMIES ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯
 |                                           |                               |
 | • Red Brooch          • Strengthen        | • Lava-boy                    |
 | • Weaken              • Inferno           | • HotDoggity                  |
 | • @Mythril            • @Denadorite       | • Taurminator                 |
 |___________________________________________| • CatBurglar                  |

 This is basically for posterity, as you should already be able to breeze thru
 this place with enough nonpareil that describing it's a waste of time. ...So
 I won't describe it. One good thing about this place is that one can 'learn'
 the Taurminator monster for the S.S. Zelbess' Grand Slam, since it's pretty
 dang good.
                EXIT ->  /\___
                         \__  |____________
                         |23| | <          |
                         |4 | | <          |        [LEGEND]
                         |__|_|________   _|
                        ____| |        | |           1 - Red Brooch
                       |  ____|        | |           2 - Strengthen
                       | |  _          | |           3 - Weaken
                   ____| |_|6|         | |           4 - Inferno
                  |         5|      ___| |___        5 - @Mythril
                   ¯¯¯¯| |¯¯¯      |  _____ 1|       6 - @Denadorite
                       ( (_______  | |_|^| |_|
                        \______  | |___  |
                         |  _____|     |_|
                         | |_____ ______#_
                         |  _____|__   __ \
                         | |        | | #\ \
                         | |        | |_#_\ \
                         ) )        |      ) )
                    ____/ (         |    _/ /
                   |      |         |____  /
                   |____  |_________    /_/
                    ____|         _/-----' <- ONE-WAY SLIDE TO 1ST
                   |       ______|                          SCREEN
                    ¯¯¯¯|_| <- START
 One thing I /will/ mention is that when you head into the screen with the
 Red Brooch chest, if you freeze the lava creek immediately, you'll be unable
 to get it. Ever. Not that it's incredibly important, but you can't wade up
 the creek if it's ice. Also, there's no save point here. 

 Continue on, you brave person you.

37) Ft. Dragonia [Home World]                                            [D-43]
¯| ITEMS / ELEMENTS ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| ENEMIES ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯
 |                                           |                               |
 | • ThundaStorm         • @Denadorite       | • Cybot                       |
 | • Iceberg             • @Denadorite       | • Gurgoyle                    |
 | • Nostrum             • Nostrum           | • Chamellion                  |
 | • Tornado             • @Denadorite       |_______________________________|
 | • Nostrum             • Nostrum           |
 | • @Denadorite         • Volcano           |
 | • Nostrum             • Nostrum           |
 | • AntiWhite           • AntiBlack         |
 | • Tear of Love                            |

 If you already got Draggy here a long while back, you don't have to bother
 with deactivating the obelisks again...let the Dragon Tear do the work! Our
 shrine maiden Steena will ask Lynx to put said item in the pedestal slot by
 the entrance; doing so activates the entire facility! That doesn't mean there
 are no items to be found, of course -- luckily there are no parlor tricks to
 how things are obtained...same as last time. Most rooms are enemy-free, also,
 for your enjoyment (they come with the MANUAL...get it?). Just a quick review
 of what can be obtained here now:


 Body/Tail/Head Formation = [@DENADORITE]
 Tail/Head/Body Formation = [THUNDASTORM]


 Left Room  = [ICEBERG]
 Right Room = Cybot fight


 Fall in the southmost hole by picking the cardinal direction based on
 which direction the statue faces. If it faces west, falling into said
 hole is accomplished by picking 'west'...whatever way it faces means
 'north,' remember? The chests therein contain:



      |  ____|               ______________
      | |  _____________    |  __________  |
      | | |  _________  |  _| |_         | |          ~~~~ LEGEND ~~~~
      | | | |_ _____  | | |  _  |        | |
      | | | |A|  _  |_| | | | | |        | |          A - [@DENADORITE]
      | | | | |  >| |>  | | | | |  ____  | |          B - [NOSTRUM]
      | | | | '---| |-  | | | | | | _  |_| |          C - [NOSTRUM]
      | | | |    <| |<  | |E| |_| | >| |>  |          D - [TORNADO]
      | | | | |¯¯¯| |¯¯¯  |_| | |  ¯¯| |¯| |          E - [@DENADORITE]
      | | | |B|  _| |_________| |____| | | |
      | | | |_| |>| |>       >| |>     | | |
      | |_|C  |_| | |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| |¯¯¯¯¯¯  | |
      |___ ¯¯¯|   | |         | |  ______| |
          |_  |___  |      ___| | |  __  | |
            | |   | |     |  ___| | |D   | |
            | |___|_|_____| |     |  ¯¯¯¯  |
            |_______________|      ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
                  |^|         When all rooms have been burgled, it's time to
                   ¯\         enter the elevator shaft where the REAL boss we
                    Enter     want to fight's located. 
  __________________ _______________ __________ _____________________________
 | BOSS: Dark Serge | INNATE: Black | HP: 3200 |Pendragon Sigil A/StaminaBelt|
 |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
 | ELEMENTS: Volcano, BlackHole, Tornado, Iceberg, ThundaStorm, Strengthen,  |
 |           Ninety-Nine, Vigora, Carnivore, Inferno                         |
 | TO STEAL: Trashy Tiara, @Rainbow Shell                                    |
 | SPECIALS: FeralCats (Black-innate damage to all allies)                   |
 |           ForeverZero (Black-innate damage to all allies)                 |
 | PATTERNS: Attack to FeralCats to Attack to Volcano to Attack to           |
 |           ForeverZero to BlackHole/Tornado to Attack to                   |
 |           Iceberg/ThundaStorm to Attack to Strengthen to Attack to        |
 |           Ninety-Nine + Vigora to Attack to Carnivore/Inferno (×??)       |

  The most damaging, trappable element is BlackHole, which can inflict auto-
  -KO, as you're well aware. Set a trap for that, because that's the one you
  want to avoid like the plague. Physical attacks work fine, and since he's
  got a penchant for using elements, feel free to use Diminish while you work
  him over (which is INCREDIBLY easy with the Mastermune). His normal attacks
  are alright, but as long as you lack a white innate player, they're easy
  to tolerate. Still, you'll want to use BatEye/Weaken/Imbecile since not all
  his bite is taken outta the fight. Dark Serge's flexible elemental-wise so
  equip the _____ Plates for a bit of free healing (besides White Plate). And
  if you looked over the attack pattern, you'll notice he uses no white-type
  elements; the more black innates you bring, the easier this battle will be!
  Try to end it before he uses Ninety-Nine/Vigora since the following attack
  will be very brutal. If you can steal that @Rainbow Shell, more power to
  you; if you can't, oh well. This isn't a very good battle to trap elements
  in, so I say just Diminish and roll with the punches, healing when needed.
  1234G awarded for winning, plus the 37th level-up star.

 Dark Serge leaves after this battle, and the elevator's now able to be used.
                                        ____________________ ________________
                                       | INVITATION: Draggy | INNATE: Red    |
 | If you didn't get him when I first mentioned him, you can get him now. A  |
 | trip in basement via the elevator leads to an incubation room, and if y'  |
 | use the middle to warm that Big Egg you found in Another Fossil Valley, a |
 | dragon baby pops out. He'll join after that and...that's all. Have fun!   |

 The upstairs portion of this fort is also in working order, so there's no
 dawdling to do. At the bottom of the side-stairway, get the [ANTIBLACK] and
 [NOSTRUM] chests; then, the [ANTIWHITE] and [NOSTRUM] in and around the
 resonating teleporter. Take a trip up there, enter the door, and after using
 the Dragon Tear on the pedestal, Serge will be back in his ol', white-innate
 form once again! He's also naked, but Lynx seemed to have left a spare outfit
 lying around. o_O   The [TEAR OF LOVE] is received from the D Tear's shards.
 Steena also says something about the legendary 'Chrono Cross' that can be
 made, supposedly, in Divine Dragon Falls... Hmm.

 His Lv. 7 Tech is now 'FlyingArrow' instead of 'ForeverZero.' Re-equip his
 accessories and elements, and it's time to head for the Sea of Eden!
                                        ____________________ ________________
                                       | INVITATION: Orlha  | INNATE: Blue   |
                                       | INVITATION: Turnip | INNATE: Green  |
 | Head to Another World Guldove and show Orlha the SapphireBrooch she gave  |
 | to Lynx as proof of his...Serge-ness. She'll join up automatically. It's  |
 | possible to get her LV7 tech now too -- see her file for details. Also,   |
 | now that you have Poshul back (hopefully), you can get the other ally...  |
 | well, dig him up. At Another Hermit's Hideaway, find the burnt patch of   |
 | ground and use the Ice Breath on it. It'll say that vegetation can now be |
 | grown there. Head to the other dimension's Hideaway and make Poshul the   |
 | party leader. Inspect the weird plant in the same spot to get Turnip...!  |
 | Oddly enough, he automatically joins but the player can't rename him (at  |
 | least without using the BeachBum in Viper Manor's [AW] library).          |

 By the way, all characters you got as Serge and all gotten as Lynx are now
 merged together, so you can use any combination. But, wait...there's one lass
 missing from use at the moment. Where is she...? The answers will be revealed
 soon enough...                                   ___________________________
                                                 | OPTIONAL: Twin Einlanzers |
 | If you chose the 'Leave Kid' route way back at Guldove and obtained Glenn |
 | in your party, this 'miniquest' can be accomplished. First, make sure the |
 | team's defeated Dario and obtained the Mastermune; second, continue with  |
 | the game until Serge gets his real form back. Bring Glenn to Termina [AW] |
 | and inspect the Einlanzer down by the shrines. After some resonating, he  |
 | will succeed the Einlanzer and be able to double-wield both in battle. It |
 | can only be done with the Einlanzer, and equipping one means that both'll |
 | be equipped. His tech animations will reflect these changes as well!      |

 To finish this first disc, head to the Dead Sea Ruins in the Home World and
 maneuver the boat onto a 'Fate Distortion.' A voice will deem you worthy of
 entering the Sea of Eden (you can still do the below optional thing on any
 disc). Open the disc cover/tray and switch discs to continue.

 NOTE TO PSP EMULATORS: There is no save prompt given at this time, only a
 'insert disc 2' message. You should be aware of this.

OPTIONAL: Marbule [Home World]                                           [OP22]
¯| ITEMS / ELEMENTS ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| CHARACTERS TO INVITE ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯
 |                                           |                               |
 | • Master Hammer                           | There ain't any!              |
 | • Quill and Papyrus Frame                 |_______________________________|
 | • FullRevival                             |

 As Vash from the anime Trigun'd say, "This world is made of love and peace!"
 And now so is Marbule, if you watched Nikki's concert and cleared the crappy
 monsters from here during the Save Marbule sidequest. The shop is the same
 as the other dimension's [SH08] but there is no support element shop to be
 found. If Irenes is with, talk to the witch doctor in the house nearest the
 entrance twice to get her Lv. 7 Tech 'SirenSong'.

 Talk to Toma in the Black Dragon cave to receive a [QUILL AND PAPYRUS FRAME]
 (do this twice), and talk to the other guy there to get an offer on a Master
 Hammer! It costs 10000G, but if you buy it, you can make equipment from those
 dang @Rainbow Shells.

 AND, to top it all off, talk to the blue demihuman in the brown jacket (you
 know, the guy who throws rocks at humans?) to get the [FULLREVIVAL] element,
 the only one in the game. If he doesn't give it up, re-enter the screen and
 try again.

 Before you can make spectral equipment, make sure Zappa is in your party and
 talk to the other Zappa in Another World Termina. They'll talk about making
 the "you-know-what" but won't be able to...unless you have the Master Hammer
 and a @Rainbow Shell. From now on, the 'Smith Spirit' will be able to forge
 rainbow equipment! You don't get that Rainbow Axe, though...

 Congrats, you can now make rainbow equipment! See [SH09] for what can be made
 and such. Go have fun, you whippersnappers.

38) Sea of Eden [Home World]          "On whom the three Fates smile..." [D-44]
¯| ITEMS / ELEMENTS ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| ENEMIES ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯
 |                                           |                               |
 | There ain't any!                          | There ain't any!              |

 There are three islands here surrounding a large triangular-shaped waterfall
 with some building on it. There are actually three bosses to fight here; the
 one Serge fights depends on the other he visits the three islands. Whichever
 is the last one he steps foot on, that's the variation he'll get. Before you
 take 'em on, I'll mention that you can use the Fate Distortions to exit this
 Eden and get back onto the regular world map.
                       / |              Inspect the Records of Fate at the
                      /  | PAST         islands, in your preferred order, and
                     /   |              the boss will appear on the last one.
                    /    |              It's recommended you fight 'Present's
            FUTURE /_____|              boss since it's the only place in the
                          PRESENT       entire game to get the Vigora element.

 Here's how the next boss is decided:

  Vita Duo  = Future  is last island visited
  Vita Unus = Present is last island visited     <-- RECOMMENDED
  Vita Tres = Past    is last island visited

 I'll go from easiest to hardest in the order.
  _________________ ________________ __________ _____________________________
 | BOSS: Vita Tres | INNATE: Blue   | HP: 2500 | Diva Dress, Gold Tiara      |
 |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
 | ELEMENTS: Cure, Fireball, EagleEye, MagmaBomb, InfoScope, FirePillar,     |
 |           Volcano, CurePlus                                               |
 | TO STEAL: White Brooch, HolyHealing                                       |
 | SPECIALS: ---                                                             |
 | PATTERNS: Attack to Cure + Fireball + EagleEye to Attack to Cure +        |
 |           MagmaBomb + InfoScope to Attack (×??)                           |
 |       [2] Attack to Cure + FirePillar to Attack to Cure + FirePillar to   |
 |           Attack (×??)                                                    |
 |       [3] Attack to CurePlus to Attack to CurePlus to Attack (×??)        |
 |           GreenField (used automatically before Lachesis is disabled)     |
 |           Volcano (used automatically before Clotho ceases to function)   |

  This is by far the easiest of the three possible bosses. Like its 'older
  siblings,' it changes its strategy as its pieces are disabled. The pattern
  changes to '[2]' after Lachesis quits working, and '[3]' after Clotho stops
  functioning. If you have a green innate like Karsh along, you can pop off a
  Genie/Sonja summon right after it uses GreenField. Laff! It gets off one
  Volcano, but that's about all it has up its sleeve besides physical things.
  Use BatEye/Weaken and your best red elements to destroy it during its third
  phase, or CurePlus'll make a chump out of you. 1200G and a 38th lvl-up star
  awarded for winning.
  _________________ _______________ __________ ______________________________
 | BOSS: Vita Duo  | INNATE: Green | HP: 2500 | Earring of Light, Diva Dress |
 |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
 | ELEMENTS: EagleEye, Cure, Fireball, InfoScope, Cure, MagmaBomb, Volcano,  |
 |           AntiYellow, BatEye, CurePlus, GreenField                        |
 | TO STEAL: White Brooch / HolyHealing                                      |
 | SPECIALS: ---                                                             |
 | PATTERNS: Attack to EagleEye + Cure + Fireball to Attack to Infoscope +   |
 |           Cure + Magmabomb to Attack (×??)                                |
 |       [2] Attack to AntiYellow + Cure to Attack to BatEye + Cure to Attack|
 |           (×??)                                                           |
 |       [3] Attack to GreenField to Attack to Greenfield to Attack (×??)    |
 |           Volcano (automatically used before Clotho stops functioning)    |
 |           CurePlus (automatically used before Atropos stops functioning)  |

  The 'middle' child of the three potential bosses. Weaken/BatEye after it
  uses EagleEye on itself and wait for its pattern change. It goes to '[2]'
  after Clotho breaks down, and '[3]' after Lachesis stops working. Weaken
  and BatEye the thing as you attack, because it's pattern is pretty pitiful
  as far as its associates' are concerned. Its third phase is not too good,
  but it attacks three times per turn, so use PhysNegate or something to help
  keep yellow innates alive and kickin'. 1190G and the 38th level-up star
  awarded for the win.
  _________________ ________________ __________ _____________________________
 | BOSS: Vita Unus | INNATE: Red    | HP: 2500 | Vigora                      |
 |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
 | ELEMENTS: Fireball, EagleEye, Cure, MagmaBomb, InfoScope, FirePillar,     |
 |           AntiYellow, FirePillar, BatEye, CurePlus, GreenField, Inferno,  |
 |           Volcano                                                         |
 | TO STEAL: White Brooch / Diva Dress                                       |
 | SPECIALS: ---                                                             |
 | PATTERNS: Attack to Fireball + EagleEye + Cure to Attack to MagmaBomb +   |
 |           InfoScope + Cure to Attack (×??)                                |
 |       [2] Attack to FirePillar + AntiYellow to Attack to FirePillar +     |
 |           BatEye to Attack (×??)                                          |
 |       [3] Attack to Inferno to Attack to Volcano to Attack (×??)          |
 |           CurePlus (automatically used before Atropos quits functioning)  |
 |           GreenField (automatclly used before Lachesis quits functioning) |

  This is the 'hardest' of all the potential boss fights, but not by much. If
  you got the Mastermune, you can probably do 300+ per fierce hit, and with
  Diminish, its fire attacks are reduced to crappy status. As you fight it,
  it changes it strategy as parts 'stop functioning,' a notification that'll
  follow an element use automatically. For the above, the strategy changes to
  '[2]' after Atropos quits functioning, then '[3]' after Lachesis ceases to
  function. Its third form is where some great red trappable elements can be
  found, but you should have plenty already. Its physical attacks get less
  fierce as its pieces stop functioning, which should be a welcome change of
  pace...hopefully. 1180G awarded for winning, plus the 38th level-up star.
  Too bad Vigora is a blue-only element. =(

 After defeating whichever boss, the large waterfall just outside will descend
 and reveal the Time Fortress, Chronopolis. That's the next destination.

39) Time Fortress Chronopolis [Another World]                            [D-45]
¯| ITEMS / ELEMENTS ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| ENEMIES ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯
 |                                           |                               |
 | • Yellow Brooch       • Recharge [x5]     | • Gizmotoid                   |
 | • Nostrum             • @Rainbow Shell    | • Gyroblade                   |
 | • White Brooch        • HellBound         | • Aero-Guard                  |
 | • CureAll             • Magnify           | • Combot                      |
 | • Forget-me-not Pot   • Card Key          |_______________________________|

 Just inside the place, try to advance and you'll fight...a BOSS! OMG! Make
 sure to bring the White Plate for this one.
 ___________________ _______________ __________ _____________________________
| BOSS: PolisPolice | INNATE: White | HP: 3200 | PhysNegate (100%)           |
|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
| ELEMENTS: ---                                                              |
| TO STEAL: Capsule / @Rainbow Shell                                         |
| SPECIALS: MegatonFist (white-innate damage to one character)               |
|           Bazooka (white-innate damage to one character)                   |
| PATTERNS: MegatonFist to Attack (×??)                                      |
|       [2] Bazooka to Attack (×??)                                          |

 NOTE: Using stone weapons will auto-critical on machine-type enemies!

 This can be an awfully tough battle since it's got great ATK and uses hard-
 -hitting techs that stem off that stat. The best course of action is to use
 Diminish pronto to reduce damage to about 175 per tech. Your main 3 party
 members SHOULD have 400+ HP if you've been collectin after-battle bonuses
 with some manner of diligence, so OHKO'ing shouldn't be in the picture here
 (unless you're a black innate, which will be kissed goodbye). Doing surgery
 with the Mastermune is easy and Serge can still strike for 200+ normally,
 but keep an eye on that field innate. When it's all white, the boss is at
 his strongest; but, you can also use the Saints summon to inflict great dmg
 and heal all your allies, too. In the meantime, Weaken/BatEye/Imbecile to
 help reduce the load you'll have to place on CureAll or HealAll. Should you
 have went against my advice in fighting Vita Unus, you may have received a
 HolyHealing element which will also work very well here. Don't forget that
 MagNegate is useful anytime you can pull it off! After dealing some damage
 its fist will explode and cue its '[2]' pattern, which is just as hectic and
 prepared to send some characters into the afterlife. The White Plate makes
 this battle not too hard to win given its patterns, but having everyone come
 out of it alive can be a challenge. Steal that missable Rainbow Shell if you
 can as well. He will have bodily spasms when in critical HP, although this
 doesn't seem to surface until he's REALLY low on HP (thanks -> Adam)! 1000G
 awarded for winning, plus the 39th level-up star! And a crappy element!

 And now for a map...

 NOTE: Do the Mastermune sidequest [OP19] for a way, way easier time here.

                                   .------------.    ___
                                   |     _____  |   |   |______
                                   |    |10   | |   |  ______  |
                   _____           |    |_   _| |   | |      | |
                  | BOSS|          |      | |__|¯|__| |  4F  |9|
                  |_   _|          |      |___________|      |_|
                  __| |__          |               _____
                 |       |         |------------. |     |
                 |__   __|         |     _____  | |    8|
                    | |            |    |  7  | | |_   _|  3F
               B2   | |            |    |_   _| |   | |
                    | |            |      | |__|¯|__| |
                    |_|            |      |___________|
                     '-------------|               _____  
                                   |------------. | 6   |  2F
                         ELEVATOR  |     _____  | |_   _|     _
                            SHAFT  |    |LV2LK| |   | |______| |
                              ->   |    |_   _| |   |  ______  |
                                   |      | |__|¯|__| |      | |
                                   |      |___________|      |5|
                     _______     __|__                       | |
                    |  SAVE |___|  E  |_                    _| |
                    |        ___       _|------------------|___|
                    |_______|   |     |
                    /           |_| |_| 1F
             Location of Chief    | |___
                                  | |   |
[LEGEND]                          |     |-----------------------.
                                  | |___|    ________________   |
  1 - Yellow Brooch               | | 2 |   | 4              |--'
  2 - Nostrum                     |     |   | 3  WATER ROOM  |
  3 - White Brooch                | |___|   |________________|--.
  4 - CureAll                    _| | '-------------------------'
  5 - Forget-me-not Pot         |   |  _
  6 - Recharge [x5]             | | |_|1|
  7 - @Rainbow Steel            |>| |___|
  8 - HellBound                  ¯|_|
  9 - Magnify                      '--ENTRANCE
 10 - Card Key

 After defeating PolisPolice, raid the room of a [YELLOW BROOCH] and exit up
 the main corridor to the elevator room. The room beyond has a lock, so check
 the adjacent one's cupboard for a [NOSTRUM] before using a floor panel to
 get to a water facility. Operate the 'Robo-Sewer-Wash' via a control panel
 here and move the robot (quit with Triangle) to maneuver through the flow
 to the opposite bank. There's a [WHITE BROOCH] chest to get and a [CUREALL],
 too, if you can brave the current. There's infinite retries, so don't worry.
 Once the robot's across, move it to the glowing red button by a ladder to
 extend a catwalk; Serge's team can use the one on their side to get to said
 ladder. This enters the room just past the locked one, with a computer that
 can open the route easier. Northward to the elevator room!

 Here on the ground (1st) floor, there is an elevator a left exit leading to
 a dock, and a right exit leading to a stairway. The lift has a Lv. 2 lock on
 so it can't be used yet. Enter the east stairway and claim a superb treasure
 of a [FORGET-ME-NOT POT]! Take the stairs up to the second floor, now. Past
 the red-laser gate, exit south to the elevator room and find the doorway to
 its left. By one of the large control panels in this...cartographer room,
 the Lv. 2 lock can be released. This lets the elevator be used, and also
 unlocks the door by the red-laser field. Beyond said door, if Grobyc is 
 along, inspect the coffin to get his Lv. 7 Tech 'StrongArm.'

 There are also a safe on the the wall, whose password changes depending on
 which of the smaller safe doors are open (x5) next to it. Avoid the hassle
 of manually inputting all 100 combinations by shutting all doors and putting
 '00' in as the password -- works every time! There are five [RECHARGE]s in
 the thing. To leave this floor, use the elevator and go to the one directly
 above -- 3F.

 [Valerio Cannone writes: I think I've found out something interesting you
 might want to add to your FAQ. The safe that is on the second floor at
 Chronopolis actually seems to be using binary coding for its password. Each of
 the five small doors to its left represent binary digits, with the least
 significant one being the rightmost one. Closed=0 and Open=1. The initial
 combination I've found here is 00100 = 4. You can close the safe and try again
 with another code. 00001 = 1, 11100 = 28 and so on. I hope that will be

 Back in the elevator lobby for this floor, take the left door. Read up on
 some of the game's info if you want, and score a [@RAINBOW SHELL] chest in
 an antechamber. The room east of the elevator, get a [HELLBOUND] element
 being guarded by a Combot. Nothing else to do on this floor, so head up to

 In yet another lobby, take the east door. A scene will play where some weird
 shadow-people are waiting for their chief. Exit into the hallway connected
 to here (not the one you came through) to find the stairway with a [MAGNIFY]
 chest. A ghost here says the chief was probably by the docks...and that is
 exactly where he is! Return to the 1F docks area and talk to the ghost; he
 will leave back to 4F. Enter the room left of the elevator this time. Trash
 a Combot and get a [CARD KEY] from the chest behind it. With this, the B1
 floor can be accessed. Make sure to save in the dock area before entering!

 Past some Combots patrolling the grounds, go up to the retinal scan machine
 by the locked door. Enter inside the door, watch some delicious scenes, and
 let's wreck fate itself! Err, FATE itself!
  _________________ ________________ __________ _____________________________
 | BOSS: Fate      | INNATE: Black  | HP: 5000 | Magic Seal (100%)           |
 |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
 | ELEMENTS: Diminish, Gravitonne, FreeFall, GravityBlow                     |
 | TO STEAL: HolyHealing / Earring of Light                                  |
 | SPECIALS: DarkEnergy (black-innate damage to all allies)                  |
 |           HeatRay (black-innate damage to one ally + Cursed, Darkness, or |
 |                    AntiBlack)                                             |
 | PATTERNS: Diminish/Attack to Gravitonne to HeatRay to FreeFall to         |
 |           GravityBlow ×2 to DarkEnergy (×??)                              |

  First order of business is stealing that HolyHealing element, which restores
  all HP to your comrades and cures status. This is the first chance you have
  to get one without sacrificing something way better. Yay @ you! Fate uses
  Diminish on its first turn (after that it's regular attacks) so counter with
  Magnify if that ain't up your alley. As for its attack pattern, it's a five-
  -step pattern that repeats over and over in a countdown fashion. Fate really
  has no damaging attacks besides DarkEnergy, which suffers from Diminish and
  a (hopefully) non-black field effect. MagNegate works well before that's
  used, and the Black Plate ensures that it's impossible to lose. Try to kick
  out a Saints summon if you can make the field effect white, which is easiest
  to do after DarkEnergy. It can do 1000+ even with Diminish. As long as its
  best move doesn't get off under the best circumstances, this battle won't be
  too hard. 2457G awarded as well as the 40th level-up star.

 Watch some awesome FMVs afterwards, and everyone automatically heads back to
 the S.S. Invincible. So how to get into that floating tower? And how'll Kid
 wake up from her slumber at Radius' place? Well, let's take care of Kid's
 plight first...

40) Divine Dragon Falls [Another World]   "Caught in an echo of time..." [D-46]
¯| ITEMS / ELEMENTS ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| ENEMIES ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯
 |                                           |                               |
 | • ChronoCross                             | There ain't any!              |

 With the Tear of Love and Tear of Hate in hand, go to this area (a waterfall
 near Arni Village) and enter the main cavern. If you haven't been here in a
 while, you'll probably have to have Steena with so she can appraise what the
 pedestals are for. After that, put the Tear of Love and Hate in their holders
 to create the legendary lost element [CHRONOCROSS]! This item can be used in
 battle to recharge all used elements _besides_ the one who uses it.

 Now for the next part of helping Kid revive. You'll need the ChronoCross or
 Mastermune -- either will work.   __________________________________________
                                  | OPTIONAL: Retrieving Previous Characters |
 | This can ONLY be done on a New Game Plus. After obtaining the ChronoCross |
 | go back to Home World Hydra Marshes. In the screen with the plants that   |
 | respond to the Green Tinkler, walk around to find the wormhole everyone'd |
 | used to escape the Temporal Vortex -- it will work again. Use the Astral  |
 | Amulet to warp back there. If you walk under Sprigg's cot, there will be  |
 | a message that the ChronoCross is responding to the unstable dimension.   |
 | Use it (key item, remember?) and all of the characters that have been     |
 | collected, that you don't have currently, will be in your team roster now |
 | for the rest of the playthrough. Inspect the barrel by the wall to return |
 | to Hydra Marshes.                                                         |

 Go to Hermit's Hideaway this time.

41) Lucca's Orphanage [????]                                             [D-47]
¯| ITEMS / ELEMENTS ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| ENEMIES ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯
 |                                           |                               |
 | • @Rainbow Shell      • Nostrum [x10]     | • Lava-boy                    |
 | • Ice Gun             • Diva Dress        |_______________________________|
 | • Stardust Cape       • @Rainbow Shell    |
 | • Nostrum [x10]                           |

 Go to Another World Hermit's Hideaway and inspect Kid's comatose self on the
 bed. Some scenes will play where Masa and Mune (Mastermune's spirits) will
 try to help her by sending Serge back in time.

 As said before, either the ChronoCross or Mastermune can be used to enter
 the orphanage. However, using the element alone sends Serge back without
 his allies, making it a lot harder than the alternative. Giving him lots
 of healing elements and the Red Plate makes things easier, though.

 Just a head's up: Serge's team will gradually 'fade' back to reality until
 he's the only one left to navigate this dungeon. The Red Plate helps, even
 if the enemies aren't too hard (around 800 HP apiece). If you want items,
 make sure you give 'affirmative' answers when the kids ask you questions!!

                              ____   ___       END
                   ____      |   5| |   |--.   _||_     [LEGEND]
                  |  3 |     |_|__| | 6 | |¯| |    |
                  |    |_____| |____|   | | | |    |     1 - @Rainbow Shell
                  |    ______ 2 ____   _| | |_|  __|     2 - Nostrum [x10]
                  |_  |  |___  |  __| |   |_____|        3 - Ice Gun
                    |4|__    | | |7   |                  4 - Diva Dress
                    |____| __| |  ¯¯¯¯                   5 - Stardust Cape
                          |     ¯¯¯|                     6 - @Rainbow Shell
                          |     M 1|                     7 - Nostrum [x10]
                          |        |                     M - Machine that
                          |  ______|                         gives HotShot
                 START -> |_|

 To start, this is where Kid's Lv. 7 Tech can be obtained. It's missable, if
 you don't know what to do. There's a large machine by the burning clock. Go
 up to it and input in this order: L2 -> Triangle -> R2 -> Triangle. If you're
 close enough, you'll hear 'ding!' sounds; if you do it right, the 'HotShot'
 tech will be revealed. Check the burning clock to find a kid; tell him it'll
 be okay to get a [@RAINBOW SHELL]! Under the table in that same room, rescue
 a kid and learn about Lucca's Ice Gun upstairs.

 In the adjacent room, defeat the Lava-boys and fish a kid out from behind
 the planter. He'll give a [NOSTRUM] to the party. Take the left staircase up
 to Lucca's lab and get the [ICE GUN] off the wall. A party member disappears
 at this point. Exit south of this room and get a [DIVA DRESS] before heading
 back into the two-stair room. The kitchen's straight north. Rob a chest of
 a [STARDUST CAPE] and fight your way back out. Take the right staircase this
 time and check under one of the beds after defeating the monster; a kid'll
 bestow another [@RAINBOW SHELL]! The girl points to a floor panel (obvious
 to the naked eye) that can be removed to find a secret passage. Before you
 enter, get the [NOSTRUM] the kid on the balcony'll give. Now, use the secret

 The second ally will disappear after going through the corridor. Use the Ice
 Gun to extinguish the flames and go north into the children's bedroom area.
 After some sad scenes, it's back to the real world...with a new-and-improved
 Kid!                                   ____________________ ________________
                                       | INVITATION: Kid    | INNATE: Red    |
                                       | INVITATION: Turnip | INNATE: Green  |
 | After all you've done for her, she comes back into the party! Duh, right? |
 | Also, if you forgot to get the Ice Breath during a sidequest a long while |
 | back, use the Ice Gun on the black patch of ground at Another Hermit's    |
 | Hideaway; then, bring Poshul to the counterpart in the other dimension.   |
 | Inspect the weird plant thing and she'll dig up your new character...eth. |

 Radius tells her that Luccia wants to see her in the Viper Manor lab, too.
 Head to said location in Another World with Kid in the party (must do this)
 and read a letter Luccia's been holding. After, a [@RAINBOW SHELL] falls out
 of it!

 The next part relates to getting to Terra Tower, a.k.a. Sky Dragon Isle, the
 now-airborne place that's inaccessible. We'll need a flyin' machine, baby!
 But who's had any experience with that? ......Starky?

42) El Nido Triangle [Another World]                                     [D-48]
¯| ITEMS / ELEMENTS ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| ENEMIES ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯
 |                                           |                               |
 | • @Rainbow Shell      • @Rainbow Shell    | • Puffy                       |
 |___________________________________________| • JellyBlubba                 |
                                             | • SideSteppa                  |

 Before you can do this, you'll need to have Starky in the party. If he's not
 invited yet, check out the [OP08] and [OP09] sections on getting him into yer
 ranks. Once he's in, it's time to rock!

 As was suggested when Starky joined, his ship might've been intact in the
 other dimension...and it is! Up until now, this Triangle has flown under the
 radar by having nothing there, but it glows white at this time. Make sure to
 bring someone with a lot of red elements because those are the only kind that
 will work on the boss!

 In the first screen of this two-part dungeon, get a [@RAINBOW SHELL] in a
 dead-end alley before taking the road downwards. A 2nd [@RAINBOW SHELL]'s to
 be had in another dead-end alley down here, a south road from ladder. Note
 that SideSteppas in this area also drop CureAlls.

 Follow towards the sunken UFO (un-floating object?) to find the boss
 waiting to eat your brains!
  __________________ _______________ __________ _____________________________
 | BOSS: RoyalJelly | INNATE: Blue  | HP: 1657 | Resistance Belt (100%)      |
 |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
 | ELEMENTS: Numble, IceBlast, Iceberg                                       |
 | TO STEAL: Earring of Light / Sky Djinn Ring                               |
 | SPECIALS: Vortex (blue-innate damage on all allies + Flu)                 |
 | PATTERNS: Attack ×2 to Numble to Attack to Vortex to IceBlast to Attack   |
 |           to Iceberg (×??)                                                |

  As said before, only red elements will work -- physical attacks end up being
  ineffectual. Set an Iceberg trap at the beginning as a contingency of sorts,
  and try to spring a Salamander summon at the very beginning which may OHKO
  it. It's uber-weak to red innates, and even an Inferno -1 can do 300+. It's
  not uncommon for someone to X-Strike and finish it in 1-2 turns, either. 900G
  awarded for defeating it, plus the 41st level-up star. One of the more easy
  fights, yeah?

 If Starky's with, the party will be able to gain entrance into the UFO. The
 tiny spaceman will dig up an anti-gravity device. Back at Chronopolis, he'll
 attach the special motor to Korcha's crappy boat and make it able to fly!
 Terra Tower, here we come!

 (NOTE: You can get Starky's Lv. 7 tech 'StarStruck' by revisiting the UFO w/
  him in the party and searching in that floor hatch again.)

43) Terra Tower [Another World]      "The point where destinies meet..." [D-49]
¯| ITEMS / ELEMENTS ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| ENEMIES ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯
 |                                           |                               |
 | • Nostrum             • Nostrum           | • TerraTerror                 |
 | • Pack of Lies        • Defender Plus     | • Ectoplasm                   |
 | • @Rainbow Shell      • HealPlus          | • Cytoplasm                   |
 | • @Rainbow Shell      • Spectral Glove    | • Myxomycete                  |
 | • @Rainbow Shell      • HolyHealing       | • Cupoid                      |
 | • BlackHole           • UltraNova         | • Whoot                       |
 | • Betta Carotene      • Time Egg          |_______________________________|

           NOTE: All bosses here absorb elements of their own kind!
                                                |     |
                                                | END |
                                         _____   ¯|_|¯
                             AQUATOR -> |     |----'
                                        |_   _|
                                          | |
                               ___________| |___________
                  GRAVITOR <--|_______           _______|--> LUXATOR
                                      |SAVE     |
                                      |___   ___|
                  _____                   |_|
                 |     |-------------------'
                 |_   _|
                ___| | '-ANEMOTOR
               |  _  |
               | | | |                     .--------------------.
               | |_| |__                   |                   _|_
               |  >| |12|                  |                 __| |__
       __       ¯¯¯| |¯¯                   |                |  ___  |
      |  |_________| |__     _             |                |8|   | |
      |11 ____________  |   | |-10         |                |_|___| |
      |__|       _____| |   | |            |              __|  _____|
                |  _____|   | |            |             |  __  |
                | |_________| |            |             | |  \7\
                |_____   ___  |            |             | |___)_)__
                 _____| |   | |            |             |______ __ |
                [9______|   | |            |                    |  _|
                 _____| |___| |            |                    | |
                |  ___________|            |     _________   ___| |
                |_|                        |     \    ___ \  \  ___\
                 '-------------------------'      \ 6\   \ \__\ \ PYROTOR
                                                   ¯¯¯    \  ____\--'
                                                    \¯¯\___\ \
                                                     \   _____\
 .--------.                                           \A\
 | LEGEND |                                            ¯|
 |--------'----------------.                            '---------------.
 |  1 - Nostrum            |                                 ______     |
 |  2 - Nostrum            |                                / ____ \    |
 |  3 - Pack of Lies       |                               / / __ \ \   |
 |  4 - Defender Plus      |                            .-/_/1/  ) ) )  |
 |  5 - @Rainbow Shell     |                            |    ¯   ) |_|  |
 |  6 - HealPlus           |                            |   \¯\_/A )----'
 |  7 - @Rainbow Shell     |                 _________  |    )    /
 |  8 - Spectral Glove     |                |_   _____|-'    |_|\ \
 |  9 - HolyHealing        |                 _| |_____       | | \ \-TERRATOR
 | 10 - @Rainbow Shell     |                |_____   _| __   | |  \ \
 | 11 - BlackHole          |                 _____| |_ [13] _| |_  \ \___
 | 12 - UltraNova          |                |_   _____|-'¯ |  _  | |\ \  |
 | 13 - Betta Carotene     |                 _| |_____     |_| |_| |_____|
 '-------------------------'                |_____   _|   .-'   '-.    \SAVE
                                             _____| |_    |       |     \START
                                       ___ _|    5   _|  |¯|     |¯|
   Map not to scale...                |  _|_ ¯¯¯¯¯| | |  | |_____|2|
            obviously                 | |   |_________|  |  _    | )
                               _______| |_               |_|    / (
                              |4________  |        _      |    /   )
                               ¯    ____| |    .--|3|     |   / /) |
                                ___|  _ | |_   |   ¯      |  / / ) )
                               |  _| |< |  _|--'    ______|_/ / / /_
                               |  >| |¯¯  |   _____|  _______/  \ \ |
                                ¯¯¯|_|¯¯¯¯.--|_____| |<  ||     / / |
                                   | |    |     ___| |¯| ||_________|
                                   |  ¯¯¯¯¯|   |  >| |¯  |
                                    ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯    | |¯| |¯¯¯
                                               |  ¯  |

 Well, let's get this show on the road. Just inside the second screen is a boss
 to keep y'company...
  _________________ ________________ __________ _____________________________
 | BOSS: Terrator  | INNATE: Yellow | HP: 2200 | YellowField (100%)          |
 |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
 | ELEMENTS: ---                                                             |
 | TO STEAL: Yellow Brooch / Earth Charm                                     |
 | SPECIALS: WaveOfFear (yellow-innate; lowers all allies' DEF)              |
 |           SpiritsUp (yellow-innate; raises own DEF)                       |
 |           OmegaYellow (yellow-innate damage on one ally)                  |
 | PATTERNS: WaveOfFear + SpiritsUp to Attack to OmegaYellow (×??)           |
 |           Capsule + Capsule (used immediately when in critical condition) |

  Sorta difficult if you let it run away with a yellow-innate field. Kickstart
  the battle with a BatEye/Weaken while using anything steer the field effect
  with anything besides yellow types. S/he who has the Yellow Plate will be
  good to go (and in fact, will be mostly invincible here) but those without
  it can suffer 250+ damage when OmegaYellow's used...and that's with a mostly
  green field. It uses two capsules when placed in critical which helps build
  the field effect its way, so watch out. The Mastermune slices 'n' dices just
  fine here and its rather low HP shouldn't pose a problem. Just make sure not
  to get murdered by its physical attack which can do 70+ per hit, non-defend!
  HealAll will of course work very well here, not only as its normal capacity
  but that it's a green element. If you want to go the physical attack route,
  which is safer, don't be afraid to rely on Diminish/MagNegate! 1000G and the
  42nd level-up star received for those who finish this alive. [NOTE: If you
  somehow coax this into using Golem, please e-mail me!]

 You can now use that YellowField element to kick off easy Golem summons, so
 make sure to put it on someone other than the person doing those summons.
 In the third multi-layered room, where Serge's team starts off on lowest tier,
 go counterclockwise to a [NOSTRUM] chest; then, push the gray pillar near the
 entrance to find the southern exit. Down the large staircase, there're two
 ladders and a waterfall. Take the left one to get a [NOSTRUM] and also the
 easier way towards the exit in the SW corner.

 Past there, follow the tangled ladder/passageway (straightforward) to where
 a chest is. Only thing is, Serge and company will fall into a new screen as
 they pass over the log leading to it. Watch a voice talk to the party below
 and head into another tangled web of ugly-colored coral. When it wraps around
 to a doorway, enter and get a [PACK OF LIES] for Sneff. Double-back a screen
 and continue the upward trek. There's a [DEFENDER PLUS] chest nearby, and up
 even further, the exit.

 Now there's a multi-tier path to climb. On the second one, a [@RAINBOW SHELL]
 is behind a waterfall. From there, it's just a repetitious climb to the top.
 However, on the fourth floor, slide down the right side to a new doorway. On
 the other side is Janice's only other weapon upgrade, the [BETTA CAROTENE]!
 Backtrack to the previous path.

 Push the two pillars down to form a new path from the lower balcony and a way
 to connect to the second. Go back and save at this point, if you want. Up the
 new path in the octagonal room, it leads to a semi-maze with Cupoids all 
 around it. Get the game's only [HEALPLUS] chest nearby before approaching the
 large red blob that is...
  _________________ ________________ __________ _____________________________
 | BOSS: Pyrotor   | INNATE: Red    | HP: 2400 | RedField (100%)             |
 |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
 | ELEMENTS: Fireball, FirePillar, RedWolf, Ninety-Nine, Volcano             |
 | TO STEAL: Red Brooch / Flame Charm                                        |
 | SPECIALS: SadnessWave (red-innate; lowers all allies' ATK)                |
 |           OmegaRed (red-innate damage on one ally)                        |
 |           Rage (red-innate; raises own ATK)                               |
 | PATTERNS: SadnessWave to Attack to OmegaRed to Fireball + FirePillar to   |
 |           Rage/RedWolf + Ninety-Nine to Attack to Volcano to OmegaRed +   |
 |           OmegaRed (×??)                                                  |
 |           Tablet + Tablet + Tablet (used once; may use v. blue element)   |
 |       [2] SadnessWave to OmegaRed to Inferno + MagmaBomb to Rage/RedWolf+ |
 |           Ninety-Nine to Volcano to Omega Red + OmegaRed (×??)            |
  Set a RedWolf trap because it's easy to bait it, plus it's also a strategic
  move. Diminish is a good idea here since it's more element-oriented than
  Terrator, and is far more brutal. Physical attacks work well here, and make
  good use of that YellowField element, even if it's just to change the field
  effect away from pure red. Speaking of which, it uses three Tablets as a 
  offensive blue element counterattack, and that spells bad news if it comes
  right after Volcano or Ninety-Nine (its attack hits six times!) -- it will
  only make the oncoming attack twice as hard to stomach! Again, Diminish and
  use physical attacks -- otherwise anyone without a Red Plate is going to be
  eating damage like it's on a two-dollar buffet! Its attack changes slightly
  when in low HP, and it's cut the fat off -- hurry and defeat it before it
  uses Rage to boost its ATK! [NOTE: Sometimes it doesn't seem to switch to
  its second attack pattern.] If you're having trouble with this and do not
  have the Mastermune, you should definitely go get it. 1000G and a 43rd
  level-up star awarded for the glorious win.

 After Pyrotor's heavy fall into a dirtnap, simply go up the path it blocked.
 In the short ladder maze beyond, find the [@RAINBOW SHELL] and a [SPECTRAL
 GLOVE]! The next room (up the pink coral exit) is a broken waterway. In the
 midst is a [HOLYHEALING] element, and up the right side is yet another one
 of those [@RAINBOW SHELL]s! Proceed to what seems to be Viper Manor's library
 tower and talk to the Prophet. After talking, hit the button in the bookshelf
 that lowers the ladder -- up there's a [BLACKHOLE] element. Double-back two
 screens to the broken waterway, finding that a new door in the north has now
 opened, while the one you just left's closed.

 Beyond is a room with multi-colored spires. Towards the exit, go left around
 the rim of the room and work your way down to an [ULTRANOVA] chest on the
 eastern side. Heal up/save, 'cause there's a boss beyond...
  _________________ ________________ __________ _____________________________
 | BOSS: Anemotor  | INNATE: Green  | HP: 2500 | GreenField (100%)           |
 |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
 | ELEMENTS: InfoScope, Bushwhacker, Bushbasher, AeroSaucer, AeroBlaster,    |
 |           Sonja, GreenField, BatEye, Carnivore, Tornado                   |
 | TO STEAL: Green Brooch / Forest Charm                                     |
 | SPECIALS: OmegaGreen (green-innate damage on one ally)                    |
 | PATTERNS: InfoScope + InfoScope + InfoScope to Bushwhacker + Bushbasher + |
 |           AeroSaucer + AeroBlaster to OmegaGreen to Attack to Sonja/      |
 |           GreenField/BatEye to Carnivore to Tornado to Attack to          |
 |           OmegaGreen + OmegaGreen (×??)                                   |
 |           HealPlus (used once automatically when HP is >50%)              |

  Set a Sonja trap if you plan on catching it on Turn #5. A good plan for
  quickly taking this guy down is YellowField -> ThundaSnake/Golem, which is
  quite easy to setup. Otherwise, just Diminish the field and rely on normal
  attacks which helps soften the blow of its numerous green elements. BatEye
  and Weaken will help, as will Imbecile, if you don't have Diminish. As long
  as someone has a Green Plate equipped, it's near-impossible to lose. 1000G
  and the 44th level-up star awarded for winning.

 Use the teleporter Anemotor was sitting on to get up to a save point room.
 This room has three passages to go down, but the middle's locked. As an ally
 will mention, the summit seems to be protected by beams stemming from where
 the passages lead... Take the right passage first, going across the windswept
 outdoor corridor. Use the teleporter to approach the next boss...
  _________________ ________________ __________ _____________________________
 | BOSS: Luxator   | INNATE: White  | HP: 3000 | UltraNova (100%)            |
 |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
 | ELEMENTS: Magnify, MeteorShower, MeteorShower, PhotonRay, Unicorn,        |
 |           HolyHealing, Meteorite, PhotonBeam, HolyLight, UltraNova,       |
 |           AntiBlack, MagNegate, StrongMinded                              |
 | TO STEAL: White Brooch / Angel Charm                                      |
 | SPECIALS: OmegaWhite (white-innate damage to one ally)                    |
 |           CrashPulse (white-innate; reduces all allies' M.DEF)            |
 |           NullState  (white-innate; raises own M.DEF)                     |
 | PATTERNS: Attack to Magnify/PhotonRay + OmegaWhite to MeteorShower to     |
 |           PhotonRay + PhotonRay + PhotonRay to StrongMinded/NullState/    |
 |           Unicorn to Meteorite + PhotonBeam to HolyLight to UltraNova to  |
 |           AntiBlack + AntiBlack + OmegaWhite to MagNegate to CrashPulse   |
 |           (×??)                                                           |
 |           HolyHealing (used once automatically when HP drops below 50%)   |

  Diminish the field to start, 'cause it will Magnify on its second turned
  followed by OmegaWhite -- you'll want another Diminish on standby. This way,
  you can get right back on the horse after Magnify cancels itself out with
  its opposite (and Magnify is only used once). BatEye/Weaken/Imbecile when
  possible, and set a Unicorn trap if you're baiting it to be used; those 3
  PhotonRays give you all the setup needed. If you Diminish, there's little
  need to trap HolyLight or UltraNova (although you'll have to fend off the
  Fatigued status somehow, if you don't have White Brooches). Later on in
  the strategy, it will use MagNegate, which only makes physical attacks an
  even better idea. HolyHealing will only return ~700 HP, and it's only used
  once, luckily. Keep up with the Mastermune attacks and, if by chance you've
  got a Pendragon Sigil A or something on, be sure that's off to maximize the
  damage you're doing. Anyone who can use BlackHole will have a great time in
  this battle, if you'll hazard the chance they'll stay alive for long. 1100G
  awarded for winning, plus the 45th level-up star in your pocket. A WhiteField
  does not exist, though, so you'll have to make do with an UltraNova...

 After it's defeated, the beam generator behind it is trashed. Return to the
 save point by the locked door and take the left way this time.
  _________________ ________________ __________ _____________________________
 | BOSS: Gravitor  | INNATE: Black  | HP: 3000 | BlackHole (100%)            |
 |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
 | ELEMENTS: HellBound, GravityBlow, Gravitonne, HellSoul, Genius, MotherShip|
 |           FreeFall, BlackHole, Imbecile, Revenge                          |
 | TO STEAL: Black Brooch / Daemon Charm                                     |
 | SPECIALS: OmegaBlack (black-innate damage to one ally)                    |
 | PATTERNS: OmegaBlack to Attack to HellBound to GravityBlow + Gravitonne + |
 |           HellSoul to Genius/MotherShip to FreeFall + FreeFall to         |
 |           BlackHole to OmegaBlack to Imbecile + Imbecile + Imbecile to    |
 |           Revenge (×??)                                                   |
 |           Nostrum (used once automatically when HP >50%)                  |

  This'll probably the most annoying of the normal bosses you fight here, if
  only because equipping a Black Plate does not mean invincibility. BlackHole
  elements, as you (should) know, can inflict instant KO even with a Black
  Plate, so trapping that should be a top priority. There's also the rare
  MotherShip summon to trap, and this is an easy place to get it at. Diminish
  the field and let Serge's fierce physical attacks take center stage, while
  the other two allies concentrate on healing/trapping (Serge can do 600+ w/
  Mastermune, so this shouldn't take too long if you have it). Luckily, this
  boss is sorta slow, and there should be ample time for reviving. Speaking,
  of which, HellBound may be used twice if it misses the first time. To be
  honest, this battle can be over by Turn #3 if you keep at it with Serge's
  Lv. 3 attacks, but if you want MotherShip, you'll have to wait a bit longer
  to get it. Keep Revives on-hand when possible, or the ReviveAll if you got
  it way back when. If you need some help, use one of the ___Field elements
  and pop a summon off. And, don't forget about MagNegate in these "dark"
  times -- it'll help with the field effect, too. [NOTE: Most of Gravitor's
  attack targets seem to be the last ally to damage it. It may pick random
  allies if no one's targeted it since the last attack. This is a good way
  -- but not foolproof -- way to draw its attention slightly.] 1100G awarded
  and the 46th level-up star!

 Defeating Gravitor disables the beam generator on the left side of the tower
 and allows passage through that locked door near the save point. Just inside
 is the last normal boss you'll fight here...
  _________________ ________________ __________ _____________________________
 | BOSS: Aquator   | INNATE: Blue   | HP: 2800 | BlueField (100%)            |
 |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
 | ELEMENTS: Nimble, Vigora, Numble, IceLance, AquaBall, CureAll, BlueField, |
 |           FrogPrince, IceBlast, Iceberg, Deluge                           |
 | TO STEAL: Sea Charm                                                       |
 | SPECIALS: OmegaBlue (blue-innate damage to one ally)                      |
 | PATTERNS: Nimble + Vigora + Numble to Attack to OmegaBlue to IceLance/    |
 |           Deluge + AquaBall/Iceberg to BlueField/FrogPrince to IceBlast + |
 |           IceBlast to Iceberg to Attack to Deluge to OmegaBlue + OmegaBlue|
 |           (×??)                                                           |
 |           CureAll (used automatically when HP >50%)                       |

  This bad boy's not so bad, especially since one can pop a RedWolf/Salamander
  summon on it immediately (preferably after first turn). Just make sure that
  the field gets Diminished afterwards because a Deluge/Iceberg combo will no
  doubt murder red-innates and inflict frozen/flu. You should have a couple
  HolyHealing elements, so make good use of 'em. It'll use FrogPrince on its
  fifth turn if possible, so trap it (although you will already have one) or
  mess up its requisite all-blue field to prevent its usage. As usual, rely
  on Serge's muscular physical attacks to do much of the damage; MagNegate
  can also be used to great effect here. Although this is the last boss of
  the six that're fought, it's obviously not the strongest. Still, don't let
  the battle lurch on too long or you may find many characters frozen or in
  poor shape. Imbecile works well here, too -- its physical attacks aren't
  that strong. A heapin' helpin' of 1000G is awarded upon victory, plus a 47th
  level-up star. [The boss does not carry a Blue Brooch, if you're wondering]

 Save and take the last teleporter up, towards the top of the once-glorious
 Sky Dragon Isle. Equipping a Pendragon Sigil A on Serge may be a good idea
 here, as well as elemental Plate armors for your three chosen allies opposed
 elements. I use Serge, Leah, and Draggy, so I'd put a Black, Green, and Blue
 Plate on, thus. Get ready to rumble, folks...

 REMINDER: Make sure you get all the items in this tower because after this
 boss is defeated, you will not be able to re-enter this place ever again!!!
  ____________________ _____________ ___________ ____________________________
 | BOSS: TimeDevourer | INNATE: ??? | HP: 15000 | Earring of Hope (100%)     |
 |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
 | ELEMENTS: Uplift, Fireball, Bushwhacker, AquaBeam, GravityBlow, PhotonRay |
 |           ThundaStorm, MagmaBomb, AeroSaucer, IceLance, HellSoul,         |
 |           Meteorite, Volcano, Tornado, AeroBlaster, IceBlast, Gravitonne, |
 |           PhotonBeam, Deluge, AquaBall, HellBound, MeteorShower, FreeFall |
 |           HolyLight, Genius, Imbecile, BlackHole, UltraNova, WeakMinded,  |
 |           Purify                                                          |
 | TO STEAL: HolyHealing                                                     |
 | SPECIALS: OmegaYellow (yellow-innate damage to one ally)                  |
 |           OmegaRed (red-innate damage to one ally)                        |
 |           OmegaBlue (blue-innate damage to one ally)                      |
 |           OmegaBlack (black-innate damage to one ally)                    |
 |           OmegaGreen (green-innate damage to one ally)                    |
 | PATTERNS: It's pattern changes depending on its form and innate color.    |
 |           Note that most patterns won't be fully realized because the TD  |
 |           will change the field after a certain amt. of attacks/attempts? |
 | White  | Attack ×??                                                       |
 | Yellow | Uplift + Fireball + Bushwhacker to AquaBeam + GravityBlow +      |
 |        | PhotonRay to Attack to ThundaStorm/OmegaYellow (×??)             |
 | Red    | MagmaBomb + AeroSaucer + IceLance to HellSoul + Meteorite to     |
 |        | Attack to Volcano/OmegaRed to Attack (×??)                       |
 | Green  | Tornado/OmegaGreen to Attack to AeroBlaster + IceBlast to        |
 |        | Gravitonne + PhotonBeam to Attack (×??)                          |
 | Blue   | Attack to Deluge/OmegaBlue to AquaBall + HellBound to            |
 |        | MeteorShower to Attack (×??)                                     |
 | Black  | FreeFall to HolyLight to OmegaBlack/Genius + Imbecile + BlackHole|
 |        | to Attack ×2 (×??)                                               |
 | White  | Attack to UltraNova to Attack to WeakMinded + Purify + HolyLight |
 |        | to Attack ×2 (×??)                                               |

  NOTE: Traps you set on one form will carry over onto the next one!
  NOTE: T.D. absorbs whatever innate color it currently is! Summoners beware!
  NOTE: All allies take damage whenever the boss changes scenery + innates,
        usually. Sometimes it does 50-70; sometimes it does 0.

  Whoo, this battle will be a doozy, what with all the trappable elements and
  the very deluge of elements of every sort and color. Luckily, when it shifts
  forms, it shifts elemental lineups as well, meaning you can prepare a bit
  easier. However, the best way is always...Diminish! Yeah, it gets boring
  after awhile, but with 15,000 HP to chop through, it's no small task to make
  your own elements stand up. Physical attacks are good on all occasions! Here
  is the breakdown a bit:

  - WHITE  : Not much to say on this initial form, since it only uses physical
             attacks itself. It can attack all party members much like a user
             of a Rod/Boomerang could, so watch out. They're sorta weak, but
             it'll add up over time. Try to conserve your elements during this
             portion by doing the attack-attack-defend pattern. Feel free to
             set down Diminish, though. The field also starts out mostly black
             which means you can get by without too much damage. [You can
             steal a HolyHealing from it in this form.]

  - YELLOW : It deliberately keeps the field effect randomized here, by using
             three crappy elements that have no status effects (whew!). It'll
             still use ThundaStorm and OmegaYellow eventually, so try and get
             through this before then (GreenField + Sonja?). It only uses the
             ThundaStorm once before replacing it with OmegaYellow from then
             on...meaning it only gets worse from then on. Serge should be
             able to do a bit more damage since its innate isn't yellow. One
             cool thing is that if you have a Pendragon Sigil equipped, the
             Bushwhacker will 'TurnGreen' Serge and he can do even more dmg
             with his physical attacks, usually twice as much!

  - RED    : Like before, if Serge has a Pendragon Sigil A on, the boss may
             hit him with the three-element combo and 'TurnBlue' him, making
             all physical attacks do about twice as much. He'll use Volcano
             and OmegaRed also, but I don't suggest trapping either. Save up
             for later HolyHealings by Diminishing the field to get through,
             and using HealAlls when needed (or CureAlls if you have a blue
             character with).

  - GREEN  : He gets a little down and dirty here with harder-hitting elements
             and no yellow ones, making the Pendragon Sigil 'helper' outta the
             picture. Shoot for a ____Field and try to pop a summon on it,
             while Serge slices-'n'-dices it. Not too difficult, but the party
             WILL take some damage, as opposed to the rest where you can get
             off without too much trouble.

  - BLUE   : Keep your Revives on-guard because it uses the always-annoying
             HellBound elements mixed in with some blue and white ones. Its
             physical attacks will damage everyone here, also. Although this
             form is annoying, the next will be even moreso -- attempt to set
             a BlackHole trap here to prepare for the next form. 

  - BLACK  : This attack pattern is only five turns long, meaning it's very
             possible you'll get a BlackHole...and that is the LAST thing you
             want to experience. Set a trap for it and get ready to replace it
             if it gets used, while Serge bombards the TD with physical damage.
             As long as a BlackHole is not used (it can inflict instant KO, duh
             guys) this will be a smidgin easier. Hopefully Serge has a Black
             Plate regardless -- it helps immensely if he can draw its fire.
             This form shouldn't last too long if your hits connect; feel free
             to use an EagleEye to expedite the form.

  - WHITE  : An UltraNova trap will do you good here, making HolyLight its 
             main force of attack. Either way, expect to be inflicted with a
             few 'Fatigued' statuses. This form is more physical-oriented than
             the middle ones, so Weaken/BatEye while Serge (surprise!) slaps
             the fool with his swallow. I didn't see OmegaWhite used here,
             oddly enough...but I only played through twice to make sure the
             strategies were right, so... =/  Keep HealAlls coming when you
             know UltraNova's near, and that'll help keep its damage in the
             low hundreds range (hopefully).

 Defeat this sucka with some tried-and-true strategies you've been using thus
 far and it'll be gravy. Sure Diminishing the battlefield all the time is a
 bit cheap, but when the world's at stake, who cares? 2000G awarded for your
 great victory, plus the 48th level-up star.

 The Frozen Flame tells Serge to go to the place where time became divided
 and weave the threads back together again. "Angelus Errare," anybody? The
 Prophet bestows a [TIME EGG] with Serge and leaves again... Watch the sweet
 FMV regarding Terra Tower and it's off to the final boss.

 (This is a good time to get Rainbow equipment!)

44) The Final Battle [???]       "Our planet's dream is not over yet..." [D-50]
¯| ITEMS / ELEMENTS ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| ENEMIES ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯
 |                                           |                               |
 | There ain't any!                          | Only the last boss, yo...     |

 Head to Opassa Beach [Home World] and find the purple-lookin' warp point on
 the ground. Some of the cast of Chrono Trigger will be standing nearby as
 well. Use the Time Egg on the portal to enter the final, FINAL boss of this
  ____________________ _______________ __________ ___________________________
 | BOSS: TimeDevourer | INNATE: White | HP: ???? | None...                   |
 |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
 | ELEMENTS: Theoretically, all of them?                                     |
 | TO STEAL: Nostrum                                                         |
 | SPECIALS: OmegaGreen (green-innate damage to one ally)                    |
 |           OmegaBlack (black-innate damage to one ally)                    |
 |           OmegaWhite (white-innate damage to one ally)                    |
 |           OmegaRed   (red-innate damage to one ally)                      |
 |           OmegaBlue  (blue-innate damage to one ally)                     |
 |           OmegaYellow (yellow-innate damage to one ally)                  |
 | PATTERNS: ---                                                             |

  The enemy uses no physical attacks, meaning this is a purely elemental type
  of fight. As Marle said on the beach, this battle decides how Lavos evolves
  later on -- meaning? There are two ways to fight, two different outcomes.

  1) Simply beat the crap out of it. Cast Diminish to reduce damage from its
     inordinate amount of green-type attacks and simply defeat it with normal
     attacks. Or, if you want to give it a fighting chance, just bring a lot
     of HealAlls [etc.] and fight it on both fronts. In all actuality, it's
     not much of a hard boss; it just flaunts a high HP value, probably in
     line with the one it had previously (15,000). Defeating the TimeDevourer
     this way gives the 'bad ending.'

  2) The real way to defeat this beast is to harmonize all the sounds of the
     world with the Chrono Cross. You've been given small clues as to the
     order you need to do so, but they're subtle and hard to figure out. When
     one has the Chrono Cross equipped, you'll see elements' colors that, once
     used, show up on the top of the screen with their own 'ding!' noise. The
     correct order that must be displayed, from left to right is:

     Yellow -> Red -> Green -> Blue -> Black -> White -> ChronoCross

     Setting this up so that the TD plays into the pattern is hard work as
     it may change its elemental attack and mess it up. If you can get it to
     use a Yellow type, simply do crappy Lv. 1 attacks of all the other types
     and use the Chrono Cross afterwards. Sometimes the enemy will play right
     into the pattern, sometimes not -- it's luck of the draw. I find the foe
     uses yellow elements as soon as I try to make its initial green elements
     a part of the pattern, but that's just my observations... Make sure this
     is done in one run, 'cause it doesn't seem to work any other way. Who
     said it would be a cakewalk? If you do it, though, and do it right, the
     battle'll end no matter the damage done. NOTE: The Chrono Cross can be
     placed anywhere on the grid, mind you. For those who want layman's terms:

     0) Raise everyone's stamina to Lv. 7
     1) Use Lv. 1 Yellow element
     2) Use Lv. 2 Yellow element -> Everyone defend
     3) TimeDevourer uses yellow element
     4) Use crappy Lv. 1 elements; Red -> Green -> Blue -> Black -> White
     5) Serge uses ChronoCross element and wins

     And, yes, it is Blue/Black/White, not Blue/White/Black.
 Defeating TD in this way gives the 'good ending'. Congratulations!
          _________          _______    _______  _        ______   _ 
          \__   __/|\     /|(  ____ \  (  ____ \( (    /|(  __  \ ( )
             ) (   | )   ( || (    \/  | (    \/|  \  ( || (  \  )| |
             | |   | (___) || (__      | (__    |   \ | || |   ) || |
             | |   |  ___  ||  __)     |  __)   | (\ \) || |   | || |
             | |   | (   ) || (        | (      | | \   || |   ) |(_)
             | |   | )   ( || (____/\  | (____/\| )  \  || (__/  ) _ 
             )_(   |/     \|(_______/  (_______/|/    )_)(______/ (_)

              Don't forget about the New Game Plus feature, however!
______________________________________________________/ V. APPENDICES [APND] |_
CHARACTERS                                                               [CHRC]

 This is where you can read up on the characters and their profiles. Assume a
 few things while reading:

  • All techs inflict damage unless otherwise stated
  • All techs are aligned with the character's innate color

 For further breakdown:

   AGE   : Character's age
   GENDER: Character's sex
   INNATE: Character's elemental affilitation
   CAREER: Character's job/title
   ORIGIN: Character's location (where s/he is from, or first located)
   HEIGHT: Character's...height
   WEIGHT: Character's...weight
   BUILD : Character's physique
   PREFER: Character's arm/paw preference
   WEAPON: Character's equippable weapon types
   EQUIPS: Character's starting equipment
   INVITE: Character's method of being in Serge's party
   TECHS : Character's unique skills

 Displayed at the top of each character's profile is how their element grid
 develops, which is shown courtesy of Gwydion's labors. The grid starts at the
 left (LV1) and goes right until the end (often LV8). '00' means an initially-
 -obtained slot, numbers show additions as the star levels are earned.

 NOTE: If you find any effects I've missed, please tell me!

| SERGE                                                                       /

       [  22  ][  31  ][  39  ]
       [  19  ][  20  ][  24  ][  30  ]
       [  12  ][  14  ][  16  ][  23  ][  36  ]
       [  07  ][  08  ][  09  ][  13  ][  21  ][  34  ][  46  ][  48  ]
       [  00  ][  00  ][  00  ][  05  ][  11  ][  18  ][  26  ][  37  ]
       [  01  ][  02  ][  03  ][  10  ][  15  ][  29  ][  35  ][  41  ]
       [  04  ][  06  ][  25  ][  28  ][  33  ][  40  ][  43  ][  44  ]
       [  17  ][  27  ][  32  ][  47  ]  

 Silent protagonist and boy caught between dimensions, he'll have to battle for
 his right to exist, as well as time-travel to understand just who he is...
 AGE   : 17
 INNATE: White
 CAREER: Silent Protagonist
 ORIGIN: Arni Village (Home World)
 HEIGHT: 5'7"
 WEIGHT: 128 lbs.
 BUILD : Ordinary
 PREFER: Right-handed
 WEAPON: Swallow
 EQUIPS: Sea Swallow, Ivory Mail
 INVITE: You control him the entire game, yo.

 TECHS-.- Dash&Slash  - "Charge at foe for extra-powerful blade strike"
       |              - Target: Single foe
       |              - Learns: 3 stars
       |- Luminaire   - "Build up and release a burst of 'chi' energy"
       |              - Target: All foes
       |              - Learns: 15 Stars
       |              - Inflct: Fatigued
       '- FlyingArrow - "Focus energy on Swallow and hurl yourself at foe"
                      - Target: Single foe
                      - Learns: 35 Stars
                        You won't be able to use the above attack until the
                        37 stars mark, mind you.

| LYNX                                                                        /

       [  22  ][  31  ][  39  ]
       [  19  ][  20  ][  24  ][  30  ]
       [  12  ][  14  ][  16  ][  23  ][  36  ]
       [  07  ][  08  ][  09  ][  13  ][  21  ][  34  ][  46  ][  48  ]
       [  00  ][  00  ][  00  ][  05  ][  11  ][  18  ][  26  ][  37  ]
       [  01  ][  02  ][  03  ][  10  ][  15  ][  29  ][  35  ][  41  ]
       [  04  ][  06  ][  25  ][  28  ][  33  ][  40  ][  43  ][  44  ]
       [  17  ][  27  ][  32  ][  47  ]

 Just what is this demi-human's story, and why is he so hellbent on causing
 trouble for Serge and Kid? He's a wily one, and clever as well. Only time'll
 tell just what he's got up his sleeve...

 AGE   : 17
 INNATE: Black
 CAREER: Feline Demi-human
 ORIGIN: Arni Village [Home World]
 HEIGHT: 6'4"
 WEIGHT: 176 lbs.
 BUILD : Solid
 PREFER: Right-handed
 WEAPON: Swallow
 EQUIPS: Varies (depending on what Serge had at Another World Ft. Dragonia)
 INVITE: Joins automatically at the Temporal Vortex, if you get my drift...

 TECHS-.- GlideHook   - "Slice opponent as you gently fly past him"
       |              - Target: Single foe
       |              - Learns: Already learned when invited
       |- FeralCats   - "Invoke a pack of magic cats to attack"
       |              - Target: All foes
       |              - Learns: Already learned when invited
       '- ForeverZero - "All things become eternal nothingness"
                      - Target: All foes
                      - Learns: 35 Stars

| KID                                                                         /

       [  22  ][  31  ][  39  ]
       [  19  ][  20  ][  24  ][  30  ]
       [  12  ][  14  ][  16  ][  23  ][  36  ][  60  ]
       [  07  ][  08  ][  09  ][  13  ][  21  ][  34  ][  46  ]
       [  00  ][  00  ][  00  ][  05  ][  11  ][  18  ][  26  ][  37  ]
       [  01  ][  02  ][  03  ][  10  ][  15  ][  29  ][  35  ][  41  ]
       [  04  ][  06  ][  25  ][  28  ][  33  ][  40  ][  43  ]
       [  17  ][  27  ][  32  ]

 A cute girl but fearsome when she has to be, this missy's on a mission for
 vindication and revenge. Sure, she gets into a scrap now and then and picks
 fights with Harle, but it ain't no thing -- nothing ever keeps her down.

 AGE   : 16
 GENDER: Female
 CAREER: Mysterious Traveler
 ORIGIN: Unknown
 HEIGHT: 5'5"
 WEIGHT: 99 lbs.
 BUILD : Slender
 PREFER: Ambidextrous
 WEAPON: Dagger
 EQUIPS: Ivory Dagger, Ivory Mail
 INVITE: 1) After mandatory scenes at Cape Howl [Another World]
         2) In Termina [Another World] after talking with statue polisher
         3) In Guldove, if you choose to help find a cure for her poison (can
            do as soon as poison is obtained).
         4) In Guldove, if you choose not to help her and return to the town
            before Fort Dragonia events [Another World]
         5) At Hermit's Hideaway after Chronopolis events, after exploring her
            'past' with the Mastermune/Chrono Cross key item. This is missable
            in that you can put it off until the end of the game, thus never
            getting her in the party.

 TECHS-.- Pilfer  - "Attempt to steal your opponent's treasure"
       |          - Target: Single foe
       |          - Learns: 3 Stars
       |          - Effect: May steal one held item from an enemy
       |- RedPin  - "Throw a whole bunch of daggers all at once"
       |          - Target: All foes
       |          - Learns: 15 Stars
       '- HotShot - "The death-blow machine invented by Lucca"
                  - Target: Single foe
                  - Learns: ---

 To obtain the 'HotShot' tech, finish the events at Chronopolis. Kid will be
 at Hermit's Hideaway [Another World] at this point, but is unconscious. Use
 the Chrono Cross -OR- Mastermune to enter her past. In the first room of this
 place will be a large machine by a burning clock. Pressing buttons near its
 front gives off a 'ding' sound. Press L2, Triangle, R2, and Triangle to get

| GUILE                                                                       /

                                                           [  78  ]
                                                   [  69  ][  72  ]
                                           [  60  ][  63  ][  66  ]
                                   [  21  ][  34  ][  46  ][  48  ]
   [  00  ][  00  ][  00  ][  05  ][  11  ][  18  ][  26  ][  37  ]
                   [  03  ][  10  ][  15  ][  29  ][  35  ][  41  ]
                           [  28  ][  33  ][  40  ][  43  ][  55  ]
                                                           [  75  ]

 Often thought to be Magus (from Chrono Trigger fame) in disguise, it's almost
 the singular reason why he gets so much attention. In reality, he's but an
 up-and-coming magician who happens to have decent MGC and some nifty techs to
 aid Serge and crew. His element grid is pretty crappy early on, but as time
 marches on, it becomes so front-loaded (err, back-loaded) that it's got the
 most Lv8 slots of anyone.

 AGE   : 26
 INNATE: Black
 CAREER: Masked Magician
 ORIGIN: Zenan Mainland [Another World]
 HEIGHT: 6'2"
 WEIGHT: 154 lbs.
 BUILD : Tall & Slender
 PREFER: Right-handed
 EQUIPS: Porcelain Rod, Ivory Mail
 INVITE: When arriving in Termina [Another World] for the first time, watch a
         scene with the statue polisher. Afterwards, find Korcha at the bridge
         east of there before finding him a 2nd time down by the shrines. He
         agrees to take you to the destination (Viper Manor Bluffs) but needs
         a guide. Guile's at the Termina Bar and will join up without too much
         of a hassle. Nikki and Pierre CANNOT join if Guile does, however.

 TECHS-.- WandaIn     - "Teleport magic wand into foe's innards"
       |              - Target: Single foe
       |              - Learns: 3 Stars
       |- WandaSwords - "Turn magic wand into swords that stab foe"
       |              - Target: Single foe
       |              - Learns: 15 Stars
       '- LightninRod - "Charge magic wand with lightning to zap foe"
                      - Target: Single foe
                      - Learns: 35 Stars

| NORRIS                                                                      /

       [  22  ]
       [  19  ][  20  ]
       [  12  ][  14  ][  16  ]
       [  07  ][  08  ][  09  ][  13  ][  21  ]
       [  00  ][  00  ][  00  ][  05  ][  11  ][  18  ]
       [  01  ][  02  ][  03  ][  10  ][  15  ][  29  ][  35  ][  41  ]
       [  04  ][  06  ][  25  ][  28  ][  33  ][  40  ][  43  ][  44  ]
       [  17  ][  27  ][  32  ]

 Leader of Porre's Black Wind soldiers who kinda infiltrate El Nido and take
 it over, he's still respectful at heart and can't stand some of his allies'
 wrongdoings. Not a bad chap at all.

 AGE   : 26
 INNATE: Yellow
 CAREER: 'Black Wind' Leader
 ORIGIN: Porre, Zenan [Home World]
 HEIGHT: 5'10"
 WEIGHT: 137 lbs.
 BUILD : Average
 PREFER: Right-handed
 EQUIPS: Ferrous Gun, Iron Mail
 INVITE: Joins automatically at Viper Manor [Home World]

 TECHS-.- SpiralRay - "Shoot a twisting ray of aura from your pistol"
       |            - Target: Single foe
       |            - Learns: Already knows when invited
       |- SunShower - "Fire aura in the air to cause a rain of bullets"
       |            - Target: All foes
       |            - Learns: Already knows when invited
       '- TopShot   - "Fires a concentrated ball of aura energy"
                    - Target: Single foe
                    - Learns: ---

 To find 'TopShot,' take Norris to meet his counterpart in Another World Viper
 Manor's parlor room (ground floor, left hallway). He'll receive the technique
 there. The earliest this can be done is after infiltrating the manor to save
 Riddel. As long as Porre controls Viper Manor, you'll need Norris in the main
 lineup to enter, remember.

| NIKKI                                                                       /

       [  35  ]
       [  26  ][  31  ]
       [  14  ][  18  ][  21  ][  28  ][  39  ][  44  ][  48  ]
       [  04  ][  05  ][  06  ][  13  ][  15  ][  27  ][  32  ][  49  ]
       [  00  ][  00  ][  00  ][  07  ][  11  ][  16  ][  25  ][  37  ]
       [  01  ][  02  ][  03  ][  10  ][  19  ][  22  ][  40  ][  45  ]
       [  09  ][  20  ][  24  ][  29  ][  33  ][  38  ][  42  ][  47  ]

 Nikki's the girly-in-appearance guitar player for the 'Magical Dreamers'
 troupe, and has seemingly everyone in the world going ga-ga over him. Girls
 fall at his feet, but in reality, he's searching for some family members...
 and stuff. He has the habit of saying "Rockin'" like it's still in style. :p

 AGE   : 19
 CAREER: Rockin' Bard Superstar
 ORIGIN: S.S. Zelbess [Another World]
 WEIGHT: 115 lbs.
 BUILD : Thin
 PREFER: Right-handed
 INVITE: After going through Fossil Valley [Another World], watch the scene
         in Termina regarding the statue polisher. After this, you'll need a
         guide to infiltrate Viper Manor. Go down to the docks and onto the
         large green ship. Talk to Nikki's manager and his co-star Miki will
         want you to help find him in Shadow Forest. Go there and head inside;
         three screens in, save him from some Cassowaries and he'll join in a
         cave there.

 TECHS-.- GrandFinale - "Break beloved guitar on foe at performance's end"
       |              - Target: Single foe
       |              - Learns: Already learned when invited
       |- ChillOut    - "Play a cool tune that'll freeze your worst critic"
       |              - Target: Single foe
       |              - Learns: 19 Stars
       '- LimeLight   - "Play some heavy metal that will shake your foes"
                      - Target: All foes
                      - Learns: ---

 To pick up this rad last tech, take Nikki to meet his counterpart onboard the
 Magical Dreamers boat in Home World. It'll be docked by the S.S. Zelbess,
 and to get to the destination, climb the mast to the cable transfer rig. Ride
 it to the ship and kick out some jams with Nikki! \m/

| VIPER                                                                       /

       [  04  ][  05  ][  06  ][  13  ][  15  ][  27  ]
       [  00  ][  00  ][  00  ][  07  ][  11  ][  16  ][  25  ][  37  ]
       [  01  ][  02  ][  03  ][  10  ][  19  ][  22  ][  40  ][  45  ]
       [  09  ][  20  ][  24  ][  29  ][  33  ][  38  ][  42  ][  47  ]

 The great Lord of El Nido and loved by most, he runs the Acacia Dragoons and
 has a large manor near Termina. He may seem slightly devious, but he's really
 a family man who loves his daughter Riddel very much.

 AGE   : 57
 INNATE: Yellow
 CAREER: Lord of El Nido
 ORIGIN: El Nido [Another World]
 HEIGHT: 6'7" (!)
 WEIGHT: 216 lbs.
 BUILD : Solid
 PREFER: Right-handed
 WEAPON: Sword + Viper's Venom (unique sword)
 EQUIPS: Silver Sword, Mythril Mail
 INVITE: Joins automatically after events at Porre-controlled Viper Manor [AW]

 TECHS-.- G-Force    - "Utilize gravity's pull to swing sword harder"
       |             - Target: Single foe
       |             - Learns: Already knows when invited
       |- AirForce   - "Make huge blades of thin air and hurl them at foes"
       |             - Target: All foes
       |             - Learns: Already knows when invited
       '- FlagBearer - "Raise the national flag to raise fighting spirit"
                     - Target: Self
                     - Learns: ---
                     - Effect: Heals self + raises all powers!

 To find 'FlagBearer,' visit the secret room in Home World Termina's bar. It's
 normally locked, but if Viper is in the party, the woman allows everyone to 
 come behind the counter. Observe the red tapestry along the wall to find the
 tech and a Dragoon's Glory. NOTE: There is a glitch related to this tech! If
 you return to this room and inspect the bare wall, you can get ANOTHER tech
 and Dragoon's Glory. This can be repeated as many times as you want, making
 Viper one of the best characters in the game because of it. Just remember he
 can only carry three FlagBearers tops, they ARE permanent, and filling all
 slots with them means he can't use any summon traps. They'll disappear on a
 NG+ however, if you need a do-over.

| RIDDEL                                                                      /

       [  35  ][  43  ]
       [  26  ][  31  ][  34  ][  41  ][  46  ][  50  ]
       [  14  ][  18  ][  21  ][  28  ][  39  ][  44  ][  48  ][  51  ]
       [  04  ][  05  ][  06  ][  13  ][  15  ][  27  ][  32  ][  49  ]
       [  00  ][  00  ][  00  ][  07  ][  11  ][  16  ][  25  ][  37  ]
       [  01  ][  02  ][  03  ][  10  ][  19  ][  22  ][  40  ][  45  ]
       [  09  ][  20  ][  24  ][  29  ][  33  ][  38  ][  42  ][  47  ]

 The darling daughter of Lord Viper, she was also engaged to the late Acacia
 Deva, Dario. She grew up with Karsh, Glenn, and Dario, and her mood's been a
 bit more somber since her fiance died. However, she's loved by all who know
 her regardless of what's happened.

 AGE   : 24
 GENDER: Female
 INNATE: White
 CAREER: Lady of Viper Manor
 ORIGIN: El Nido [Another World]
 HEIGHT: 5'7"
 WEIGHT: 104 lbs.
 BUILD : Slender
 PREFER: Right-handed
 EQUIPS: Mythril Rod, Mythril Mail
 INVITE: After events at Porre-controlled Viper Manor [AW], talk to her at
         Hermit's Hideaway and she'll join.

 TECHS-.- SnakeEyes  - "Use the power of White Cobra to heal your party"
       |             - Target: All allies
       |             - Learns: Already knows when invited
       |             - Effect: Heals allies + removes status effects
       |- SnakeSkin  - "Use the power of White Cobra for protection"
       |             - Target: Single ally
       |             - Learns: Already knows when invited
       |             - Effect: Raises M.DEF on target
       '- SnakeFangs - "White Cobra's power will recharge some elements"
                     - Target: Self
                     - Learns: ---
                     - Effect: Doesn't always renew elements, although it may
                               recharge 'SnakeFangs' for another use which'll
                               give another shot at doing so. 

 'SnakeFangs' is obtained by completing the Mastermune sidequest, which in
 turn, is started by finishing Karsh's Isle of the Damned sidequest. Defeat
 the boss at Forbidden Isle and afterwards, Riddel will receive her technique.

| KARSH                                                                       /

       [  14  ][  18  ][  21  ][  28  ]
       [  04  ][  05  ][  06  ][  13  ][  15  ][  27  ][  32  ][  49  ]
       [  00  ][  00  ][  00  ][  07  ][  11  ][  16  ][  25  ][  37  ]
       [  01  ][  02  ][  03  ][  10  ][  19  ][  22  ][  40  ][  45  ]
       [  09  ][  20  ][  24  ][  29  ][  33  ][  38  ][  42  ][  47  ]

 Fairly brash and eager, Karsh operates under Viper's command. He proves to be
 a thorn in Serge's side a bit, but after a turn of events, Karsh and his Diva
 peers all join. He's got a crush on Riddel...maybe...

 AGE   : 27
 INNATE: Green
 CAREER: One of the 4 Devas
 ORIGIN: El Nido [Another World]
 HEIGHT: 5'11"
 WEIGHT: 159 lbs.
 BUILD : Solid
 PREFER: Right-handed
 EQUIPS: Silver Axe, Mythril Mail
 INVITE: 1) Pick Karsh to accompany you to Porre-controlled Viper Manor [AW]
         2) Joins automatically at S.S. Invincible if he wasn't chosen at #1

 TECHS-.- DragonRider - "Jump on your dragon to make a charge attack"
       |              - Target: Single foe
       |              - Learns: Already learned when invited
       |- AxialAxe    - "Send aura into axe and throw it in a circle"
       |              - Target: All foes
       |              - Learns: Already learned when invited
       '- Axiomatic   - "Spin axe around to build up power for final blow"
                      - Target: Single foe
                      - Learns: ---

 Karsh's last tech 'Axiomatic' is received after completing a sidequest at
 Isle of the Damned [Another World], and can be started as soon as he's in
 the party. And he has to be in the party to proceed to the boss! This quest
 has to be done before starting the one that allows Riddel to get her last
 tech, also.

| ZOAH                                                                        /

     [  14  ][  18  ][  21  ][  28  ]
     [  04  ][  05  ][  06  ][  13  ][  15  ][  27  ][  32  ][  49  ]
     [  00  ][  00  ][  00  ][  07  ][  11  ][  16  ][  25  ][  37  ]
     [  01  ][  02  ][  03  ][  10  ][  19  ][  22  ][  40  ][  45  ]
     [  09  ][  20  ][  24  ][  29  ][  33  ][  38  ][  42  ][  47  ]

 Incredibly strong but has trouble controlling his voice modulation, it seems,
 Zoah's earned his place as one of Viper's Divas. He's very reliable in battle
 but just doesn't seem to have any inspirations/aspirations worth noting. =/

 AGE   : 28
 INNATE: Yellow
 CAREER: One of the 4 Divas
 ORIGIN: El Nido [Another World]
 HEIGHT: 6'3"
 WEIGHT: 203 lbs.
 BUILD : Mammoth
 PREFER: Right-handed
 WEAPON: Gloves
 EQUIPS: Mythril Glove, Mythril Mail
 INVITE: 1) Pick Zoah to accompany you to Porre-controlled Viper Manor [AW]
         2) Joins automatically at S.S. Invincible if he wasn't picked for #1

 TECHS-.- DragonRider - "Jump from your steed to do an elbow-crush dive"
       |              - Target: Single foe
       |              - Learns: Already learned when invited
       |- Gyronimo    - "Fly like a helicopter to make a spinning dive"
       |              - Target: Single foe
       |              - Learns: Already learned when invited
       '- Toss&Spike  - "Throw foe high in air then beat him back down"
                      - Target: Single foe
                      - Learns: ---

 'Toss&Spike' is found in Zoah's room in Another World Viper Manor. Only he's
 able to open it, meaning it cannot be obtained until he first joins during
 the raid on Porre-controlled Viper Manor. Make him the party leader and it'll
 open up. It's a shame all his techs are single-target...

| MARCY                                                                       /

     [  35  ]
     [  26  ][  31  ]
     [  14  ][  18  ][  21  ][  28  ][  39  ][  44  ][  48  ]
     [  04  ][  05  ][  06  ][  13  ][  15  ][  27  ][  32  ][  49  ]
     [  00  ][  00  ][  00  ][  07  ][  11  ][  16  ][  25  ][  37  ]
     [  01  ][  02  ][  03  ][  10  ][  19  ][  22  ][  40  ][  45  ]
     [  09  ][  20  ][  24  ][  29  ][  33  ][  38  ][  42  ][  47  ]

 Quite close to the vapid teenage girl archetype, she's sort of a brat and not
 very...personable to most people. She accumulates an ever-lasting hate for 
 Serge after he wallops her in battle, but eventually sees his good side and
 joins up with the rest of her Diva crew.

 AGE   : 9
 GENDER: Female
 CAREER: 'Diva' of the 4 Devas
 ORIGIN: Zenan Mainland [Another World]
 HEIGHT: 4'9"
 WEIGHT: 84 lbs.
 BUILD : Smallish
 PREFER: Left-handed
 WEAPON: Gloves
 EQUIPS: Mythril Glove, Mythril Mail
 INVITE: Joins automatically after events at Porre-controlled Viper Manor in
         Another World.

 TECHS-.- Cat'sCradle - "Pierce the enemy with your secret strings"
       |              - Target: Single foe
       |              - Learns: Already learned when invited
       |- StringPhone - "Send a cold signal down your secret string line"
       |              - Target: All foes
       |              - Learns: Already learned when invited
       |              - Inflct: Flu
       '- WebSurfer   - "Weave secret strings to cut out a wave of rocks"
                      - Target: All foes
                      - Learns: 40 Stars

| KORCHA                                                                      /

       [  22  ]
       [  19  ][  20  ]
       [  12  ][  14  ][  16  ][  23  ]
       [  07  ][  08  ][  09  ][  13  ][  21  ][  34  ]
       [  00  ][  00  ][  00  ][  05  ][  11  ][  18  ][  26  ][  37  ]
       [  01  ][  02  ][  03  ][  10  ][  15  ][  29  ][  35  ][  41  ]
       [  04  ][  06  ][  25  ][  28  ][  33  ][  40  ][  43  ][  44  ]
       [  17  ][  27  ][  32  ]

 A worker from Guldove who runs a ferrying business in Termina, Korcha's quick
 to stand up for what (he thinks) is right, and has an uber-crush on Kid! He's
 a pretty nice guy, although his accent's annoying.

 AGE   : 16
 CAREER: Fisherman & Ferryman
 ORIGIN: Guldove [Another World]
 HEIGHT: 5'6"
 WEIGHT: 123 lbs.
 BUILD : Thin
 PREFER: Right-handed
 EQUIPS: Bronze Lure, Bronze Mail
 INVITE: After events at Viper Manor [Another World], everyone ends up back in
         Guldove. When asked if he's going to help Kid, give an affirmative
         reply and after he takes everyone back to Termina, he can join up at
         time. [NOTE: After Kid has been saved and Korcha ferries everyone to
         Termina _another_ time, the option to decline his company is given.
         If you choose not to keep him along, you can re-invite him at Guldove
         in the residential tower.]

 TECHS-.- HeadButt    - "Swim in the air and dive head-first at opponent"
       |              - Target: Single foe
       |              - Learns: Already learned when invited
       |- Hook&Sinker - "Snag a foe on fishing line and reel him in"
       |              - Target: Single foe
       |              - Learns: 15 Stars
       '- BigCatch    - "A special lure to catch the one that got away"
                      - Target: Single 
                      - Learns: ---

 To find 'BigCatch,' go to Another World Termina's bridge where the element
 trader and a covered cage is. With Korcha in the party, talk to the cage to
 hear some inspiring words about the mermaid inside escaping. Re-enter, talk
 to the mermaid tank again to find out "there's no one inside...". Down by
 the shrines, talk to the escapee merwoman and get the tech. [NOTE: You can't
 get this until finishing Sea of Eden events.] Looks like he finally caught
 something bigger than smallfry!

| LUCCIA                                                                      /

     [  35  ]
     [  26  ][  31  ]
     [  14  ][  18  ][  21  ][  28  ][  39  ][  44  ][  48  ]
     [  04  ][  05  ][  06  ][  13  ][  15  ][  27  ][  32  ][  49  ]
     [  00  ][  00  ][  00  ][  07  ][  11  ][  16  ][  25  ][  37  ]
     [  01  ][  02  ][  03  ][  10  ][  19  ][  22  ][  40  ][  45  ]
     [  09  ][  20  ][  24  ][  29  ][  33  ][  38  ][  42  ][  47  ]

 The brainy broad who created NeoFio, Luccia often gets ignored story-wise but
 has a connection to a certain lead character. She's an easy-to-get black type
 character, but doesn't really excel at any field. Still, her Mix&Match tech
 is one of the few ways to deliberately inflict status abnormalities.

 AGE   : 28
 GENDER: Female
 INNATE: Black
 CAREER: Scientific Genius
 ORIGIN: Zenan Mainland [Another World]
 HEIGHT: 5'9"
 WEIGHT: 97 lbs.
 BUILD : Thin
 PREFER: Right-handed
 EQUIPS: Bronze Shot, Bronze Mail
 INVITE: After escaping Viper Manor [Another World] and seeing the mandatory
         scenes in Guldove, return to the manor's rooftop terrace. She'll go
         back to the lab downstairs; follow her and she'll join down there.

 TECHS-.- Pin-UpGirl - "Practice the pinning of a specimin on your foe"
       |             - Target: Single foe
       |             - Learns: Already learned when invited
       |- Mix&Match  - "Chemical compound causes multiple status effects"
       |             - Target: Single foe
       |             - Learns: 19 Stars
       |             - Effect: May inflict a status effect but NO damage
       '- TestAmeba  - "Let foe be a test-host for new parasitic ameba"
                     - Target: Single foe
                     - Learns: ---

 To find Luccia's last tech, finish the events at Fort Dragonia [Home World]
 and get her back into the party. Enter the Viper Manor [Another World] sewer
 system by jumping through the kitchen's floor grate. By the chest where a
 Magic Seal was, inspect the blue blob with her in the party to learn the Lv.
 7 Tech.

| POSHUL                                                                      /

       [  19  ][  20  ]
       [  12  ][  14  ][  16  ][  23  ]
       [  07  ][  08  ][  09  ][  13  ][  21  ]
       [  00  ][  00  ][  00  ][  05  ][  11  ][  18  ][  26  ]
       [  01  ][  02  ][  03  ][  10  ][  15  ][  29  ][  35  ][  41  ]
       [  04  ][  06  ][  25  ]
       [  17  ]

 Arni Village's twin-tailed dog of lovable proportions, Poshul tags along with
 Serge in two different scenarios. No matter which world she's from, this dog
 is a fluffy, cuddly pooch with a cute accent. When she says "thpontaneouthry
 combuthted," it's love at first sight. This author's favorite character, if
 you wanted to know. <3 <3 <3 <3   Great STR/HP but isn't meant for using a
 lot of elements (poor MGC).

 AGE   : Unknown
 GENDER: Female
 INNATE: Yellow
 CAREER: The 'Wonder Dog' ???
 ORIGIN: Arni Village [Home/Another World]
 HEIGHT: 3'8"
 WEIGHT: 26 lbs.
 BUILD : Roly-poly
 PREFER: Dominant paw unknown
 WEAPON: Gloves
 EQUIPS: Bone Glove, Ivory Mail
 INVITE: 1) In the Home World, give Poshul the Heckran Bone found at the cafe
         2) At Another World Cape Howl, do not invite Kid; Poshul'll accompany
            Leena in joining. She only joins with Leena if you did not get her
            using the Heckran Bone method earlier.

 TECHS-.- K9-Ball     - "Curl up into a ball and bounce at foe"
       |              - Target: Single foe
       |              - Learns: 3 Stars
       |- DoggyDunnit - "Kick up the dirty stuff from pooch's sand box"
       |              - Target: All foes
       |              - Learns: 15 Stars
       '- Unleashed   - "Unlock dog-collar to unleash pooch power!"
                      - Target: Single foe
                      - Learns: ---

 To find 'Unleashed,' bring Poshul to Home World Arni Village and talk to
 Leena -- she'll bestow this pooch's last tech.

| RAZZLY                                                                      /

       [  22  ][  31  ]
       [  19  ][  20  ][  24  ]
       [  12  ][  14  ][  16  ][  23  ][  36  ]
       [  07  ][  08  ][  09  ][  13  ][  21  ][  34  ]
       [  00  ][  00  ][  00  ][  05  ][  11  ][  18  ][  26  ]
       [  01  ][  02  ][  03  ][  10  ][  15  ][  29  ][  35  ][  41  ]
       [  04  ][  06  ][  25  ][  28  ][  33  ][  40  ][  43  ][  44  ]
       [  17  ][  27  ][  32  ]

 This cute faerie is caught in quite a predicament when Serge rescues her from
 a carnivorous Pentapus. Seems she caught a breeze to the mainland from one of
 the isles nearby, and needs some help getting home...enter the protagonist!

 AGE   : Unknown
 GENDER: Female
 INNATE: Green
 CAREER: A Forest Fairy
 ORIGIN: Water Dragon Isle [Home World]
 HEIGHT: 3'7"
 WEIGHT: 11 lbs.
 BUILD : Tiny
 PREFER: Dominant arm unknown
 WEAPON: Rod + Floral Rod (unique weapon)
 EQUIPS: Brass Rod, Bronze Mail
 INVITE: When the party first reaches Guldove, Korcha will ask Serge if he
         will help save Kid. Choose the affirmative and, a short while
         later, the destination will be the Home World Hydra Marshes. Get
         the Beeba Flute, blow it in a large circular-shaped dead end, kill
         a Wingapede to crack the floor. Step on the floor to fall into a
         pit where a Pentapus has Razzly hostage. Rescue her, defeat Madam
         Pentapus, and the rest is history! You must do this before taking
         on the Hydra, or she'll end up as the monster's breakfast...

 TECHS-.- Raz-Star  - "Catch a falling star"
       |            - Target: Single foe
       |            - Learns: Already learned when invited
       |- Raz-Heart - "A gift from the heart"
       |            - Target: Single ally
       |            - Learns: 15 Stars
       |            - Effect: Restores HP + raises M.DEF
       '- RazFlower - "Protect friends with flower power"
                    - Target: All allies
                    - Learns: ---
                    - Effect: Raises MGC

 To get 'RazFlower,' you'll have to do some specific steps (there's a reason
 this is called annoying to get). First off, when Korcha asks Serge if he's
 going to save Kid, answer the affirmative. Eventually, one'll have to search
 for Hydra Humour in the Home World Hydra Marshes. Rescue Razzly from her
 captor but DO NOT include her in the boss battle with the Hydra (or this will
 screw up the next part). Later on, after events aboard the S.S. Invincible,
 return to Water Dragon Isle and see that it's overrun by dwarvenkind. Razzly
 _SHOULD_ be in the current party lineup for these events. Waste enough time so
 that at the very bottom of the falls, the fairy Rosetta ends up perishing. If
 all this is done, return to Home World Water Dragon Isle after finishing up
 the Chronopolis events. The place will be revitalized via Rosetta's wish, and
 if Razzly's with, she'll obtain the [FLORAL ROD] as well as the final tech.
 (Only Razzly can equip the Floral Rod, by the way. If you don't get this tech,
 you can't do the triple tech that needs it!!!)

| ZAPPA                                                                       /

     [  04  ][  05  ][  06  ][  13  ][  15  ][  27  ]
     [  00  ][  00  ][  00  ][  07  ][  11  ][  16  ][  25  ][  37  ]
     [  01  ][  02  ][  03  ][  10  ][  19  ][  22  ][  40  ][  45  ]
     [  09  ][  20  ][  24  ][  29  ][  33  ][  38  ][  42  ][  47  ]

 'Obstinate' is right! A former Acacia Dragoon who fought with both Radius and
 Garai, he's now the main equipment supplier for Viper's crew. Not much more
 to say besides he is _NECESSARY_ to create spectral (rainbow) equipment.

 AGE   : 52
 CAREER: Obstinate Blacksmith
 ORIGIN: Zenan Mainland [Home World]
 HEIGHT: 5'8"
 WEIGHT: 181 lbs.
 BUILD : Solid
 PREFER: Right-handed
 WEAPON: Hammer, Axe
 EQUIPS: Great Hammer, Iron Mail
 INVITE: Simply talk to him in Home World Termina's smithy to get the option

 TECHS-.- HammerBlow  - "Beat the earth to rattle your foe"
       |              - Target: Single foe
       |              - Learns: Already learned when invited
       |- HammerThrow - "Spin like a top to knock foes flying"
       |              - Target: All foes
       |              - Learns: Already learned when invited
       '- BallsOfIron - "Like playing golf with an adrenaline rush..."
                      - Target: Single foe
                      - Learns: 40 Stars

| ORCHA                                                                       /

       [  22  ][  31  ]
       [  19  ][  20  ][  24  ][  30  ]
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       [  00  ][  00  ][  00  ][  05  ][  11  ][  18  ][  26  ]
       [  01  ][  02  ][  03  ][  10  ][  15  ][  29  ][  35  ][  41  ]
       [  04  ][  06  ][  25  ]
       [  17  ]

 One "hell" of a cook at Viper Manor, he eventually gets fed quadffid seeds
 by the Porre military and turned into Hell's Cook, a vicious interrogatin'
 machine. Serge rescues him so he joins to make reparations.

 AGE   : 44
 CAREER: Fiery Cook
 ORIGIN: Guldove [Another World]
 HEIGHT: 5'7"
 WEIGHT: 203 lbs.
 BUILD : Chubby
 PREFER: Right-handed
 WEAPON: Utensils
 EQUIPS: Frypan Ag47, Mythril Mail
 INVITE: Joins automatically at Porre-controlled Viper Manor in Another World,
         after a few events...

 TECHS-.- SpiceOfLife - "Scatter secret spice to make party healthy"
       |              - Target: All allies
       |              - Learns: Already learned when invited
       |              - Effect: Restores HP only
       |- MysteryMenu - "Turns your foe into the main course!"
       |              - Target: Single foe
       |              - Learns: Already learned when invited
       |              - Effect: Damage + Orcha's HP for one-fourth the damage
       '- DinnerGuest - "Invites the cook to show his other face"
                      - Target: Single foe
                      - Learns: ---

 To get 'DinnerGuest,' bring Orcha to meet his brother in Home World Arni
 Village's cafe. After some funny events (that chopping animation is funnay!)
 the tech's received as a...recipe swap.

| RADIUS                                                                      /

       [  22  ][  31  ][  39  ]
       [  19  ][  20  ][  24  ][  30  ]
       [  12  ][  14  ][  16  ][  23  ][  36  ]
       [  07  ][  08  ][  09  ][  13  ][  21  ][  34  ][  46  ]
       [  00  ][  00  ][  00  ][  05  ][  11  ][  18  ][  26  ][  37  ]
       [  01  ][  02  ][  03  ][  10  ][  15  ][  29  ][  35  ][  41  ]
       [  04  ][  06  ][  25  ][  28  ][  33  ][  40  ][  43  ][  44  ]
       [  17  ][  27  ]

 Radius is a former compadre of Garai, and retired from the Acacia Dragoons
 after years of tenure. He's quite friendly and his demeanor belies a soldier
 who's seen much in his lifetime. This chief also hides a painful secret that
 he's been living with for many years...

 AGE   : 62
 INNATE: Green
 CAREER: Arni Village Chief
 ORIGIN: Zenan Mainland [Home World]
 HEIGHT: 5'8"
 WEIGHT: 119 lbs.
 BUILD : Thin
 PREFER: Right-handed
 WEAPON: Staff
 EQUIPS: Silver Staff, Iron Mail
 INVITE: After clearing the Dimensional Vortex section, see the Home World
         Arni Village events and he'll join automatically at the end

 TECHS-.- LongShot    - "Hit foe from afar with 'Chi' aura"
       |              - Target: Single foe
       |              - Learns: Already learned when invited
       |- QuickDraw   - "Swing your staff faster than the eye can see"
       |              - Target: Single foe
       |              - Learns: Already learned when invited
       '- VitalEnergy - "Send wave of 'Chi' aura flying at foe"
                      - Target: Single foe
                      - Learns: 35 Stars

| FARGO                                                                       /

       [  19  ][  20  ]
       [  12  ][  14  ][  16  ][  23  ]
       [  07  ][  08  ][  09  ][  13  ][  21  ]
       [  00  ][  00  ][  00  ][  05  ][  11  ][  18  ][  26  ]
       [  01  ][  02  ][  03  ][  10  ][  15  ][  29  ][  35  ][  41  ]
       [  04  ][  06  ][  25  ]
       [  17  ]

 Fargo is the commander of a bunch of brigands aboard the S.S. Invincible in
 'Another World,' and a world-class scammer running the S.S. Zelbess luxury
 cruise ship in the Home World. He's not too fond of Lynx, and ends up joining
 Serge later on as a way to repay him for saving his own life, while also sure
 to make sure Viper's ready for the duel. He's a decent blue-innate character,
 who not only can use CureAll elements but is integral for stealing the Plate
 armor off the Dragons. Oh, and you need him for the 'Save Marbule!' sidequest
 also -- he's that awesome. Hoo-hah!

 AGE   : 40
 CAREER: Pirate Captain
 ORIGIN: Unknown [Another World]
 HEIGHT: 6'0"
 WEIGHT: 163 lbs.
 BUILD : Macho
 PREFER: Right-handed
 WEAPON: Sword
 EQUIPS: Silver Sword, Mythril Mail
 INVITE: Joins automatically after mandatory events at Porre-controlled
         Viper Manor (Another World) and subsequent events at Hermit's
         Hideaway in same dimension.

 TECHS-.- Pillage     - "Plunder an opponent's treasure"
       |              - Target: Single foe
       |              - Learns: Already learned when invited
       |              - Effect: May steal one held item from target
       |- CannonBalls - "Call for support fire from S.S. Invincible"
       |              - Target: All foes
       |              - Learns: Already learned when invited
       '- Invincible  - "The forbidden deathblow unleashed from within"
                      - Target: Single foe
                      - Learns: ---

 To get 'Invincible,' after Fargo joins, put him in the party and take a visit
 to the S.S. Zelbess (Another World). Talk to the 'other' Fargo aboard the
 luxury ship and after some events, the tech will be received. NOTE: If you
 did not visit Nikki after defeating the janitor Sage before entering the
 Dead Sea, you _cannot_ get this. Fargo's tech is part of the 'Save Marbule!'
 sidequest and there's a whole bunch of things that can be missed if it's not

| MACHA                                                                       /

       [  22  ][  31  ]
       [  19  ][  20  ][  24  ]
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       [  07  ][  08  ][  09  ][  13  ][  21  ][  34  ]
       [  00  ][  00  ][  00  ][  05  ][  11  ][  18  ][  26  ]
       [  01  ][  02  ][  03  ][  10  ][  15  ][  29  ][  35  ][  41  ]
       [  04  ][  06  ][  25  ][  28  ][  33  ][  40  ][  43  ][  44  ]
       [  17  ][  27  ][  32  ]

 Macha is Korcha's mother from Guldove, and helps the party out when her "brat"
 son refuses (if you didn't choose to help Kid). She's a nice lady but isn't
 afraid to stop someone from jive-talkin' if she hears it. Her techs, not too
 much of a surprise, involve menial 'womanly' duties.

 AGE   : 38
 GENDER: Female
 CAREER: Gutsy Mother of 2
 ORIGIN: Guldove [Another World]
 HEIGHT: 5'6"
 WEIGHT: 150 lbs.
 BUILD : Stout
 PREFER: Right-handed
 WEAPON: Utensils
 EQUIPS: Besom Cu29, Bronze Mail
 INVITE: At the clinic in Guldove [Another World], tell Korcha you don't know
         what to do for Kid (x2) until he storms off. Talk to him again in the
         residential tower and ask to borrow his boat. Macha will enter and
         borrow it from him, and later ferry everyone to Termina. After seeing
         Glenn there and inviting him, she'll ask if you want her to come with.

 TECHS-.- BottomsUp   - "A hip-drop that makes foe the 'butt' of jokes"
       |              - Target: Single foe
       |              - Learns: Already learned when invited
       |- Folding     - "Handle foe as if you're folding your laundry"
       |              - Target: Single foe
       |              - Learns: 15 Stars
       '- DirtyDishes - "One angry mama lets anything fly!"
                      - Target: Single foe
                      - Learns: 35 Stars

| GLENN                                                                       /

     [  14  ][  18  ][  21  ][  28  ]
     [  04  ][  05  ][  06  ][  13  ][  15  ][  27  ][  32  ][  49  ]
     [  00  ][  00  ][  00  ][  07  ][  11  ][  16  ][  25  ][  37  ]
     [  01  ][  02  ][  03  ][  10  ][  19  ][  22  ][  40  ][  45  ]
     [  09  ][  20  ][  24  ][  29  ][  33  ][  38  ][  42  ][  47  ]

 Glenn is the younger brother of Dario, a late member of Viper's 4 Devas. He
 is very righteous and is willing to defy orders to pursue the truth, as his
 friend Riddel asked him to keep the unclouded truth in sight. Not only is he
 the first character to join that can use a double-tech with Serge, but he's
 the only ally in the game who can equip the holy sword Einlanzer. Definitely
 a great character to get in the party (and, no, he's not Frog!)

 AGE   : 20
 INNATE: Green
 CAREER: Noble Knight
 ORIGIN: Termina [Another World]
 HEIGHT: 5'9"
 WEIGHT: 141 lbs.
 BUILD : Average
 PREFER: Right-handed
 WEAPON: Sword + Einlanzer
 EQUIPS: Bronze Sword, Bronze Mail
 INVITE: At the clinic in Guldove [Another World], tell Korcha you don't know
         what to do about Kid's hydra poison until he walks off. Later, after
         Macha rows everyone to port in Termina, witness a scene involving
         Glenn by the entrance. Go back and talk with Macha and Glenn will
         approach, asking if he can accompany everyone to Fort Dragonia. It's
         impossible to refuse his joining at this point; Macha makes him come
         with even if Serge doesn't want it!

 TECHS-.- Dash&Gash  - "Build up momentum for a stronger slash attack"
       |             - Target: Single foe
       |             - Learns: Already learned when invited
       |- SonicSword - "Technique taught to him by his late big brother"
       |             - "Deathblow taught to him by his late big brother"
       |             - Target: Single foe
       |             - Learns: 19 Stars
       '- Dive&Drive - "Pierce foe from above and finish with a kick"
                     - Target: Single foe
                     - Learns: 40 Stars

 Glenn's techs are fairly standard, although 'SonicSword' changes its descrip
 when he learns to dual-wield the Einlanzers. The damage seems to increase a
 bit because he'll shoot a second green stream of energy. Groovy!

| LEENA                                                                       /

       [  22  ][  31  ]
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       [  07  ][  08  ][  09  ][  13  ][  21  ][  34  ]
       [  00  ][  00  ][  00  ][  05  ][  11  ][  18  ][  26  ]
       [  01  ][  02  ][  03  ][  10  ][  15  ][  29  ][  35  ][  41  ]
       [  04  ][  06  ][  25  ][  28  ][  33  ][  40  ][  43  ][  44  ]
       [  17  ][  27  ][  32  ]

 Sweet country gal, huh? She's obviously got a crush on Serge, but doesn't get
 a chance to act due to some...unforseen events. She's a little bossy but is a
 nice girlie at heart. Also follows trends, it seems...

 AGE   : 16
 GENDER: Female
 CAREER: Sweet Country Gal
 ORIGIN: Arni Village [Another World]
 HEIGHT: 5'5"
 WEIGHT: 93 lbs.
 BUILD : Ordinary
 PREFER: Right-handed
 WEAPON: Cooking utensils
 EQUIPS: Spatula Ca20, Ivory Mail
 INVITE: After events at Another World Cape Howl, decline Kid's offer to team
         up. The next morning, Leena will join. Poshul will join here as well,
         if she wasn't invited before.

 TECHS-.- MaidenHand  - "A real slap in the face to body and soul"
       |              - Target: Single foe
       |              - Learns: 3 Stars
       |- MaidenHeart - "Virgin's prayer to re-charge Elements' power"
       |              - Target: Self
       |              - Learns: 15 Stars
       |              - Effect: Non-consumable elements _may_ be usable again
       '- MaidenFaith - "Virgin's prayer for the power of self-revival"
                      - Target: Self
                      - Learns: ---
                      - Effect: Raises ATK, HIT% = 99% for awhile, and should
                                Leena be KO'd, she'll 'Revive' automatically.

 Our darling's LV7 tech can be obtained later, but only if Serge said all the
 right things to her earlier in the game. (Two out of three 'right' responses
 are needed at minimum. Thanks to Capefeather and Zach Lapo for reverifying the
 responses.) When meeting with her at Opassa Beach after Lizard Rock events,
 agree that "you'll remember the day" and, later on, that "we'll never forget
 this day!". After reaching Another World Arni, say to Leena "I'm Serge!!!".
 Continue the game until the team recruited by Serge is usable once again, and
 return to the Home World Arni hut where Poshul lives. Talk with the old woman
 and receive the technique.

| MIKI                                                                        /

       [  22  ]
       [  19  ][  20  ]
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       [  00  ][  00  ][  00  ][  05  ][  11  ][  18  ][  26  ][  37  ]
       [  01  ][  02  ][  03  ][  10  ][  15  ][  29  ][  35  ][  41  ]
       [  04  ][  06  ][  25  ][  28  ]
       [  17  ][  27  ][  32  ]

 Hey Miki, you're so fine you blow my mind, hey Miki! She's in the Magical
 Dreamers troupe along with Nikki, and is sorta contemplative/moody a lot of
 the time. She's got a thing for said friend, who happens to be even more
 girly than her. They've got a double tech together. :D

 AGE   : 19
 GENDER: Female
 CAREER: Dancer Extraordinaire
 ORIGIN: S.S. Zelbess [Home World]
 HEIGHT: 5'7"
 WEIGHT: 95 lbs.
 BUILD : Slender
 PREFER: Right-handed
 WEAPON: Gloves
 EQUIPS: Granite Glove, Stone Mail
 INVITE: After defeating the Sage of Marbule aboard the Zelbess, talk to Nikki
         on his ship and agree to help clear Marbule of its dream-ghosts. When
         you've gotten past the Tower of Geddon events, take Fargo to meet his
         counterpart aboard the Zelbess to start the second part of the 'Save
         Marbule' sidequest. Defeat all dream-enemies (Lagoonates) to finish up
         the prerequisites. Talk to Miki in the Zelbess' dining room and she'll
         be happy to join.

 TECHS-.- HeadBopper - "A dance that's bound to make heads turn!"
       |             - Target: Single foe
       |             - Learns: Already learned when invited
       |- SexyWink   - "A lusty look that'll make any foe go ga-ga"
       |             - Target: Single foe
       |             - Learns: Already learned when invited
       |             - Effect: Damage + Confused status
       '- DanceOnAir - "Dance in the sky while attacking with air-waves"
                     - Target: All foes
                     - Learns: 35 Stars

| HARLE                                                                       /

     [  35  ][  43  ]
     [  26  ][  31  ][  34  ][  41  ][  46  ][  50  ]
     [  14  ][  18  ][  21  ][  28  ][  39  ][  44  ][  48  ][  51  ]
     [  04  ][  05  ][  06  ][  13  ][  15  ][  27  ][  32  ][  49  ]
     [  00  ][  00  ][  00  ][  07  ][  11  ][  16  ][  25  ][  37  ]
     [  01  ][  02  ][  03  ][  10  ][  19  ][  22  ][  40  ][  45  ]
     [  09  ][  20  ][  24  ][  29  ][  33  ][  38  ][  42  ][  47  ]

 Harle's a French-speakin', funny-clothes-wearin', tool of destruction wrapped
 up in a cute little package. She tags along with Lynx most of the time, and
 after events at Ft. Dragonia, accompanies 'Serge' as well. She doesn't talk
 about herself and seems to have no relatives/friends in the region... Hmm...

 AGE   : 18
 GENDER: Female
 INNATE: Black
 CAREER: Enigmatic Jester
 ORIGIN: Unknown
 HEIGHT: Unknown
 WEIGHT: Unknown
 BUILD : Unknown
 PREFER: Right-handed
 EQUIPS: Silver Shot, Mythril Mail
 INVITE: Joins automatically during events at Dimensional Vortex

 TECHS-.- MoonBeams  - "Use lunar energy to create blades of light"
       |             - Target: All foes
       |             - Learns: Already learned when invited
       |- MoonShine  - "Use lunar energy to protect your party"
       |             - Target: All allies
       |             - Learns: Already learned when invited
       |             - Effect: Raises M.DEF
       '- Lunairetic - "Create a lunar eclipse that causes destruction"
                     - Target: All foes
                     - Learns: 25 Stars

 A note about Harle. During the course of the game, she willingly leaves the
 party for the rest of the game. This can cause some strife if you want to use
 her on a NG+, because she won't be carried over. However, all's not lost! To
 transfer her over (using the ChronoCross method at Temporal Vortex), you MUST
 beat the final boss while she's still in the party. This can only be done on
 a NG+, meaning she can't be transferred over until the THIRD playthrough. It
 sucks for Harle fans, but that's how it goes.

| JANICE                                                                      /

     [  35  ]
     [  26  ][  31  ]
     [  14  ][  18  ][  21  ][  28  ][  39  ][  44  ][  48  ]
     [  04  ][  05  ][  06  ][  13  ][  15  ][  27  ][  32  ][  49  ]
     [  00  ][  00  ][  00  ][  07  ][  11  ][  16  ][  25  ][  37  ]
     [  01  ][  02  ][  03  ][  10  ][  19  ][  22  ][  40  ][  45  ]
     [  09  ][  20  ][  24  ][  29  ][  33  ][  38  ][  42  ][  47  ]

 This fiesty bunny-girl works at the Grand Slam aboard the S.S. Zelbess and
 is a fierce competitor. Serge has to beat her three times in a row to get her
 in his party, but she's alright. Did I mention she uses a carrot to attack
 enemies? o_O

 AGE   : 22
 GENDER: Female
 CAREER: Bunny-Girl Trainer
 ORIGIN: S.S. Zelbess [Home World]
 HEIGHT: 5'7"
 WEIGHT: 104 lbs.
 BUILD : Plumpish
 PREFER: Right-handed
 WEAPON: Carrot (LOL)
 EQUIPS: Carrot, Iron Mail
 INVITE: Defeat her three times in the Grand Slam event aboard the Zelbess

 TECHS-.- BeatIt      - "Beat enemy with your trusty bunny-drum"
       |              - Target: Single foe
       |              - Learns: Already learned when invited
       |- 24Carrots   - "Bounce carrots off drum as true 'BeaterCarotene'"
       |              - Target: Single foe
       |              - Learns: Already learned when invited
       '- What'sUpDoc - "Concentrate all energy on drummin foe sky-high"
                      - Target: Single foe
                      - Learns: ---

 To get her final tech, bring Janice to the Bend of Time and talk to the blob-
 -thing standing by the lamppost.

| DRAGGY                                                                      /

     [  04  ][  05  ][  06  ][  13  ][  15  ][  27  ]
     [  00  ][  00  ][  00  ][  07  ][  11  ][  16  ][  25  ][  37  ]
     [  01  ][  02  ][  03  ][  10  ][  19  ][  22  ][  40  ][  45  ]
     [  09  ][  20  ][  24  ][  29  ][  33  ][  38  ][  42  ][  47  ]

 They ain't-a kiddin' -- Draggy's sure a cute baby dragon. And he's also a
 cute baby fire-breather that can wreak destruction. Adorable, folks! Kinda
 heavy, though...

 AGE   : 0
 CAREER: Cute Baby Dragon
 ORIGIN: Fossil Valley [Another World]
 HEIGHT: 2'2"
 WEIGHT: 265 lbs.
 BUILD : Tiny
 PREFER: Front-left-clawed
 WEAPON: Gloves
 EQUIPS: Iron Glove, Iron Mail
 INVITE: At Another Fossil Valley, raid a Dodo's nest for a 'Big Egg' key
         item. Later on, after getting a boat in Home World Termina, sail to
         Ft. Dragonia and get the elevator functioning again. Below, set the
         egg in the middle incubator to hatch this li'l harrier.

 TECHS-.- CoughDrop - "Cough up a little breath of fire"
       |            - Target: Single foe
       |            - Learns: Already learned when invited
       |            - Inflct: Burns
       |- CoughMix  - "Cough up fireball, then beat wings to magnify it"
       |            - Target: All foes
       |            - Learns: Already learned when invited
       |            - Inflct: Burns
       '- BigBreath - "Breath attack with help of Mother Dragon's ghost"
                    - Target: All foes
                    - Learns: ---
                    - Inflct: Burns

 To find 'BigBreath,' take Draggy to Another World Fossil Valley and climb the
 ladder to where the large dragon skeleton is. A scene between mother and son
 will take place, and the tech's bestowed on the tike.

| STARKY                                                                      /

     [  14  ][  18  ][  21  ][  28  ]
     [  04  ][  05  ][  06  ][  13  ][  15  ][  27  ][  32  ][  49  ]
     [  00  ][  00  ][  00  ][  07  ][  11  ][  16  ][  25  ][  37  ]
     [  01  ][  02  ][  03  ][  10  ][  19  ][  22  ][  40  ][  45  ]
     [  09  ][  20  ][  24  ][  29  ][  33  ][  38  ][  42  ][  47  ]

 Errant spaceman who's crashed into the El Nido Triangle, Starky's had to pull
 some crazy stunts to collect the pieces of the wreckage, which've turned into
 Star Fragments. When he tries to pull a fast one on Serge's crew, they wallop
 him good; they later join up to get him home once again. Gamewise, he's the
 first white-innate that can be claimed after the Dimensional Vortex, making
 him a great source of MagNegate-ing!

 AGE   : Unknown
 INNATE: White
 CAREER: A Stray 'Gray'
 ORIGIN: Another Planet
 HEIGHT: 2'11"
 WEIGHT: 11 lbs.
 BUILD : Alien
 PREFER: Ambidextrous
 EQUIPS: Shockwave Gun, Iron Mail
 INVITE: After getting Norris' boat in the Home World, ride to the El Nido
         Triangle and get a Star Fragment down below. After, visit Sky Dragon
         Isle and try to open a chest at the very top; MegaStarky will attack
         you. Defeat him and a bruised Starky'll join up w/ the protagonist.

 TECHS-.- StarLight  - "Call on Starman Guardian to do special attack MK1"
       |             - Target: Single foe
       |             - Learns: Already learned when invited
       |- StarBurst  - "Call on Starman Guardian to do special attack MK2"
       |             - Target: All foes
       |             - Learns: Already learned when invited
       '- StarStruck - "Call on Starman Guardian to do special attack MK3"
                     - Target: Single foe
                     - Learns: ---

 To get his last tech, complete the Sea of Eden events and get either the
 Mastermune/Chrono Cross. Use one of these items at Another Hermit's Hideaway
 to navigate Kid's past and kick her out of the comatose funk she's been in.
 Head to the El Nido Triangle in the same dimension and bring Starky along.
 Defeat RoyalJelly to gain access to the spaceman's UFO, which in turn makes
 everyone automatically head to Chronopolis. At this point, return to the UFO
 and search it for the tech.

| SPRIGG                                                                      /

       [  11  ][  18  ]
       [  15  ][  29  ]

 Sprigg is an old woman who had been trapped in the Dimensional Vortex. When
 Lynx comes along, she helps him escape while she tags along. She's the only
 character in the game with one tech, but it's quite useful... One thing that
 is cool is when she changes Dopplegangs, all status effects are removed! Her
 element grid is god-awful, though... (first column = Lv5)

 AGE   : 224
 GENDER: Female
 INNATE: Green
 CAREER: Lovable Old Lady
 ORIGIN: Dimensional Vortex
 HEIGHT: 4'4"
 WEIGHT: 86 lbs.
 BUILD : Dwarfish
 PREFER: Left-handed
 WEAPON: Staff
 EQUIPS: Silver Staff, Iron Mail
 INVITE: When Lynx first reaches the Dimensional Vortex, Sprigg will be hiding
         in her house. Use a branch nearby to knock a piece of food onto the
         ground and enter her house while she forages. Spend the night to get
         her in the party on the morn.

 TECHS--- Dopplegang - "Transform yourself into a previously met foe"
                     - Target: Self
                     - Learns: Already learned when invited
                     - Effect: Sprigg can become any of the default monsters
                               in her repertoire, as well as any she's killed
                               personally. Any monster defeated by a character
                               who has a Forget-me-not Pot equipped will also
                               be fair game.

 A word on Dopplegang, Sprigg's Lv. 5 tech. Once she transforms into one of
 the monsters in her list, she can use Dopplegang to return to her normal,
 crappy form or another enemy. This tech can be used as many times as she 
 wants, unlike every other one. What a special granny, huh? Another cool thing
 is that if your transformation runs out of good skills, use Dopplegang to
 turn back into it and all elements will be renewed!

| MOJO                                                                        /

     [  14  ][  18  ][  21  ][  28  ]
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     [  00  ][  00  ][  00  ][  07  ][  11  ][  16  ][  25  ][  37  ]
     [  01  ][  02  ][  03  ][  10  ][  19  ][  22  ][  40  ][  45  ]
     [  09  ][  20  ][  24  ][  29  ][  33  ][  38  ][  42  ][  47  ]

 Mojo is a disciple of love and peace, even though he's made out of thatched
 straw and some candles. He's a little weird, but also easily obtained and
 a black-innate character. Just don't bump into him or you may find yourself
 skewered by his gigantic nail...

 AGE   : Unknown
 INNATE: Black
 CAREER: Cursed Voodoo Doll
 ORIGIN: Far East
 HEIGHT: 6'3"
 WEIGHT: 20 lbs.
 BUILD : Waistless
 PREFER: Dominant arm unknown
 WEAPON: Gloves
 EQUIPS: Bone Glove, Ivory Mail
 INVITE: At Home World Arni Village, talk to the fisherman in a house basement
         to get a Shark Tooth key item. After Another World Cape Howl events,
         talk to the fisherman in the same house's basement and show him the
         Shark Tooth. As you try to leave, Mojo'll join up.

 TECHS-.- VoodooDance - "Perform a mystic dance that curses your foe"
       |              - Target: Single foe
       |              - Learns: 3 Stars
       |              - Inflct: Cursed
       |- CartWheel   - "Turn yourself into a living Catherine wheel"
       |              - Target: All foes
       |              - Learns: 19 Stars
       '- HoodooGuroo - "Lift up foe with nail, then drop while spinning"
                      - Target: Single foe
                      - Learns: ---

 To get HoodooGuroo, take Mojo to meet the fisherman in Home World Arni (this
 is mandatory) to learn the fisherman's been hearing voices about praying to
 "Lasery, Aurey, and Lickey." For the unaware, those are the names of the
 fisherman's idols in the Another World Arni house. Pray to the cat statues in
 that order with Mojo in the party to get the tech.

 If you get a message your "prayers were not heard," make sure Mojo leads the
 party when you inspect the idols. When you get this tech, his name changes to
 'Mojoy'! This can be done after finishing events in Chronopolis on the second

| TURNIP                                                                      /

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 Turnip is...a vegetable bred with a swordsman bred with a duck. Whatever he
 is, he's got a funny look to him. A soldier in Viper Manor dreams he's this
 guy, while Turnip dreams he's the soldier -- kinda odd...

 AGE   : 3
 INNATE: Green
 CAREER: A Total Vegetable
 ORIGIN: Hermit's Hideaway [Home World]
 HEIGHT: 4'4"
 WEIGHT: 62 lbs.
 BUILD : Round
 PREFER: Right-rhizomed
 WEAPON: Sword
 EQUIPS: Steel Sword, Iron Mail
 INVITE: Use the Ice Breath/Ice Gun at Another World Hermit's Hideaway to
         cool the burnt, black patch of ground. This allows vegetation to
         grow again. Take Poshul to the other dimension's version of this
         place and make her dig up the plant growing there -- it's Turnip!

 TECHS-.- VegeChopper - "Leap in air and put all force behind massive cut"
       |              - Target: Single foe
       |              - Learns: Already learned when invited
       |- VegeMight   - "Burrow into groudn to do uppercut from below"
       |              - Target: Single foe
       |              - Learns: Already learned when invited
       '- VegOut      - "A secret power he doesn't talk about..."
                      - Target: Single foe
                      - Learns: ---

 To get 'VegOut,' bring Turnip and NeoFio to the Another World Viper Manor
 rooftop terrace. Inspect the pond where NeoFio usually is and Turnip will
 want to jump in. When he does, he changes color (LOL?) and somehow learns a
 third tech. Must be Luccia's special fertilizer...

| NEOFIO                                                                      /

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       [  17  ][  27  ][  32  ]

 NeoFio is Luccia's creation. It seemed to just be a dumb plant until Serge
 gave it a Life Sparkle -- that's when it transformed into a hideous...cute
 little girl-plant...? Well, it's still got slimy tentacles, so I don't know
 how fun hanging out with her'd be...

 AGE   : 5
 GENDER: Female
 INNATE: Green
 CAREER: A 'Flower Child'
 ORIGIN: Viper Manor [Another World]
 HEIGHT: 4'00"
 WEIGHT: 44 lbs.
 BUILD : Undefinable
 PREFER: Omnidextrous
 WEAPON: Gloves
 EQUIPS: Bronze Glove, Bronze Mail
 INVITE: In Another World Hydra Marshes, go to where the Hydra would normally
         be found and get the 'Life Sparkle' key item. Bring it to Viper Manor
         in that same dimension and use it on Luccia's plant, up on the roof's
         terrace. She'll join at that time.

 TECHS-.- PopPopPop  - "Shoot forth a barrage of flower seeds"
       |             - Target: All foes
       |             - Learns: Already learned when invited
       |- SlurpSlurp - "Send out tendrils to soak up foe's HP"
       |             - Target: Single foe
       |             - Learns: 15 Stars
       |             - Effect: Damage enemy + heal self by same amt.
       '- BamBamBam  - "Gather roots into one limb to slam foe down"
                     - Target: Single foe
                     - Learns: ---

 To get her last tech, bring NeoFio to Home World Sky Dragon Isle. Have her
 chase the red blob trying to eat a butterfly and talk to it. Re-enter the
 screen to find the butterfly's been eaten. Talk to the blob and push it until
 it relents and the bug goes free. The thankful butterfly bestows the tech at
 this time.

| GRECO                                                                       /

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 Greco is a spiritual person who's licensed to perform exorcisms. He hangs by
 the Termina shrines and recently lost his son... I guess there's not much
 need for psychic ex-wrestlers. o_O

 AGE   : 33
 CAREER: Psychic Ex-Wrestler
 ORIGIN: Zenan Mainland [Another World]
 HEIGHT: 6'7"
 WEIGHT: 271 lbs.
 BUILD : Heavy Weight
 PREFER: Right-handed
 WEAPON: Gloves
 EQUIPS: Bronze Glove, Bronze Mail
 INVITE: After the first events in Guldove, Greco can join afterwards. Just
         visit him down by the shrines and talk to him in his house.

 TECHS-.- Clothesline - "Charge with outstretched arm to knock foe flying"
       |              - Target: Single foe
       |              - Learns: Already learned when invited
       |- Flip-flop   - "Do a gymnastic lead up to a spinning drop kick"
       |              - Target: Single foe
       |              - Learns: 19 Stars
       '- GraveDigger - "Do a body slam from the top of a magic tombstone"
                      - Target: Single foe
                      - Learns: ---

 Greco's got one of the simpler methods for attaining his last tech. Simply
 talk go to Home World Termina and talk to the person living in the house by
 there. There'll be some scenes about his son and the tech'll be bestowed onto
 him! Can you smell...what the Greco's cookin'? :p

| SKELLY                                                                      /

       [  22  ]
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       [  17  ][  27  ][  32  ]

 A fun-lovin' clown who just happens to lack an epidermis, Skelly woke up once
 without most of his body parts. Well, to spit in the face of the sadist who
 did such a thing, Skelly asked Serge to help assemble his body parts so that
 he could once again move around like a normal person.

 AGE   : 32
 INNATE: Black
 CAREER: Skeleton Clown
 ORIGIN: Zenan Mainland [Another World]
 HEIGHT: 6'2"
 WEIGHT: 51 lbs.
 BUILD : Boney
 PREFER: Left-handed
 WEAPON: Gloves
 EQUIPS: Iron Glove, Iron Mail
 INVITE: Collect _ALL_ 6 of Skelly's body parts (all in Another World) at:

         • Heavy Skull - Fossil Valley - Climb the ladder and talk to get it
         • Angry Scapula - Shadow Forest - Inside notebook in Aroma Pouch cave
         • Pelvic Bone - Guldove - Element trader will give it to Serge's team
         • Good Backbone - Hydra Marshes - Found in a cave in eastern portion
         • Sturdy Ribs - Water Dragon Isle - Talk to guy nearest the savepoint
         • Mixed Bones - Isle of the Damned - 1st screen, in the NW cavern

         Once reassembled, Skelly leaves to visit his grandmother in Termina
         (Another World) Go there and talk to him and he'll end up joining.

 TECHS-.- JugglerVein - "Use special juggling balls to pound foes"
       |              - Target: All foes
       |              - Learns: Already learned when invited
       |- BalloonLoan - "Boost your strength by blowing a magic balloon"
       |              - Target: Self
       |              - Learns: 15 Stars
       |              - Effect: Restores HP + Raises ATK
       '- OnARoll     - "Hop on a huge beach ball and run over foe with it"
                      - Target: Single foe
                      - Learns: ---

 To get his last tech 'OnARoll,' talk to the bartender in Home World Termina.
 She'll cook him a special dish and he'll learn the tech after reminiscing a
 bit. [NOTE: You can only do this after regaining Serge's form at Home World
 Fort Dragonia. However, Skelly can be obtained as either Lynx or Serge.]

| FUNGUY                                                                      /

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       [  04  ][  06  ][  25  ]
       [  17  ]

 Funguy likes 'shrooms...mostly because he's half mushroom! A man, who happens
 to be the element girl Lisa's father, ate a rare myconoid and turned into one
 by accident. He blames the accident on Serge and comes along hoping the Frozn
 Flame can help him. What a doofus!

 AGE   : Unknown
 INNATE: Yellow
 CAREER: Mushroom Man
 ORIGIN: Termina [Home World]
 HEIGHT: 6'0"
 WEIGHT: 66 lbs.
 BUILD : Light
 PREFER: Right-handed
 WEAPON: Axe, Hammer
 EQUIPS: Iron Axe, Iron Mail
 INVITE: After Serge becomes Lynx, go through Shadow Forest to the part where
         there's a kid looking into a hole by a Wraith. Defeat said enemy and
         inspect the hole to receive a rare 'Mushroom.' At the creek cave two
         screens back, trade it to the camper in exchange for a chest; he'll
         change into Funguy!

 TECHS-.- LumberJack - "Make like a woodcutter and chop foe to pieces"
       |             - Target: Single foe
       |             - Learns: Already learned when invited
       |- SporeCloud - "Shoot a cloud of spores from your mushroom cap"
       |             - Target: Single foe
       |             - Learns: Already learned when invited
       |             - Inflct: Dizzy
       '- Myconoids  - "Release an army of mini-mushrooms onto your foe"
                     - Target: Single foe
                     - Learns: ---

 To get 'Myconoids,' take Funguy to the cave where he transformed (Home World)
 and inspect the mushroom there. When prompted, choose 'Eat it' to learn the
 mushroom is Funguy's...son. He gets the Lv. 7 tech at this time...

 Recruiting Funguy can be a bit vexing for some people, and this is dependent
 on whether or not you took the Shadow Forest path in Another World. If the
 rock was used to stuff up a hole in the watery area, the hole in Home World
 will be open; if you didn't take the Nikki route, the hole will be closed.
 So to recruit Funguy, you'll either have to (1) defeat the wraith near some
 kid and let the dad outta the hole (2) scare a gerridae sitting in the water
 nearby into another hole, which in turn scares the father out into the open.

| IRENES                                                                      /

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 Irenes is a advocate for peace between demi-humans and regular humans, like
 her sister Zelbess was. She constantly pleads with Fargo to let her people
 go back, but to no avail. Will she be successful? It's up to the player to

 AGE   : 16
 GENDER: Female
 CAREER: Late Zelbess's Sister
 ORIGIN: The Ocean [Home World]
 HEIGHT: 5'10"
 WEIGHT: 115 lbs.
 BUILD : Mermaid
 PREFER: Right-handed
 EQUIPS: Mythril Pick, Mythril Mail
 INVITE: After defeating the Sage of Marbule aboard the S.S. Zelbess, Nikki
         asks you to visit him on his ship. If you choose to do this, as well
         as agree to help him clear Marbule of baddies, Irenes can be invited.
         SHE IS MISSABLE if you do not talk to Nikki at this time!!

 TECHS-.- WaterBreath - "Exhale a powerful blast of salt water"
       |              - Target: Single foe
       |              - Learns: Already learned when invited
       |- MerMelody   - "Play a tune on your harp to heal a party member"
       |              - Target: Single ally
       |              - Learns: Already learned when invited
       |              - Effect: Heals HP + removes status effects
       '- SirenSong   - "Play a tune on your harp to beat foes with waves"
                      - Target: All foes
                      - Learns: ---

 To get 'SirenSong,' you'll have to finish the 'Save Marbule!' quest that is
 done by (1) defeating the Sage of Marbule aboard the S.S. Zelbess (2) talking
 with Nikki after defeating said boss, and agreeing to help him clear Marbule
 of enemies. Invite Irenes at this time. (3) Clearing events at the Tower of
 Geddon (4) Bring Fargo to meet himself aboard the Zelbess to start the second
 part of the quest, which is clearing Marbule of enemies and awakening the
 Black Dragon in the other dimension (5) After the Sea of Eden events, Marbule
 (Home World) will be re-populated. Talk to the witch doctor in the first home
 twice with Irenes in the party to get her Lv. 7 Tech.

| MEL                                                                         /

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 Not much to Mel, besides she's Korcha's incredibly bratty sister who has a
 thing for drawing.

 AGE   : 10
 GENDER: Female
 INNATE: Yellow
 CAREER: Doodling Brat
 ORIGIN: Guldove [Another World]
 HEIGHT: 4'3"
 WEIGHT: 84 lbs.
 BUILD : Thin
 PREFER: Right-handed
 WEAPON: Boomerang
 EQUIPS: Steelerang, Iron Mail
 INVITE: After the first set of Viper Manor events, when Serge is asked by
         Korcha if he'll save Kid, choose the affirmative. Later on, after the
         Hydra Humour is delivered, Mel will steal Kid's elements. When asked
         what to do, press Kid to follow Mel and get her stuff back. Once she
         is caught like the little brat she is, return to Guldove after Korcha
         takes everyone to Termina and talk to Mel with Kid in the party. She
         will join up here.

 TECHS-.- Snatch  - "Steal your opponent's possessions"
       |          - Target: Single foe
       |          - Learns: Already learned when invited
       |          - Effect: Attempt to steal an enemy's held item
       |- Doodle  - "Use your opponent as a piece of drawing paper"
       |          - Target: Single foe
       |          - Learns: 19 Stars
       '- Tantrum - "Stamp on the ground so hard it causes quakes"
                  - Target: All foes
                  - Learns: 40 Stars

| LEAH                                                                        /

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       [  17  ][  27  ][  32  ]

 Leah's a cute cave-girl who joins up with Serge's party when they find her at
 Gaea's Navel, en route to the Green Dragon. After she helps them take down a
 Tyrano and ultimately the boss of the island, she joins up. She really takes
 after Ayla...

 AGE   : 6
 GENDER: Female
 INNATE: Yellow
 CAREER: Cave Girl
 ORIGIN: Gaea's Navel [Home World]
 HEIGHT: 3'5"
 WEIGHT: 71 lbs.
 BUILD : Infantile
 PREFER: Ambidextrous
 EQUIPS: Silver Axe, Mythril Mail
 INVITE: During the quest for the Green Dragon at Gaea's Navel [Home World],
         she joins up temporarily as long as Serge is on the island. After the
         Dragon's been defeated, she joins permanently.

 TECHS-.- RockThrow  - "Hurl huge boulders at opponent"
       |             - Target: Single foe
       |             - Learns: Already learned when invited
       |- TailSpin   - "Swirl tail around to create a tornado attack"
       |             - Target: Single foe
       |             - Learns: Already learned when invited
       '- TripleKick - "Leap up and kick from 3 different directions"
                     - Target: Single foe
                     - Learns: 35 Stars

| VAN                                                                         /

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       [  17  ][  27  ][  32  ]

 The gloomy son of a painter father -- one dimension rich, the other poor --
 he joins up with Serge's crew to make money for rent. He uses a boomerang
 and some child-like attacks.

 AGE   : 14
 INNATE: Green
 CAREER: Penny-wise Artist
 ORIGIN: Termina [Home World]
 HEIGHT: 4'11"
 WEIGHT: 88 lbs.
 BUILD : Smallish
 PREFER: Left-handed
 WEAPON: Boomerang
 EQUIPS: Silverang, Mythril Mail
 INVITE: Talk to him at his house in Termina [Home World] and hire him for a
         bit of tour-guiding. After some events with his father and landlord,
         he'll join permanently.

 TECHS-.- JumpThrow  - "A technique learned from a correspondence course"
       |             - Target: Single foe
       |             - Learns: Already learned when invited
       |- WetPaint   - "Throw artist's paintpots all over the place"
       |             - Target: All foes/allies
       |             - Learns: Already learned when invited
       |             - Effect: Randomly changes field effect to single color,
       |                       based off of ally innates (?). No damage dealt!
       '- PiggyBoink - "Set your precious piggy bank onto your foe"
                     - Target: Single foe
                     - Learns: 35 Stars

 A note about PiggyBoink. Put Van in your party and enter his bedroom over at
 Termina [Home World]. You'll be given the option to deposit money. Doing so
 will make 'PiggyBoink' do more damage, but also increases the chance of it
 shattering and restoring its original power.

| SNEFF                                                                       /

       [  19  ][  20  ]
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       [  04  ][  06  ][  25  ]
       [  17  ]

 A crazy old magician whose huge debt to the Zelbess casino forced him to work
 there and pay it off, Fargo's grip is eventually loosened by Serge's meddling
 and Sneff's lucky streak. He's got a funny lisp, too.

 AGE   : 53
 INNATE: Yellow
 CAREER: Aged Illusionist
 ORIGIN: Unknown
 HEIGHT: 5'6"
 WEIGHT: 139 lbs.
 BUILD : Ordinary
 PREFER: Right-handed
 WEAPON: Decks of cards
 EQUIPS: Private Deck, Mythril Mail
 INVITE: After Serge defeats Fargo at the Zelbess' roulette game, return there
         to find Sneff winning his freedom. Backstage in the theater area, ask
         him to join up.

 TECHS-.- BigDeal    - "Swiftly and forcefully throw your pack of cards"
       |             - Target: Single foe
       |             - Learns: Already learned when invited
       |- HPShuffle  - "Reorder the digits that make up your HP value"
       |             - Target: Self
       |             - Learns: Already learned when invited
       |             - Effect: His current HP becomes the randomly reordered
       |                       value of his max HP, for better or worse......
       '- SwordTrick - "A new magic trick like never seen before!"
                     - Target: Single foe
                     - Learns: 35 Stars

| STEENA                                                                      /

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 Steena is a wise woman who knows about the ancient race of Draconians. In
 one world she operates under the Oracle Direa; in the other, she's Guldove's
 oracle. She's mandatory, since she gives the Dragon Tear to the party later

 AGE   : 24
 GENDER: Female
 INNATE: White
 CAREER: Shrine Maiden
 ORIGIN: Guldove [Home World]
 HEIGHT: 5'9"
 WEIGHT: 110 lbs.
 BUILD : Tall & Slender
 PREFER: Right-handed
 WEAPON: Sword
 EQUIPS: Silver Sword, Mythril Mail
 INVITE: Show to Oracle Direa [Guldove, Another World] the Tear of Hate that
         was received from Karsh and get a Dragon Emblem. This allows passage
         into the other dimension's shaman tower, after showing the emblem to
         the door guard. After all six dragons have been defeated, return and
         talk to Steena to get her in the party, as well as the Dragon Tear.
 TECHS-.- DireaShadow - "Summon the eidolon of the last Shrine Maiden"
       |              - Target: Single foe
       |              - Learns: Already learned when invited
       |- HydraShadow - "Summon the eidolon of a Hydra"
       |              - Target: All foes
       |              - Learns: ---
       '- GaraiShadow - "Summon the eidolon of Garai"
                      - Target: Single foe
                      - Learns: ---

 To get 'HydraShadow,' defeat the De-Hydrate enemy in the Another World Hydra
 Marshes, with or without Steena in the party. For 'GaraiShadow,' her Lv. 7
 tech, bring Steena to see Garai's Grave at (Home World) Isle of the Damned.

| DOC                                                                         /

     [  04  ][  05  ][  06  ][  13  ][  15  ][  27  ]
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     [  09  ][  20  ][  24  ][  29  ][  33  ][  38  ][  42  ][  47  ]

 How bad is your village in when a surfer dude is your village's doctor? Well,
 pretty good ones it seems, as Doc's handy in most fields of medicine. He's
 constantly regretting mistakes of his past, but Orlha tries to keep him in
 good shape by reminding him that he can only do what he's able to, not to
 give up, etc. 

 AGE   : 27
 INNATE: White
 CAREER: Village Physician
 ORIGIN: Zenan Mainland [Another World]
 HEIGHT: 5'9"
 WEIGHT: 146 lbs.
 BUILD : Ordinary
 PREFER: Left-handed
 INVITE: After events at Viper Manor [Another World], at Guldove, when Korcha
         asks if you'll save Kid, tell him you don't know what to do. Later
         on, after events at the S.S. Invincible, return to Guldove to find
         that Kid has been miraculously cured. If you do not return at this
         time (pre-Ft. Dragonia), you will miss Doc permanently! You can't
         even get him after the events at Ft. Dragonia in the Home World...!

 TECHS-.- HighFive - "Throw your weapons high in the air"
       |           - Target: Single foe
       |           - Learns: Already learned when invited
       |- Gnarly   - "A chiropractic attack that crushes foe's bones"
       |           - Target: Single foe
       |           - Learns: Already learned when invited
       '- HangTen  - "Pray for ocean rains to heal your friends"
                   - Target: All allies
                   - Learns: ---
                   - Effect: Restores HP (Large)

 To find HangTen, get the Medical Book key item in the Tower of Geddon. Show
 it to Doc (make sure he's out of your party) in Another World Guldove and he
 will learn it...dude.

| GROBYC                                                                      /

     [  14  ][  18  ][  21  ][  28  ]
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 A cyborg with an evil streak, but really, it only follows orders of those who
 are stronger than it. Since Serge whoops it like a red-headed stepchild, this
 robo-killer approaches him and joins up.

 AGE   : 26
 INNATE: Black
 CAREER: Cyborg Assassin
 ORIGIN: Unknown
 HEIGHT: 6'8"
 WEIGHT: 401 lbs.
 BUILD : Bionic
 PREFER: Right-handed
 WEAPON: Gloves
 EQUIPS: Mythril Glove, Mythril Mail
 INVITE: Joins automatically after passing through Porre-controlled Viper Manor
         [Another World].

 TECHS-.- RocketFist - "Shoot off left arm to punch a foe in the face"
       |             - Target: Single foe
       |             - Learns: Already learned when invited
       |- HairCutter - "Power up cyborg hair to generate a laser saber"
       |             - Target: All foes
       |             - Learns: Already learned when invited
       '- StrongArm  - "A secret weapon banned by the Porre army"
                     - Target: Single foe
                     - Learns: ---

 To find 'StrongArm,' bring Grobyc to Chronopolis [Another World] and make for
 the second floor. There's a room with many safes on the wall and a large box
 like a coffin. Inspect the coffin to find an ancient superweapon from Porre,
 the Lv. 7 tech!

| PIERRE                                                                      /

     [  36  ][  38  ][  41  ][  45  ][  46  ]
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     [  28  ][  31  ][  33  ][  40  ][  42  ][  43  ][  47  ]

 Self-proclaimed swordsman extraordinaire, Pierre is mostly a narcissistic
 klutz who imagines himself a rose and everyone else "thorns." He aims for a
 spot on Viper's Devas, but ends up being called a street performer. Laff! He
 has the benefit of having the "Hero" equipment set, though. He also starts
 with the game's worst, and only Bone Sword. o_O

 AGE   : 23
 CAREER: Self-proclaimed Hero
 ORIGIN: Termina [Another World]
 HEIGHT: 5'11"
 WEIGHT: 130 lbs.
 BUILD : Weakling
 PREFER: Right-handed
 WEAPON: Sword
 EQUIPS: Bone Sword, Ivory Mail, Hero's Medal
 INVITE: Talk to him in Termina [Another World] inside the armory's sideroom.
         He'll say that he's lost his precious medal. Just outside, talk to
         the kid running around in circles to reclaim it. Show it to Pierre,
         and he's yours! You cannot get Guile/Nikki if you get Pierre, by the

 TECHS-.- Medalsome   - "Pray upon the legendary Hero's Medal for help"
       |              - Target: Self
       |              - Learns: Already learned when available
       |              - Effect: Restores HP
       |- FoiledAgain - "Gracefully score a double touché on foe"
       |              - Target: Single foe
       |              - Learns: 15 Stars
       '- SlapOfCyrus - "A deathblow 'borrowed' from the tough guy Cyrus'
                      - Target: Single foe
                      - Learns: ---

 To learn 'SlapofCyrus', make sure to get the Prop Sword from the Tower of
 Geddon (it's missable). Later, after you do the events at Fort Dragonia
 [Home World] and get the Serge-recruited characters back, talk to Pierre at
 Termina [Another World]. The prop sword becomes the 'Hero's Blade' and he'll
 learn the tech. In-battle, it will ALWAYS miss...that is, unless all three
 pieces of the Hero's equipment are collected and equipped. They are:

 • Hero's Sword
 • Hero's Shield
 • Hero's Medal

 Consult the walkthrough on how to obtain 'em.

| ORLHA                                                                       /

       [  19  ][  20  ]
       [  12  ][  14  ][  16  ][  23  ]
       [  07  ][  08  ][  09  ][  13  ][  21  ]
       [  00  ][  00  ][  00  ][  05  ][  11  ][  18  ][  26  ]
       [  01  ][  02  ][  03  ][  10  ][  15  ][  29  ][  35  ][  41  ]
       [  04  ][  06  ][  25  ]
       [  17  ]

 Orlha's one half of a set of twins, and tends bar in Guldove. She's got a
 strong sense of what's right and can probably confirm Kid's believe that if
 someone is kicked hard enough, they'll kiss the moons. She mentions her sis
 Tia a bit...

 AGE   : 23
 GENDER: Female
 CAREER: Gladiatrix Barkeep
 ORIGIN: Guldove [Another World]
 HEIGHT: 5'5"
 WEIGHT: 119 lbs.
 BUILD : Muscular
 PREFER: Left-handed
 WEAPON: Gloves
 EQUIPS: Granite Glove, Stone Mail
 INVITE: After escaping the Dimensional Vortex, visit Guldove before returning
         to Serge's normal form. Fight and defeat Orlha here to receive her
         'SapphireBrooch'; after the mandatory events at Fort Dragonia [Home
         World], show her the brooch and she'll join.

 TECHS-.- Multipunch  - "A chain attack inherited by a single child"
       |              - Target: Single
       |              - Learns: Already learned when invited
       |- PunchDrunk  - "'Drunken Master' attack taught by her parents"
       |              - Target: Single
       |              - Learns: Already learned when invited
       '- SisterHoods - "An inherited technique performed by 2 sisters"
                      - Target: Single
                      - Learns: ---

 To obtain 'SisterHoods,' after Orlha joins the party, have her meet with Doc
 in Home World Guldove. A few scenes regarding Tia later, she'll obtain the
 Lv. 7 tech with her sister's blessing.

| PIP                                                                         /


       [  23  ][  24  ][  27  ]
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       [  23  ][  24  ][  27  ][  32  ][  36  ][  45  ]                 
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       [  06  ][  07  ][  08  ][  09  ][  15  ][  25  ][  37  ][  43  ]
       [  01  ][  02  ][  03  ][  04  ][  05  ][  39  ]


       [  30  ][  33  ]
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       [  11  ][  13  ][  14  ][  17  ][  19  ][  29  ]
       [  00  ][  00  ][  00  ][  10  ][  12  ][  21  ][  31  ][  39  ]
       [  06  ][  07  ][  08  ][  09  ][  15  ][  25  ][  37  ][  43  ]
       [  01  ][  02  ][  03  ][  34  ][  38  ]
       [  05  ][  28  ]


       [  36  ]                                 
       [  23  ][  24  ][  27  ]                       
       [  16  ][  18  ][  20  ][  26  ][  38  ][  45  ]                 
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       [  00  ][  00  ][  00  ][  10  ][  12  ][  21  ][  37  ][  40  ]
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       [  01  ][  02  ][  28  ][  29  ][  31  ][  33  ]

 Pip's a remarkable character in that he will evolve based on how he battles,
 and what elements are used on him. I highly recommend reading up on his FAQ
 (http://db.gamefaqs.com/console/psx/file/chrono_cross_tumalu.txt) to learn
 about evolving him. He can be quite formidable, but always grows CUTER!

 AGE   : Unknown
 INNATE: White
 CAREER: Guinea Pig Experiment
 ORIGIN: Viper Manor Lab [Another World]
 HEIGHT: Unknown
 WEIGHT: Unknown
 BUILD : Unknown
 PREFER: Dominant paw unknown
 WEAPON: Gloves
 EQUIPS: Bronze Glove, Bronze Mail
 INVITE: When the party reaches the S.S. Invincible, he'll be there hiding from
         the ghosts. Pester him until he moves towards the stairway and he'll
         join up with Serge's crew. [NOTE: He will be here whether or not you
         free him from his cage in Viper Manor.]

 TECHS-.- Pounce      - "Hurl body at foe with all one's might"
       |              - Target: Single foe
       |              - Learns: Already learned when invited
       |- Soothe      - "Gently calm party to restore stamina & HP"
       |              - Target: All allies
       |              - Learns: 15 Stars
       |              - Effect: Restores HP and Stamina (status effects stay)
       |- Pounce +4   - "Hurl body at foe with all one's might."
       |              - Target: Single foe
       |              - Innate: White
       |              - Learns: See note below.
       |- HeavenCalls - "Just give your opponent a gentle poke"
       |              - Target: Single foe
       |              - Innate: Green/Blue/White
       |              - Learns: 37 Stars
       |- CanonCannon - "Find a nice, holy hole to snuggle up in..."
       |              - Target: Single foe
       |              - Innate: Yellow/Red/Black/Green/Blue/White
       |              - Learns: 34 Stars
       '- Hell'sFury  - "Do the 'wild thing' and go into a hellish rage"
                      - Target: Single foe
                      - Innate: Yellow/Red/Black
                      - Learns: 37 Stars

 Pip only gets one of the attacks from 'HeavenCalls' on down, depending on the
 form he evolves into. Also, the current Lv. 7 tech becomes 'Pounce+4' on a
 New Game Plus, where you'll have to evolve Pip again.

WEAPONS                                                                  [WPNS]

 Weapons are, naturally, the tools for stabbin' and attacking the enemy. One's
 ATK stat helps deal damage here, and upgrading is also part of the process of
 doing that. Note that _ALL_ equipment that includes a Rainbow Shell will also
 include a Shiny Soot/Ember/Dew/Sand/Salt/Leaf as well; it's represented as 
 'Shiny Items' to help keep the tables in order.

 WEAPON NAME = Name of the weapon (dur!)
 USED BY     = Characters who can equip these weapons
 ATK         = Attack increases per upgrade
 HIT%        = Accuracy upgrades, if any
 COMPONENTS  = Raw materials needed to create one (when applicable)

 Listed weapons that don't show their components CANNOT be disassembled, as
 they are either storyline items or just plain special. :p

| Swallows         | USED BY: Serge, Lynx
| WEAPON NAME      | ATK | HIT% | COMPONENTS                                 |
| Sea Swallow      | --- |  --- | ------------------------------------------ |
| Copper Swallow   | + 2 |  + 1 | Copper, Humour                             |
| Steel Swallow    | + 5 |  + 2 | Iron, Humour, Feather                      |
| Silver Swallow   | + 8 |  + 2 | Mythril, Eyeball, Humour, Feather          |
| Stone Swallow    | +12 |  + 3 | Denadorite, Humour, 2 Feather, 2 Scale     |
| Mastermune       | +15 |  + 4 | ------------------------------------------ |
| Spectra Swallow  | +17 |  + 4 | Rainbow Shell, Feather, Scale, Shiny Items |

 The Mastermune can also recover HP slightly, not that it makes much of a
 difference. Be aware that the Mastermune is, in fact, the Sea Swallow with a
 twist and will not carry over onto a NG+. Get a Spectra Swallow to ensure 
 you start with the best stuff available!

| Swords           | USED BY: Glenn, Viper, Fargo, Turnip, Steena, Pierre
| WEAPON NAME      | ATK | HIT% | COMPONENTS                                 |
| Bone Sword       | --- |  --- | ------------------------------------------ |
| Bronze Sword     | + 2 |  + 1 | Copper, Humour, Leather                    |
| Hero's Blade     | + 3 |  + 4 | ------------------------------------------ |
| Steel Sword      | + 5 |  + 2 | Iron, Humour, Leather                      |
| Silver Sword     | + 8 |  + 2 | Mythril, Humour, Leather                   |
| Stone Sword      | +12 |  + 3 | Denadorite, Screw, 2 Humour, 2 Leather     |
| Einlanzer        | +13 |  + 4 | ------------------------------------------ |
| Viper's Venom    | +15 |  + 0 | ------------------------------------------ |
| Slasher          | +15 |  + 4 | ------------------------------------------ |
| Spectral Sword   | +17 |  + 4 | Rainbow Shell, Leather, Screw, Humour,     |
|------------------+-----+------| Shiny Items                                |
| Einlanzer        | +18 |  + 4 | ------------------------------------------ |

 The Hero's Blade can only be obtained if you have Pierre. Show him the Prop
 Sword found at the Tower of Geddon and he'll be able to use it. Viper's Venom
 is Viper's special sword, found in the basement of his manor [Another World].
 As for the two Einlanzers, Glenn is the only one who can equip it. The first
 is obtained during the storyline at Isle of the Damned (Another), and the 2nd
 can be obtained after defeating Dario (take Glenn to see Einlanzer in Termina
 Another World). He can double-wield both at once, but only one is 'equipped';
 this means that the second Einlanzer stat above is an upgrade of sorts. And
 last but not least, the Slasher is the common drop from the enemy 'Slash,'
 accessible at the Bend of Time in a NG+ (only!). Anyone can equip a Slasher,
 but those other special weapons are only available for said people! Remember

| Daggers          | USED BY: Kid
| WEAPON NAME      | ATK | HIT% | COMPONENTS                                 |
| Ivory Dagger     | --- |  --- | Bone, Fang                                 |
| Bronze Dagger    | + 2 |  + 1 | Copper, Humour, Fang                       |
| Iron Dagger      | + 5 |  + 2 | Iron, Humour, Fang                         |
| Mythril Dagger   | + 8 |  + 2 | Mythril, Humour, Fang                      |
| Denadorite Dagger| +12 |  + 3 | Denadorite, Feather, 2 Humour, 2 Fang      |
| Prism Dagger     | +17 |  + 4 | Rainbow Shell, Fang, Feather, Shiny Items  |

| Gloves           | USED BY: Poshul, Draggy, Mojo, Zoah, Marcy, Miki, Orlha,
|                  | Grobyc, Pip, Greco, Skelly, NeoFio
| WEAPON NAME      | ATK | HIT% | COMPONENTS                                 |
| Bone Glove       | --- |  --- | Bone, Leather                              |
| Bronze Glove     | + 2 |  + 1 | Copper, Humour, Leather                    |
| Iron Glove       | + 5 |  + 2 | Iron, Humour, Leather                      |
| Mythril Glove    | + 8 |  + 2 | Mythril, Humour, Leather, Fang             |
| Granite Glove    | +12 |  + 3 | Denadorite, Humour, 2 Leather, 2 Fang      |
| Spectral Glove   | +17 |  + 4 | Rainbow Shell, Humour, Leather, Fang,      |
'------------------'-----'------| Shiny Items                                |

 Besides the Betta Carotene, the Spectral Glove is the only rainbow weapon to
 appear as a regular treasure. It's found in Terra Tower, though, meaning it
 only comes into play in the late-late game and is missable. Still, better to
 reap it when you find it than to make on yourself.

| Axes / Hammers   | USED BY: Leah, Funguy, Karsh, Zappa 
| WEAPON NAME      | ATK | HIT% | COMPONENTS                                 |
| Bone Axe         | --- |  --- | Bone, Copper, Fang                         |
| Bronze Axe       | + 2 |  + 1 | Copper, Fang, Humour                       |
| Iron Axe         | + 5 |  + 2 | Copper, Iron, Humour, Fang                 |
| Silver Axe       | + 8 |  + 2 | Copper, Mythril, Screw, Humour, Fang       |
| Great Hammer     | + 9 |  + 5 | Copper, Iron, Mythril, Fang, Screw, Eyeball|
| Stone Axe        | +12 |  + 3 | Copper, Denadorite, Humour, 2 Fang, 2 Screw|
| Master Hammer    | +15 |  + 5 | Bone, Copper, Iron, Mythril, Denadorite,   |
|                  |     |      | Fang, Screw, Eyeball                       |
| Rainbow Axe      | +17 |  + 4 | Rainbow Shell, Copper, Fang, Humour, Shiny |
'------------------'-----'------| Items                                      |

 Oddly enough, there's no way to buy any Bronze Axes. The only way to get one
 is by stealing it off of the Dead Head boss during S.S. Invincible events.
 Also, Zappa and Funguy can equip hammers AND axes; Leah and Karsh can only
 equip axes. [NOTE: Hammers cannot be created. See the walkthrough for getting
 the Master Hammer.]

| Staffs           | USED BY: Sprigg, Radius
| WEAPON NAME      | ATK | HIT% | COMPONENTS                                 |
| Silver Staff     | --- |  --- | Mythril, Humour, Eyeball                   |
| Stone Staff      | + 4 |  + 1 | Denadorite, Eyeball                        |
| Spectral Staff   | + 9 |  + 2 | Rainbow Shell, Eyeball, Shiny Items        |

 Copper/Iron staffs do not exist because there are no staff-wielders early in
 the game; however, this does not mean the Silver Staff and its kin are any
 less powerful than other items of similar metals. But who'd want to waste a
 Rainbow Shell on these two guys, anyway? :p

| Shot / Decks     | USED BY: Sneff, Harle, Luccia, Doc
| WEAPON NAME      | ATK | HIT% | COMPONENTS                                 |
| Bronze Shot      | --- |  --- | Copper, Humour, Feather                    |
| Steel Shot       | + 3 |  + 1 | Iron, Humour, Feather                      |
| Silver Shot      | + 6 |  + 1 | Mythril, Scale, Humour, Feather            |
| Stone Shot       | +10 |  + 2 | Denadorite, Humour, 2 Feather, 2 Scale     |
| Private Deck     | +10 |  + 2 | Mythril, 3 Fur, 3 Eyeball                  |
| Pack of Lies     | +15 |  + 3 | Denadorite, 6 Fur, 6 Eyeball               |
| Prism Pellets    | +15 |  + 3 | Rainbow Shell, Humour, Feather, Scale,     |
'------------------'-----'------| Shiny Items                                |

 There is no 'rainbow' pack of cards to get, and there's no way to create any
 decks either. The Private Deck is initially equipped on Sneff, while the Pack
 of Lies is found in Terra Tower (making it missable, of course). Unlike the
 axes/hammers thing, everyone who can equip shot can also equip cards. It's a
 nice, easy feelin' this way.

| Utensils / Pans  | USED BY: Macha, Orcha, Leena
| WEAPON NAME      | ATK | HIT% | COMPONENTS                                 |
| Spatula Ca20     | --- |  --- | Bone, Carapace                             |
| Besom Cu29       | + 2 |  + 1 | Copper, Humour, Carapace                   |
| Ladle Fe26       | + 5 |  + 2 | Iron, Humour, Carapace                     |
| Frypan Ag47      | + 8 |  + 2 | Mythril, Humour, Fur, Carapace             |
| Saucepan Si02    | +12 |  + 3 | Denadorite, Fur, 2 Humour, 2 Carapace      |
| Crystalpan C6    | +17 |  + 4 | Rainbow Shell, Humour, Fur, Carapace,      |
'------------------'-----'------| Shiny Items                                |

 In the walkthrough, if I mention them, they're called 'utensils' rather than
 pots and pans and such...even if a besom isn't cooking-friendly.

| Guns             | USED BY: Starky, Norris
| WEAPON NAME      | ATK | HIT% | COMPONENTS                                 |
| Ferrous Gun      | --- |  --- | Copper, Iron, Humour, Screw                |
| Argent Gun       | + 3 |  --- | Copper, Mythril, Eyeball, Humour, Screw    |
| Denadorite Gun   | + 7 |  + 1 | Copper, Denadorite, 2 Scale, 2 Screw       |
| Shockwave Gun    | + 8 |  + 2 | ------------------------------------------ |
| Plasma Gun       | +11 |  + 2 | ------------------------------------------ |
| Spectral Gun     | +12 |  + 2 | Rainbow Shell, Copper, Scale, Screw, Shiny |
'------------------'-----'------| Items                                      |

 There are three guns that cannot be made. The Ferrous Gun comes equipped on
 Norris initially; the Shockwave Gun comes equipped on Starky initially. Find
 the Plasma Gun by taking Starky to Home World Arni Village and inspecting the
 large sawfish. If you're wondering why there are no copper and bone guns...
 it's probably because they had a high fatality rate for the user.

| Lures            | USED BY: Korcha
| WEAPON NAME      | ATK | HIT% | COMPONENTS                                 |
| Iron Lure        | --- |  --- | Iron, Bone, Scale, Seed                    |
| Mythril Lure     | + 3 |  --- | Mythril, Bone, Scale, Seed                 |
| Stone Lure       | + 7 |  + 1 | Denadorite, Bone, 2 Scale, 2 Seed          |
| Prism Lure       | +12 |  + 2 | Rainbow Shell, Bone, Scale, Seed, Shiny    |
'------------------'-----'------| Items                                      |

 Lures aren't just for fishing gags anymore! Luckily, they're only found on
 one of the worst characters in the game and you can avoid him completely.

| Boomerangs       | USED BY: Van, Mel
| WEAPON NAME      | ATK | HIT% | COMPONENTS                                 |
| Steelerang       | --- |  --- | Iron, Feather, Scale                       |
| Silverang        | + 3 |  --- | Mythril, Fur, Feather, Scale               |
| Rockerang        | + 7 |  + 1 | Denadorite, Fur, 2 Feather, 2 Scale        |
| Prismarang       | +12 |  + 2 | Rainbow SHell, Fur, Feather, Scale, Shiny  |
'------------------'-----'------| Items                                      |

 Boomerangs' fierce attacks can hit all enemies (sometimes), so if you're a
 fan of these two characters, they'll pay off. They're the only other weapons
 besides rods which have this property.

| Rods             | USED BY: Razzly, Riddel, Guile
| WEAPON NAME      | ATK | HIT% | COMPONENTS                                 |
| Porcelain Rod    | --- |  --- | Bone, Eyeball                              |
| Brass Rod        | + 2 |  - 1 | Copper, Humour, Eyeball                    |
| Iron Rod         | + 5 |  --- | Iron, Humour, Eyeball                      |
| Mythril Rod      | + 8 |  --- | Mythril, Screw, Humour, Eyeball            |
| Denadorite Rod   | +12 |  + 1 | Denadorite, Screw, Feather, Humour, Eyeball|
| Floral Rod       | +16 |  --- | ------------------------------------------ |
| Rainbow Rod      | +17 |  + 2 | Rainbow Shell, Screw, Eyeball, Shiny Items |

 These weapons are odd for a number of reasons. One, the Brass Rod actually
 decreases HIT%; secondly, its fierce attack has an attack-all property that
 can damage all enemies. Even if it misses on the target, it may still damage
 the others! The Floral Rod can only be equipped by Razzly and is received if
 you complete the very specific steps to get her Lv. 7 Tech RazFlower. This'll
 be received automatically at that time.

| Picks            | USED BY: Nikki, Irenes
| WEAPON NAME      | ATK | HIT% | COMPONENTS                                 |
| Porcelain Pick   | --- |  --- | Bone, Fur                                  |
| Brass Pick       | + 2 |  + 1 | Copper, Feather, Fur                       |
| Iron Pick        | + 5 |  + 2 | Iron, Feather, Fur                         |
| Mythril Pick     | + 8 |  + 2 | Mythril, Feather, Eyeball, Fur             |
| Pebble Pick      | +12 |  + 3 | Denadorite, Eyeball, 2 Feather, 2 Fur      |
| Prism Pick       | +17 |  + 4 | Rainbow Shell, Fur, 2 Feather, Shiny Items |

 Picks are actually used for playing instruments, which are the two allies'
 main weapons. NOW YOU KNOW-know-know-know-know.

| Carrots          | USED BY: Janice
| WEAPON NAME      | ATK | HIT% | COMPONENTS                                 |
| Carrot           | --- |  --- | ------------------------------------------ |
| Betta Carotene   | + 6 |  --- | Rainbow Shell, 4 Seed, Shiny Items         |

 We can all understand how stupid cooking utensil items are, but vegetables?
 Yeah, that's far out there, man. One notable thing is that the Betta Carotene
 is the only rainbow-shell weapon (besides Spectral Glove) that can just be
 found lying around. It's in Terra Tower and is missable -- one because the
 place becomes inaccessible later on, and two because you have to be paying
 attention to find it. Consult the appropriate section to find it, 'cause if
 you don't want to use Janice, you can at least disassemble it for a Rainbow
 Shell and a complete set of Shiny components.

ARMOR                                                                    [ARMR]

 Armor...well, is something you equip to boost your defense. Although one can
 have three accessories, a character can equip only one piece in the armor
 slot, making it very important. All stat gains are based off what you'd get
 if the initial equipment was an Ivory Vest.
__________________ _____ ______ ______ ______ _______________________________
ARMOR NAME        | DEF | MDEF | HIT% | EVD% | OTHER EFFECTS                 |
Ghetz's Shirt     | - 3 |  + 4 |  --- | +50% | Dummied out of the game!      |
Ivory Vest        | --- |  --- |  --- |      | ----------------------------- |
Ivory Mail        | + 1 |  + 1 |  --- | - 3% | ----------------------------- |
Wisp Cape         | + 2 |  + 3 |  --- | +12% | ----------------------------- |
Feathery Dress    | + 2 |  + 4 |  --- | - 3% | For female use only!          |
Bronze Vest       | + 2 |  + 2 |  --- |      | ----------------------------- |
Bronze Mail       | + 3 |  + 3 |  --- | - 3% | ----------------------------- |
Scaley Dress      | + 4 |  + 6 |  --- | - 3% | For female use only!          |
Carapace Dress    | + 4 |  + 8 |  --- | - 3% | For female use only!          |
Iron Vest         | + 5 |  + 4 |  --- |      | ----------------------------- |
Iron Mail         | + 6 |  + 5 |  --- | - 3% | ----------------------------- |
Energizer Suit    | + 5 |  + 4 |  --- | - 3% | HP restores walking on field  |
Iron Mail         | + 6 |  + 5 |  --- | - 3% | ----------------------------- |
Black Plate       | + 7 |  + 4 |  --- | - 3% | Absorbs black-innate elements |
Blue Plate        | + 7 |  + 4 |  --- | - 3% | Absorbs blue-innate elements  |
Red Plate         | + 7 |  + 4 |  --- | - 3% | Absorbs red-innate elements   |
White Plate       | + 7 |  + 4 |  --- | - 3% | Absorbs white-innate elements |
Cloud Cape        | + 7 |  + 6 |  --- |      | Children's size only!         |
Screwy Dress      | + 8 |  +10 |  --- | - 3% | For female use only!          |
Mythril Mail      | + 9 |  + 8 |  --- | - 3% | ----------------------------- |
Stardust Cape     | + 9 |  + 8 |  --- | +21% | Children's size only!         |
Diva Dress        | +10 |  +12 |  --- | - 3% | For female use only!          |
Stone Mail        | +12 |  +12 |  --- | - 3% | ----------------------------- |
Prism Vest        | +14 |  +12 |  --- |      | ----------------------------- |
Prism Mail        | +16 |  +16 |  --- | - 3% | ----------------------------- |

 Locations of the unique items:

 • Ghetz's Shirt ---> Need to Gameshark it in, sadly

 • Feathery Dress --> In Another World Guldove's residential tower, on the
                      exterior walkway around the middle portion, loop north
                      until Serge is off-screen and enter a hidden room from
                      there. A chest has this item inside.

 • Screwy Dress ----> In the Tower of Geddon, in the screen right before you
                      fight Miguel. 

 • Carapace Dress --> It's in a chest at Home World Viper Manor's underground
                      cistern/sewer area.

 • Energizer Suit --> In Home World Hermit's Hideaway. Up in Radius' treehouse
                      you can find it in the rafters...if you wanna call 'em

 • Stardust Cape ---> During the Kid flashback scene at Lucca's Orphanage, it
                      can be found within a chest at the kitchen area.

 • Diva Dress ------> During the Kid flashback scene at Lucca's Orphanage, it
                      can be found sitting by its lonesome up on the leftmost
                      part of the balcony.

 • Scaley Dress ----> At Water Dragon Isle [Home World], you can find it in
                      a cave behind a waterfall (screen right before you find
                      Water Dragon).

 • Wisp Cape -------> Given to Razzly at Water Dragon Isle, if you fought the
                      Hydra with her in the party, allowing her to see there
                      was some baby Hydras on the way. This is an optional
                      event, though, so make sure you stop by to get this. Or,
                      steal it from the FireDragon boss at Mt. Pyre (first
                      visit, small form).

ACCESSORIES                                                              [ACCS]

 Each character can equip up to three accessories. Not surprisingly, they have
 varying and far-ranging effects. Only one helmet/cap type accessory can be
 equipped per person.

___________________ _________________________________________________________
NAME               | STATS RAISED and/or EFFECT                              |
Angel Charm        | Prevents 'AntiWhite'                                    |
Antitoxinal Cap    | DEF +1, M.DEF +1, Prevents poison status                |
Antiviral Cap      | DEF +1, M.DEF +1, Prevents flu status                   |
Black Brooch       | Prevents AntiBlack, Blind, and Curse (not instantdeath) |
Blue Brooch        | Prevents AntiBlue, Flu, Frozen                          |
Bronze Helmet      | DEF +2, M.DEF +1                                        |
Daemon Charm       | Prevents 'AntiBlack'                                    |
Dancing Shoes      | EVD% +6                                                 |
Defender           | DEF +1, M.DEF +1, EVD% +6                               |
Defender Plus      | DEF +3, M.DEF +2, EVD% +12                              |
Dragoon Gauntlet   | ATK +3                                                  |
Dragoon's Glory    | ATK +3, MGC +2, HIT% +3                                 |
Dragoon's Honor    | ATK +1, MGC +1, HIT% +4                                 |
Dreamer's Sarong   | At battle start, element grid is already boosted to max |
Dreamer's Sash     | At battle start, element grid is already started to Lv2 |
Dreamer's Scarf    | At battle start, element grid is already boosted to Lv1 |
Earring of Hope    | Gives a boost to your HP at the start of the battle     |
Earring of Light   | Gives a boost to your HP at the start of the battle     |
Earth Charm        | Prevents 'AntiYellow'                                   |
Elbow Pad          | DEF +3                                                  |
Flame Charm        | Prevents 'AntiRed'                                      |
Flea Vest          | M.DEF +13 (!)                                           |
Forest Charm       | Prevents 'AntiGreen'                                    |
Forget-me-not Pot  | (Some) enemies defeated by an ally with this equipped   |
                   | can be 'remembered' for Sprigg's Dopplegang Lv. 5 Tech. |
Gold Earring       | Gives a boost to your HP at the start of the battle     |
Gold Pendant       | M.DEF +2                                                |
Golden Tiara       | M.DEF +1                                                |
Green Brooch       | Prevents AntiGreen, Poison, Afraid                      |
Hero's Medal       | EVD% +24                                                |
Hero's Shield      | DEF +1, M.DEF +1                                        |
Iron Helmet        | DEF +3, M.DEF +1                                        |
Ivory Helmet       | DEF +1, M.DEF +1                                        |
Knee Pad           | DEF +1                                                  |
Kung-fu Shoes      | EVD% +12                                                |
Magic Ring         | MGC +1                                                  |
Magic Seal         | MGC +4                                                  |
MementoPendant     | M.DEF +4                                                |
Moonglasses        | Decreases all element/attack damage the user takes      |
Mythril Helmet     | DEF +4, M.DEF +2                                        |
Ozzie Pants        | DEF +13; user starts battle with Dizzy, Blind, Afraid   |
Pendragon Sigil A  | Any element imbues user's weapon with same element (ex: |
                   | Volcano -> TurnRed effect; BlackHole -> TurnBlack efct) |
Pendragon Sigil B  | Low- and mid-level enemy elements inbue user's weapon   |
                   | with same element (ex: Upheaval -> TurnYellow effect)   |
Pendragon Sigil C  | Low-level enemy elements imbue user's weapon with the   |
                   | same element (ex: AquaBall -> gives TurnBlue effect)    |
Plaster Cap        | DEF +1, M.DEF +1, Prevents sprain status                |
Poultice Cap       | DEF +1, M.DEF +1, Prevents burns status                 |
Power Glove        | ATK +1 ("The Power Glove...it's so...bad" -> LOL?)      |
Power Seal         | ATK +5                                                  |
Prism Helmet       | DEF +6, M.DEF +3                                        |
Profiteer Purse    | Increases cash earned for victorious battles (by ~23%?) |
Red Brooch         | Prevents AntiRed, Burns, Confused                       |
Resistance Belt    | Decreases the time (temporary) status effects last      |
Resistance Ring    | Decreases the time (temporary) status effects last      |
Sea Charm          | Prevents 'AntiBlue'                                     |
Sight Scope        | HIT% +3                                                 |
Silver Earring     | Gives a boost to your HP at the start of the battle     |
Silver Loupe       | HIT% +2                                                 |
Silver Pendant     | M.DEF +1                                                |
Sky Djinn Ring     | MGC +2                                                  |
Stamina Belt       | STAMINA +2                                              |
Stamina Ring       | STAMINA +1                                              |
Star Fragment      | Prevents Burns, Flu, Sprain, and Poison statuses        |
Stone Helmet       | DEF +5, M.DEF +2                                        |
Sunglasses         | Increases all element & attack damage done by user      |
Third Eye          | HIT% +4                                                 |
Trashy Tiara       | M.DEF +1                                                |
Waist Pad          | DEF +5                                                  |
White Brooch       | Prevents AntiWhite, Fatigued, Asleep                    |
Winged Shoes       | EVD% +18                                                |
Yellow Brooch      | Prevents AntiYellow, Sprained, Dizzy                    |

ELEMENTS                                                                 [LMNT]

 Elements are the 'attacks' that are used in this game, and can be medicinal,
 offensive, defensive, stat-buffing, or curative. They can only be used once
 per battle (unless they're consumables) but most have something to bring to
 the table. If you want to see which ones can be bought, check the shop list.

 (S) = Single target --> A single foe/ally can be selected as the target
 (A) = All of a group -> Affects all allies or all enemies (easy to discern)
 (F) = Field effect ---> Changes field damage in some manner
 (M) = Modify Field ---> Changes field effect itself
 (C) = Consumable -----> Single-serve, ally-only elements (also field-usable)
 (T) = Trap -----------> Used to trap elements (affects all foes; consumable)

 Asterisked elements can _only_ be used by those of the same innate color.

______________ ________ __________ ___ ___________________________ __________
Tablet        |    Red | LV 1 ± 0 | C | Restores small HP         | -------- |
TurnRed       |    Red | LV 1 ± 7 | S | 2ndary innate = Red       | -------- |
Fireball      |    Red | LV 1 ± 7 | S | Damage                    | -------- |
Ointment      |    Red | LV 2 ± 0 | C | Removes red status effcts | -------- |
MagmaBomb     |    Red | LV 2 ± 6 | A | Damage                    | -------- |
FirePillar    |    Red | LV 3 ± 5 | S | Damage                    |    Burns |
AntiBlue*     |    Red | LV 3 ± 5 | S | Prevents Blue elmnt usage | -------- |
Weaken        |    Red | LV 4 ± 4 | S | Lowers ATK                | -------- |
MagmaBurst    |    Red | LV 4 ± 4 | S | Damage                    | Confused |
Strengthen    |    Red | LV 4 ± 4 | S | Raises ATK                | -------- |
Inferno       |    Red | LV 5 ± 0 | T | Can trap cast Inferno     | -------- |
Inferno       |    Red | LV 5 ± 3 | A | Damage                    |    Burns |
RedField      |    Red | LV 5 ± 3 | M | Field effect = all red    | -------- |
Volcano       |    Red | LV 6 ± 0 | T | Can trap cast Volcano     | -------- |
Volcano*      |    Red | LV 6 ± 2 | A | Damage                    |    Burns |
Ninety-Nine*  |    Red | LV 6 ± 2 | S | HIT% = 99% temporarily    | -------- |
Recharge      |    Red | LV 6 ± 0 | C | Allows 1 element's re-use | -------- |
RedWolf       |    Red | LV 7 ± 0 | T | Can trap cast RedWolf     | -------- |
RedWolf*      |    Red | LV 7 ± 2 | A | Damage                    |    Burns |
Salamander*   |    Red | LV 8 ± 0 | A | Damage                    |    Burns |
AquaBeam      |   Blue | LV 1 ± 7 | S | Damage                    | -------- |
Cure          |   Blue | LV 1 ± 7 | S | Restores small HP         | -------- |
TurnBlue      |   Blue | LV 1 ± 7 | S | 2ndary innate = Blue      | -------- |
Medicine      |   Blue | LV 2 ± 0 | S | Removes blue status efcts | -------- |
IceLance      |   Blue | LV 2 ± 6 | S | Damage                    | -------- |
AquaBall      |   Blue | LV 3 ± 5 | S | Damage                    |      Flu |
CurePlus      |   Blue | LV 3 ± 5 | S | Restores medium HP        | -------- |
AntiRed*      |   Blue | LV 3 ± 5 | S | Prevents Red elemnt usage | -------- |
Nimble        |   Blue | LV 4 ± 4 | S | Raises EVD%               | -------- |
Numble        |   Blue | LV 4 ± 4 | S | Lowers EVD%               | -------- |
IceBlast      |   Blue | LV 4 ± 4 | S | Damage                    |   Frozen |
Deluge        |   Blue | LV 5 ± 0 | T | Can trap cast Deluge      | -------- |
Deluge        |   Blue | LV 5 ± 3 | A | Damage                    |      Flu |
BlueField     |   Blue | LV 5 ± 3 | M | Field effect = all blue   | -------- |
CureAll*      |   Blue | LV 5 ± 3 | A | Restores large HP         | -------- |
Iceberg       |   Blue | LV 6 ± 0 | T | Can trap cast Iceberg     | -------- |
Iceberg*      |   Blue | LV 6 ± 2 | A | Damage                    |   Frozen |
Vigora*       |   Blue | LV 6 ± 2 | S | Stamina decreases slower  | -------- |
FrogPrince    |   Blue | LV 7 ± 0 | T | Can trap cast FrogPrince  | -------- |
FrogPrince*   |   Blue | LV 7 ± 2 | A | Damage                    | -------- |
BlueWhale*    |   Blue | LV 8 ± 0 | A | Damage                    | -------- |
TurnGreen     |  Green | LV 1 ± 7 | S | 2ndary innate = Green     | -------- |
Bushwhacker   |  Green | LV 1 ± 7 | S | Damage                    | -------- |
Antidote      |  Green | LV 2 ± 0 | S | Cures Green status effcts | -------- |
Heal          |  Green | LV 2 ± 6 | S | Restores small HP         | -------- |
AeroSaucer    |  Green | LV 2 ± 6 | S | Damage                    | -------- |
Bushbasher    |  Green | LV 3 ± 5 | S | Damage                    |   Poison |
AntiYellow*   |  Green | LV 3 ± 5 | S | Prevents Ylw elemnt usage | -------- |
BatEye        |  Green | LV 4 ± 4 | S | Lowers HIT%               | -------- |
EagleEye      |  Green | LV 4 ± 4 | S | Raises HIT%               | -------- |
HealAll       |  Green | LV 4 ± 4 | A | Restores medium HP        | -------- |
AeroBlaster   |  Green | LV 4 ± 4 | S | Damage                    |   Afraid |
Carnivore     |  Green | LV 5 ± 0 | T | Can trap cast Carnivore   | -------- |
Carnivore     |  Green | LV 5 ± 3 | A | Damage                    |   Poison |
GreenField    |  Green | LV 5 ± 3 | M | Field effect = all green  | -------- |
HealPlus*     |  Green | LV 6 ± 2 | S | Restores large HP         | -------- |
Tornado       |  Green | LV 6 ± 0 | T | Can trap cast Tornado     | -------- |
Tornado*      |  Green | LV 6 ± 2 | A | Damage                    | -------- |
InfoScope*    |  Green | LV 6 ± 2 | S | Reveals enemy HP amount   | -------- |
Sonja         |  Green | LV 7 ± 0 | T | Can trap cast Sonja       | -------- |
Sonja*        |  Green | LV 7 ± 2 | A | Damage                    |   Poison |
Genie*        |  Green | LV 8 ± 0 | A | Damage                    | -------- |
Uplift        | Yellow | LV 1 ± 7 | S | Damage                    | -------- |
Brace         | Yellow | LV 2 ± 0 | C | Cures Yllw status effects | -------- |
ElectroJolt   | Yellow | LV 2 ± 6 | S | Damage                    | -------- |
Capsule       | Yellow | LV 3 ± 0 | C | Restores medium HP        | -------- |
Upheaval      | Yellow | LV 3 ± 5 | S | Damage                    |   Sprain |
AntiGreen*    | Yellow | LV 3 ± 5 | S | Prevents Green elmt usage | -------- |
LoRes         | Yellow | LV 4 ± 4 | S | Lowers DEF                | -------- |
HiRes         | Yellow | LV 4 ± 4 | S | Raises DEF                | -------- |
ElectroBolt   | Yellow | LV 4 ± 4 | S | Damage                    |    Dizzy |
Earthquake    | Yellow | LV 5 ± 0 | T | Can trap cast Earthquake  | -------- |
Earthquake    | Yellow | LV 5 ± 3 | A | Damage                    |   Sprain |
YellowField   | Yellow | LV 5 ± 3 | M | Field effect = all yellow | -------- |
PhysNegate*   | Yellow | LV 6 ± 2 | S | Phys atks are ineffectual | -------- |
ThundaStorm   | Yellow | LV 6 ± 0 | T | Can trap cast ThundaStorm | -------- |
ThundaStorm*  | Yellow | LV 6 ± 2 | A | Damage                    | -------- |
Golem         | Yellow | LV 7 ± 0 | T | Can trap cast Golem       | -------- |
Golem*        | Yellow | LV 7 ± 2 | A | Damage                    | -------- |
ThundaSnake*  | Yellow | LV 8 ± 0 | A | Damage                    | -------- |
TurnBlack     |  Black | LV 1 ± 7 | S | 2ndary innate = Black     | -------- |
GravityBlow   |  Black | LV 1 ± 7 | S | Damage                    | -------- |
HellSoul      |  Black | LV 2 ± 0 | S | May inflict instant KO    | -------- |
BlackOut      |  Black | LV 2 ± 0 | C | Cures black status effcts | -------- |
Gravitonne    |  Black | LV 3 ± 5 | A | Damage                    | -------- |
AntiWhite*    |  Black | LV 3 ± 5 | S | Prevents Whte elmnt usage | -------- |
HellBound     |  Black | LV 4 ± 0 | S | May inflict instant KO    |   Cursed |
Genius        |  Black | LV 4 ± 4 | S | Raises MGC                | -------- |
Imbecile      |  Black | LV 4 ± 4 | S | Lowers MGC                | -------- |
FreeFall      |  Black | LV 5 ± 0 | T | Can trap cast FreeFall    | -------- |
FreeFall      |  Black | LV 5 ± 3 | S | Damage                    | -------- |
Revenge       |  Black | LV 5 ± 3 | S | Shifts statuses to a foe  | -------- |
Nostrum       |  Black | LV 6 ± 0 | C | Restores large HP         | -------- |
BlackHole     |  Black | LV 6 ± 0 | T | Can trap cast BlackHole   | -------- |
BlackHole*    |  Black | LV 6 ± 2 | A | Damage + Instant KO maybe | -------- |
Diminish      |  Black | LV 6 ± 2 | F | Elmntal damage = halved   | -------- |
SealAll*      |  Black | LV 6 ± 2 | F | Prevents element usage    | -------- |
MotherShip    |  Black | LV 7 ± 0 | T | Can trap cast MotherShip  | -------- |
MotherShip*   |  Black | LV 7 ± 1 | A | Damage                    | -------- |
GrimReaper*   |  Black | LV 8 ± 0 | A | Damage + Instant KO maybe | -------- |
Revive        |  White | LV 1 ± 7 | S | Recovers ally from 'KO'   | -------- |
TurnWhite     |  White | LV 1 ± 7 | S | 2ndary innate = White     | -------- |
PhotonRay     |  White | LV 1 ± 7 | S | Damage                    | -------- |
WhiteOut      |  White | LV 2 ± 0 | C | Removes white statuses    | -------- |
Meteorite     |  White | LV 2 ± 6 | S | Damage                    | -------- |
PhotonBeam    |  White | LV 3 ± 5 | S | Damage                    | Fatigued |
RecoverAll    |  White | LV 3 ± 5 | A | Restores medium HP        | -------- |
AntiBlack*    |  White | LV 3 ± 5 | S | Prevents Blck elmnt usage | -------- |
Panacea       |  White | LV 4 ± 0 | C | Removes status effects    | -------- |
Purify        |  White | LV 4 ± 4 | S | Removes status effects    | -------- |
MeteorShower  |  White | LV 4 ± 4 | A | Damage                    | Fatigued |
WeakMinded    |  White | LV 4 ± 4 | S | Lowers M.DEF              | -------- |
StrongMinded  |  White | LV 4 ± 4 | S | Raises M.DEF              | -------- |
HolyLight     |  White | LV 5 ± 0 | T | Can trap cast HolyLight   | -------- |
HolyLight     |  White | LV 5 ± 3 | A | Damage + OHKO's Undeads   | Fatigued |
FullRevival*  |  White | LV 5 ± 3 | S | Full revives ally from KO | -------- |
Magnify       |  White | LV 6 ± 2 | F | All elemental damage x1.5 | -------- |
UltraNova     |  White | LV 6 ± 0 | T | Can trap cast UltraNova   | -------- |
UltraNova*    |  White | LV 6 ± 2 | A | Damage                    | -------- |
MagNegate*    |  White | LV 6 ± 2 | S | Elmnt dmg = ineffectual   | -------- |
HolyHealing*  |  White | LV 6 ± 2 | A | Rstore HP, Rmove statuses | -------- |
Unicorn       |  White | LV 7 ± 0 | T | Can trap cast Unicorn     | -------- |
Unicorn*      |  White | LV 7 ± 1 | A | Raises DEF & M.DEF        | -------- |
Saints*       |  White | LV 8 ± 0 | A | Heals party, removes all  | -------- |
______________|________|__________|___| status effects, damages   |__________|
                                      | all enemies               |

 And the 'ChronoCross' element is Lv 8 ± 7, usable on all allies/foes, and can
 restore used elements in battle. It seems to be of six innate types, which is
 why it's so special (and regarded as a seventh type altogether).

ENDINGS                                                                  [ENDG]

 Like Chrono Trigger before it, defeating the final boss can be accomplished
 in different time periods. On a normal playthrough, only #1 and 2 can be
 done; on a New Game Plus, all the rest have the potential to be unlocked.
 Obviously, things concerning the endings will be SPOILERS-rific, so I'll not
 reveal anythin' but the crucial details. If you DO want the nitty-gritty on
 what goes down, consult:


 Well, here's the minor rundown.

#01 - Defeat the TimeDevourer at Opassa Beach by simply attacking it blindly
      and not using the ChronoCross method.

#02 - Defeat the TimeDevourer at Opassa Beach by _NOT_ attacking it blindlym
      but by using the ChronoCross method.

#03 - Defeat the TimeDevourer at Opassa Beach [Home World] before you do any
      of Leena's scale-hunting. He has to be alone, so don't bring Poshul with
      or anything.
#04 - Destroy the TimeDevourer before picking a guide for Viper Manor.

#05 - Trash the TimeDevourer after post-Viper Manor events in Guldove, when you
      find out Kid's been poisoned with hydra venom. Choose the option to save
      Kid but defeat the TD before doing so.

#06 - Finish the TimeDevourer after Kid recovers from her poison (this can be
      done on either path, although if you chose not to save her, you may have
      to visit Guldove again to get her in the party) but before you storm Ft.
      Dragonia. [NOTE: There's a variance in this ending if Korcha was able to
      propose to Kid at Termina -- she had to have been in the party after she
      recovered from the poison, and Korcha rowed everyone back to town.]

#07 - Finish the TimeDevourer after Kid recovers from her poison, but before
      you enter Ft. Dragonia. Nikki and Razzly must both have been invited (you
      need to pick Nikki as a guide in the Termina events, and choose to save
      Kid to get Razzly) and Kid must have been invited back into the party --
      she can be missed, y'know!

#08 - Defeat the TimeDevourer after escaping the Temporal Vortex but before you
      go to Viper Manor to rescue Riddel.

#09 - Defeat the TimeDevourer ___RIGHT___ after rescuing Riddel.

#10 - Defeat the TimeDevourer after Harle leaves the party, which is once you
      have visited the 'Pearly Gates'.

#11 - Defeat the TD after (1) events at Home Fort Dragonia that allow Serge to
      repossess his original body (2) defeating Dario & getting a Mastermune;
      but, do this before finishing the Chronopolis events in the Sea of Eden.
      This is a funny ending. :p

#12 - Defeat the TD after Terra Tower has risen (post-Chronopolis) but before
      the tower sinks back into the ocean (defeating the TD at the top).

DOUBLE/TRIPLE TECHS                                                      [DBLT]

 Double/Triple techniques call back the days of Chrono Trigger when one could
 essentially 'combine' forces into a new, special attack. Chrono Cross gets it
 basically the same, only they can be used once per battle and use up 2~3 of
 the character's special techs as well.

 To set up a tech, get the requisite people with their techs available for
 use. Set up their grid so each has their tech available -AND- they have the
 Stamina (1.0+) available to use them.

    ______________________ _______________________ _____________ ________
   | CHARACTER #1         | CHARACTER #2          | ATTACK      | INNATE |
   | Serge  (Dash&Slash)  |  Glenn  (Dash&Gash)   | X-Strike    | Red    |
   | Nikki  (Limelight)   |  Miki   (DanceOnAir)  | Flamenco    | Red    |
   | Kid    (Pilfer)      |  Mel    (Snatch)      | DoubleTake  | Red    |
   | Guile  (WandaSwords) |  Sneff  (SwordTrick)  | SwordStorm  | Black  |
   | Grobyc (StrongArm)   |  Norris (TopShot)     | PitchBlack  | Black  |
   | Zoah   (Toss&Spike)  |  Karsh  (DragonRider) | DragonSpike | Green  |
   | NeoFio (BamBamBam)   |  Turnip (VegOut)      | TossedSalad | Green  |
   | Radius (VitalEnergy) |  Viper  (AirForce)    | VitalEnergy | White  |
   | Draggy (BigBreath)   |  Leah   (TripleKick)  | DraggyRider | Yellow |
    • All do damage except for Flamenco which augments all stats

  ____________________________________________________________ _____________
 | CHARACTERS & REQUIRED TECHS                                | TRIPLE TECH |
 | Serge (FlyingArrow), Sprigg (---), Kid (RedPin)            | Z-Slash     |
 | Serge (Luminaire), Razzly (RazFlower), Leena (MaidenFaith) | DeltaAttack |
  • DeltaAttack is white-innate
  • Z-Slash is blue-innate and has a weird stipulation for Sprigg. She has to
    have Doppelgang's the enemy 'Slash' (available only on NG+), transformed
    into him, and have a Lv4 element grid -- the latter is necessary because
    the tech DashSlash is used to finish off this triple tech.

STAR LIST                                                                [STRL]

 Stars, or level-up stars as I call them, are obtained after defeating certain
 storyline bosses. By defeating them, all allies gain some extra stats and the
 window of opportunity to get more by defeating regular/minor enemies for a
 while. When the next star is gained, the bonuses that could have been gotten
 before are lost, so make sure you get as many of those piddly li'l bonuses as
 they really stack up. Over time, you can miss out on 100s of HP and 10s of
 STR, MGC, etc. bonuses!

 This list is just designed to show you the bosses that drop these 'stars.'
 For boss strategies, consult the walkthrough, 'cause I ain't copy-and-pasting
 them just to inflate this guide. Numbers that look like "13/14" or something
 means which # star you get varies depending on (1) the routes you have or 
 have not taken in the game (2) the order in which you choose to fight bosses,
 if there is a choice.

 Bosses left out of the following chart DO NOT give level-up stars, ever. Thx!
 ________________________________________ ____________________________________
| BOSS(ES)                               | REGION FOUGHT                      |
| 01) Mama Komodo                        | Lizard Rock [Home World]           |
| 02) Karsh, Solt, Peppor                | Cape Howl [Another World]          |
| 03) Solt, Peppor                       | Fossil Valley [Another World]      |
|                           GUILE'S PATH |                                    |
| 04) Acacia PVT ×2                      | Viper Manor Bluffs [Another World] |
| 05) KingMoaman, BlueMoaman, RedMoaman  | Viper Manor Bluffs [Another World] |
|                           NIKKI'S PATH |                                    |
| 04) Cassowary ×3                       | Shadow Forest [Another World]      |
| 05) Solt, Peppor, Zoah                 | Shadow Forest [Another World]      |
|                          PIERRE'S PATH |                                    |
| 04) Acacia SGT ×2                      | Viper Manor [Another World]        |
| 05) Solt, Peppor, Ketchop              | Viper Manor [Another World]        |
| 06) Neo-N-Bulb ×2                      | Viper Manor [Another World]        |
| 07) Marcy                              | Viper Manor [Another World]        |
| 08) Lynx                               | Viper Manor [Another World]        |
|                       'Save Kid' Route |                                    |
| 09) Dwarf, DaffyDwarf ×2, DaggyDwarf ×2| Hydra Marshes [Home World]         |
| 10) Hydra                              | Hydra Marshes [Home World]         |
|                      'Leave Kid' Route |                                    |
| 09) Polly                              | S.S. Invincible [Another World]    |
| 10) Fargo                              | S.S. Invincible [Another World]    |
| 11) Dead Head                          | S.S. Invincible [Another World]    |
|                         ~~ Optional ~~ |                                    |
| 12) Dwarf, DaggyDwarf ×2, DaffyDwarf ×3| Water Dragon Isle [Home World]     |
| 13) Dwarf ×2, Hi-Ho Tank               | Water Dragon Isle [Home World]     |
| 12) Solt, Peppor                       | Mount Pyre [Another World]         |
| 13/14) RedDragon                       | Mount Pyre [Another World]         |
| 14/15) Karsh, Zoah, Marcy              | Mount Pyre [Another World]         |
| 15) Dragoon                            | Fort Dragonia [Another World]      |
| 16/17) Taurusoid                       | Fort Dragonia [Another World]      |
| 16/17) GiantGloop                      | Fort Dragonia [Another World]      |
| 18) SunOfAGun                          | Fort Dragonia [Another World]      |
| 19) Bunyip                             | Fort Dragonia [Another World]      |
| 20) Gen. Viper                         | Fort Dragonia [Another World]      |
| 21) Lynx                               | Fort Dragonia [Another World]      |
| 22) Radius                             | Arni Village [Home World]          |
| 23) Sage                               | S.S. Zelbess [Home World]          |
| 24) Garai                              | Isle of the Damned [Home World]    |
| 25) Highwayman                         | Highway Ruins [Home World]         |
| 26) Miguel                             | Tower of Geddon [Home World]       |
| 27) Roachester                         | Viper Manor [Another World]        |
| 28) Hell's Cook                        | Viper Manor [Another World]        |
| 29) Grobyc                             | Viper Manor [Another World]        |
| 30) BlackDragon                        | Marbule [Another World]            |
| 31/32/33/34/35/36) RedDragon           | Mount Pyre [Another World]         |
| 31/32/33/34/35/36) WaterDragon         | Water Dragon Isle [Home World]     |
| 31/32/33/34/35/36) EarthDragon         | Earth Dragon Isle [Home World]     |
| 34) Tyrano                             | Gaea's Navel [Home World]          |
| 35) GreenDragon                        | Gaea's Navel [Home World]          |
| 36) Sky Dragon                         | Sky Dragon Isle [Another World]    |
| 37) Dark Serge                         | Fort Dragonia [Home World]         |
| 38) Vita Tres/Vita Duo/Vita Unus       | Sea of Eden [Home World]           |
| 39) PolisPolice                        | Chronopolis [Home World]           |
| 40) Fate                               | Chronopolis [Home World]           |
| 41) RoyalJelly                         | El Nido Triangle [Another World]   |
| 42) Terrator                           | Terra Tower [Another World]        |
| 43) Pyrotor                            | Terra Tower [Another World]        |
| 44) Anemotor                           | Terra Tower [Another World]        |
| 45/46) Luxator                         | Terra Tower [Another World]        |
| 45/46) Gravitor                        | Terra Tower [Another World]        |
| 47) Aquator                            | Terra Tower [Another World]        |
| 48) TimeDevourer                       | Terra Tower [Another World]        |

 NOTE: Polly and Fargo are normal enemies on the 'Save Kid' route, and if one
       flees from them, they are skipped completely because they do not give
       level-up stars. On the 'Leave Kid' route, they DO give level-up stars
       and cannot be avoided.

 NOTE: Solt and Peppor only give a level-up star at Mt. Pyre if you completely
       skip the Water Dragon Isle 'Ice Breath' sidequest.

 NOTE: A Dragoon appears at Fort Dragonia's entrance with the #15 star only
       if you completely skip the Water Dragon Isle 'Ice Breath' sidequest.
       It'll also drop the FrogPrince summon. This will not appear on a New
       Game Plus, however, so if you want the maximum stars, make sure you do
       the Ice Breath sidequest!

 NOTE: The BlackDragon can only be fought as part of the 'Save Marbule!' quest
       that's started after defeating the Sage onboard the Zelbess (consult
       walkthrough for details). If you do not initiate this, it cannot be
       fought in your current playthrough! Instead, to get the Black Relic, 
       talk to its sleeping form in Another World Marbule and you'll receive
       the thing automatically. Keep all this in mind should you find yourself
       ending the game with 47 stars.

SHOP LIST                                                                [SHPL]

 01) Arni Village [HW]      Element shops require one to just have currency to
 02) Arni Village [AW]      fork over, while the forges require one to have 
 03) Termina      [AW]      raw materials (components) as well as the dough
 04) Guldove      [AW]      needed to create the weapon. Components are gone
 05) Marbule      [AW]      once used, but most equipment can be taken apart
 06) Termina      [HW]      if you need some rare materials.
 07) Guldove      [HW]
 08) Marbule      [HW]
 09) Rainbow Shop [--]

01) Arni Village [HW]                                    [BACKLINK: D-01][SH01]
 | ITEM NAME        | ITEM TYPE |  FEE  | COMPONENTS NEEDED                  |
  ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
  Ivory Dagger        Weapon         40  Bone, Fang
  Bone Glove          Weapon         40  Bone, Leather
  Ivory Vest          Armor          40  Bone, Fur
  Ivory Mail          Armor          60  Bone, Scale, Humour
  Ivory Helmet        Accessory      40  Bone, Screw
  Ivory Helmet        Accessory      40  Bone, Screw
 *Steel Swallow       Weapon        420  Iron, Feather, Humour
 *Silver Swallow      Weapon       1600  Mythril, Humour, Eyeball, Feather
 *Iron Dagger         Weapon        420  Iron, Humour, Fang
 *Mythril Dagger      Weapon       1200  Mythril, Humour, Fang
 *Iron Glove          Weapon        420  Iron, Humour, Leather
 *Mythril Glove       Weapon       1600  Mythril, Humour, Leather, Fang
 *Ladle Fe26          Weapon        420  Iron, Humour, Carapace
 *Frypan Ag47         Weapon       1600  Mythril, Humour, Fur, Carapace
 *Steel Sword         Weapon        420  Iron, Humour, Leather
 *Silver Sword        Weapon       1200  Mythril, Humour, Leather
 *Iron Pick           Weapon        420  Iron, Feather, Fur
 *Mythril Pick        Weapon       1600  Mythril, Eyeball, Feather, Fur
 *Iron Axe            Weapon        560  Copper, Iron, Humour, Fang
 *Silver Axe          Weapon       2000  Copper, Mythril, Humour, Screw, Fang
 *Iron Rod            Weapon        420  Iron, Eyeball, Humour
 *Mythril Rod         Weapon       1600  Mythril, Eyeball, Humour, Screw
 *Silver Staff        Weapon       1200  Mythril, Eyeball, Humour
 *Steel Shot          Weapon        420  Iron, Humour, Feather
 *Silver Shot         Weapon       1600  Mythril, Humour, Feather, Scale
 *Iron Lure           Weapon        560  Bone, Iron, Scale, Seed
 *Mythril Lure        Weapon       1600  Bone, Mythril, Scale, Seed
 *Steelerang          Weapon        420  Iron, Feather, Scale
 *Silverang           Weapon       1600  Mythril, Feather, Scale, Fur
 *Iron Vest           Armor         420  Iron, Fang, Fur
 *Iron Mail           Armor         560  Copper, Iron, Humour, Leather
 *Mythril Vest        Armor        1200  Mythril, Fur, Fang
 *Mythril Mail        Armor        2000  Mythril/Iron/Humour/Leather/Carapace
 *Iron Helmet         Accessory     420  Iron, Fang, Screw
 *Mythril Helmet      Accessory    1600  Mythril, Leather, Fang, Screw
  *- Appears after events at Temporal Vortex (Ivory equips are gone)
  ________________ ___________ __________ ___________ _______________ _______
  ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
  Tablet            Consumable       Red   LVL 1 ± 0      Restores HP      10
  Cure              Battle Use      Blue   LVL 1 ± 7  ---------------     100
  Fireball          Battle Use       Red   LVL 1 ± 7  ---------------      50
  AquaBeam          Battle Use      Blue   LVL 1 ± 7  ---------------      50
  Medicine          Consumable      Blue   LVL 2 ± 0  Cure Flu/Frozen      15
  Antidote          Consumable     Green   LVL 2 ± 0  Cure Psn/Afraid      15

02) Arni Village [AW]                                    [BACKLINK: D-04][SH02]
 | ITEM NAME        | ITEM TYPE |  FEE  | COMPONENTS NEEDED                  |
  ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯

  Ivory Dagger        Weapon         40  Bone, Fang
  Spatula Ca20        Weapon         40  Bone, Carapace
  Ivory Vest          Armor          40  Bone, Fur
  Ivory Mail          Armor          60  Bone, Scale, Humour
  Ivory Helmet        Accessory      40  Bone, Screw

  ________________ ___________ __________ ___________ _______________ _______
  ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
  Tablet            Consumable       Red   LVL 1 ± 0      Restores HP      10
  Cure              Battle Use      Blue   LVL 1 ± 7  ---------------     100
  Fireball          Battle Use       Red   LVL 1 ± 7  ---------------      50
  AquaBeam          Battle Use      Blue   LVL 1 ± 7  ---------------      50
  Medicine          Consumable      Blue   LVL 2 ± 0  Cure Flu/Frozen      15
  Antidote          Consumable     Green   LVL 2 ± 0  Cure Psn/Afraid      15

03) Termina [AW]                                   [BACKLINK: D-07, D-33][SH03]
 | ITEM NAME        | ITEM TYPE |  FEE  | COMPONENTS NEEDED                  |
  ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
  Copper Swallow      Weapon        100  Copper, Humour
  Steel Swallow       Weapon        420  Iron, Feather, Humour
 *Silver Swallow      Weapon       1600  Mythril, Eyeball, Humour, Feather
 *Stone Swallow       Weapon       7980  Denadorite, Humour, 2 Feather, 2 Scale
  Bronze Dagger       Weapon        150  Copper, Humour, Fang
  Iron Dagger         Weapon        420  Iron, Humour, Fang
 *Mythril Dagger      Weapon       1200  Mythril, Humour, Fang
 *Denadorite Dagger   Weapon       7980  Denadorite, 2 Humour, Feather, 2 Fang
 *Silver Staff        Weapon       1200  Mythril, Eyeball, Humour
 *Stone Staff         Weapon       2660  Denadorite, Eyeball
  Bronze Glove        Weapon        150  Copper, Humour, Leather
  Iron Glove          Weapon        420  Iron, Humour, Leather
 *Mythril Glove       Weapon       1600  Mythril, Humour, Leather, Fang
 *Granite Glove       Weapon       7980  Denadorite, Hmour, 2 Leather, 2 Fang
  Besom Cu29          Weapon        150  Copper, Humour, Carapace
  Ladle Fe26          Weapon        420  Iron, Humour, Carapace
 *Frypan Ag47         Weapon       1600  Mythril, Humour, Fur, Carapace
 *Saucepan SiO2       Weapon       7980  Denadorite, Fur, 2 Humour, 2 Carapace
  Bronze Sword        Weapon        150  Copper, Humour, Leather
  Steel Sword         Weapon        420  Iron, Humour, Leather
 *Silver Sword        Weapon       1200  Mythril, Leather, Humour
 *Stone Sword         Weapon       7980  Denadorite, 2 Humour, 2 Leather, Screw
 *Argent Gun          Weapon       2000  Copper/Mythril/Eyeball/Humour/Screw
 *Denadorite Gun      Weapon       7980  Copper, Denadorite, 2 Scale, 2 Screw
  Brass Pick          Weapon        150  Copper, Feather, Fur
  Iron Pick           Weapon        420  Iron, Feather, Fur
 *Mythril Pick        Weapon       1600  Mythril, Eyeball, Feather, Fur
 *Pebble Pick         Weapon       7980  Denadorite, Eyeball, 2 Feather, 2 Fur
  Brass Rod           Weapon        150  Copper, Eyeball, Humour
  Iron Rod            Weapon        420  Iron, Eyeball, Humour
 *Mythril Rod         Weapon       1600  Mythril, Eyeball, Humour, Screw
 *Denadorite Rod      Weapon       7980  Denadorite/2Eyebll/Screw/Feather/Humor
  Bronze Shot         Weapon        150  Copper, Humour, Feather
  Steel Shot          Weapon        420  Iron, Humour, Feather
 *Silver Shot         Weapon       1600  Mythril, Humour, Feather, Scale
 *Stone Shot          Weapon       7980  Denadorite, Humour, 2 Feather, 2 Scale
  Iron Axe            Weapon        560  Copper, Iron, Humour, Fang
 *Silver Axe          Weapon       2000  Copper/Mythril/Humour/Fang/Screw
 *Stone Axe           Weapon       7980  Copper/Denadorite/Humour/2 Fang/2Screw
  Iron Lure           Weapon        560  Bone, Iron, Scale, Seed
 *Mythril Lure        Weapon       1600  Bone, Mythril, Scale, Seed
 *Stone Lure          Weapon       7980  Bone, Denadorite, 2 Scale, 2 Seed
  Steelerang          Weapon        420  Iron, Feather, Scale
 *Silverang           Weapon       1600  Mythril, Feather, Scale, Fur
 *Rocketrang          Weapon       7980  Denadorite, 2 Feather, 2 Scale, Fur
  Bronze Vest         Armor         100  Copper, Fur
  Iron Vest           Armor         420  Iron, Fang, Fur
  Bronze Mail         Armor         200  Bone, Copper, Humour, Fur
  Iron Mail           Armor         560  Copper, Iron, Humour, Leather
 *Mythril Vest        Armor        1200  Mythril, Fang, Fur
 *Mythril Mail        Armor        2000  Iron, Humour, Carapace, Mythril, Lethr
 *Stone Vest          Armor        3990  Denadorite, Fur, Fang
 *Stone Mail          Armor        9310  Mythril, Humour, Denadorite, 2 Leather
  Ivory Helmet        Accessory      40  Bone, Screw                  2 Carapce
  Bronze Helmet       Accessory     100  Copper, Screw
  Iron Helmet         Accessory     420  Iron, Fang, Screw
 *Mythril Helmet      Accessory    1600  Mythril, Leather, Screw, Fang
 *Stone Helmet        Accessory    6650  Denadorite, Scale, Fang, Leather/Screw

  *- Appears after Tower of Geddon events (Copper/steel eqpmt no longer sold)

  ________________ ___________ __________ ___________ _______________ _______
  ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
  Tablet            Consumable       Red   LVL 1 ± 0      Restores HP      10
 *Capsule           Consumable    Yellow   LVL 3 ± 0      Restores HP      25
  Medicine          Consumable      Blue   LVL 2 ± 0  Cure B statuses      15
  Ointment          Consumable       Red   LVL 2 ± 0  Cure R statuses      15
  Antidote          Consumable     Green   LVL 2 ± 0  Cure G statuses      15
  Brace             Consumable    Yellow   LVL 2 ± 0  Cure Y statuses      15
  Cure              Battle Use      Blue   LVL 1 ± 7      Restores HP     100
 *CurePlus          Battle Use      Blue   LVL 3 ± 5      Restores HP     220
  Heal              Battle Use     Green   LVL 2 ± 6      Restores HP     100
 *HealAll           Battle Use     Green   LVL 4 ± 4  ---------------     300
  Fireball          Battle Use       Red   LVL 1 ± 7  ---------------      50
  MagmaBomb         Battle Use       Red   LVL 2 ± 6  ---------------      80
 *FirePillar        Battle Use       Red   LVL 3 ± 5  ---------------     100
  AquaBeam          Battle Use      Blue   LVL 1 ± 7  ---------------      50
  IceLance          Battle Use      Blue   LVL 2 ± 6  ---------------      80
 *AquaBall          Battle Use      Blue   LVL 3 ± 5  ---------------     100
  Bushwhacker       Battle Use     Green   LVL 1 ± 7  ---------------      50
  AeroSaucer        Battle Use     Green   LVL 2 ± 6  ---------------      80
 *Bushbasher        Battle Use     Green   LVL 3 ± 5  ---------------     100
  Uplift            Battle Use    Yellow   LVL 1 ± 7  ---------------      50
  ElectroJolt       Battle Use    Yellow   LVL 2 ± 6  ---------------      80
 *Upheaval          Battle Use    Yellow   LVL 3 ± 5  ---------------     100

  * - in stock after finishing S.S. Invincible events

  ________________ ________________________ ____________ ____________________
  ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
  Eyeball          Monsters' eyeballs              12                  Any
  Humour           Monsters' body fluids           10                  Any
  Feather          Monsters' feathers              22                  Any
  Scale            Monsters' scales                20                  Any
  Fur              Monsters' fur                   16                  Any
  Leather          Monsters' hides                 18                  Any
  Fang             Monsters' fangs                 28                  Any
  Carapace         Monsters' carapace shell        32                  Any
  Screw            Machine's nuts and bolts        20                  Any
  Seed             Plant seeds                     14                  Any

04) Guldove [AW]                                         [BACKLINK: D-12][SH04]
 | ITEM NAME        | ITEM TYPE |  FEE  | COMPONENTS NEEDED                  |
  ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
  Copper Swallow      Weapon        100  Copper, Humour
  Bronze Glove        Weapon        150  Copper, Humour, Leather
  Bronze Dagger       Weapon        150  Copper, Humour, Fang
  Besom Cu29          Weapon        150  Copper, Humour, Carapace
  Bronze Sword        Weapon        150  Copper, Humour, Leather
  Brass Pick          Weapon        150  Copper, Feather, Fur
  Brass Rod           Weapon        150  Copper, Eyeball, Humour
  Iron Lure           Weapon        560  Bone, Iron, Scale, Seed
  Steelerang          Weapon        420  Iron, Feather, Scale
  Bronze Vest         Armor         100  Copper, Fur
  Bronze Mail         Armor         200  Bone, Copper, Humour, Fur
  Bronze Helmet       Accessory     100  Copper, Screw

  ________________ ___________ __________ ___________ _______________ _______
  ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
  Tablet            Consumable       Red   LVL 1 ± 0      Restores HP      10
 *Capsule           Consumable    Yellow   LVL 3 ± 0      Restores HP      25
  Medicine          Consumable      Blue   LVL 2 ± 0  Cure B statuses      15
  Ointment          Consumable       Red   LVL 2 ± 0  Cure R statuses      15
  Antidote          Consumable     Green   LVL 2 ± 0  Cure G statuses      15
  Brace             Consumable    Yellow   LVL 2 ± 0  Cure Y statuses      15
 *Cure              Battle Use      Blue   LVL 1 ± 7  ---------------     100
 *CurePlus          Battle Use      Blue   LVL 3 ± 5  ---------------     220
 *RecoverAll        Battle Use     White   LVL 3 ± 5  ---------------     380
  Bushwhacker       Battle Use     Green   LVL 1 ± 7  ---------------      50
  AeroSaucer        Battle Use     Green   LVL 2 ± 6  ---------------      80
  Uplift            Battle Use    Yellow   LVL 1 ± 7  ---------------      50
  ElectroJolt       Battle Use    Yellow   LVL 2 ± 6  ---------------      80
  PhotonRay         Battle Use     White   LVL 1 ± 7  ---------------      60
 *PhotonBeam        Battle Use     White   LVL 3 ± 5  ---------------     120
  Meteorite         Battle Use     White   LVL 2 ± 6  ---------------     100
 *MeteorShower      Battle Use     White   LVL 4 ± 4  ---------------     300
 *Strengthen        Battle Use       Red   LVL 4 ± 4  ---------------     430
 *Weaken            Battle Use       Red   LVL 4 ± 4  ---------------     430
 *Nimble            Battle Use      Blue   LVL 4 ± 4  ---------------     430
 *Numble            Battle Use      Blue   LVL 4 ± 4  ---------------     430
 *HiRes             Battle Use    Yellow   LVL 4 ± 4  ---------------     430
 *LoRes             Battle Use    Yellow   LVL 4 ± 4  ---------------     430
 *EagleEye          Battle Use     Green   LVL 4 ± 4  ---------------     430
 *BatEye            Battle Use     Green   LVL 4 ± 4  ---------------     430
  GravityBlow       Battle Use     Black   LVL 1 ± 7  ---------------      60
 *Gravitonne        Battle Use     Black   LVL 3 ± 5  ---------------     120
  HellSoul          Battle Use     Black   LVL 2 ± 0  ---------------     100

  * - Appears after S.S. Invincible [Another World] events

  ________________ ________________________ ____________ ____________________
  ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
  Eyeball          Monsters' eyeballs              12                  Any
  Humour           Monsters' body fluids           10                  Any
  Feather          Monsters' feathers              22                  Any
  Scale            Monsters' scales                20                  Any
  Fur              Monsters' fur                   16                  Any
  Leather          Monsters' hides                 18                  Any
  Fang             Monsters' fangs                 28                  Any
  Carapace         Monsters' carapace shell        32                  Any
  Screw            Machine's nuts and bolts        20                  Any
  Seed             Plant seeds                     14                  Any

05) Marbule [AW]                                         [BACKLINK: D-16][SH05]
  ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
  Capsule           Consumable    Yellow   LVL 3 ± 0      Restores HP      25
  Medicine          Consumable      Blue   LVL 2 ± 0  Cure B statuses      15
  Ointment          Consumable       Red   LVL 2 ± 0  Cure R statuses      15
  Antidote          Consumable     Green   LVL 2 ± 0  Cure G statuses      15
  Brace             Consumable    Yellow   LVL 2 ± 0  Cure Y statuses      15
  TurnBlue          Battle Use      Blue   LVL 1 ± 7  ---------------      75
  TurnRed           Battle Use       Red   LVL 1 ± 7  ---------------      75
  TurnGreen         Battle Use     Green   LVL 1 ± 7  ---------------      75
  TurnYellow        Battle Use    Yellow   LVL 1 ± 7  ---------------      75
  TurnWhite         Battle Use     White   LVL 1 ± 7  ---------------      75
  TurnBlack         Battle Use     Black   LVL 1 ± 7  ---------------      75
  Strengthen        Battle Use       Red   LVL 4 ± 4  ---------------     430
  Weaken            Battle Use       Red   LVL 4 ± 4  ---------------     430
  Nimble            Battle Use      Blue   LVL 4 ± 4  ---------------     430
  Numble            Battle Use      Blue   LVL 4 ± 4  ---------------     430
  HiRes             Battle Use    Yellow   LVL 4 ± 4  ---------------     430
  LoRes             Battle Use    Yellow   LVL 4 ± 4  ---------------     430
  EagleEye          Battle Use     Green   LVL 4 ± 4  ---------------     430
  BatEye            Battle Use     Green   LVL 4 ± 4  ---------------     430
  Genius            Battle Use     Black   LVL 4 ± 4  ---------------     430
  Imbecile          Battle Use     Black   LVL 4 ± 4  ---------------     430
  StrongMinded      Battle Use     White   LVL 4 ± 4  ---------------     430
  WeakMinded        Battle Use     White   LVL 4 ± 4  ---------------     430

  ________________ ___________ __________ ___________ _______________ _______
  ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
     --- This shop appears after completing the S.S. Invincible events ---

  Inferno [T]      TrapElement       Red   LVL 5 ± 0  ---------------     300
  Volcano [T]      TrapElement       Red   LVL 6 ± 0  ---------------     400
  RedWolf [T]      TrapElement       Red   LVL 7 ± 0  ---------------     500
  Deluge  [T]      TrapElement      Blue   LVL 5 ± 0  ---------------     300
  Iceberg [T]      TrapElement      Blue   LVL 6 ± 0  ---------------     400
  FrogPrince [T]   TrapElement      Blue   LVL 7 ± 0  ---------------     500
  Earthquake [T]   TrapElement    Yellow   LVL 5 ± 0  ---------------     300
  ThundaStorm [T]  TrapElement    Yellow   LVL 6 ± 0  ---------------     400
  Golem [T]        TrapElement    Yellow   LVL 7 ± 0  ---------------     500
  Carnivore [T]    TrapElement     Green   LVL 5 ± 0  ---------------     300
  Tornado [T]      TrapElement     Green   LVL 6 ± 0  ---------------     400
  Sonja [T]        TrapElement     Green   LVL 7 ± 0  ---------------     500
  FreeFall [T]     TrapElement     Black   LVL 5 ± 0  ---------------     300
  BlackHole [T]    TrapElement     Black   LVL 6 ± 0  ---------------     400
  MotherShip [T]   TrapElement     Black   LVL 7 ± 0  ---------------     500
  HolyLight [T]    TrapElement     White   LVL 5 ± 0  ---------------     300
  UltraNova [T]    TrapElement     White   LVL 6 ± 0  ---------------     400
  Unicorn [T]      TrapElement     White   LVL 7 ± 0  ---------------     500
  Magnify           Battle Use     White   LVL 6 ± 2  Elmnt dmg x 1.5    1670
  Diminish          Battle Use     Black   LVL 6 ± 2  Elmnt dmg halvd    1670

06) Termina [HW]                                         [BACKLINK: D-21][SH06]
  ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
  Tablet            Consumable       Red   LVL 1 ± 0      Restores HP      10
  Capsule           Consumable    Yellow   LVL 3 ± 0      Restores HP      25
  Medicine          Consumable      Blue   LVL 2 ± 0  Cure B statuses      15
  Ointment          Consumable       Red   LVL 2 ± 0  Cure R statuses      15
  Antidote          Consumable     Green   LVL 2 ± 0  Cure G statuses      15
  Brace             Consumable    Yellow   LVL 2 ± 0  Cure Y statuses      15
  WhiteOut          Consumable     White   LVL 2 ± 0  Cure W statuses      40
  BlackOut          Consumable     Black   LVL 2 ± 0  Cure B statuses      15
  CurePlus          Battle Use      Blue   LVL 3 ± 5      Restores HP     220
  HealAll           Battle Use     Green   LVL 4 ± 4  ---------------     300
  Fireball          Battle Use       Red   LVL 1 ± 7  ---------------      50
  MagmaBomb         Battle Use       Red   LVL 2 ± 6  ---------------      80
  FirePillar        Battle Use       Red   LVL 3 ± 5  ---------------     100
  MagmaBurst        Battle Use       Red   LVL 4 ± 4  ---------------     240
  AquaBeam          Battle Use      Blue   LVL 1 ± 7  ---------------      50
  IceLance          Battle Use      Blue   LVL 2 ± 6  ---------------      80
  AquaBall          Battle Use      Blue   LVL 3 ± 5  ---------------     100
  IceBlast          Battle Use      Blue   LVL 4 ± 4  ---------------     240
  Bushwhacker       Battle Use     Green   LVL 1 ± 7  ---------------      50
  AeroSaucer        Battle Use     Green   LVL 2 ± 6  ---------------      80
  Bushbasher        Battle Use     Green   LVL 3 ± 5  ---------------     100
  AeroBlaster       Battle Use     Green   LVL 4 ± 4  ---------------     240
  Uplift            Battle Use    Yellow   LVL 1 ± 7  ---------------      50
  ElectroJolt       Battle Use    Yellow   LVL 2 ± 6  ---------------      80
  Upheaval          Battle Use    Yellow   LVL 3 ± 5  ---------------     100
  ElectroBolt       Battle Use    Yellow   LVL 4 ± 4  ---------------     240

06) Guldove [HW]                                         [BACKLINK: OP07][SH07]
 | ITEM NAME        | ITEM TYPE |  FEE  | COMPONENTS NEEDED                  |
  ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
  Steel Swallow       Weapon        420  Iron, Feather, Humour
  Silver Swallow      Weapon       1600  Mythril, Humour, Eyeball, Feather
  Iron Dagger         Weapon        420  Iron, Humour, Fang
  Mythril Dagger      Weapon       1200  Mythril, Humour, Fang
  Iron Glove          Weapon        420  Iron, Humour, Leather
  Mythril Glove       Weapon       1600  Mythril, Humour, Leather, Fang
  Ladle Fe26          Weapon        420  Iron, Humour, Carapace
  Frypan Ag47         Weapon       1600  Mythril, Humour, Fur, Carapace
  Steel Sword         Weapon        420  Iron, Humour, Leather
  Silver Sword        Weapon       1200  Mythril, Humour, Leather
  Argent Gun          Weapon       2000  Copper/Mythril/Eyeball/Humour/Screw
  Iron Pick           Weapon        420  Iron, Feather, Fur
  Mythril Pick        Weapon       1600  Mythril, Eyeball, Feather, Fur
  Iron Axe            Weapon        560  Copper, Iron, Humour, Fang
  Silver Axe          Weapon       2000  Copper, Mythril, Humour, Screw, Fang
  Iron Rod            Weapon        420  Iron, Eyeball, Humour
  Mythril Rod         Weapon       1600  Mythril, Eyeball, Humour, Screw
  Silver Staff        Weapon       1200  Mythril, Eyeball, Humour
  Steel Shot          Weapon        420  Iron, Humour, Feather
  Silver Shot         Weapon       1600  Mythril, Humour, Feather, Scale
  Iron Lure           Weapon        560  Bone, Iron, Scale, Seed
  Mythril Lure        Weapon       1600  Bone, Mythril, Scale, Seed
  Steelerang          Weapon        420  Iron, Feather, Scale
  Silverang           Weapon       1600  Mythril, Feather, Scale, Fur
  Iron Vest           Armor         420  Iron, Fang, Fur
  Iron Mail           Armor         560  Copper, Iron, Humour, Leather
  Mythril Vest        Armor        1200  Mythril, Fur, Fang
  Mythril Mail        Armor        2000  Mythril/Iron/Humour/Leather/Carapace
  Iron Helmet         Accessory     420  Iron, Fang, Screw
  Mythril Helmet      Accessory    1600  Mythril, Leather, Fang, Screw

  ________________ ________________________ ____________ ____________________
  ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
  Eyeball          Monsters' eyeballs              12                  Any
  Humour           Monsters' body fluids           10                  Any
  Feather          Monsters' feathers              22                  Any
  Scale            Monsters' scales                20                  Any
  Fur              Monsters' fur                   16                  Any
  Leather          Monsters' hides                 18                  Any
  Fang             Monsters' fangs                 28                  Any
  Carapace         Monsters' carapace shell        32                  Any
  Screw            Machine's nuts and bolts        20                  Any
  Seed             Plant seeds                     14                  Any

  ________________ ___________ __________ ___________ _______________ _______
  ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
  Tablet            Consumable       Red   LVL 1 ± 0      Restores HP      10
  Capsule           Consumable    Yellow   LVL 3 ± 0      Restores HP      25
  Nostrum           Consumable     Black   LVL 6 ± 0      Restores HP      60
  Panacea           Consumable     White   LVL 4 ± 0  Cure W statuses     500
  Purify            Battle Use     White   LVL 4 ± 4  ---------------     210
  RecoverAll        Battle Use     White   LVL 3 ± 5  ---------------     380
  Ninety-Nine       Battle Use       Red   LVL 6 ± 2  ---------------    2880
  InfoScope         Battle Use     Green   LVL 6 ± 2  ---------------     880
  PhysNegate        Battle Use    Yellow   LVL 6 ± 2  ---------------    2880
  MagNegate         Battle Use     White   LVL 6 ± 2  ---------------    2880
  Genius            Battle Use     Black   LVL 4 ± 4  ---------------     430
  Imbecile          Battle Use     Black   LVL 4 ± 4  ---------------     430
  StrongMinded      Battle Use     White   LVL 4 ± 4  ---------------     430
  WeakMinded        Battle Use     White   LVL 4 ± 4  ---------------     430
  Magnify           Battle Use     White   LVL 6 ± 2  Elmnt dmg x 1.5    1670
  Diminish          Battle Use     Black   LVL 6 ± 2  Elmnt dmg halvd    1670
  SealAll           Battle Use     Black   LVL 6 ± 2  Prvnts elmt use    2880
  Revenge           Battle Use     Black   LVL 5 ± 3  ---------------     600

08) Marbule [HW]                                         [BACKLINK: OP21][SH08]
  ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
    --- This shop only appears if you did the 'Save Marbule' sidequest! ---

  Inferno [T]      TrapElement       Red   LVL 5 ± 0  ---------------     300
  Volcano [T]      TrapElement       Red   LVL 6 ± 0  ---------------     400
  RedWolf [T]      TrapElement       Red   LVL 7 ± 0  ---------------     500
  Deluge  [T]      TrapElement      Blue   LVL 5 ± 0  ---------------     300
  Iceberg [T]      TrapElement      Blue   LVL 6 ± 0  ---------------     400
  FrogPrince [T]   TrapElement      Blue   LVL 7 ± 0  ---------------     500
  Earthquake [T]   TrapElement    Yellow   LVL 5 ± 0  ---------------     300
  ThundaStorm [T]  TrapElement    Yellow   LVL 6 ± 0  ---------------     400
  Golem [T]        TrapElement    Yellow   LVL 7 ± 0  ---------------     500
  Carnivore [T]    TrapElement     Green   LVL 5 ± 0  ---------------     300
  Tornado [T]      TrapElement     Green   LVL 6 ± 0  ---------------     400
  Sonja [T]        TrapElement     Green   LVL 7 ± 0  ---------------     500
  FreeFall [T]     TrapElement     Black   LVL 5 ± 0  ---------------     300
  BlackHole [T]    TrapElement     Black   LVL 6 ± 0  ---------------     400
  MotherShip [T]   TrapElement     Black   LVL 7 ± 0  ---------------     500
  HolyLight [T]    TrapElement     White   LVL 5 ± 0  ---------------     300
  UltraNova [T]    TrapElement     White   LVL 6 ± 0  ---------------     400
  Unicorn [T]      TrapElement     White   LVL 7 ± 0  ---------------     500
  Magnify           Battle Use     White   LVL 6 ± 2  Elmnt dmg x 1.5    1670
  Diminish          Battle Use     Black   LVL 6 ± 2  Elmnt dmg halvd    1670

09) RAINBOW EQUIPMENT [Various]                          [BACKLINK: OP21][SH09]
 | ITEM NAME        | ITEM TYPE |  FEE  | COMPONENTS NEEDED                  |
  ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
  Spectra Swallow       Swallow   21600  @Rainbow Shell, Feather, Scale
  Prism Dagger           Dagger   21600  @Rainbow Shell, Feather, Fang
  Spectral Staff          Staff   19200  @Rainbow Shell, Eyeball
  Rainbow Rod               Rod   21600  @Rainbow Shell, Eyeball, Screw
  Spectral Sword          Sword   24000  @Rainbow Shell/Leather/Screw/Humour
  Spectral Gun              Gun   24000  @Rainbow Shell, Copper, Scale, Screw
  Prism Pick               Pick   24000  @Rainbow Shell, Feather, Fur
  Rainbow Axe               Axe   24000  @Rainbow Shell, Copper, Fang, Humour
  Prism Lure               Lure   24000  @Rainbow Shell, Seed, Bone, Scale
  Prismarang          Boomerang   24000  @Rainbow Shell, Feather, Scale, Fur
  Prism Pellets            Shot   24000  @Rainbow Shell/Humour/Scale/Feather
  Crystalpan C6         Utensil   24000  @Rainbow Shell/Carapace/Humour/Fur
  Spectral Glove          Glove   24000  @Rainbow Shell/Humour/Leather/Fang

 After the rainbow equipment has been created (see the 'Save Marbule!' quest
 if you don't know how to get it), you can use the Smith Spirit key item to
 make it anywhere on the world map/save points.

 All Rainbow equipment needs one of the following: Shiny Dew, Shiny Ember,
 Shiny Leaf, Shiny Sand, Shiny Salt, Shiny Soot. (THESE ARE NOT LISTED ABOVE
 BUT YOU STILL NEED THEM ARGH OKAY GUYS!?!?!?) These items are acquired by
 defeating an enemy with an elemental summon, at which time the items are
 received as battle spoils; OR, by disassembling certain equipment which have
 them as components (like Antitoxinal Caps, Poultice Caps, etc). A few notes
 about such things:

 1) Enemies have to be killed by the summon to leave a drop
 2) Shiny material replaces the regular drops the enemy has
 3) Thus, if the enemy has no drops, no shiny stuffs can drop either.
 4) Each elemental summon produces a different type of the shiny material

FRAME LIST                                                               [FRML]

 What's a frame, you ask? Why, it's the border around the text box! Unlike the
 other games you may find, this game has them as 'items' you can earn or get
 through various fashions. To select window frames, simply go into the main
 menu's Customize tab and select them from there. Note these have absolutely
 no bearing on the game WHATSOEVER, but they're still fun to collect if you
 wanna change-up how the text boxes look.

 • Arnian Wood       - Available at the start of the game
 • Simple Line       - Available at the start of the game
 • Iron Plate        - Available at the start of the game

 • Shellfish         - In Home World Arni, search the salesgirl's cart to get

 • Tea for Three     - In Another World Termina, run up the stairs by where
                       the statue polisher is. There is a person standing in
                       the shade (player can't see him) and if you talk to
                       him and say you understand him, he'll give this over.

 • Porre's Furnace   - After the events at Viper Manor [Another World], when
                       you return to Termina after visiting Guldove, go back
                       to Viper Manor. In the library tower, search behind a
                       desk to find a trapdoor that leads to a secret room.
                       Talk with the BeachBum to get this rusty frame.

 • Skullduggery      - In Another World Shadow Forest, use the Aroma Pouch to
                       attract the red blob-thing located near the entrance,
                       making it follow you. Bring it to the 3rd screen where
                       the Quadffid is blocking the path and feed it to it.
                       It shrinks and gives the frame before it runs away...

 • Tropical Paradise - If you tell Korcha that you can't save Kid during the
                       mandatory Guldove events, Macha will end up helping our
                       protagonist out, giving him this automatically.

 • Guldovian Stitch  - When Korcha asks Serge if he'll save Kid, say he will
                       and proceed with the game's course. Later on, after she
                       is revived, Mel will steal her elements. Choose to find
                       her, even if Kid protests, and continue to Termina once
                       again. When Korcha lends his boat over, talk to Mel and
                       get this (as well as her in the party!)

 • Infrared Vision   - At Home World Fossil Valley, go 'upstairs' to where the
                       large dragon skeleton is and search behind the skull to
                       find the frame in a neat, li'l chest.

 • Valencian Cloth   - In Another World Marbule, form a party consisting only
                       of demi-humans and talk to the guy in blue near the
                       town entrance to get this. You can only get this item
                       as Lynx when he has two other demihumans in the party,
                       and only before awakening the Black Dragon during the
                       2nd part of the "Save Marbule" sidequest.

 • Monster's Mouth   - On the S.S. Zelbess, after Sneff turns everyone into a
                       cat, go upstairs to the kitchen and use the cat door to
                       get inside. Talk to the cat in there and it will give
                       this as a gift, meow.

 • Our Favorite      - After defeating Starky at Home World Sky Dragon Isle,
           Martian     re-enter the screen and talk to the man in green. He's
                       in the mood to give you this generous gift.

 • Snakes & Orbs     - At Another World Gaea's Navel, find the Prehysteric
                       (small humanoid monster) that is standing alone up in
                       a tree. Defeat it and this will be received afterward.

 • Quill and Papyrus - After completing the 'Save Marbule!' sidequest, return
                       to the village after the Chronopolis events to find it
                       settled again. Talk to Toma in the Black Dragon's Cave
                       (x2) and he'll give it over

KEY ITEMS                                                                [KYTM]

 Key items, or items that can't be disassembled or thrown away, have storyline
 significance or have specific functions. You can check your current ones by
 pressing the square button on the field or going under the 'Items' tab in the
 main menu. These are all the ones I've found, so if I forget any or mess up
 the descriptions, tell me and I'll fix 'em. Thx!

| ANCIENT FRUIT       | The fruit of an ancient plant that the Beeba tribe   |
|                     | grows in order to tame Wingapedes. After being sent  |
|                     | on the quest to defeat the six dragons, return to    |
|                     | Hydra Marshes (either world) and go to where the     |
|                     | Beeba tribe usually is. Either defeat some Beebas or |
|                     | help rescue one; either way, Ancient Fruits will be  |
|                     | given to you. Unlike other key items, these get used |
|                     | up in the round trip to Gaea's Navel, so stop by the |
|                     | Beeba to get more.                                   |
| ANGRY SCAPULA       | These shoulder blades obviously bore a lot of hatred |
|                     | Perhaps the owner hated himself...while alive. This  |
|                     | can be found in Another World Shadow Forest, inside  |
|                     | the cave where the Aroma Pouch is found. Search the  |
|                     | tablet on the ground to find it. This bone fragment  |
|                     | is used to recruit Skelly later on.                  |
| AROMA POUCH         | When worn, it has the power to make seeds and fruit  |
|                     | cling to you upon examining plants. This is found in |
|                     | Another World Shadow Forest, inside a cave, and used |
|                     | if you are looking for Nikki. It has to be used if a |
|                     | person wants the 'Skullduggery' textbox frame.       |
| ASTRAL AMULET       | A small, star-colored talisman. With this, Serge can |
|                     | use the dimensional vortex as Opassa Beach to travel |
|                     | between worlds. It will always be received, but it's |
|                     | used earlier if you choose to help Kid recover from  |
|                     | the Hydra Poison.                                    |
| BEEBA FLUTE         | A mysterious flute handed down in the Beeba tribe.   |
|                     | It allows you to tame the wildest of Wingapedes! If  |
|                     | Serge has an Ancient Fruit key item as well, he can  |
|                     | blow this flute in the screen east of the H. Marshes |
|                     | savepoint (1st) and ride an insect to Gaea's Navel.  |
|                     | Obtain it by defeating the Beeba 'tribe' in Home     |
|                     | World Hydra Marshes.                                 |
| BELLFLOWER          | A blue blossom that only blooms in Fossil Valley. It |
|                     | can be obtained in the upper region of the valley by |
|                     | taking the ladder. This can be given to Glenn/Riddel |
|                     | at Another World Termina later on if you choose, but |
|                     | there seems to be no other effects. Hmm...           |
| BIG EGG             | A huge egg found in Fossil Valley. What kind of egg  |
|                     | it is remains yet unknown! Find this in the Another  |
|                     | World Fossil Valley by raiding a Dodo's nest. Later, |
|                     | when you get to Home World Fort Dragonia, you can    |
|                     | use the incubators below the elevator to hatch the   |
|                     | character Draggy.                                    |
| BLACK RELIC         | A special treasure received from the Black Dragon    |
|                     | God at Marbule. Defeat the Black Dragon (or if you   |
|                     | did not assist in the 'Save Marbule' quest, you can  |
|                     | simply pick it up without a fight) to get this item. |
|                     | When all six relics are obtained, one can enter the  |
|                     | Sea of Eden.                                         |
| BOOK OF POEMS       | Untitled. Looks like a cheap, hand-made book with a  |
|                     | simple decoration of grassy patterns. Later in the   |
|                     | game, this can be obtained from the waitress in Arni |
|                     | [HW]. If you show it to her counterpart in the other |
|                     | dimension, you can obtain a @Rainbow Shell component |
| CARD KEY            | A security pass bulit with futuristic technology     |
|                     | that makes it impossible to duplicate. The 'chief'   |
|                     | ghost at Chronopolis drops this. Use it to proceed   |
|                     | to the B1 level of the elevator.                     |
| CHRONO CROSS        | The ultimate, long-lost Element of the seventh color |
|                     | attribute. After obtaining the Tear of Hate and the  |
|                     | Tear of Love, as well as having completed the events |
|                     | at the Sea of Eden, go to Divine Dragon Falls [AW].  |
|                     | Put them on the two pedestals to create this item,   |
|                     | to refill used elements in battle as well as receive |
|                     | the 'good ending' against the last boss.             |
| DRAGON EMBLEM       | A traditional crest passed down the generations at   |
|                     | the Dragon Shrine. The design looks familiar... Show |
|                     | the Tear of Hate to Shaman Direa at Guldove [AW] to  |
|                     | obtain. It's used to enter the other dimension's     |
|                     | tower, which will later allow one to recruit Steena  |
|                     | and get a fully-formed Dragon Tear.                  |
| EINLANZER           | The legendary sword Garai once wielded. It is the    |
|                     | only sword able to beat Masamune's evil power. This  |
|                     | is received at Garai's gravestone on Isle of the     |
|                     | Damned (Home World). Glenn can also equip it!        |
| EXPLOSIVE           | An explosive deviced used by excavation teams.       |
|                     | Handle with care! At Earth Dragon Isle [Home World], |
|                     | jump into the quicksand and leap back out again via  |
|                     | the sandboil. The foreman will be amazed at how you  |
|                     | have aided their excavation and'll have a guy make a |
|                     | batch of explosives for you. Re-enter the island and |
|                     | go down the quicksand again; there'll be a guy who   |
|                     | will give some to you. Use them to blast rockroaches |
|                     | into sandboils, which will help you get to the Earth |
|                     | Dragon boss fight.                                   |
| DECOR SHIELD        | A beautiful shield made completley for ornamental    |
|                     | purposes. Not of any use in real battle. This item's |
|                     | found in the room next to Luccia's, the room that is |
|                     | just full of traps...it seems. Pick it off the wall  |
|                     | and stick it in the shieldless suit of armor to do   |
|                     | battle with some Man-Of-Wars. This also disables the |
|                     | annoying Gloops-fall-from-ceiling trap, too, IIRC.   |
| FIDDLER CRAB        | A sculpture of a fiddler crab with a claw that       |
|                     | shines like a blue jewel. Said to be able to control |
|                     | the tides. Obtained after defeating the Sage aboard  |
|                     | the S.S. Zelbess, and used to enter Death's Door at  |
|                     | the coast off Marbule's island.                      |
| GARAI KEEPSAKE      | Just an old mirror. Why it is said to be a memento   |
|                     | of Garai will never be known. Radius gives this to   |
|                     | the party after finding the Masamune at Death's Door |
|                     | which prevents the party from passing. Use it to get |
|                     | to Garai's grave on Isle of the Damned [Home World]. |
| GOOD BACKBONE       | A spine with good posture that must have come from a |
|                     | grandma's loving training in another life. Pick this |
|                     | item up at Hydra Marshes [Another World]. Past the   |
|                     | area's second savepoint is a large pond area with a  |
|                     | small cave. Search in there to find it, which helps  |
|                     | you along the road to recruiting Skelly.             |
| GREEN RELIC         | A special treasure received from the Green Dragon    |
|                     | God at Gaea's Navel. Defeat the Green Dragon to snag |
|                     | this item. When all six are collected, the way into  |
|                     | the Sea of Eden can be taken by Serge.               |
| GREEN TINKLER       | Marsh plants react to the sound of this bell,        |
|                     | bending to open the way without you having to touch  |
|                     | them. When used by green, single-vine plants in the  |
|                     | Hydra Marshes, Serge can go deeper into the swamp... |
| HANDLE              | A detachable crank-handle that serves as good proof  |
|                     | that the casino table is rigged. On the Zelbess, go  |
|                     | have Sneff turn everyone into cats. Above the inn,   |
|                     | take the magnetic handle. This will stop Fargo from  |
|                     | cheating and win your boat back, plus allow access   |
|                     | to the Grand Slam.                                   |
| HEAVY SKULL         | A human skull painted with clown's makeup. It says   |
|                     | it searching for its body and lost memories. Picking |
|                     | this item up is as simple as going to Another World  |
|                     | Fossil Valley and telling the guard you're the hired |
|                     | exorcists. Talk to the skull and take it into your   |
|                     | fold when it asks. It's used to recruit Skelly later |
|                     | on.                                                  |
| HECKRAN BONE        | The leg bone of a wild heckran. Perfect for making   |
|                     | stock to be used in soups and stews! At Home World   |
|                     | Arni Village, check below the bed in the cafe to get |
|                     | this. Show it to Poshul and she'll join you.         |
| HYDRA HUMOUR        | Refined from the body fluids of a hydra, this liquid |
|                     | is the only known antidote for hydra poison. This is |
|                     | obtained only if you choose to help Kid recover from |
|                     | her poison, and defeat the Hydra.                    |
| ICE BREATH          | The cold breath of the Water Dragon has the power to |
|                     | freeze even piping-hot magma. This _can_ be received |
|                     | at Water Dragon Isle [Another World] after doing the |
|                     | events on the S.S. Invincible but before arriving at |
|                     | Ft. Dragonia. If used in Mt. Pyre, it can freeze the |
|                     | lava and prevent field damage; if used at Hermit's   |
|                     | Hideaway [Another World] to cool the burned patch of |
|                     | vegetation, Poshul can dig up Turnip in the opposite |
|                     | dimension.                                           |
| ICE GUN             | A quick-freeze gun Lucca made so baby-sitters could  |
|                     | fight fires. =Keep out of reach of children!=  This  |
|                     | is found in Lucca's Orphanage when Serge infiltrates |
|                     | w/ the Mastermune/ChronoCross. It can put out fires, |
|                     | and can double as the Ice Breath key item, if you do |
|                     | not have the means to get Turnip.                    |
| KOMODO SCALE        | The colorful scale of a large lizard used to make    |
|                     | the necklaces that are all the rage in Arni Village. |
|                     | In Home World Arni Village, talk to the fisherman by |
|                     | the sawfish and agree to whatever he says. He'll put |
|                     | this in Serge's pocket, who can in turn trade it to  |
|                     | a kid standing nearby for an Uplift element.         |
| LIFE SPARKLE        | A botanical energy that will give life to NeoFio --  |
|                     | a man-made, half-human, half-plant lifeform. Pick it |
|                     | up at Hydra Marshes [Another] in the pond where the  |
|                     | Hydra would normally be. You'll have to defeat some  |
|                     | grunts to get it. Later, go up to the Viper Manor    |
|                     | [Another] rooftop terrace and use it on the plant in |
|                     | the pond to recruit NeoFio.                          |
| MANOR KEY           | The key to the front door of Viper Manor borrowed    |
|                     | from the old stableman. Bears Viper's insignia. This |
|                     | has to be obtained in the stables by completing a    |
|                     | round of the feed-the-dragons minigame. Use it to go |
|                     | into the manor's front door.                         |
| MEDICAL BOOK        | ="Cray's Anatomy"= Revealing the wonders of the      |
|                     | human body. (Rated R.) Find this book past the Tower |
|                     | of Geddon's subway station. It can be used to teach  |
|                     | Doc his Lv. 7 Tech.                                  |
| MEMENTOPENDANT      | A beautiful, intricately-made pendant that once      |
|                     | belonged to Dario's mother. This is obtained via the |
|                     | Isle of the Damned sidequest regarding Karsh. It'll  |
|                     | also be needed to get the Mastermune in _its_ quest. |
| MIXED BONES         | It is impossible to tell which bone is which. You'll |
|                     | just have to try putting them together in some sort  |
|                     | of order. Visit Isle of the Damned [Another] and go  |
|                     | raid the NW cave in the first screen to find these   |
|                     | things. They're used to recruit Skelly later on, or  |
|                     | as soon as you get 'em, since they're the last ones  |
|                     | needed if you've been diligent.                      |
| MUSHROOM            | An expensive delicacy found only in the Guardia      |
|                     | region. It's sort of like truffles without the       |
|                     | chocolate. At Shadow Forest [Home World], go up the  |
|                     | river until you find a Wraith in front of a hole. Do |
|                     | battle and defeat it; a man will come out of a hole  |
|                     | and give you the item. Give it to the man camping in |
|                     | the cave three screens back to recruit Funguy!       |
| PARLOR KEY          | A key to the parlor of Viper Manor that was found in |
|                     | the manor prison. Probably hidden by a lazy guard.   |
|                     | After completing the Viper Manor infiltration events |
|                     | and returning to the mainland, go to the jail block  |
|                     | and search a bucket for this key. It allows one to   |
|                     | enter the ground-floor parlor to get a Daemon Charm. |
| PELVIC BONE         | Even from the pelvis, you can see this person had    |
|                     | good posture. It is important to have good posture!  |
|                     | When you first get to Guldove [Another World], talk  |
|                     | with the element trader person near the dock; she'll |
|                     | want to unload this on you. This is part of Skelly's |
|                     | quest to get his body back.                          |
| PRISON KEY          | A key that opens the dungeon-like prison beneath     |
|                     | Viper Manor. Given to Lynx's team by Norris, who is  |
|                     | eager to help them 'behind the scenes.'              |
| PROP SWORD          | A sword stage-prop found in the ruins of a theater.  |
|                     | In the Tower of Geddon, simply pluck it from a stage |
|                     | on the highest floor. It's will change to the Hero's |
|                     | Sword if you show it to Pierre, who will also learn  |
|                     | his Lv. 7 Tech.                                      |
| RED RELIC           | A special treasure received from the Red Dragon God  |
|                     | at Mount Pyre. Defeat the Red Dragon to obtain this  |
|                     | item. When all six relics've been collected, entry's |
|                     | given to the Sea of Eden.                            |
| RELIEF CHARM        | No need to participate in battle when friends can    |
|                     | fight for you! This allows someone to take Serge's   |
|                     | place in fighting battles. Automatically obtained on |
|                     | a New Game Plus.                                     |
| SAFETY GEAR         | Poison-resistant clothing that an exploration party  |
|                     | had spare to lend to amateur adventurers. This will  |
|                     | prevent poisonous field damage at the Hydra Marshes  |
|                     | [Another World] when you walk around. Obtain it from |
|                     | an explorer past the western save point.             |
| SAPPHIREBROOCH      | A brooch that has a blue stone, which appears to     |
|                     | have been broken in two, set inside of it. As Lynx,  |
|                     | go to Guldove [Another World] and fight Orlha. She   |
|                     | will give you this brooch as proof he's really Serge |
|                     | on the inside. After events at Fort Dragonia [Home   |
|                     | World], show it to her and get her to join. This is  |
|                     | also used to get a Blue Brooch later on.             |
| SHARK TOOTH         | An amulet Kiki's father made from a lion shark tooth |
|                     | ten years ago, when he decided to be a fisherman. It |
|                     | allows Serge to recruit Mojo in Another World Arni.  |
| SMITH SPIRIT        | Wherever there's a customer, a blacksmith will be    |
|                     | there! Just summon the master smith's spirit... This |
|                     | allows one to 'visit a forge' at save points and on  |
|                     | the world map. It's obtained automatically if Zappa  |
|                     | invited.                                             |
| STAR FRAGMENT       | It looks just like an ordinary starfish, but is said |
|                     | to have a secret power. This can be found in El Nido |
|                     | Triangle [Home World]. Equipping it will prevent all |
|                     | of the following: flu, sprain, burns, poison. It is  |
|                     | also used as a way to invite Starky into the party.  |
| STATION PASS        | At Tower of Geddon, enter the subway system on the   |
|                     | 2nd level of the mall. Talk to one of the 'ghosts'   |
|                     | until it goes up through the turnstiles. It leaves a |
|                     | pass behind on the ground. Use it to get a few other |
|                     | items up the screen, including the Medical Book that |
|                     | teaches Doc his Lv. 7 Tech.                          |
| TEAR OF HATE        | A shard of the shattered Dragon Tear. Karsh'll give  |
|                     | it over when you talk to him in the Termina Bar [HW] |
|                     | secret room. Later, show this to Oracle Direa at the |
|                     | shaman tower in Guldove [HW] to obtain the Dragon    |
|                     | Emblem. Even LATER, this can be used to obtain the   |
|                     | ChronoCross element.                                 |
| TEAR OF LOVE        | A shard of the shattered Dragon Tear. This will be   |
|                     | received automatically after events at Fort Dragonia |
|                     | [Home World]. Use it with the Tear of Hate later on  |
|                     | at Divine Dragon Falls [AW] to get the ChronoCross   |
|                     | element.                                             |
| TELE-PORTER         | Lets you change party members on the world map or    |
|                     | when standing in reach of Records of Fate. Kid will  |
|                     | give this to the party when she joins.               |
| TIME EGG            | A legendary item that is a complete enigma. It is    |
|                     | believed to break the bonds of time. Obtain this at  |
|                     | Terra Tower after defeating the..."TD". Use it when  |
|                     | at Opassa Beach [Home World] to fight the very last  |
|                     | boss in the game.                                    |
| TIME SHIFTER        | Controls the flow of time. R2 = Fast Forward, L2 =   |
|                     | Slow Motion. Automatically received on a New Game    |
|                     | Plus. You can use it to speed up battle animations,  |
|                     | walking around the field; but no FMV cutscenes.      |
| WHITE RELIC         | A special treasure received from the White Dragon    |
|                     | God at Sky Dragon Isle. Defeat the Sky Dragon at the |
|                     | said isle [Another World] to obtain. When all six of |
|                     | the relics are completed, entry to the Sea of Eden's |
|                     | possible.                                            |
| YELLOW RELIC        | A special treasure received from the Yellow Dragon   |
|                     | God at Earth Dragon Isle. Defeat the Earth Dragon to |
|                     | obtain this item. When all six relics have been      |
|                     | collected, Serge can enter the Sea of Eden.          |
                                             E-mail me if I've forgotten any!

THE BEND OF TIME                                                         [TBOT]

 End of Time with a twist? Hmm...

 The Bend of Time first becomes available after getting the Porre boat in Home
 World Termina. It's a small unmarked island between the main human-populated
 El Nido island and Marbule. Once you enter with the x-button, it will show up
 as such (in both worlds).

 As the jelly-blob octopus monster standing inside will say, this is an arena
 where monsters from across dimensions can gather to fight...meaning it's the
 place to be for collecting Sprigg's Dopplegangs, getting rare drops and such,
 as well as an easy outlet to using summons. Monsters show up inside the light
 pillars infinitely, and they all come from different regions of the game. At
 first there is only a few pillars of light to represent the areas Serge has
 traveled, but eventually, all eight will be represented. There's not much to
 say on the subject, besides enemies that are missed can still show up here.

  To Special Battle   /\                 Now, for the special battle info.
                 '-/\/ 4\                There is a backdoor to this place
                   \    3\               that will always be locked on the 1st
                   /     2\              runthrough of the game. Try to enter
                  /       1\             it, and the octopus-thing will say it
                  \8       /             isn't time 'yet.' What's he refering
                   \7     /'- Save       to, then?
                    \6    \_
                     \5 /\/ '-Enter      The answer is that it only unlocks on
                      \/                 a 'New Game Plus,' and allows access
                                         to three of the game's special foes
 that can be Doppleganged, as well as one of the best accessories in the game,
 the "Dreamer's Sarong." When the time comes to open the door (which is anytime
 on a NG+), enter inside. The orange octopus-monster wants everyone to do three
 laps around the room. Start at the entrance and run around the railing as well
 as you can; do it right and a 'ding!' sound will play. After three, the octo-
 -blob disappears and is replaced by the three goons from Chrono Trigger. Hey
 there, fellas!
  _________________ ________________ __________ _____________________________
 | BOSS: Flea      | INNATE: Red    | HP: 1200 | Dreamer's Sash (100%)       |
 | BOSS: Ozzie     | INNATE: Green  | HP: 2000 | Ozzie Pants (100%)          |
 | BOSS: Slash     | INNATE: Blue   | HP: 1900 | Slasher, Third Eye          |
 |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
 | ELEMENTS: Volcano, Tornado, Iceberg                                       |
 | TO STEAL: Flea  = Winged Shoes / Flea Vest                                |
 |           Ozzie = Antidote / Tornado                                      |
 |           Slash = Iceberg                                                 |
 | SPECIALS: OmegaRed (red-innate damage to one ally)                        |
 |           WindSlash (blue-innate damage on one ally)                      |
 |           DashSlash (blue-innate damage to one ally)                      |
 |           OmegaBlue (blue-innate damage to one ally)                      |
 |           OmegaBlack (black-innate damage on one ally)                    |
 |           OmegaGreen (green-innate damage to one ally)                    |
 |           OmegaWhite (white-innate damage to one ally)                    |
 |           OmegaYellow (yellow-innate damage to one ally)                  |
 |           TheStare (red-innate damage on all allies + Confused)           |
 |           MaxDefense (green-innate; bosses're 'Asleep', can't be damaged) |
 | PATTERNS: (Flea ) TheStare to Attack ×2 to Volcano to Attack ×2 to        |
 |                   OmegaRed to OmegaYellow (×??)                           |
 |       [2] (Flea ) (TheStare) -> (Attack) -> (Volcano) -> (Attack) ->      |
 |                   (OmegaRed) -> OmegaYellow -> [To Pattern #1]            |
 |           (Ozzie) Attack to MaxDefense to Attack to OmegaGreen to Tornado |
 |                   to Attack to OmegaBlack (×??)                           |
 |       [2] (Ozzie) [Pattern #1] -> MaxDefense -> Attack -> MaxDefense ->   |
 |                   Attack -> [To Patterh #1]                               |
 |           (Slash) Attack to WindSlash to Attack to DashSlash to OmegaBlue |
 |                   to Iceberg to OmegaWhite to Attack (×??)                |
 |       [2] (Slash) (WindSlash) -> (DashSlash) -> (OmegaBlue) -> (Iceberg)  |
 |                    -> OmegaWhite -> [To Pattern #1]                       |

  First things first: use Fargo to steal the Flea Vest, since it's the only
  one in the game. After that, dig into the actual fighting. Flea should bite
  the big one first since he (yes, 'he') uses TheStare to confuse everyone.
  Powerful physical attacks slice him up pretty well, especially with everyone
  having bolstered ATK on a NG+. Ozzie's next up if you want, mostly because
  'MaxDefense' prevents all damage and puts his allies to sleep as well. It's
  vexing, but only wears off after repeated (failed) attacking. He's also
  VERY slow, getting in one attack to his friends' three, so it's not much of
  a challenge to be honest. Slash's physical attacks and techs will suck...it
  doesn't get much simpler than that. Still, use Diminish if you're having a
  difficult time -- it's a lifesaver wherever you go! Most can be inflicted
  with status effects (Fatigued, etc.) but they'll absorb their own element,
  so don't be too reckless and heal 'em in the meantime. When each is in
  critical, they'll finish out the rest of their attack pattern with a bit
  of streamlining -- Slash quits using regular attacks, Flea bumps his Attack
  ×2's down to singulars, and Ozzie uses an extra MaxDefense (although the
  effects do not overlap). Note that each time you flee battle, you will have
  to run the three laps again. That would seem very annoying, but with the
  Time Shifter, it's not a problem. Make sure you don't defeat any with
  summons, or you'll miss the drops and get shiny items; and, make sure you've
  got a Forget-me-not Pot to get these guys Dopplegang'd, dude! It's also a
  good idea to restart if you don't get the Ozzie Pants and Slasher drops --
  they're unique accessories.

 After defeating the 'Mystic Knights,' the orange octopus-thing will want you
 to run some more laps. If you run the exact number of times it has in its
 head, it will give the [DREAMER'S SARONG] over. It'll give three hints as to
 the right amount (in a hot/cold way) and the fourth time will the be the do-
 -or-die moment. If you get it wrong, no biggie; just re-enter and try once
 again. The number it thinks of will be less than 20 each time and randomized,
 but when it says "Whoa! Almost!" it means you're very close, within 2~3 about.

 The Dreamer's Sarong starts a character off with a full element grid when the
 battle begins, meaning any element is immediately usable. Very nice for the
 last battle's ChronoCross input method.

DOPPLEGANGS                                                              [DPPL]
 Dopplegangs are transformations that Sprigg can do with her Lv. 5 technique
 'Dopplegang.' This allows her to transform into enemies that have (1) been
 set as default ones (2) been killed by her personally (3) been killed by any
 ally with a Forget-me-not Pot equipped. Dopplegangs will always take on the
 HP of Sprigg's current state and her Lv. 5 Tech will become a Lv. 1 tech on
 the monster's grid. Because this always happens, it's not noted on the grid
 structures below.

 Note that some enemies cannot be 'memorized,' like bosses and some specialty
 enemies, and that not all their attacks translate 100%. For instance, normal
 BeachBums can use the 'Surf'sUp' tech to summon other similar allies into the
 battle; Doppleganged ones cannot.

 Anyway, here are all of the enemies that can be transformed and where one can
 find them. A few notes about the following:

   • Grid levels that have no elements in it are omitted
   • The order of element listing per level is top -> bottom (if you care)
   • [H] stands for Home World; [A] stands for Another World.
   • Most of these monsters can be found at the Bend of Time, just so y'know.

| BeachBum |--------------------------------------.---------------------------.
|__________|                         INNATE: Blue | LOCATE:                   |
                                                  |                           |
 LV1: TurnBlue, Cure, Cure                        | Cape Howl [H]             |
 LV2: CurePlus, AquaBall, MakeWaves, CurePlus     | Cape Howl [A]             |
 LV3: AquaBall, MakeWaves                         | Lizard Rock [H]           |
 LV4: AquaBall +1, MakeWaves                      |___________________________|
 LV5: MakeWaves                                                               |
                                                     --- DEFAULT MONSTER ---  |
      • MakeWaves (blue-innate damage to all foes)                            |
|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|                                                                |
| SandSquirt |------------------------------------.---------------------------|
|____________|                       INNATE: Blue | LOCATE:                   |
                                                  |                           |
 LV1: AquaBeam, SquirtGun                         | Cape Howl [H]             |
 LV2: Cure +1, SquirtGun                          | Cape Howl [A]             |
 LV3: CurePlus, SquirtGun                         | Lizard Rock [A]           |
 LV4: AquaBeam +3                                 | Lizard Rock [A]           |
                                                  |                           |
      • SquirtGun (blue-innate damage)            | • Can be summoned by the  |
                                                  | monster 'Portalgheist'... |
                                                     --- DEFAULT MONSTER ---  |
|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|                                                                |
| Komodo Pup |------------------------------------.---------------------------|
|____________|                       INNATE: Blue | LOCATE:                   |
                                                  |                           |
 LV1: Cure, SquirtGun                             | Lizard Rock [H]           |
 LV2: TurnBlue +1, SquirtGun                      | Lizard Rock [A]           |
 LV3: SquirtGun                                   |                           |
 LV4: SquirtGun                                   | • Can be summoned by the  |
 LV5: CureAll                                     | monster 'Portalgheist'... |
      • SquirtGun (blue-innate damage)                                        |
|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|                                                                |
| Tzetze Fly |------------------------------------.---------------------------|
|____________|                      INNATE: Black | LOCATE:                   |
                                                  |                           |
 LV1:  Hellsoul -1, Hellsoul -1, Hellsoul -1      | S.S. Invincible [A]       |
 LV2:  Genius -2, Imbecile -2, HellBound -2       | Hydra Marshes [A]         |
 LV3:  Imbecile -1, Genius -1                     |___________________________|
 LV4:  Hellbound                                                              |
 LV5:  Hellbound +1                                                           |
|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|                                                                 |
| Opah Fish |-------------------------------------.---------------------------|
|___________|                         INNATE: Red | LOCATE:                   |
                                                  |                           |
 LV1:  Weaken -3, Fireball, Fireball              | Lizard Rock [A]           |
 LV2:  Weaken -2, Fireball +1, Fireball +1        |___________________________|
 LV3:  FirePillar, Fireball +2                                                |
 LV4:  Magmaburst                                                             |
 LV5:  Magmaburst +1                                                          |
 LV6:  Magmaburst +2                                                          |
 LV7:  Redfield +2                                                            |
|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|                                                                    |
| Wraith |----------------------------------------.---------------------------|
|________|                          INNATE: Black | LOCATE:                   |
                                                  |                           |
 LV1: DarkMist, DarkMist, DarkMist                | Shadow Forest [A]         |
 LV2: DarkMist, HellSoul, DarkMist                | S.S. Invincible [A]       |
 LV3: AntiWhite, HellSoul                         | Shadow Forest [H]         |
 LV4: HellSoul +2                                 |___________________________|
 LV5: AntiWhite +2                                   --- DEFAULT MONSTER ---  |
 LV6: HellBound +2                                                            |
      • DarkMist (black-innate; inflicts Darkness on all foes)                |
|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|                                                                |
| Mama Dingo |------------------------------------.---------------------------|
|____________|                        INNATE: Red | LOCATE:                   |
                                                  |                           |
 LV1: Strengthen -3, Strengthen -3, Strengthen -3 | Fossil Valley [A]         |
 LV2: Strenghten -2, Bite                         '---------------------------|
 LV3: Bite                                                                    |
 LV4: Bite                                                                    |
 LV5: Bite                                                                    |
 LV6: Bite                                                                    |
      • Bite (red-innate damage on single foe)                                |
|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|                                                               |
| Bubba Dingo |-----------------------------------.---------------------------|
|_____________|                       INNATE: Red | LOCATE:                   |
                                                  |                           |
 LV1: Sic'em, Sic'em, Sic'em                      | Fossil Valley [A]         |
 LV2: Weaken -2, Sic'em                           |___________________________|
 LV3: Sic'em                                                                  |
 LV4: Sic'em                                                                  |
      • Sic'em (red-innate damage on single foe)                              |
|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|                                                                    |
| Drongo |----------------------------------------.---------------------------|
|________|                          INNATE: Green | LOCATE:                   |
                                                  |                           |
 LV1: Heal -1, TurnGreen, PeaShooter              | Fossil Valley [A]         |
 LV2: HealAll -2, PeaShooter                      | Fossil Valley [H]         |
 LV3: BatEye -1, PeaShooter                       |___________________________|
 LV4: PeaShooter                                                              |
 LV5: PeaShooter                                                              |
      • PeaShooter (green-innate damage to a single foe)                      |
|¯¯¯¯¯¯|                                                                      |
| Dodo |------------------------------------------.---------------------------|
|______|                            INNATE: White | LOCATE:                   |
                                                  |                           |
 LV1: Purify -3, Peck, Peck                       | Fossil Valley [A]         |
 LV2: RecoverAll -1, Peck                         | Fossil Valley [H]         |
 LV3: Peck                                        | Shadow Forest [H]         |
 LV4: Peck                                        |___________________________|
 LV5: Peck                                                                    |
 LV6: Revive +5                                                               |
      • Peck (white-innate damage on single foe)                              |
|¯¯¯¯¯¯|                                                                      |
| Bulb |------------------------------------------.---------------------------|
|______|                            INNATE: Green | LOCATE:                   |
                                                  |                           |
 LV1: Heal -1, Bushwhacker, Heal -1               | Shadow Forest [A]         |
 LV2: Bushwhacker +1, Heal                        | Shadow Forest [H]         |
 LV3: Bushwhacker +2, BatEye -1                   |                           |
 LV4: HealAll, InfoScope -2                       | • Can be summoned by the  |
 LV5: Bushbasher +2                               | monster 'Portalgheist'... |
 LV6: Carnivore +1                                |___________________________|
|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|                                                                 |
| Cassowary |-------------------------------------.---------------------------|
|___________|                      INNATE: Yellow | LOCATE:                   |
                                                  |                           |
 LV1: LoRes -3, Uplift                            | Shadow Forest [A]         |
 LV2: LoRes -2, Uplift +1                         | Shadow Forest [H]         |
 LV3: LoRes -1, HiRes -1                          |___________________________|
 LV4: TheOld1-2-3, TheOld1-2-3                                                |
 LV5: TheOld1-2-3                                                             |
 LV6: AntiGreen +3                                                            |
      • TheOld1-2-3 (yellow-innate damage to a single foe)                    |
|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|                                                                    |
| Cuscus |----------------------------------------.---------------------------|
|________|                         INNATE: Yellow | LOCATE:                   |
                                                  |                           |
 LV1: Heal -1, Heal -1, Heal -1                   | Shadow Forest [A]         |
 LV2: Bushwhacker +1, TurnGreen +1                | Shadow Forest [H]         |
 LV3: Bushwhacker +2, EagleEye -1                 |___________________________|
 LV4: EagleEye                                                                |
|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|                                                                  |
| Gerridae |--------------------------------------.---------------------------|
|__________|                         INNATE: Blue | LOCATE:                   |
                                                  |                           |
 LV1: Cure, Cure, Cure                            | Shadow Forest [A]         |
 LV2: CurePlus-1, CurePlus-1, SquirtGun           | Shadow Forest [H]         |
 LV3: CurePlus, SquirtGun                         |___________________________|
 LV4: SquirtGun                                                               |
 LV5: SquirtGun                                                               |
 LV6: SquirtGun                                                               |
 LV8: Deluge +3                                                               |
      • SquirtGun (blue-innate damage to a single foe)                        |
|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|                                                                     |
| Gloop |-----------------------------------------.---------------------------|
|_______|                            INNATE: Blue | LOCATE:                   |
                                                  |                           |
 LV1: Goo, Goo, Goo                               | Shadow Forest [A]         |
 LV2: Goo, Goo, Goo, Goo                          | Shadow Forest [H]         |
 LV3: Goo, Goo, Goo, Goo                          | Viper Manor [H]           |
 LV4: Goo, Goo, Numble, Goo                       |___________________________|
 LV5: Goo, Goo, Goo, Goo                                                      |
 LV6: Goo, Goo, Goo, Goo                                                      |
 LV7: CureAll +2, Goo, Goo, Goo                                               |
      • Goo (blue-innate; lowers single foe's Evd)                            |
|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|                                                               |
| Gobledygook |-----------------------------------.---------------------------|
|_____________|                       INNATE: Red | LOCATE:                   |
                                                  |                           |
 LV1: MagmaBomb -1, MagmaBomb -1, MagmaBomb -1    | Viper Manor Bluffs [A]    |
 LV2: FirePillar -1, FirePillar -1                | Viper Manor [A]           |
 LV3: SuckBlood, SuckBlood                        |___________________________|
 LV4: SuckBlood                                                               |
 LV5: Weaken +1                                                               |
      • SuckBlood (red-innate damage to single foe + restore HP by that amt.) |
|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|                                                                |
| Acacia PVT |------------------------------------.---------------------------|
|____________|                     INNATE: Yellow | LOCATE:                   |
                                                  |                           |
 LV1: TurnGreen, TurnYellow, Cure                 | Viper Manor (Gate) [A]    |
 LV2: Cure +1, StormBlow                          | Viper Manor Bluffs [A]    |
 LV3: ElectroBolt -1, StormBlow                   | Viper Manor [A]           |
 LV4: StormBlow                                   | Fort Dragonia [A]         |
 LV5: EagleEye                                    |___________________________|
      • StormBlow (yellow-innate damage to single foe)                        |
|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|                                                                |
| Acacia SGT |------------------------------------.---------------------------|
|____________|                     INNATE: Yellow | LOCATE:                   |
                                                  |                           |
 LV1: TurnGreen, TurnYellow, Cure                 | Viper Manor (Gate) [A]    |
 LV2: CurePlus -1, AcaciaBlade                    | Viper Manor [A]           |
 LV3: ElectroJolt +1, AcaciaBlade                 | Fort Dragonia [A]         |
 LV4: ElectroBolt, AcaciaBlade                    |___________________________|
 LV5: HiRes +1                                                                |
      • AcaciaBlade (yellow-innate damage to single foe)                      |
|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|                                                                |
| WillO'Wisp |------------------------------------.---------------------------|
|____________|                        INNATE: Red | LOCATE:                   |
                                                  |                           |
 LV1: Brimstone, FirePillar -2, FirePillar -2     | Isle of the Damned [A]    |
 LV2: Brimstone, Weaken -2                        | Isle of the Damned [H]    |
 LV3: Brimstone                                   |___________________________|
 LV4: TurnRed +3                                                              |
      • Brimstone (red-innate damage to all foes + Burns)                     |
|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|                                                                     |
| Potty |-----------------------------------------.---------------------------|
|_______|                          INNATE: Yellow | LOCATE:                   |
                                                  |                           |
 LV1: Uplift                                      | Viper Manor [A]           |
 LV2: Upheaval -2                                 |___________________________|
 LV3: ElectroBolt -1, ElectroBolt -1                                          |
 LV4: LoRes, Upheaval +1                                                      |
|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|                                                                |
| Man-Of-War |------------------------------------.---------------------------|
|____________|                      INNATE: Black | LOCATE:                   |
                                                  |                           |
 LV1: HellSoul -1, HellSoul -1                    | Viper Manor [A]           |
 LV2: Gravitonne -1, Gravitonne -1                | S.S. Invincible [A]       |
 LV3: AntiWhite                                   |___________________________|
|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|                                                               |
| Man-at-Arms |-----------------------------------.---------------------------|
|_____________|                     INNATE: Black | LOCATE:                   |
                                                  |                           |
 LV1:  BlackRain, BlackRain, BlackRain            | Viper Manor [A]           |
 LV2:  HellSoul, HellSoul                         |___________________________|
 LV3:  Gravitonne                                                             |
 LV4:  AntiWhite +1                                                           |
 LV5:  Revenge                                                                |
 LV6:  SealAll                                                                |
       • BlackRain (black-innate damage to all foes + Cursed)                 |
|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|                                                              |
| Portalgheist |----------------------------------.---------------------------|
|______________|                   INNATE: Yellow | LOCATE:                   |
                                                  |                           |
 LV1:  ElectroJolt -1                             | Viper Manor [A]           |
 LV2:  ElectroJolt                                |___________________________|
 LV3:  ElectroBolt -1                                                         |
 LV4:  ElectroBolt                                                            |
 LV5:  AntiGreen +2                                                           |
 LV6:  AntiGreen +3                                                           |
|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|                                                                |
| Neo-N-Bulb |------------------------------------.---------------------------|
|____________|                      INNATE: Green | LOCATE:                   |
                                                  |                           |
 LV1: Heal -1, Heal -1, InfoScope -5              | Viper Manor [A]           |
 LV2: Heal, Heal                                  | Shadow Forest [A]         |
 LV3: HealAll -1, BatEye -1                       |___________________________|
 LV4: HealAll, BatEye                                                         |
 LV5: Bushbasher +2, Bushbasher +2                                            |
 LV6: Bushbasher +3                                                           |
 LV7: Carnivore +2                                                            |
|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|                                                                     |
| Dwarf |-----------------------------------------.---------------------------|
|_______|                          INNATE: Yellow | LOCATE:                   |
                                                  |                           |
 LV1:  Hi-HoWarCry, Hi-HoWarCry                   | Hydra Marshes [H]         |
 LV2:  Hi-HoWarCry, Hi-HoWarCry                   | Water Dragon Isle [H]     |
 LV3:  ElectroBolt -1, ElectroBolt -1             |___________________________|
 LV4:  HiRes, Upheaval +1                                                     |
 LV5:  HiRes +1, Upheaval +2                                                  |
 LV6:  AntiGreen +3, Earthquake +1                                            |
 LV7:  Earthquake +2                                                          |
       • Hi-HoWarCry (yellow-innate damage on a single foe)                   |
|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|                                                                |
| DaggyDwarf |------------------------------------.---------------------------|
|____________|                     INNATE: Yellow | LOCATE:                   |
                                                  |                           |
 LV1: Hi-HoWarCry, Hi-HoWarCry, Hi-HoWarCry       | Hydra Marshes [H]         |
 LV2: Hi-HoWarCry, Hi-HoWarCry                    | Water Dragon Isle [H]     |
 LV3: Hi-HoWarCry, Hi-HoWarCry                    |___________________________|
 LV4: Hi-HoWarCry                                                             |
 LV5: Hi-HoWarCry                                                             |
 LV6: Hi-HoWarCry                                                             |
      • Hi-HoWarCry (yellow-innate damage on single foe)                      |
|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|                                                                |
| DaffyDwarf |------------------------------------.---------------------------|
|____________|                     INNATE: Yellow | LOCATE:                   |
                                                  |                           |
 LV1: Hi-HoWarCry, ElectroJolt -1, Hi-HoWarCry    | Hydra Marshes [H]         |
 LV2: ElectroJolt, ElectroJolt                    | Water Dragon Isle [H]     |
 LV3: ElectroBolt -1                              |___________________________|
 LV4: ElectroBolt                                                             |
 LV5: ElectroBolt +1                                                          |
 LV6: ThundaStorm                                                             |
      • Hi-HoWarCry (yellow-innate damage on single foe)                      |
|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|                                                                |
| SnobGoblin |------------------------------------.---------------------------|
|____________|                      INNATE: Green | LOCATE:                   |
                                                  |                           |
 LV1: Heal -1, AeroSaucer -1, AeroBlaster -3      | Hydra Marshes [A]         |
 LV2: Heal, AeroBlaster -2                        | Hydra Marshes [H]         |
 LV3: Bushbasher, Bushbasher                      |___________________________|
 LV4: BatEye, BatEye                                                          |
|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|                                                                |
| SnibGoblin |------------------------------------.---------------------------|
|____________|                      INNATE: Green | LOCATE:                   |
                                                  |                           |
 LV1: Heal -1, Bushwhacker, Bushwhacker           | Hydra Marshes [A]         |
 LV2: Heal, Bushbasher                            | Hydra Marshes [H]         |
 LV3: EagleEye -1, Bushbasher                     |___________________________|
 LV4: AeroBlaster, EagleEye                                                   |
 LV5: HealAll +1                                                              |
|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|                                                                     |
| Beeba |-----------------------------------------.---------------------------|
|_______|                          INNATE: Yellow | LOCATE:                   |
                                                  |                           |
 LV1: LoRes -3, LoRes -3, LoRes -3                | Hydra Marshes [A]         |
 LV2: Hires -2, PhysNegate -4                     | Hydra Marshes [H]         |
 LV3: ThundaStorm -3                              |___________________________|
|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|                                                                 |
| Wingapede |-------------------------------------.---------------------------|
|___________|                       INNATE: Green | LOCATE:                   |
                                                  |                           |
 LV1: AcidicGas, AcidicGas, Tornado -5            | Hydra Marshes [H]         |
 LV2: AcidicGas, AeroBlaster -2                   |___________________________|
 LV3: InfoScope -3, AeroSaucer +1                                             |
 LV4: InfoScope -2                                                            |
      • AcidicGas (green-innate damage to all foes + Poison)                  |
|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|                                                                |
| Crossbones |------------------------------------.---------------------------|
|____________|                      INNATE: Black | LOCATE:                   |
                                                  |                           |
 LV1: HellSoul -1, SwordDance, SwordDance         | S.S. Invincible [A]       |
 LV2: SwordDance, SwordDance                      |___________________________|
 LV3: HellSoul +1                                                             |
 LV4: HellSoul +2                                                             |
 LV5: HellBound +1                                                            |
      • SwordDance (black-innate damage to single foe)                        |
|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|                                                                 |
| Dead Beat |-------------------------------------.---------------------------|
|___________|                       INNATE: Black | LOCATE:                   |
                                                  |                           |
 LV1: HellSoul -1, HellSoul -1, HellSoul -1,      | S.S. Invincible [A]       |
      HellSoul -1, HellSoul -2, HellSoul -1,      | Isle of the Damned [H]    |
      HellSoul -1                                 |___________________________|
|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|                                                                  |
| Scorpiod |--------------------------------------.---------------------------|
|__________|                         INNATE: Blue | LOCATE:                   |
                                                  |                           |
                                                  | Water Dragon Isle [A]     |
LV1:  Cure, Bushbasher -2, Bushbasher -2          |___________________________|
LV2:  Cure +1, Bushbasher -1                                                  |
LV3:  CurePlus, Bushbasher                                                    |
LV4:  TurnBlue +3, Bushbasher +1                                              |
LV5:  Bushbasher +2                                                           |
LV6:  Deluge +1                                                               |
LV7:  Iceberg +1                                                              |
|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|                                                                |
| HotDogitty |------------------------------------.---------------------------|
|____________|                        INNATE: Red | LOCATE:                   |
                                                  |                           |
 LV1: FirePillar -2, GnawBones                    | Mt. Pyre [A]              |
 LV2: FirePillar -1                               | Mt. Pyre [H]              |
 LV3: GnawBones                                   |___________________________|
 LV4: TurnRed +3                                                              |
 LV5: GnawBones                                                               |
 LV6: Fireball +5                                                             |
 LV7: Fireball +6                                                             |
      • GnawBones (red-innate damage to single foe)                           |
|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|                                                                |
| CatBurglar |------------------------------------.---------------------------|
|____________|                        INNATE: Red | LOCATE:                   |
                                                  |                           |
 LV1: FirePillar -2, TripleFist                   | Mt. Pyre [A]              |
 LV2: Weaken -2, TripleFist                       | Mt. Pyre [H]              |
 LV3: TripleFist                                  |___________________________|
 LV4: Strengthen                                                              |
 LV5: MagmaBomb +3                                                            |
 LV6: Ninety-Nine                                                             |
      • TripleFist (red-innate damage on a single foe)                        |
|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|                                                                 |
| Paper Boy |-------------------------------------.---------------------------|
|___________|                      INNATE: Yellow | LOCATE:                   |
                                                  |                           |
 LV1: TurnYellow, PaperMoon                       | Fort Dragonia [A]         |
 LV2: PaperMoon                                   |___________________________|
 LV3: LoRes -1, PaperMoon                                                     |
      • PaperMoon (yellow-innate damage on single foe)                        |
|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|                                                                    |
| Combat |----------------------------------------.---------------------------|
|________|                          INNATE: Black | LOCATE:                   |
                                                  |                           |
 LV1: GravityBlow, GravityBlow, BatBeam           | Fort Dragonia [A]         |
 LV2: TurnBlack, BatBeam                          | Fort Dragonia [H]         |
 LV3: Genius -1, BatBeam                          |___________________________|
 LV4: Imbecile, AntiWhite +1                                                  |
 LV5: SealAll -1                                                              |
 LV7: Revenge +3                                                              |
      • BatBeam (black-innate damage to a single foe)                         |
|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|                                                                  |
| Googhoul |--------------------------------------.---------------------------|
|__________|                       INNATE: Yellow | LOCATE:                   |
                                                  |                           |
 LV1: ElectroJolt -1, Gnash                       | Fort Dragonia [A]         |
 LV2: TurnYellow, ElectroJolt, Gnash              |___________________________|
 LV3: ElectroBolt -1, Gnash                                                   |
 LV4: HiRes, Uplift +3                                                        |
 LV5: Uplift +4                                                               |
 LV6: AntiGreen                                                               |
      • Gnash (yellow-innate damage to a single foe)                          |
|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|                                                                     |
| Cybot |-----------------------------------------.---------------------------|
|_______|                          INNATE: Yellow | LOCATE:                   |
                                                  |                           |
 LV1: Uplift, TurnYellow, TurnYellow              | Fort Dragonia [A]         |
 LV2: Uplift, TurnYellow +1, BeatenEarth          | Fort Dragonia [H]         |
 LV3: Earthquake -2, BeatenEarth                  |___________________________|
 LV4: Earthquake -1, BeatenEarth                                              |
 LV5: BeatenEarth                                                             |
      • BeatenEarth (yellow-innate damage to a single foe)                    |
|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|                                                                  |
| Alphabat |--------------------------------------.---------------------------|
|__________|                        INNATE: Black | LOCATE:                   |
                                                  |                           |
 LV1: DarkBeam, DarkBeam                          | Fort Dragonia [A]         |
 LV2: Imbecile, DarkBeam                          | Fort Dragonia [H]         |
 LV3: DarkBeam                                    |___________________________|
 LV4: GravityBlow +3                                                          |
 LV5: Gravitonne +2                                                           |
      • DarkBeam (black-innate damage to a single foe)                        |
|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|                                                                |
| TotalChaos |------------------------------------.---------------------------|
|____________|                      INNATE: Black | LOCATE:                   |
                                                  |                           |
 LV2: FreeFall -3                                 | Temporal Vortex [?]       |
 LV3: TurnBlack +2                                |___________________________|
 LV4: Diminish -2                                                             |
 LV5: SealAll -1                                                              |
 LV6: Gravitonne +3                                                           |
 LV7: HellSoul +5                                                             |
 LV8: BlackHole +2                                                            |
|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|                                                                 |
| Porre PVT |-------------------------------------.---------------------------|
|___________|                       INNATE: White | LOCATE:                   |
                                                  |                           |
 LV1: TurnRed, TurnBlue                           | Viper Manor [A]           |
 LV2: BayonetGun, BayonetGun                      |___________________________|
 LV3: BayonetGun, Cure +2                                                     |
 LV4: Numble                                                                  |
 LV7: Revenge +2                                                              |
      • BayonetGun (red-innate damage on a single foe)                        |
|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|                                                                 |
| Porre SGT |-------------------------------------.---------------------------|
|___________|                       INNATE: White | LOCATE:                   |
                                                  |                           |
 LV1: TurnRed, TurnBlue, CurePlus -2              | Viper Manor [A]           |
 LV2: BayonetPlus, BayonetPlus                    |___________________________|
 LV3: Cure +2, BayonetPlus                                                    |
 LV4: BatEye                                                                  |
 LV8: Ninety-Nine +2                                                          |
      • BayonetPlus (red-innate damage on a single foe)                       |
|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|                                                                  |
| Airframe |--------------------------------------.---------------------------|
|__________|                        INNATE: Black | LOCATE:                   |
                                                  |                           |
 LV1: Gravitonne -2, DarkBreath                   | Isle of the Damned [A]    |
 LV2: DarkBreath, DarkBreath                      | Isle of the Damned [H]    |
 LV3: SealAll -3, PowerDive                       |___________________________|
 LV4: PowerDive, DarkBreath                                                   |
 LV5: PowerDive                                                               |
      • PowerDive (black-innate damage on single ally)                        |
      • DarkBreath (black-innate damage on single foe + Darkness)             |
|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|                                                               |
| WightKnight |-----------------------------------.---------------------------|
|_____________|                     INNATE: Black | LOCATE:                   |
                                                  |                           |
 LV1: HellSoul -1                                 | Isle of the Damned [H]    |
 LV2: HellSoul                                    |___________________________|
 LV3: HellSoul +1                                                             |
 LV4: HellSoul +2                                                             |
 LV5: HellSoul +3                                                             |
 LV6: HellBound +2                                                            |
 LV7: HiRes +3, HiRes +3, HiRes +3, Gravitonne +4                             |
 LV8: PhysNegate +2, Rage, SadnessWave, SpiritsUp, WaveOfFear                 |
      • Rage (red-innate; raises all allies' ATK)                             |
      • SadnessWave (red-innate; lowers all foes' ATK)                        |
      • SpiritsUp (yellow-innate; raises all allies' DEF)                     |
      • WaveOfFear (yellow-innate; lowers all foes' DEF)                      |
|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|                                                               |
| Tragedienne |-----------------------------------.---------------------------|
|_____________|                     INNATE: Black | LOCATE:                   |
                                                  |                           |
 LV1: AquaBeam, Fireball, SuckBlood               | Tower of Geddon [H]       |
 LV2: CurePlus -1, PoisonGas                      |___________________________|
 LV3: CurePlus, BlackRain                                                     |
 LV4: RecoverAll +1                                                           |
 LV5: Volcano -1                                                              |
 LV6: Tornado                                                                 |
 LV7: BlackHole +1                                                            |
      • SuckBlood (red-innate damage on one foe + restore HP by same amount)  |
      • PoisonGas (green-innate; Poison status on all foes)                   |
      • BlackRain (black-innate damage on all allies + Cursed)                |
|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|                                                                   |
| Gremlin |---------------------------------------.---------------------------|
|_________|                         INNATE: Green | LOCATE:                   |
                                                  |                           |
 LV1: Heal -1, Heal -1, Bushwhacker               | Dead Sea (Overworld) [H]  |
 LV2: AeroBlaster -2, HealAll -2                  |___________________________|
 LV3: ToxicBreath, HealPlus -3                                                |
 LV4: ToxicBreath                                                             |
      • ToxicBreath (green-innate damage on one ally + Poison)                |
|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|                                                               |
| Tutanshaman |-----------------------------------.---------------------------|
|_____________|                       INNATE: Red | LOCATE:                   |
                                                  |                           |
 LV1: Volcano -5                                  | Fossil Valley [H]         |
 LV2: Ninety-Nine -4, Volcano -4                  |___________________________|
 LV3: MagmaBomb +1, FirePillar                                                |
 LV4: MagmaBomb, Weaken, FirePillar                                           |
 LV5: MagmaBomb +3, MagmaBurst +1, Strengthen +1, Strengthen +1               |
 LV6: Ninety-Nine, MagmaBurst +2, MagmaBurst +2                               |
|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|                                                               |
| Spearfisher |-----------------------------------.---------------------------|
|_____________|                      INNATE: Blue | LOCATE:                   |
                                                  |                           |
 LV1: IceBlast -3, IceBlast -3, Nimble -3,        | Viper Manor Sewers [A]    |
      Nimble -3                                   |___________________________|
 LV2: IceLance, TurnBlue +1, IceTongs                                         |
 LV3: IceBlast -1, IceTongs                                                   |
 LV4: Vigora -2, IceTongs                                                     |
 LV5: AntiRed +2                                                              |
      • IceTongs (blue-innate damage on one foe + Frozen)                     |
|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|                                                                 |
| Witchetty |-------------------------------------.---------------------------|
|___________|                        INNATE: Blue | LOCATE:                   |
                                                  |                           |
                                                  | Viper Manor [H]           |
 LV1:  CurePlus -2, CurePlus -2, CurePlus -2      |___________________________|
 LV2:  AquaBall -1, AquaBall -1                                               |
 LV3:  IceBlast -1                                                            |
|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|                                                                 |
| Rockroach |-------------------------------------.---------------------------|
|___________|                      INNATE: Yellow | LOCATE:                   |
                                                  |                           |
 LV1: LoRes -3, LoRes -3                          | Earth Dragon Isle [A]     |
 LV2: SpinOff, SpinOff                            | Earth Dragon Isle [H]     |
 LV3: SpinOff                                     |___________________________|
 LV4: HiRes                                                                   |
 LV5: AntiGreen +2                                                            |
      • SpinOff (yellow-innate damage on one foe)                             |
|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|                                                               |
| YellowBelly |-----------------------------------.---------------------------|
|_____________|                    INNATE: Yellow | LOCATE:                   |
                                                  |                           |
 LV1: Slime, Slime, Slime                         | Earth Dragon Isle [A]     |
 LV2: Slime, Slime, Slime                         | Earth Dragon Isle [H]     |
 LV3: Slime, Slime, Slime                         |___________________________|
 LV4: Slime, Slime, Slime                                                     |
 LV5: YellowField, LoRes +1, PhysNegate +1                                    |
 LV6: Uplift +5                                                               |
      • Slime (yellow-innate; Dizzy status + AntiYellow)                      |
|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|                                                                 |
| Fossicker |-------------------------------------.---------------------------|
|___________|                      INNATE: Yellow | LOCATE:                   |
                                                  |                           |
 LV1: TurnYellow, TurnYellow                      | Earth Dragon Isle [A]     |
 LV2: Upheaval -1                                 | Earth Dragon Isle [H]     |
 LV3: Uplift +2                                   |___________________________|
 LV4: AntiGreen +1                                                            |
 LV5: Earthquake, LoRes +1                                                    |
|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|                                                                 |
| Lagoonate |-------------------------------------.---------------------------|
|___________|                        INNATE: Blue | LOCATE:                   |
                                                  |                           |
 LV1: Just4Kicks, Just4Kicks, Just4Kicks          | Marbule [A]               |
 LV2: CurePlus -1, CurePlus -1                    | Water Dragon Isle [H]     |
 LV3: Just4Kicks, Just4Kicks, Just4Kicks          |___________________________|
 LV4: AquaBall +1, AquaBall +1                                                |
      • Just4Kicks (blue-innate damage on one foe)                            |
|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|                                                                 |
| Mantarrey |-------------------------------------.---------------------------|
|___________|                        INNATE: Blue | LOCATE:                   |
                                                  |                           |
 LV1: AquaBall -2, TurnBlue, FlyLow               | Marbule [A]               |
 LV2: Numble -2, FlyLow                           | Water Dragon Isle [H]     |
 LV3: Nimble -1, FlyLow                           |___________________________|
 LV4: FlyLow                                                                  |
 LV5: AntiRed +2                                                              |
      • FlyLow (blue-innate damage to one foe)                                |
|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|                                                                |
| Sidesteppa |------------------------------------.---------------------------|
|____________|                       INNATE: Blue | LOCATE:                   |
                                                  |                           |
 LV1: IceLance -1                                 | Water Dragon Isle [H]     |
 LV2: IceBlast -2                                 |___________________________|
 LV3: Multistab, Multistab                                                    |
 LV4: JumpStart, JumpStart                                                    |
 LV5: Devour, Devour, CurePlus +2                                             |
 LV6: Deluge +1, CurePlus +3                                                  |
      • Multistab (blue-innate damage on one foe)                             |
      • JumpStart (blue-innate damage on one foe + Sprain)                    |
      • Devour (blue-innate damage on one foe + Flu)                          |
|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|                                                               |
| Taurminator |-----------------------------------.---------------------------|
|_____________|                       INNATE: Red | LOCATE:                   |
                                                  |                           |
 LV1: Charge!, Charge!                            | Mount Pyre [H]            |
 LV2: Strengthen -2, Charge!                      |___________________________|
 LV3: Charge!, Charge!                                                        |
 LV4: Inferno -1                                                              |
      • Charge! (red-innate damage on one foe + Burns)                        |
|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|                                                                |
| PreyMantis |------------------------------------.---------------------------|
|____________|                      INNATE: Green | LOCATE:                   |
                                                  |                           |
 LV1: AeroSaucer -1, Heal -1, TurnGreen           | Gaea's Navel [A]          |
 LV2: Stinger, Heal                               | Gaea's Navel [H]          |
 LV3: AeroBlaster -1, Stinger                     |___________________________|
 LV4: HealAll, AeroSaucer +2                                                  |
 LV5: BugSwatter, HealAll +1                                                  |
 LV6: BugSwatter                                                              |
      • Stinger (green-innate damage on one foe + Poison)                     |
      • BugSwatter (green-innate damage on one foe)                           |
|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|                                                               |
| Prehysteric |-----------------------------------.---------------------------|
|_____________|                       INNATE: Red | LOCATE:                   |
                                                  |                           |
 LV1: TurnYellow, JurasicBeat                     | Gaea's Navel [A]          |
 LV2: JurasicBeat, JurasicBeat                    | Gaea's Navel [H]          |
 LV3: JurasicBeat                                 |___________________________|
      • JurasicBeat (red-innate; inflicts Confused on one foe)                |
|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|                                                                 |
| Gizmotoid |-------------------------------------.---------------------------|
|___________|                         INNATE: Red | LOCATE:                   |
                                                  |                           |
 LV1: HighBeam, HighBeam                          | Chronopolis [H]           |
 LV2: HighBeam, HighBeam                          |___________________________|
 LV3: HighBeam, HighBeam                                                      |
 LV4: HighBeam, HighBeam                                                      |
      • HighBeam (red-innate damage to one foe)                               |
|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|                                                                |
| Aero-Guard |------------------------------------.---------------------------|
|____________|                       INNATE: Blue | LOCATE:                   |
                                                  |                           |
 LV1: IceBlast -3, IceBlast -3                    | Chronopolis [H]           |
 LV2: IceBlast -2, CureAll -3                     |___________________________|
 LV3: IceBlast -1, CureAll -2                                                 |
 LV4: IceLance +2, CureAll -1                                                 |
 LV5: IceLance +3, CureAll                                                    |
 LV6: Vigora                                                                  |
|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|                                                                 |
| Gyroblade |-------------------------------------.---------------------------|
|___________|                       INNATE: White | LOCATE:                   |
                                                  |                           |
 LV1: PhotonBeam -2, PhotonRay, RecoverAll -2     | Chronopolis [H]           |
 LV2: PhotonBeam -1, HolyHealing -4               |___________________________|
 LV3: PhotonRay +2, HolyHealing -3                                            |
 LV4: PhotonBeam +1, RecoverAll +1                                            |
 LV5: PhotonRay +4                                                            |
 LV6: MagNegate                                                               |
|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|                                                                     |
| Puffy |-----------------------------------------.---------------------------|
|_______|                          INNATE: Yellow | LOCATE:                   |
                                                  |                           |
 LV1: NeedleWork, NeedleWork, NeedleWork          | El Nido Triangle [A]      |
 LV2: NeedleWork, NeedleWork                      | El Nido Triangle [H]      |
 LV3: NeedleWork                                  |___________________________|
      • NeedleWork (yellow-innate damage on one foe)                          |
|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|                                                                  |
| Gurgoyle |--------------------------------------.---------------------------|
|__________|                       INNATE: Yellow | LOCATE:                   |
                                                  |                           |
 LV1: TurnYellow                                  | Fort Dragonia [H]         |
 LV2: GiddyBreath, GiddyBreath, GiddyBreath       |___________________________|
 LV3: HiRes -1                                                                |
      • GiddyBreath (yellow-innate; inflicts Dizzy on one foe)                |
|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|                                                                |
| Myxomycete |------------------------------------.---------------------------|
|____________|                      INNATE: Green | LOCATE:                   |
                                                  |                           |
 LV1: TurnWhite, Meteorite -1                     | Terra Tower [A]           |
 LV2: Meteorite, Meteorite                        |___________________________|
 LV3: Purify -1, StrongMinded -1                                              |
 LV4: MeteorShower, MeteorShower                                              |
 LV5: HolyHealing -1, AntiBlack                                               |
 LV6: WeakMinded +2, MagNegate                                                |
|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|                                                                     |
| Whoot |-----------------------------------------.---------------------------|
|_______|                          INNATE: Yellow | LOCATE:                   |
                                                  |                           |
 LV1: OwlEyes, TurnYellow, LoRes -3               | Terra Tower [A]           |
 LV2: OwlEyes, Uplift +1                          |___________________________|
 LV3: OwlEyes                                                                 |
 LV4: PhysNegate -2                                                           |
 LV5: AntiGreen +2                                                            |
      • OwlEyes (yellow-innate; inflicts one random status effect on a foe)   |
|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|                                                                    |
| Combot |----------------------------------------.---------------------------|
|________|                            INNATE: Red | LOCATE:                   |
                                                  |                           |
 LV1: GunnerGetya                                 | Chronopolis [A]           |
 LV2: GunnerGetya                                 |___________________________|
 LV3: GunnerGetya                                                             |
 LV4: GoBallistic                                                             |
 LV5: GoBallistic                                                             |
      • GunnerGetya (red-innate damage on single target + Confused)           |
      • GoBallistic (red-innate damage on all enemies + Burns)                |
|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|                                                                     |
| Slash |-----------------------------------------.---------------------------|
|_______|                            INNATE: Blue | LOCATE:                   |
                                                  |                           |
 LV1: Cure                                        | The Bend of Time [H/A]    |
 LV2: WindSlash, WindSlash                        |                           |
 LV3: IceLance +1                                 | • Can only be found on a  |
 LV4: DashSlash, DashSlash                        |   New Game Plus (NG+)     |
 LV5: IceBlast                                    |___________________________|
 LV6: CurePlus +3, CurePlus +3                                                |
 LV7: Iceberg +1                                                              |
      • WindSlash (blue-innate damage on single enemy)                        |
      • DashSlash (blue-innate damage on single enemy)                        |
|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|                                                                     |
| Ozzie |-----------------------------------------.---------------------------|
|_______|                           INNATE: Green | LOCATE:                   |
                                                  |                           |
 LV1: InfoScope -5, Heal -1, BatEye -3            | The Bend of Time [H/A]    |
 LV2: InfoScope -4, LoRes -2, EagleEye -2         |                           |
 LV3: InfoScope -3, HiRes -1, Bushbasher          | • Can only be found on a  |
 LV4: InfoScope -2, HiRes, Bushwhacker +3         |   New Game Plus (NG+)     |
 LV5: InfoScope -1, Bushbasher +2, Bushbasher +2  |___________________________|
 LV6: HealAll +2, Carnivore +1                                                |
 LV7: PhysNegate +1, MagNegate +1                                             |
|¯¯¯¯¯¯|                                                                      |
| Flea |------------------------------------------.---------------------------|
|______|                              INNATE: Red | LOCATE:                   |
                                                  |                           |
 LV1: TurnWhite, TurnBlack, TurnGreen, TurnYellow | The Bend of Time [H/A]    |
    : TurnBlue, TurnRed                           |                           |
 LV2: Fireball +1, Weaken -2                      | • Can only be found on a  |
 LV3: TheStare, TheStare, TheStare                |   New Game Plus (NG+)     |
 LV4: FirePillar, Strengthen                      |___________________________|
 LV5: AntiBlack +2, AntiWhite +2, AntiYellow +2
    : AntiGreen +2, AntiRed +2, AntiBlue +2
 LV6: Inferno +1, Ninety-Nine

      • TheStare (red-innate damage to all foes + Confused)

RAINBOW SHELLS                                                           [RNBW]
 A.K.A. @Rainbow Shells, these are rare components needed for the creation of
 rainbow equipment. Finding them isn't usually as easy as opening a treasure
 chest, and most are missable if you're not keepin' your eyes peeled. Here's
 a list of where to get them (chronological order). [HW] stands for Home World
 and [AW] stands for Another World.

  #01 - This is the first event you can do, but it becomes unavailable later
        in the game (post-Tower of Geddon). After finishing the mandatory
        events in Guldove [AW], return to Arni and talk with the waitress at
        the cafe. Go ahead and use the Astral Amulet at Opassa Beach to find
        the Home World again, and visit the Arni cafe there. Talk to the
        waitress here and receive a [BOOK OF POEMS] to show the waitress in
        the other world. Get back to Arni [AW] and show the book to the
        un-idealistic waitress and receive a Rainbow Shell in the end...!

  #02 - Dropped rarely by WightKnight enemy on Isle of the Damned [HW]. Find
        this enemy in the screen before Garai's grave by luring a WillO'Wisp
        down to the old suit of armor, then killing said enemy. The flame'll
        possess the equipment and the enemy will appear.

  #03 - A @Rainbow Shell can be won as the best prize from the spinner game
        in the Zelbess' casino [AW]. There is a foolproof trick to getting
        through, however. Pause the game until the spinner's tip falls in
        between the south and west markers; unpause and quickly stop the
        spinner to hit north each time.

  #04 - There's one in the itemseller's cart in Arni Village [AW]. When you
        first try to dig into her stash early in the game, she rebuffs Serge
        and says it's not for sale. Later, after events at Tower of Geddon,
        everyone will be hiding at the chief's pad. Pocket it at this point.

  #05 - At Termina's bridge [AW], there's a viper churro salesman. When you
        first get to town, he hasn't set up; after the Viper Manor events,
        he'll want some feedback on his wares' price. Set the bar lower to
        about the 60-50g range. Later in the game, after events at the Tower
        of Geddon, he'll give you one for free...and it will have a Rainbow
        Shell inside! How 'bout that? This can be obtained after Tower of
        Geddon events.

  #06 - At Earth Dragon Isle [HW], after you jump into the quicksand pit and
        leave via the sandboil, talk with the foreman once again to be given a
        Rainbow Shell.

  #07 - Steal one from Criosphinx, a boss located at Earth Dragon Isle [AW].
        It's the only item that can be stolen.

  #08 - Steal one from Dark Serge, a boss located at Fort Dragonia [HW]. Rack
        this one up as a rare steal, which will probably annoy you quite a lot
        if you absolutely gotta have it. =/

  #09 - Water Dragon Isle [AW]. The researcher who gave a piece of Skelly can
        give this over, assuming Serge has completed events at Fort Dragonia

  #10 - PolisPolice, a boss located at Time Fortress Chronopolis [HW], carries
        a shell as a rare steal.

  #11 - On Chronopolis' third floor, take the left door from the elevator's
        lobby. In a small backroom there's a chest containing the prize.

  #12 - After obtaining the ChronoCross (or Mastermune), find Kid at Hermit's
        Hideaway [AW] and be sent back in time to her orphanage. In the first
        room, rescue the kid behind the clock and talk to him again to receive
        this gift.

  #13 - In the same orphanage as #10, find the girl hiding under the bed on
        the second floor, in the same room as the removable floor panel. She
        bestows the 'shell on Serge after the room's cleared of Lava-boys.

  #14 - Once the orphanage flashback is completed, Radius tells Kid Luccia at
        Viper Manor [AW] wanted to talk to her. Go there with Kid in the party
        to read a letter "Sis" left her, containing a Rainbow Shell!

  #15 - After events at Time Fortress Chronopolis, El Nido Triangle [AW] will
        be accessible. One's in a first-screen chest.

  #16 - In the same location as #15, just in the 2nd screen with the UFO.

  #17 - After winding through Terra Tower [AW] a bit, a multi-ledge area with
        waterfalls and TerraTerrors will have to be climbed. In a niche here,
        there's a shell.

  #18 - Further on in Terra Tower [AW], defeat Pyrotor and continue into the
        next area where some Cupoids roam. There's a chest with a shell to be
        found here.

  #19 - The screen right after #16 has TerraTerrors walking along a broken
        sluiceway/canal area. Along the eastern wall, at the very northern
        point, is a shell.

 You can also find two spectral weapons per playthrough that have a Rainbow
 Shell inside, being the Betta Carotene for Janice, and a Spectral Glove for
 fist-fighters. Both are missable as they're found in Terra Tower. Many people
 like to disassemble the carrot weapon for the raw elements because they also
 come with one of each shiny material! That makes a total of 20 possible ways
 to get @Rainbow Shell components that I can see.

 E-mail me if I've forgotten anything!

VI. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS                                           [FAQZ]
[Q] - Guile = Magus?
[A] - No. 

[Q] - Glenn = Frog?
[A] - No.

[Q] - Do I need to play Chrono Trigger / Radical Dreamers first?
[A] - No, but if you can, you should. It'll help some references unravel a bit
      better. That said, Cross functions pretty well as a standalone game; you
      can learn some things from those others but it ain't mandatory. There is
      a translated Radical Dreamers rom around that you can use (don't ask me
      for it or I'll make Poshul eat your face).

[Q] - I ran away from Mama Komodo and now I can't find her again!
[Q] - I ran away from the FireDragon and now I can't find him again!
[A] - Re-enter the screen.

[Q] - One of your strategies is wrong!
[A] - Probably, since I can't see the battle mechanics. They're just reference
      material, though -- don't expect 'em to be 100% correct all the time. If
      you found a crucial detail that I missed, and it can be substantiated, I
      will definitely include it in the strategy. Just match it to my format &
      such. Remember: strategies that come from NG+ saves won't be accepted,
      as they may be inherently different!

[Q] - Does Taurusoid use Tornado?
[A] - No, it doesn't ever use it.

[Q] - I got my Lv7 tech but it disappeared!? Where is it?
[A] - Final techs received by means other than leveling-up have to be EQUIPPED
      manually. Some people, like Steena, have this apply to their others as
      well. When in doubt, search the inventory.

[Q] - I'm playing this game on a PSP emulator. Is there a save prompt at the
      end of Disc 1?
[A] - Nope.

[Q] - When can I enter The Bend of Time?
[A] - After getting the Porre boat in Home World.

[Q] - I'm on the S.S. Invincible and my boat is gone! I can't leave!
[A] - Talk to a pirate on the topdeck to automatically leave on the boat.

[Q] - When I use FlyingArrow, there's a big pig that appears. What is it?
[A] - Its Masa and Mune's combined form, which only shows if the Mastermune
      is equipped. You need to play Chrono Trigger to get the reference. If
      you use the skill with any other swallow upgrade, it won't show it.

[Q] - What does enemy gender signify?
[A] - Mostly attack pattern changes and different HP values.

[Q] - If a ____ Plate absorbs an attack, are any status inflictions nulled?
[A] - No. Even if an attack heals a character, s/he may still suffer after
      effects if there are any.

[Q] - What's the name of the ending song if you fight the T.D. correctly?
[A] - Radical Dreamers -Le Trésor Interdit-, although you may find it labeled
      as "Radical Dreamers ~ The Unstolen Jewel."

[Q] - Hey, why don't I start with the Mastermune!?
[A] - Because the Mastermune is the upgraded Sea Swallow, and is part of the
      storyline to boot.

[Q] - How do I get Glenn's twin Einlanzers?
[A] - After defeating Dario and getting the Mastermune, take Glenn to Another
      World Termina and go down to the shrines. Inspect the Einlanzer stuck in
      the dirt and Glenn will succeed the Einlanzer and be able to double-wield
      the things. He can only do this with the Einlanzer, which, when equipped,
      will show two swords on the status screen. You can do this any time after
      getting Serge's real form back at Fort Dragonia [Home World], and can
      even get Einlanzer #2 if you import Glenn from a previous save via the

[Q] - I got into the secret room at The Bend of Time but when I do a full
      circle, he tells me I'm doing it incorrectly!
[A] - You're either cutting across or going counterclockwise, both of which're

[Q] - What do the Pendragon Sigils do?
[A] - They give an automatic 'Turn_____' effect when hit by an enemy's element,
      thus strengthening them from those types temporarily, and a damage boost
      of sorts. The Pendragon Sigil C seems to work just as well as the Sigil
      A here for some reason (screwup?).

VII. UPDATES + THANKS                                                    [UPDT]

 05-14-07 ---------+ Added to GameFAQs
                   + Full Walkthrough
                   + Lots of extra junk (yay?)

 05-15-07 ---------+ Error corrections + updated initial equipment

 05-17-07 ---------+ Added most of Sprigg's Dopplegangs

 05-26-07 ---------+ Updated Weapons section
 05-26-07 ---------+ Error corrections
 05-28-07 ---------+ Error corrections, updated Terrator strat
 05-31-07 ---------+ Added element grid development chart to all characters
                     profiles, courtesy of Gwydion. Thx!
 06-10-07 ---------+ Updated GiantGloop strategy
 06-26-07 ---------+ Added in 'Rainbow Shells' section
 07-17-07 ---------+ Error corrections
 07-23-07 ---------+ Updated PolisPolice section
 08-05-07 ---------+ Error corrections
 08-15-07 ---------+ Error corrections
 08-26-07 ---------+ Error corrections
 09-04-07 ---------+ Error corrections
 10-20-07 ---------+ Error corrections
 12-06-07 ---------+ Added Viper Manor [Home World] section.
 01-18-08 ---------+ Updated Leena's profile section
 01-26-08 ---------+ Updated Pip's profile section
 02-09-08 ---------+ Corrected Tower of Geddon section
 02-21-08 ---------+ FullRevival correction
 04-17-08 ---------+ Error correction
 04-25-08 ---------+ Error correctionz
 04-30-08 ---------+ Format changed
 05-02-08 ---------+ Error correction'D
 05-09-08 ---------+ Cerror erections
 05-23-08 ---------+ Format corrections
 06-08-08 ---------+ Cloud Cape info added [thanks to Shad Downey]
 07-10-08 ---------+ Error corrections
 08-01-08 ---------+ Equipment list update [thanks to German Volpe]
 09-12-08 ---------+ Error corrections
 09-24-08 ---------+ Error corrections
 11-04-08 ---------+ Error corrections
 01-02-09 ---------+ Error corrections
 01-30-09 ---------+ Error corrections
 02-03-09 ---------+ Error corrections
 10-02-09 ---------+ Format/tables updated
 07-04-16 ---------+ Cleaned up some tables and other silly nonsense I wrote

 For additional corrections/submissions: shotgunnova [@] gmail.c0m

[THANKS TO]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

 Ceej -------------> For bein' cool and hosting all the junk I write

 BradyGames guide -> For boss HP values and most rare steals/drops. I still
                     plan on corroborating these things, but for now, credit
                     goes to these guys.

 Person Man -------> He's the only other guy I've seen who's tried mapping out
                     boss/enemy strategies. Very deserving of recognition. He
                     also sent in some extra information on the HP needed for
                     GiantGloop to cast Iceberg.

 Gwydion ----------> For allowing me to use his table that shows how each of
                     the characters' element grids develop. It's in the profile
                     section, folks -- all him!

 Archers of Loaf --> Great bands! Pretty much listened to their music the whole
 Son Volt ---------> way through writing this. Check out their albums 'Icky
                     Mettle' and 'Trace,' folks!

 YOU! -------------> For readin' this thing and putting up with a large table
                     of contents.

 Steven Smith -----> Giving the missing 10+ entries for the Dopplegang list,
                     and corrections about shop update availability

 Golden Gan -------> Corrections/tips regarding SideSteppa CureAlls, Janice's
                     final weapon, and Mojo/Funguy's final techs

 CC Board @ GFaqs -> For being lovable and awesome + rocking lots of casbahs
 Guillaume Audet --> Information on De-Hydrate & Wingapede's Tornado
 Lance_Wrongbow ---> For helping with information on Pip's techs
 Maximoom ---------> For helping with Pip's Lv.7 Tech information
 Eliga Kincheloe --> Correction in Tower of Geddon!
 feel2c -----------> Pip grid correction
 Dreamistt --------> Copper Swallow/Gobledygook info
 Miztic Gohan -----> S.S. Invincible Aquaball @Iron note
 Aaron of Hydros --> NeoFio tip for Hydra Marshes
 Mcl01 ------------> Mannequeen trapping correction
 belinchu ---------> Chronopolis / MegaStarky correction
 Rookie_One -------> Intro Ft. Dragonia's save quote
 Andrew Wan -------> Lots of corrections
 Michael Lee ------> Greco recruitment correction
 Hell Hawk --------> FullRevival guy correction
 Travis Erickson --> LimeLight correction
 Greg -------------> OP06 enemy sighting
 Reizen Kazuki ----> HolyHealing T.D. steal
 Daniel Geller ----> Kid recruitment tip
 Dr_Vondrook ------> RoyalJelly steal correction
 Heider Mesquita --> clerical correction in Rainbow Shell list
 Erik Luebke ------> Pirate's poison drink correction
 Lancet Jades -----> Note about Mastermune/ChronoCross usage at orphanage
 HaroldV ----------> Some messed up direction corrections /rhyme
 Alex X. A. Sim ---> Magic Seal correction =p
 Leandro Sayago ---> Dead Head/HolyLight tidbit
 Charles ----------> Hydra Marshes [AW] correction & MaidenFaith clarification
 Bunny ------------> Help with a formatting error
 Chuck Cochems ----> For telling real condition of Hi-HoChorus' usage
 Peter Larson -----> Reminding me when Skelly can be obtained
 Zach Lapo --------> Reverifying responses needed to get Leena's LV7 tech
 Celticailin1 -----> Tip that Dario has a Pendragon Sigil A steal
 J. Reneer --------> D-13 "jump to section..." correction
 Capefeather ------> Information on MaidenFaith tech requirements
 Adam -------------> Info on PolisPolice critical state
 LBoksha ----------> Mannequeen pose information
 winterking heish -> Peppor drop correction
 Alexandre Martel -> For some good suggestions on path split additions
 Phoenix ----------> Reminding me that BlackDragon uses SealAll
 Shad Downey ------> Info on the Cloud Cape
 Rubenshox --------> Chronopolis/RoyalJelly/Orlha correction
 Allen Zeng -------> BlackDragon's AntiBlack susceptibility
 Tim McIntee ------> Missing Rainbow Shell info/Book of Poems reminder
 Luis Sparkster ---> Tip that treasure box bros. may have randomized items
 Britney Hoyer ----> Fossil Valley correction
 slartifer --------> Corrections about Grand Slam
 Jeffrey Wright ---> Correction to Criosphinx' steals
 MegaWentEvil -----> Aquator correction for star chart
 Simon Wells ------> Correction to De-Hydrate's abilities
 Steve J. ---------> Corrections on Fargo & Fort Dragonia
 German Volpe -----> Equipment list corrections
 Prometheusx303 ---> SisterHoods & Fort Dragonia correction
 Descendant21 -----> Innate-color corrections

VIII. LEGALITY                                                           [LGLT]

This document is intended for private home use ONLY, and may not be reproduced
through electronic or commercial means without the expressed consent of the
author (P. Summers). It cannot be hosted, edited, or distributed for profit,
and may not be given away as an add-in/gift to bought items. All rights are
reserved to respective parties, even those not explicitly stated herein. Those
who find this document on sites not listed below should e-mail the author (me).
Thanks for reading this, and thanks for respectin' FAQ authors.

 Allowed Sites:                       Disallowed Sites:

  • Gametalk.com                       • cheatcc.com
  • GameFAQs.com
  • MyCheats.com
  • Neoseeker.com
  • Gamesradar.com
  • Supercheats.com
  • Honestgamers.com
  • Chaptercheats.com
  • Cavesofnarshe.com                              Email me for permission ~
  • ChronoCrossFanClub.webs.com               shotgunnova (a+) gmail (d0t) com
YOU CAN GO OUT AND DESTROY     Document © Shotgunnova 1997-2017 (and countin'!)
WHAT'S ALREADY SPENT; YOU                   Chrono namesake © respective owners
CAN BLAME ON YOUR HAT THE                     For god's sake, give us a sequel!
FAULTS IN YOUR HEAD                               E N D   O F   D O C U M E N T
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