This is the website recommendation area! It's a list of common websites I use for all sorts of things, why I use them, and why I think you should use them too!
Video Game Resources:
- Bulbapedia: One of the two major Pokemon reources I use.
- Cipher Compendium A database of Fire Emblem Cipher's cards, as well as a place preserving anything Cipher related (including the Cipher Frontier, translated by Cecil!)
- Pegasus Knight: A Fire Emblem site that collects game information. [JP]
- Serenes Forest: A site all about Fire Emblem.
- One of the two major Pokemon resources I use.
- Earthbound & Mother resource hub.
- VGperson: Directory of indie games translated by VGperson, which you can also download and play for free!
- ワーフリ攻略サイト [Wasuku]: The main World Flipper guide I use. [JP]
- Witch Observatory: Fansite for Virtual Witch Phenomenon and Kamitsubaki Studio.
Asset Directories:
- KH Insider: Directory of Video Game Music.
- Picrew Zone: Picrew Directory by Courtney! Really good filters and has a lot of picrews that cover a wide variety of skintones, body shapes, etc.
- パズドライラストレーターまとめwiki: A resource documenting all the offical art drawn of characters from Puzzle and Dragons. [JP]
- Spritedex: A collection of Pokemon sprites.
- Spriter's Resource: The ultimate sprite directory for games of all eras.
- Vimm's Lair: Game Preservation website.
- WF Jukebox: A place to listen to World flipper music, as well as see the sprites and animations of the units in the game.
TTRPG related:
- CCfolia: Website tailored to running narrative-based TRPGs. Has a 'Visual Novel' style format.
- One More Multiverse: A TRPG game website where you can build worlds and host your games in. Focused first on DnD but has expanded to hosting preset setups for other games.
- Storysynth: An Engine that can be used to make games online! Both Work in Progress and Lo/oper were made with this engine!
- Tiny Table Index: Directory for Solo and Duet TRPGs.
Misc FanSites:
- Cave of Dragonflies: Pokemon-based Fansite with Sprite tutorials.
- Nose Club: A Fansite focused on Nosepass (and contains other fun guides).
Clothing and Merch Stores:
- Fangamer: Video Game merch site. First focused on Earthbound, they branched to other indie and small-company games.
- Surugaya: Japan-based website for second hand goods. [JP]
- Tenso: Main forwarding service I use for the items I want to buy overseas.
Cooking Sites:
- Just One Cookbook: A website focused on Japanese recipes. Has several cookbooks that I recommend, as they generally require only a few ingredients (though, can be tricky without a market that has Japanese goods).
- Cooking With Dog: Another Japanese-recipe focused website. It's where I learned the first few recipes when first cooking on my own.
Japanese Practice:
- Tadoku: Online library for Japanese books! Ordered by proficiency Level, making it easy to figure out which books are right for you.
- Per Scholas: Tutition-free IT training in the US. Will help you practice for certain CompTIA cerifications if you can put the work in (and handle an expected amount of communication issues with the onboarding team).
- Work With Indies: Job listings for smaller companies.